Word skills Ad - English for vocabulary and idioms uvyc - Woordenboek Nederlands-Noors / Noors-Nederlands PDF

Title Word skills Ad - English for vocabulary and idioms uvyc - Woordenboek Nederlands-Noors / Noors-Nederlands
Course Electroquímica industrial
Institution Facultad Nacional de Ingeniería
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English for vocabulary and idioms uvyc...


Advanced Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman

Oxford Word Skills


can Learn and practise English vocabulary


talk about change

A Words describing change Word transform sth amend sth

adapt to sth assimilate sth evolve




Computers have transformed our lives.

completely change the appearance or character of sth, often to make it better. transformation make changes to correct a mistake or improve a law. statement. document, etc. amendment N. change your behaviour in order to be more successful in a new situation. SYN adjust (to sth). learn and get used to sth which is new and different. assimilationN.

Civil servants are now amending the document. We must adapt to a changing world. It takes time to assimilate new ideas. Democracy has evolved over hundreds Ofyears, We hope for a smooth transition,

change gradually. often from something simple to something more complicated. evolution N. a process or period of change from one state to another (a society in transition is changing).

After weeks of unrest, life has reverted to normal.

change back to a state or situation that existed in the past. SYN go back.

Some people want to restore the monarchy.

return sth to its former state or condition. restoration N.

reverse sth

Theu were going to let him go, but they reversed their decision,

change sth so it is the opposite of what it was before (reverse a decision/trend/policy. etc.). reversal N. reversible ADJ. OPP irreversible.

reform sth

There are new proposals to reform the prison system.

improve a system, an organization. a law, etc. by making changes to it. reformN.

transition FML revert (back) to sth restore sth

O Organize these words into the categories below.


a word that describes complete change:


Remember to test yourself




words that describe a change to improve something. words that describe changing back: words that describe a gradual change:

Complete the sentences with a suitable word. There will be a period of when the new government takes over. 2 The building was badly damaged, but they are planning to it.

3 As a company we believe in

, not revolution.

4 They've changed their minds completely: this is a of the previous policy. 5 After years of civil war, the country will find it difficult to back to normal. 6 We will all have to to climate change, or it will be a disaster for the planet. 7 Once the ice caps melt at the poles, the change is completely 8 We'll need time to

all the new ideas in their proposed plan, subtle, changes, managers need to remember that their role is to facilitate change and not impose it. This requires Managing change an ongoing consultation process with Most employees resist change that is the staff, so that any changes have their enforced and imposed upon them. So, if a support before they are implemented. company wants to pursue a policy that aims to bring about sweeping, or even

B Change management


resist sth enforce sth impose sth on/upon sb pursue sth bring sth about sweeping change subtle facilitate sth ongoing consultation implement sth

refuse to accept sth and try to stop it happening. resistance N. make people obey sth (enforce the law). enforcement N. make sb accept sth against their wishes. follow or try to achieve sth over a period of time (pursue a policy/goal). make sth happen. SYNS create sth. cause sth. a big change that will have an important effect. not easy to notice or understand (subtle difference). OPP obvious. make an act or process easier to achieve. continuing to develop (an ongoing process/investigation). the act of discussing sth with sb before making a decision. consult sb v. consultative ADJ. make sth that has been decided start to happen. SYNS carry out sth, put sth into practice. implementation N

Positive or negative? Write P or N. They've




change.of adjectives are commonly

-Chan e A number

2 They've resisted any change. used with the noun change: 3 They've been very consultative. sweeping/radiccd/major/wholesale Remember to test yourself




4 They've imposed change. : changes (= big changes) a refreshing 5 They've introduced refreshing changes. /welcome change (= a change that is pleasantly new or different)

6 They want to facilitate change. Replace the underlined words with different words that give a similar meaning. It's only a small difference but we believe it will have an effect. 2 He wants to introduce l_adjcal changes. 3 The new furniture is a welcome change. 4 They have the power to make people 5 They plan to a number of changes. 6 The new measures will create further

obey the law. change.

Complete the words in the text. When the new head teacher arrived, it was rumoured that she planned to (1) p a policy of (2) s changes to the way the school was organized, and that she wouldn't be very sympathetic to staff who showed any real (3) r However, unlike the former head who never talked to anyone, Mrs Palmer has (4) c members of staff, and that has been change. She set up a staff committee, and we have been involved in an process of (7) c for about two months. We have also a few changes which have already made an (9) o difference.

28 talk about energy conservation

conserve sth switch to sth energy-saving eco(-) emit sth consumption appliance on

avoid wasting sth. conservation N. change from using one thing to using another. not wasting much energy (water-saving, labour-saving). (short for ecology) relating to the environment (eco-home, eco-disaster). send out sth such as light. heat. sounds. gas, etc. emission N the act of using energy, food, or materials. consume v (a person is a consumer). a machine you use at home e.g. fridge, washing machine. If a TV is on standby, it is connected to the power supply but is not in


Remember to test yourself

use. pass electricity through sth to store it there. using a charger (N). a standby charge 5th machine that uses hot air to dry clothes. (up) tumble an area of land where large amounts of rubbish are buried. dryer landfill (site) toxic better still

poisonous (toxic chemicals/gases/substances). even better (still is used to make a comparison stronger).

