Summary Oxford Word Skills : Learn And Practise English Vocabulary. Advanced : Book - Word List PDF

Title Summary Oxford Word Skills : Learn And Practise English Vocabulary. Advanced : Book - Word List
Course English proficiency 1
Institution Universiteit Antwerpen
Pages 25
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Oxford Word Skills Unit 8 Word/Expression


jump to conclusions gesture

to make a quick decision a body movement you make to show a particular meaning to understand it wrongly the action of looking into another person’s eyes sth is possibly true but is not always true to see or notice

to misinterpret sth eye contact not necessarily to observe sth combination to display sth to look out for sth/sb to go red

to sweat excessive

a mix of two or more things show signs of something, often a quality or a feeling look and try to see or find someone/something to become red in the face, often when angry or embarrassed water appears on the surface of your skin because you are hot more than is reasonable or necessary

Synonym (=)/ Antonym (>< inconsiderate adj : affectionate

= astute

to come across as pushy conceited to strike sb /as sth conscientious trustworthy charisma


to get up sb’s nose on the surface aloof diffident don’t judge a book by its cover misleading

to make a particular impression trying hard to get what you want in a rude manner thinking you are very clever or important to give sb a particular impression taking care to do things carefully and correctly able to relied on as good and honest a quality that makes other people like you and be attracted to you behaving confidently so that people take notice of what you say to annoy sb very much when not looked at or thought about carefully not friendly towards others not confident, not wanting to talk about yourself don’t form an opinion of sth/sb by their appearance giving the wrong idea or impression


a good or desirable quality


able to do things by being clever, but not always honest doing things quickly without thinking about the results lacking experience of life and thrusting people too easy to make sb suffer because it will be good for them later

impulsive naïve to be cruel to be kind

adj : charismatic

= distant = stand-offish = shy

=deceptive verb : to mislead verb : to deceive sb >< vice adj. virtuous = crafty = impetuous = rash noun : naivety

Unit 18 nature nurture impact on sth to play a part in sth role model

the basic character of a person the care and attention given to help sb develop an effect or influence on sth to be involved and influential in developing sth a person you admire and learn from

verb: to nurture sb

peer pressure

incentive to do sth deterrent broken home deprived detrimental effect on sth messy to pull your weight to go on and on about sth unappealing life-threatening to make a fuss about sth

to lay down rules to set an good/bad example to give in to sb/sth

the influence on your behaviour of people around you the same age a thing that encourages you to work harder a thing that makes you less likely to do sth a family in which the parents are divorced or separated without sufficient food education or money a very negative effect dirty or untidy to work as hard as everyone else in a job or activity to keep talking about sth in a boring way not pleasant or attractive likely to cause death you become angry and complain about sth which probably isn’t important to say officially what the rules are to behave in a way that others may copy to agree to do sth that you don’t want to do

Expressions to expect sth : to think it is right that sth should happen what do/can you expect : you are not surprised by sth

Unit 20 Equipment a wok steamer deep fat fryer casserole food-processor whisk colander grater garlic crusher sieve peeler lemon squeezer corkscrew

used to stir-fry steam deep-fry braise/stew chop/slice/mix beat drain grate crush sieve peel squeeze open

verb : to deter sb

noun : deprivation >< beneficial effect noun: mess = to do your fair share

>< appealing = to kick a fuss

= to capitulate to sb/sth

ladle kitchen scale go pear shaped to eat your words sour grapes

a fish out of water to have your cake and eat it

to make a meal of sth fishy breadwinner don’t count your chickens before they are hatched nutcase like chalk and cheese

serve weigh to go badly wrong to admit sth you said is wrong a negative response to sth because you are angry you cannot have it a person that feels uneasy and out of place to have the advantages of sth without having the disadvantages to spend more time doing sth than is necessary suspicious, and probably involving dishonesty a person who supports their family with money they earn don’t be too confident that sth will be successful, because it may go wrong a crazy person used to say two persons are very different

Unit 13 an itchy scalp

a splitting headache hay fever

mouth ulcers a dislocated (shoulder) a nasty rash

an upset stomach constipated high blood pressure a sprained ankle

scalp : the skin covering the part of the head where your hair is itchy: you want to scratch it a very bad headache an allergy affecting the nose, eyes and throat caused by pollen from plants small sore areas in the mouth usually lasting a few days a bone put out of its normal position rash : an area of red spots on the skin caused by an illness or reaction to sth a stomach problem causing sickness or diarrhea unable to remove waste material from the body the pressure of the blood as it moves around the body to sprain sth : injuring a part of

noun : constipation >< low blood pressure

to pull a muscle a blister

to dissolve sth lethargy drowsiness short-term dose/dosage enclosed leaflet side effect disorder to discard sth to persist

