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NAME : ACHMAD WILDAN ADEN NIM/CLASS : 16020230079 // B2 SUMMARY OF THE SIGN OF THE FOUR BOOK WRITTEN BY: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Chapter 1 “The Science of Deduction” Sherlock Holmes is consulting detective. It is the only unofficial detective. He created his own job. When the official detectives cann...





: 16020230079 // B2


Chapter 1 “The Science of Deduction”

Sherlock Holmes is consulting detective. It is the only unofficial detective. He created his own job. When the official detectives cannot solve a case, they will ask Sherlock to solve the case. He does not claim any credit in such case. His name figures in no newspaper. The work itself, the pleasure of finding a field for peculiar powers, is the highest reward for him. He likes to inject morphine or cocaine, to help him thinking, to stimulate and to clarify his mind, because he likes to think. He cannot live without brain-work.

Chapter 2 “The statement of the Case”

When Sherlock is talking with John Watson, his roommate and his partner to do his job, Mrs. Hudson, the housemother, comes to their room to tell them that there is a young lady wanting to meet Sherlock. Her name is Mary Morstan. She is carried by his father to England, and she lived there when she was young. But his father was not with her. Her father was an officer in and Indian regiment. She had no relatives in England, and her mother had passed away. When her age was 17, she got news that her father was in England because of his day off. But when she wanted to meet her father in a hotel. Her father was gone and never got back. It was approximately ten years. Then 4 years later, there arrived through the past a small box containing a pearl. Since then, there has always appeared a small box containing a similar pearl every year in the same date. Today, she got the same thing with a letter. It is “Be at the third pillar from the left outside lyceum theatre tonight at 7 o`clock. If you are distrustful, bring two friends. Do not bring police. You are a wronged women and shall have justice. If you do, all will be in vain. Your unknown friend”.

Chapter 3 “In Quest of Solution”

Finally, they go to the place, when they are ready. Mrs. Morstan readily answers the few additional questions which Sherlock puts to her. Even, her selfcontrol is perfect. Mrs. Morstan shows Sherlock a paper found in her father’s pocketbook. At one point is a small cross done in red ink, and above it is “3,37 from left”. In the left-hand corner is a curious hieroglyphic like four crosses in a line with their arm touching. Beside it is written, in very rough and course characters, “the sign of the four-Jonathan Small, Mahomet Singh, Abdullah Khan, Dost Akbar”. But Sherlock admits that he does not know how this relates to the matter. Then, when they arrive at the third pillar, there has been someone waiting. After the man ensure that Mrs. Morstan does not carry police, the man use a four-wheeler to carry them to an unknown place. When they finally arrive at a questionable and forbidding neighbourhood, they knock the door of the house where the four-wheeler stops. Someone welcomes and lets them come in.

Chapter 4 “The Story of the Bald-Headed Man”

They, Sherlock, Mrs. Morstan, and Watson, follow the Indian through the passage until the door upon the right. They come in and meet Mr. Thaddeus Sholto, Major Sholto’s son. He tells them that his father was dead, when his father wanted to say where the treasure is. He tells how Morstan died also. Finally, they will divide the treasure after they know that Bartholomew, Mr. Thaddeus’ twin, has found the treasure. Then, they directly go to Pondicherry Lodge to meet Bartholomew, after their discussion is done.

Chapter 5 “The Tragedy of Pondicherry Lodge”

It was nearly eleven o’clock when they reached this final stage of their night’s adventures. A single narrow iron-clamped door formed the only means of entrance. Mr Thaddeus knock the door, then someone, namely McMurdo, opened it for them. He didn’t let them in except Mr Thaddeus. But after he knew that Mr Thaddeus brought Sherlock, he let them in. In the house they meet Mrs. Bernstone, the housekeeper and the only woman in the house, waiting Mr. Bartholomew’s answer. Mr. Bartholomew’s room is locked because he often likes to be alone. After they can enter the room, they find Bartholomew dead many hours ago with a note saying “The sign of the four”. The treasure is gone. The treasure is robbed. And the police finally come after all.

Chapter 6 “Sherlock Holmes Gives a Demonstration”

After the police come, Sherlock Holmes realized that there were two people in the room, one with a wooden leg and the other with very small feet. Then they look for a great dog to find those people.

Chapter 7 “The Episode of the Barrel”

Sherlock immediately got a dog which lead them to those people. But in the end, the dog cannot bring Sherlock to those people. After they follow the footstep that they find, they hypothesize that what Jonathan Small and his partner can do is only watching out.

Chapter 8 “The Baker Street Irregulars”

After they give up with what the dog did, Sherlock has an idea that he ask the Baker street irregulars to find and to watch out weather there are those people or not.

Chapter 9 “A Break in the Chain”

Sherlock tries to trace river. While waiting information from Wiggins, Watson gets a guest, Mr. Athelney Jones asked by Sherlock to come to his house. They discuss about the case until Sherlock comes and asks Mr. Athelney to help.

Chapter 10 “The End of the Islander”

After Sherlock knows that the launch is landed in boat-builder, then they go to the tower to wait them out. After the Aurora goes out from the boat-builder, they make after it and catch them.

Chapter 11 “The Great Agra Treasure”

Then Watson, accompanied by inspector, brings the treasure to Mrs. Morstan. Because the key has been exiled to the river by Small, They break the box to open it. And there is nothing inside the box. But Watson is grateful, because Mrs. Mary Morstan is within his reach again, and he wants to propose her.

Chapter 12 “The Strange Story of Jonathan Small”

Jonathan Small tells them that the treasure has been exiled to the river with the key. Then Small tells them how they got the treasure how Morstan and Sholto stole it, until made Small get angry and wanted to take revenge against Morstan and Sholto....

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