O Good or bad, in terms of energy-saving? Write G or B. I left the TV on standby overnight.

6 7

2 We don't use eco light bulbs. 3 I switched to rechargeable batteries. 4 Our energy consumption increased. 5 The machine emits toxic substances.

Complete the sentences. Have you got a tumble -

We took energy conservation measures. He left the phone charger on all day.

8 9 10

Our energy emissions are high. We avoided sending it to landfill. I threw away a water-saving device.

ABOUT YOU ? If so, could you manage without it? 2 When you

your mobile ph

do you leave it plugged in overnight?


Do you know how much electricity you

4 5

How many electrical

6 7

Do you use rechargeable , or better

in an average week?

in your kitchen do you use regularly?

Do you always turn off lights in rooms you aren't using to


, a solar

Which energy- steps in the article above do you actually take? 8 Are you an above-average or below-average of electricity?

O ABOUT YOU Answer the questions in Exercise 2, or ask another student.

B Saving energy in a restaurant ACORN HOUSE RESTAU RANT is London's first truly environmentally-friendly restaurant. It's a trainingkestaurant which aims to turn out green chefs, making it a groundbreaking enterprise. The principles are clear: use local produce which is in season to reduce food. miles; åvoid disposable products; and recycle at least 80 per cent of all waste. Even the büilding itself hasubeen designed tomaximizenatural light and to minimize energy;use. lhthe most sustainable restaurant in the capital, everything is done to reduce each customer's carbon footprint. Is this the restaurant of the future?

Glossary green

concerned with or supporting the protection of

-friendly is often used with nouns,

the environment.

adjectives, and adverbs to mean

Remember to test yourself




groundbreaking using new methods or making new discoveries, a large, new project. SYN venture. enterprise (of fruit and vegetables) ready for eating now and in season


available in large numbers. OPP out of season. the distance food travels from where it is grown or produced to where it is consumed. made to be thrown away after use. dispose ofsth v.

recycle sth

treat sth so that it can be used again. recycling N.

maximize sth

1 make the best use of sth. 2 increase sth as much as possible. OPP minimize sth.


using methods which do not harm the environment (sustainable agriculture/energy). sustainability N.

food miles

'helping a person or thing; not harming them'. an eco-friendly light bulb environmentally-friendly cleaning products

user-friendly instructions = easy to use or understand)

carbon footprint Your carbon footprint shows how much C02 is emitted from your personal energy use (reduce your carbon footprint).

O Tick the word(s) which are possible. One, two, or three may be possible. Using natural materials such as cotton or wool is more eco-friendlyc:::] user-friendlya than using man-made fabrics. 2 We should try to eat food which is in season out of season disposable D. 3 We should try to reduce food milesc_l our carbon footprintc::_] sustainabilityc:::::]. 4 In new buildings, it's important to minimizec:::::] maximizeC] dispose natural light. 1

5 The restaurant is an exciting new enterprise CZI carbon venture 6 We are interested in groundbreaking D sustainable C]


Complete the texts. wo university scientists have been given an award for their (1) research into ways of used computers. Their unusual (3) — aims to (4) 95 per cent Of all computer parts, and ensure that the remaining 5 per cent will be (5) d of in a way which (6) the impact on the environment. ood (7) - (or food kilometréS) ate the distance food travels from the farm to your plate. FHere atThe Good Food Forum we aim to educate communities on this issue, and to encourage consumers to buy locally produced food which is in (8) s


discuss wildlife under threat

A Threats to wildlife in general Word



Some birds are in danger oflosing their habitat.

deforestation endan gered species


the place where a plant or animal is usually found (natural habitat). the act of clearing forests (= removing trees). Deforestation is a real threat. The African elephant is an endangered endangered in danger because numbers are species, falling. species a group of animals, plants, etc.


Remember to test yourself

under threat (of sth)

Many wild animals are under threat.


We can protect certain species by creating reserves.

in the wild

In the wild. giant pandas eat bamboo exclusively.

in captivity

The bear was born in captivity.

in decline

Snow leopard populations are in decline. Eagles breedl in spring. We breed2 eagles in captivity.

breed v

wipe sb/sth out

Deforestation is wiping out certain species,

die out

This species of cat is dying out.

whose members are similar and can breed with each other. likely to be harmed or damaged; also threatened with sth. a protected area for plants, animals, etc. (a wildlife/nature reserve), in a natural environment not controlled by people. kept in a zoo or park, etc. continuously decreasing in number, quantity, etc. (gradual/steady decline). I (of animals) have sex and produce young. 2 keep animals in order for them to produce young. destroy or get rid of sth completely. become less common and eventually disappear.

Is the meaning of the sentences the same or different? Write S or D, The tiger population is in decline.

There are fewer tigers than there were.

2 We are destroying their natural habitat.

We are destroying the nature reserves. It is almost extinct.