expiry date

the body by turning it suddenly to injure a muscle by stretching a sore swelling on the surface of the skin often caused by rubbing or burning mix a solid with a liquid until it becomes part of it the state of not having the energy to do sth the state of feeling tired and almost asleep lasting only a short period the amount of medicine that you take at any one time included inside sth else usually a letter or packet one or several pages of information an extra and usually bad effect that a drug has on you an illness in the part of the body to get rid of sth you no longer need continue to exist (used especially about sth unpleasant) the date after which sth should not be used anymore

adj : soluble adj : lethargic adj : drowsy a short-term solutoion >< long-term(contract)

adj : persistent

verb : to expire

Unit 25 impulse to do sth

in search of sth price tag shop till you drop to browse

after sth the minute be off to have an eye for sth

a sudden desire to do sth without thinking about the results (to buy sth on impulse) looking for sth a label on sth which shows how much you have to pay to spend a long time shopping because you don’t want to stop casually look at things in a shop or look through the pages of a book looking for and trying to obtain sth (after a job) as soon as go, leave to have a natural ability to see or find sth

= the moment

to have your eye on sth shop around focused to be distracted by sth

to have seen sth and want to buy it to go to different shops until you find what you want having a very clear aim, knowing what you want to do to be looking at or thinking about sth so that you are unable to pay attention to things



bargain hunting to head for/towards to indulge in sth a gadget shopaholic


addicted to sth crippling

verb : to distract sb from sth

= hobby = pastime = leisure/outdoor pursuits a short period of time doing one activity often in an uncontrolled way (a shopping spree) looking for sth at a good price and cheaper as usual to go in the direction of to do sth you like, especially sth that is bad for you a small tool or piece of equipment that does sth useful sb who enjoys shopping and spends a lot of time doing it a compulsive person finds it difficult to control their actions (a compulsive shopper/gambler) unable to stop doing sth which is usually harmful very serious (crippling debts/disease)

noun : a bargain (een koopje)

also : workaholic : chocoholic : alcoholic

noun : an addict

Expressions prefix out means more/greater/longer eg. outspend, outlived, outnumbered, outweigh

Unit 21 stunning thriving vibrant cobbled streets remarkably diverse

very attractive or impressive growing and developing and very successful full of life and energy streets with a surface of old round stones in an unusual or surprising way of many different kinds

= beautiful = flourishing

adj : remarkable

to undergo sth restoration to laze around to soak sth up to go for a wander around/in to retain sth a charm off the beaten track trek unique to get away from it all remote unspoilt

experience a process of change the work of repairing old buildings, paintings to relax and do very little to absorb or take sth into your senses, body or mind to walk slowly without a real purpose or direction to keep sth a pleasant or attractive feature far away from other people and houses a long hard walk, often in the mountains being the only one of its kind to go somewhere different to have a rest or holiday a place far away from other places where people live beautiful because it has not been changed or built on

verb : to restore

verb : to wander noun : retention adj : charming

verb : to trek

= isolated

Expressions There are different ways to say ‘to relax’ to unwind to take it easy to chill out to recharge your battery

Unit 28 to conserve sth to switch to sth energy-saving ecoto emit sth consumption appliance on standby

to charge sth up tumble dryer

to avoid wasting sth to change from one thing to using another not wasting much energy relating to the environment (eco-home, eco-disaster) to send out sth such as light, heat, sounds, gas the act of using energy, food or materials a machine you use at home eg a fridge, washing machine a machine is connected to the power supply but it is not in use to pass electricity through sth to store it there using a charger a machine that uses hot air to

noun : conservation

also : water-saving : labour-saving

noun : emission verb : to consume noun : a consumer

noun : a charger

landfill (site) toxic

better still green

groundbreaking enterprise in season food miles

disposable to recycle sth to maximize sth


carbon footprint

dry clothes an area of land where large amount of rubbish are buried poisonous

even better (still makes comparison stronger) concerned with or supporting the protection of the environment using new methods or making new discoveries a large new project ready for eating now and available in large numbers the distance food travels from where it is grown or produced to where it is consumed made to be thrown away after use to treat sth so it can be used again to make the best use of sth or to increase sth as much as possible using methods which do not harm the environment (sustainable energy, sustainable agriculture) your carbon footprint shows how much CO2 is emitted from your personal energy use

= toxic chemicals = gases = substances

= venture >< out of season

verb : to dispose of sth noun : recycling >< to minimize sth

noun : sustainability

verb : to reduce your carbon footprint

Expressions -friendly is often used with nouns, adjectives and adverbs to mean : helping a person or thing, not harming them : eco-friendly, environmentally-friendly, user-friendly…

