Surah al qamar - notes PDF

Title Surah al qamar - notes
Author nick scoter
Course Texts and Traditions
Institution Victorian Certificate of Education
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SURAH AL- QAMAR (54) Information:  Surah was revealed following the incident of ‘Shaqq-al-Qamar’ (splitting of the moon)  Incident of Shaqq-al-Qamar determines precisely when the surah was revealed  Incident took place at Mina in Makkah five years before the prophets hijrah to Madinah.  3 sections, 55 verses  Makkan surah. Major issues addressed in the surah:  Closeness of day of judgement and unbeliever’s failure to pay attention to the signs  The story of the people of Nuh, Thamud, Lut and Fir’on to show the punishment these nations suffered when they did not believe and disregarded the warnings given by the prophet of Allah. SECTION 1: The day of judgement is drawing near yet the unbelievers are not paying heed to the signs of Allah. AYAH 1-3 ‘The hour of Doom is drawing near; the moon has split asunder’ (1) Yet when they see a sign, the unbelievers turn their backs and say; “This is ingenious magic”’ (2) They deny this and keep on following their own fancies. Ultimately every matter shall be laid to rest. (3) The disbelievers of Makkah had been warned prior for their stubbornness which they had adopted against the invitation of the holy prophet. The phenomenon of the splitting of the moon was a manifest of the truth that the resurrection, of which the holy prophet was giving them the news, could take place and that it had approached near at hand. This event is as one of the major signs impending the end of the world. The prophet invited the people’s attention to the event only with with this object in view and asked them to mark it and be a witness to it. But the disbelievers described it as a magical illusion and persisted in their denial. Their stubbornness lead to the revelation of this surah and the event of Shaqq-al-Qamar. How the moon split: - The two parts had separated and receded so much apart from each other that to on lookers, one part had appeared on one side of the mountain and the other on the other side of it. Themes: The miracles of Allah - Hereafter Asbab An nuzul: “The moon was split at the time of the Messenger of Allah, so the Quraysh said: ‘This is an act of sorcery from the son of Abu Kabshah; he has cast a spell on you. Ask, therefore, the travellers whether they saw the moon split’. They asked some travellers and they confirmed it. The travellers proceeding toward Mecca and Syria and even Indians could witness Cleaving of the Moon. AYAH 4-6 ‘There has already come to them the information of former nations containing enough deterrents’ (4) ‘And profound wisdom to serve as a warning, but warnings are of no use to these people.’ (5)

‘Therefore, O prophet, let them be. On the day when the caller will call them to a terrible event’ (6) There will always be those who claim that Muhammad’s efforts were in vain, since paganism and polytheism have survived and Muslims were unable to eradicate it. In these verses, Allah reiterates his warnings to the unbelievers saying that it had not worked in past and will not act as a deterrence now. Addressed to the Prophet Muhammad, Verse 6 is saying that when disbelievers witnessed such great miracle but failed to believe, you are supposed to leave from them without taking troubles for their ignorance but remember the on the day of judgement, Allah will trial them accordingly. Themes: - Hereafter AYAH 7-8 ‘They shall come out from their graves, like swarming locusts with downcast eyes’ (7) ‘Rushing towards the caller and the same unbelievers will cry: “This is indeed an awful day”’ (8) The resemblance of sinners on the Day of Resurrection to scattered locusts reflects their confusion and astonishment upon coming out of graves hurrying and frightened out of witnessing the torment on that Day. In the following verse proceeds to add that disbelievers cry and say that today is a hard day. Techniques: - Simile “like swarming locusts” - Metaphor Themes: - Day of judgement AYAH 9-10 ‘Long before them, the people of Nuh disbelieved. They rejected our servant, called him a madman and drove him out.’ (9) ‘Finally he cried out: “Help me, O Rabb, I have been overcoming!” (10) In these verses Allah makes mention of prophet Nuh who admonished his people for 950 years, and was then rejected by his people. They referred to him as a Madman and proceeded to drive him out of the city. In verse 10, prophet Nuh calls out to Allah asking for assistance against the transgressors who ignored his message and threatened to kill him.