3 It is on the verge of extinction. 4 They breed better in the wild. 5 This species is endangered.

They feed better in the wild.

6 I've seen widespread deforestation.

I've seen many forests cleared.

7 In time. it will die out,

In time it will gradually disappear.

This species is under threat.

Complete the dialogues with a single word in each space. Has the dodo been wiped 2 They're in steady

? Yes, it's

they? Yes, it's just a


extinction. That's awful. Can they more? 4 Did you see themwas lucky— I saw them inNo, the 5 I went to a nature last year, - It's great to see animals in their natural 6 There's far too much fishing of cod. Yes, many of fish are 3 These birds are in


B Threats to an endangered species Under threat: Remember to test yourself




the rhino • Poaching:

This poses the greatest threat to this species, despite the ban on trade in rhino horn 2, which is particularly sought after for medical or decorative use.

• Civil disturbance: War diverts funds from conservation, and the high levels of poverty in affected areas increase the likelihood that people will turn to poaching. In some African countries, civil disturbance has taken a heavy toll on rhino populations.

• Habitat loss: If people encroach on the rhinos'territory through deforestation, the consequences are a lack of food and a limited gene pool for breeding.

Glossary poaching pose a threat to sb/sth sought after divert sth (from sth) funds poverty likelihood take a heavy toll on sth/sb encroach on/upon sth territory gene

the illegal hunting of animals, birds, etc. (the person is a poacher). create a threat (also pose a risk/danger to sb/sth). wanted by many people but not easy to get. use sth for a purpose that is different from its original purpose. PL money available to be spent (raise funds = collect money). the state of being poor. SYN probability, have a bad effect on sth. EMI, gradually cover more and more of an area. an area an animal regards as its own and defends against others. territorial ADJ. a unit of information inside a cell which controls what the living thing will be like (the gene pool is the total of all the genes in a species).

O Cross out the error in each sentence. Write the correct word(s) at the end. Cash will need to be divested from one project to


2 Pollution is putting a heavy toll on the seabird population. 3 The factory puts a substantial danger to wildlife in the area. 4 You hear people talk about the genes pool all the time. 5 I'm worried that the new developments are encroaching in the countryside. 6 The horn of the animal is sought over by


7 It's important to raise fund to support 8 This poses a threaten to both humans and

conservation. wildlife.

O Write a word at the end of the sentence with the same meaning as the underlined words. 86 A CHANGING WORLD

Remember to test yourself

There is little

of things improving


2 You should avoid going into the animals'


3 He was sent to prison for illeqal huntinq of

birds' eggs.

4 I saw a larqe heavy animal with a horn on its nose at the zoo. 5 The animal is extremely protective of its land. 6 Living in a situation with very little money is common in Africa.


describe medical advances

A revolutionary era in medical advances In recent decades, we have witnessed radical changes in conventional medicine:

• Fifty

years ago, scanners l did not exist. Diagnostic tools were restricted to stethoscopes2 and basic x-ray machines.

• Until

recent years, children were prone to certain infectious diseases, for which there was no effective cure. Vaccines have almost eradicated some of these conditions.

• In

the past, if you needed a major operation, you would be confined to bed for weeks. Today many operations use less invasive procedures, requiring day surgery only.

• In the past, the mortality rate for patients with organ failure, such as heart, lung, or kidney failure, was 100 per cent. Today, tra nsplants can allow patients to resume a normal life.

• The

survival rate for many cancers has improved considerably over recent decades, due to the development of chemotherapy 2 to treat the condition.

era a period of time that has a particular quality or character. advance(s) (in sth) progress made in science. medicine, technology, etc. decade a period often years. conventional usual or traditional; not new or different, convention diagnostic used for finding out what physical or mental problem sb has. diagnose v. diagnosis N. restrict sth (to sth) limit the size. number, or amount of sth. restriction N. prone to sth likely to su [Ter from sth (also accident-prone). cure a medical treatment that makes a sick person well again. cure v. curable ADJ. OPP incurable. vaccine a substance which is put into the blood and protects the body from disease (the process of giving vaccine is vaccination N). vaccinate v. eradicate sth destroy or get rid of sth (bad) completely. SYN wipe sth out. condition a long-term illness or medical problem. be confined to bed / a wheelchair have to stay in bed / a wheelchair.

invasive (of medical treatment) involving cutting of the body. invasion N. invade v. procedure a medical operation or investigation (carry out / perform a procedure). organ a part of the body that has a particular purpose, such as the heart or brain. transplant an operation in which a damaged Remember to test yourself




organ is replaced with one from a donor (= sb who gives part of their body, blood, etc.). transplant v. resume sth EMI, begin sth again after an interruption. resumption N chemotherapy the treatment of diseases, especially cancer, by drugs.

A rate is a measurement of the number of times something happens within a period, e.g. the mortality/death rate is the number of people dying; the survival •rate is the number of people continuing to live despite a serious illness.

The birth rate rocketed. = The number of babies born rose sharply. The accident rate plummeted. = The numb...

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