Unit 29 habitat

deforestation endangered species

under threat of sth

the place where a plant or animal is usually found (natural habitat) the act of clearing forests endangered in danger because numbers are falling. species, a group of animals, plants,… whose members are equal and can breed with eachother likely to be harmed or damaged

verb : threatened with sth

reserve in the wild in captivity in decline

to breed

to wipe sth/sb out to die out poaching to pose a threat to sb/sth sought after to divert sth from sth

funds poverty likelihood to take a heavy toll on sth/sb to encroach on/upon sth territory gene

a protected area for plants, animals a natural environment not controlled by people kept in a zoo or park continuously decreasing in number, quantity ,… (steady decline/gradual decline) to have sex and produce young or keeping animals in order for them to produce young to destroy or to get rid of sth completely to become less common and eventually disappearing the illegal hunting of animals, birds,.. to create a threat wanted by many people but not easy to get to use sth for a purpose that is different from its original person money available to be spent the state of being poor

noun : poacher = to pose a threat to sb/sth = to pose a danger to sb/sth

verb : to raise funds = probability

to have a bad effect on sth gradually cover more and more of an area an area an animal regards as its own and defends against others a unit of information inside a cell which controls what the living thing will be like

adj : territorial the total of all the genes in a species = a gene pool

Expressions extinct = it exists no longer in danger of extinction on the verge of extinction (closest to extinction)

Unit 27 to transform sth

to amend sth

to adapt to sth

to completely change the appearance or character of sth often to make it better to make changes to correct a mistake or improve a law, statement, document,… to change your behaviour in

noun : transformation

noun : amendment

= to adjust to sth

to assimilate sth to evolve

transition to revert (back) to sth

to restore sth to reverse sth

to reform sth

to resist sth to enforce sth to impose sth on/upon sb to pursue sth

to bring sth about sweeping change subtle to facilitate sth ongoing consultation implement sth

order to be more successful in a new situation to learn and get used to sth which is new and different to change gradually, often from sth simple to sth more complicated a process or period of change from one state to another change back to a state or situation that existed in the past to return sth to its former state of condition change sth so it is the opposite of what it was before (to reverse a decision/trend/policy) to improve a system, an organization, a law,… by making changes to it to refuse to accept sth and try to stop it happening to make people obey sth (to enforce the law) to make sb accept sth against their wishes to follow or try to achieve sth over a period of time (to pursue a policy/goal) to make sth happen a big change that will have an important effect not easy to notice or understand (subtle difference) to make an act or process easier to achieve continuing to develop (an ongoing process) the act of discussing sth with sb before making a decision to make sth that has been decided start to happen

noun : assimilation noun : evolution

in transition = to go back

noun : restoration noun : reversal adj : reversible >< irreversible noun : reform

noun : resistance noun : enforcement

= to create sth = to cause sth

>< obvious

verb : to consult sb adj : consultative = to carry out sth = to put sth into practice noun : implementation

Expressions a number of adjectives are commonly used with the noun change : sweeping, radical, major, wholesale a refreshing / welcome change

Unit 30 era advances a decade conventional diagnostic

to restrict sth to sth to prone to sth cure


to eradicate sth condition to be confined to bed/ a wheelchair invasive procedure

organ transplant

to resume sth chemotherapy

a period of time that has a particular quality or character progress made in science, medicine, technology,… a period of ten years usual or tradition, not new or different used for finding out what psychical or mental problem sb has to limit the size, number, or amount of sth likely to suffer from sth (accident-prone) a medical treatment that makes a sick person well again a substance which is put into the blood and protects the body from diseases to destroy or get rid of sth completely a long-term illness or medical problem to have to stay in a wheelchair or bed involving cutting of the body a medical operation or investigation (to carry out/ perform a procedure) a part of the body that has a particular purpose an operation in which a damaged organ is replaced with one from a donor begin sth again after an interruption the treatment of diseases, especially cancer, by drugs

Expressions rate : mortality rate = death rate survival rate, birth rate, accident rate…

noun : convention verb : to diagnose noun : diagnosis noun : restriction

verb : to cure adj : curable >< incurable process of giving vaccine = vaccination verb : to vaccinate = to wipe out

noun : invasion verb : to invade

a donor to transplant noun : resumption

Unit 31 jargon


username log on/in/off/out

to scroll up/down

to google sb/sth

a link

spam / spamming virus

to hack into sth

phenomenally to dream sth up format (web) browser virtual


to upload sth

special words and phrased used by people who do the same kind of work (disapproving word) the secret numbers and letters you have to put into a computer in order to use it the name you use to operate a computer or program to perform the actions that let you start to use a computer system to move text on a screen up or down so that you can read different parts to type words into a search engine to find information about sb/sth a connection between one file or document and another on the web unwanted email advertisements a program that enters your computer and destroys or damages your data to use a computer to connect secretly to sb else’s computer and find or change information on it in a very great or impressive way to have an idea, especially an unusual one the way data is organized in a computer file or program a program that lets you look at files on the Internet created by computers or appearing on computers or the internet (virtual community, virtual office,…) a person whose username and password are recorded on a website, so they can enter it to send a file, video,.. from your computer to a larger system using the internet

= to do a search on sth/sb

to block your spam anti-spam filters

adj : phenomenal = to think sth up

>< emigration noun : emigrant

= hostility

adj : stereotypical

verb : to integrate into sth

adj : nostalgic

>< to have no desire to do sth = to get used to doing sth

Unit 42 associated with sth/sb

connected with sth/sb

noun : association

to favour sth/sb status quo opposed to radical

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