AYAH 11-12 ‘So we opened the gates of heaven with pouring rain’ (11) ‘And caused the earth to burst with gushing springs, and the waters met to fulfill the decreed end (12) ‘We carried him in an ark built with planks and nails’ (13) ‘Which drifted on under our care: a reward for him (Nuh) who was denied by the unbelievers’ (14) ‘We have left that ark as a sign, so is there any who would take admonition’ (15) When Nuh (as) could not get through Allah’s message to his people, he was ordered to build an ark. Nuh chose a place outside the city far from the sea and began building the ark. When the ship was constructed, Nuh (as) sat waiting Allah’s command. Allah then revealed to him that when water miraculously gushes forth from all over the earth and springs flowed and a heavy rain pours forth and the waters meet and form an immense and agitating ocean, that would be a sign of the sign of the flood and for Nuh (as) to take the believers and act. Nuh (as) took with him a pair, male and female, of every type of animal, bird and insect.

Techniques: - Rhetorical question ‘Is there any who would take admonition’ AYAH 13-14 ‘How terrible was my scourge and how clear my warning’ (16) ‘We have indeed made the Quran very easy to understand the admonition: but is there any who would take admonition?’ (17) In verse 16, Allah makes it very clear that before his punishment there had been warnings for those who received a grace punishment. This is in reference to the people of Nuh who had been given admonition for 950 years before they received their punishment. In verse 17, the Quran is saying that Allah truly made the Holy Qur’an easy to understand, so much that anyone can easily comprehend the words and expressions therefore find the path toward righteousness. Therefore, people may learn from the accounts of people like Nuh (As) and his ask and the punishment for those on earth except the believers. Techniques: - Repetition AYAH 18-20 ‘The people of ‘Ad belied their Prophet. Then how were My Torment and My Warnings?’ (18) ‘We let loose on them a tornado, on the day of their bitter misfortune’ (19) ‘Which snatched them off like trunks of uprooted palm-trees.’ (20) Following the account of Prophet Nuh (as) and the tempest, the Holy Qur’an proceeds with those of Prophet Hud (as) and the people of ‘Ad so that it makes people aware of the manner of the torment of those who disobeyed Allah’s Command. Although the people of ‘Ad were strong and of high stature, they were inflicted with sever punishment in the form of a tornado. Techniques: - Repetition AYAH 21-22 ‘How terrible was my scourge and how clear my warning’ (21) ‘We have indeed made the Quran very easy to understand the admonition, so is there any who would take admonition’ (22) Techniques: - Repetition SECTION 2: The story of Thamud and Lut who called their prophet liars to show how terrible was Allah’s scourge and how clear his warning. AYAH 23-26 ‘The people of Thamud disbelieved our warning (23) ‘Saying: “Are we to follow a human who stands alone among us? That would surely be an error and madness.”’ (24) ‘Was he the only person among us to receive this warning? Nay! He is indeed an insolent liar.” (25) ‘Tomorrow they will come to know who is the liar, the arrogant one!’ (26) The people of Thamud are the third people whose account is precisely mentioned as a lesson. They inhabited in the land of Hijr, in the northern region of Hijaz. Their Prophet Salih (as) made his utmost effort to guide them onto the Straight Path, but his efforts were of no avail. They denied Allah’s Warnings. The people of Thamud had great arrogance and vanity that served as veils between them and admonitions to their prophet. They said that Prophet Salih (as) was a man like them, therefore it would be in vain to follow him. What are his privileges over us so that we should follow his

commands? Is what they believed. The disbelievers also questioned why would he be the only one receiving it where there are people who have more recognition, fame, and possessions? They also say that he was an arrogant liar desiring to rule over them. This is why verse 26 was revealed saying that tomorrow will come and Allah will show them who the true liars were. AYAH 27 ‘We are going to send the she-camel as a trial for them. Therefore, watch them and have patience.’ The people of Thamud went to great lengths to deny prophet Salih’s (as) admonitions. In this incident, they said: "If you are a Prophet, command the mount to send forth a red haired ten-month pregnant camel and we share the water with her such that she may drink the water and provide us with milk and the next day we use the water”. To test them and see whether they would listen to prophet Salih’s message, Allah granted them their wish and then speaks directly to Prophet Salih (as) telling him to be patient and to watch as they are trailed. AYAH 28 ‘Tell them that the water must be shared between them and the she-camel, and each will come to the water at its own turn.’ Addressed to Prophet Salih (as), this verse is asking him to inform the people of Thamud that they should divide the water between themselves and the she-camel. There was seemingly a fountain whose water sufficed to provide the people inhabiting the region with water. The people of Thamud were assigned to make use of the water one day and leave it to the she-camel the next day and receive milk from her in return. However, they rejected the offer and suffered the evil consequences of their deeds. AYAH 29-30 ‘At last the people of Thamud called out to one of their companions, who took responsibility and hamstrung her.’ (29) ‘Then how terrible was my scourge and how clear my warning.’ (30) The disobedient people of Thamud made up their minds to slay the she-camel though Prophet Salih (as) had warned them that if they harm her in any way, they would be afflicted with torment. But, they ignored his warning and called one of their companions and asked him to slay the she-camel. -


