Summary - Obesity in the 1950 PDF

Title Summary - Obesity in the 1950
Course Anglais
Institution Université de Bourgogne
Pages 1
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We studied obesity in American in the years 1950s. Some documents were giving to us to make a sum up about what people thought about it. ...


Obesity in 1950s America: Early Days of a National Health Crisis. 1. The picture is a photography of a woman called Dorothy Bradley. This photograph was published in the infamous newspaper LIFE. It represents the woman walking, in a swimsuit, down the alley of the locker room for swim. What «!strikes!» the most in the picture is that the woman is overweight, which relates with the article below the picture. On the left-hand side, a woman is standing there and it’s clear to say that she has a different body shape than Dorothy. " 2. Below the picture, is written «!she covered up embarrassment by being jolly and gregarious!». It means that the woman is ashamed of her body so she needs to distract everyone else of looking her body. She distracts them with her personality and her kindness because people would be less rude or judgmental towards her. Her behavior shows that women had to have a slim body to fit in the society because over wise she would be able to do anything. She wanted to be a nurse but she wasn’t able to because she was to plump. It gives the society a bad side, everyone needs to conform of what people sees as «!perfection!»." 3. The text in an article of the magazine LIFE, written by Ben Cosgrove, the editor of the paper, in August 2013. The article tackles of obesity in the United States of America nowadays. The main target of this article is the entire world, it’s made to share with the world this huge problem. It’s an important problem because a lot of Americans are touched with obesity and this problem leads a lot of disease as diabetes, hernia, bladder impairments and more. Cosgrove warns us with few percentages of woman, children or men in full obesity." 4. «!The plague of Overweight!» basically means that obesity is spreading like a disease. It’s not surprising that with all of fast foods or condiments with a lot of fat in it, Americans people are gaining weight. The expression «!the plague of overweight!» is made to say that obesity became a common disease and it’s easier to have it because all the surrounding can give it to them." 5. I don’t think this article is biased because everything seems real to me. It’s true that a lot of American people are struggling with their weight, that some of them are trying to get out of it or that being overweight may cause a problem of acceptance. Even though, I think that the last problem is less widespread than before. I remember that few years ago, it wasn’t normal to be overweight. Everyone needed to be slim, to be «!well-shaped!». Nowadays, people are more acceptable over this problem. Obesity or simply being more chubby than someone became a normal thing." 6. Dorothy Bradley was the woman photographed from the back in 1949. This woman was an overweight lady that struggled with her weight and body-image issues. She had trouble with losing way because once she lost weight, she gained it back and lost it once again. Her goal was a be a nurse but her weight was a problem. At the end, she reached her goal and became a head nurse in Kentucky." 7. More and more people are gaining weight because every aliments is made with more fat or simply because people like to eat. America is known for having a lot of obese people, fast-food, and an everlasting appetite. I think that when you’re surrounded with a bunch of people that have the same problem as you, you became less complexed because you realize that you’re not really different from them. Maybe it’s the case with Americans. They see everyday that people are like them so it became normal for them to be overweigh. Also, children spend a lot of time at home, watching television, playing video games and eating. Few years later, this routine helps the kids to gain weight....

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