AYAH 31-32 ‘Indeed, as the Recompense of their crime, we sent against them an awful cry and the lightning and they became like the stalks scattered in a pen by cattle owners.’ (31) ‘And verily, We have made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember. Then is there anyone who will receive admonition?’ (32) Verse 31 is saying that God Almighty sent a horrible cry upon them; as a consequence of which, they turned into dried up and mashed plants gathered as fodder for cattle by their owners. Their wealthy palaces and mansions turned into cattle food and their corpses became like beaten plants scattered beneath cattle. Verse 32 asks whether such admonitory and excruciating fate is not sufficient to awaken mankind.

AYAH 33-35

‘The people of Lut (as) belied the Warnings.’ (33) ‘Indeed, We sent against them a violent gale along with stones, except the family of Lot (as), them We saved in the last hour of the night,’ (34) ‘The rescue was a Favor from Us. Thus We reward him who gives thanks.’(35) Verse 34 is saying that the people of lut (as) denied their prophet's (as) prophetic call and revelation; as a consequence of which torment was sent down upon them in the form of a stone charged tornado pouring down stones over them. All the people of prophet lot (as) perished by that stone tornado with the exception of the family of prophet lut (as) who were rescued at dawn. The third verse (35) is saying that the rescue of the family of prophet lut (as) was a divine favour. This verse closes by saying that god almighty thus rewards those who are thankful. It is a reference to the fact that one who does not disobey allah as a token of gratitude for his favours and bounties, but obeys divine commands and his messengers, will find divine support and assistance at all times in the face of hardships and changes in this world and the hereafter. AYAH 36 ‘And Lot (as) indeed had warned them of Our Wrath, but they were engaged in disputes regarding Our Warnings!’ Prophet lut (as) strove to warn his people of divine torment, but they entertained doubts regarding his prophetic call and divine revelation and ignored warnings and persisted in committing their vicious deeds until they were afflicted by divine torment. AYAH 37-39 ‘And they indeed sought to shame his guests through conversing with each other. Therefore, We blinded their eyes. Then taste My Torment and My Warnings."’ (37) ‘And indeed an abiding torment seized them early in the morning.’ (38) ‘"Then taste My Torment and My Warnings."’ (39) The people of Lut went to great lengths to transgress. Qur’an reports that a number of angels entered Prophet Lut (as) home in human form with beautiful and magnificent appearances. The people of Prophet Lut (as) intended to enter his home and get pleasure out of their company asking the Prophet (as) to leave them unto them and began entering into disputes with the Prophet (as). Prophet Lut (as) provided them with wise counsels against their will but it was of no avail. They shattered the gate and entered his home. Upon their insistence as to transgressing bounds, Jibril said unto Prophet Lut (as) to leave his people unto them. Upon their entrance, Jibril struck its pinion (outer part of wings) onto their eyes and blinded them such that no traces were left of their eyes. The disobedient people rose and stumbled in confusion and shouted that Lut (as) had cast his spell unto them. Verses 38 and 39 third are saying that when the people of Prophet Lot (as) went to the extreme in their disobedience and rebellion, they were afflicted with a permanent torment such that they all perished and were sent to Hellfire. AYAH 40 ‘And indeed, we have made the Qur’an easy to comprehend. Then is there anyone who will receive admonition?”’


People of Fir’on were seized for disbelieving Allah’s warnings. The same warning has come to you, will you take admonition. AYAH 41-42 ‘And verily, warners came unto the people of Fir’on.’ (41) ‘But, they belied all Our miracles. Therefore, we seized them with a Seizure of the All-Mighty, the Omnipotent.’ (42) The fifth and the last people mentioned in this series of blessed verses are the people of fir’on. Verse 41 is saying that appointed warners came unto them one after the other and they continued to disbelieve. Verse 42 exposes the reaction of the people of fir’on against the two eminent prophets (as) and their warnings saying that the people of fir’on denied divine signs. These arrogant wrongdoers belied all divine signs unexceptionally and regarded all of them as lies, magic, or coincidence. AYAH 43-44 ‘Are your disbelievers better than these? Or have your immunity in the Divine Scriptures?’ (43) ‘Or they say: "We are a great multitude backing each other and no might may conquer us."’ (44) After recounting the accounts of the torments of the disbelievers, the verses address the makkan polytheists asking them whether their disbelievers were better than their ancestors ‘Ad, Thamud and Lut. In this verse, Allah asked them whether they believe they have immunity over the punishment their ancestors had received. According to the second verse, they people of Fir’on say that they are a great united people who take vengeance upon their enemies and conquer them. AYAH 45-46 ‘Their multitude will be put to flight soon and they will show their backs unto each other.’ (46) ‘Nay, but the Day of Resurrection is their appointed time and that Day will be more grievous and bitterer.’ (47) In order to refute their false claims, verse 45 says to them that they should know that their multitude will be soon defeated. This means that although they may seem unified and unbreakable, they will be shattered by heavy pressure. Verse 46 is saying that if defeat and misfortune do not fall into their share in this world, it will be their appointed place on the Day of Resurrection when more horrible and bitterer punishments shall be in store for them. Thus, they should await a bitter defeat in this world and a bitterer and more horrible defeat in the Hereafter.

AYAH 47-49 ‘Indeed, sinners are in error and blazing flames.’ (47) ‘The day when Hellfire shall burn their faces, it will be said unto them: "Taste Hellfire!” (48) ‘ Indeed, we have created all things in its proper measure.’ (49) Asbab An Nuzul: - “The Quraysh came to dispute the question of Destiny. Allah, exalted is He, therefore revealed (Lo! the guilty are in error and madness... Lo! We have created every thing by measure)”. “The bishop of Najran came to the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, and said: ‘O Muhammad, you claim that sins are created by measure and that the seas and heaven are also created by measure. If it is true that the seas and heaven are created by measure, sins nevertheless cannot be’. The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, said: ‘You are Allah’s adversaries!’ And then Allah, exalted is He, revealed (Lo! the guilty are in error and madness) up to His words (Lo! We have created every thing by measure)”.


“This verse was revealed about some future people from amongst this community who will deny the Destiny of Allah”.

AYAH 50-51 ‘We command but once and Our will is done in the twinkling of an eye.’ (50) ‘O disbelievers, We have already destroyed many like you. Will you not’ (51) In verse 50, Allah is saying that he commands and it shall happen. It is done fast and in the twinkling of an eye. He merely says "Be" and it will come into being. Verse 51 addresses sinners and disbelievers once more and draws their attention to the fate of ancient peoples saying that Allah caused the punishment of peoples who were like you before AYAH 52-53 ‘All that they do is being added to their recorded book’ (52) ‘Every action, small and big is noted down’ (53) The verses in question makes a reference to the fundamental principle that the deeds committed by past peoples were not destroyed following their death but whatever was done by them was recorded in the Records of their deeds (book of deeds is called Zabur); likewise, your deeds are being recorded and preserved for the Day of Reckoning. The second verse adds that the Record of deeds shall be a complete and all inclusive record on the Day of Resurrection, such that upon receiving their Records of deeds, sinners shall cry. AYAH 54-55

‘Indeed, the God fearing shall be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers.’ (54) ‘In a place of truth, near the Omnipotent Lord.’ (55) The Quran presents righteous good-doers and evil-doers, the good and the bad by comparing them, since differences become more obvious in comparison. Following a reference to the fate of wrongdoing disbelievers, the verses in question briefly allude to the good fate of the god fearing saying that the god fearing shall abide amidst gardens and rivers of paradise in the expanse of divine favours and bounties....

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