Syl MGMT703A Strategic Information Management pineault Fall 2017 PDF

Title Syl MGMT703A Strategic Information Management pineault Fall 2017
Course Health Mgmt For Seniors
Institution Lasell College
Pages 9
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LASELL COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS MGMT 703 – STRATEGIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT FALL, 2017 (HYBRID) Course Instruction: Gerald T. Pineault, MBA, CPIM e-mail: [email protected] Cell Phone: 508-431-3809 Making Contact: Email is the most reliable way to reach me. Cell phone is not always on, not always with me. Required Text: Management Information Systems, 7th edition By Kenneth J. Sousa & Effy Oz Publisher Cengage ISBN 978-1-285-18613-9 Course Description: This course presents the conceptual foundations of information technology and examines the development, applications, and advances of information technology resources in organizations. With a focus on the managerial perspective, students will investigate issues related to the development of contemporary systems development approaches. Objective: In today’s global economy, it’s inconceivable how any economy could survive without highly effective organizations. One of the keys to improving organizations is through the use of Information Technology. But Information Technology by itself is only a tool to be used by management to improve their organization’s effectiveness. At the end of the course, the student should have an understanding of:  The meaning of common technology terminology  Ways in which technology is used in business and management  Understand the relationship between the different components of an information system  Understand the concept of a knowledge worker  Recognize the importance of quality, organization-wide information  Apply concepts of competitive advantage to information technology  Understand e-commerce and its impact on business  Apply the concepts of database management systems to business situation  Distinguish between different types of information systems  Consider global issues regarding information technology


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Understand telecommunications and networking concepts Develop an understanding of the internet and its impact on organizations Analyze and assess emerging technologies and their potential impact Understand the systems development process Consider different systems development techniques, such as outsourcing Identify social and ethical issues involving information technology Apply information systems concepts to your chosen field

Today, we live in a fast paced, ever changing business environment. Competition is fierce, and new businesses entering the market are still failing at an alarming rate. Today’s customers are demanding high quality products, service and value. Therefore, it is imperative for the student to get a thorough understanding of how an effective organization works utilizing information technology. Format: this is a Hybrid course Each week you will be learning from either the text, lecture notes, discussions and handouts. This course will also cover assignments designed to enhance your learning about Strategic Information Management Assessment: Discussion Forums Case Studies Web Field Trips Kimbell’s Restaurants

15% 30% 30% 25%

What your letter grade means: A





a superior work that contains strong ideas and calculations that are developed logically and completely. It is well organized from beginning to end and it expresses ideas and solutions very clearly. a good piece of work that presents relevant ideas and calculations and develops them fairly well. It is generally well organized throughout and it expresses ideas and solutions clearly. a fair piece of work that has some relevant ideas and calculations and gives some support. It shows some sense of organization and the ideas and solutions are expressed clearly. a poor piece of work that gives some relevant ideas and calculations that are badly developed (it may only list rather than develop ideas). It is poorly organized and does not express ideas and solutions clearly. a terrible piece of work.


Structure of the class: Each week, in the Course Materials Folder, a sub-folder for each class meeting will be prepared. #1 The objectives of this class meeting. #2 The Key Concepts of this class meeting. #3 The reading assignments from the text. #4 On-line lecture notes in a variety of formats. #5 Discussion Forum with a discussion starter topic. #6 The assignments will be given with helpful hints for each assignments. #7What’s Next note on the next class meeting.

If anyone has questions, comments, concerns about how Moodle and this online course will be run, please email me at [email protected] or [email protected]. I will be available online, about 4 times a day during the week and 2 times a day, on weekends. If any student wants to meet with me, email and we can set a date/time/location. Any questions, concerns, comments, etc can be posted in the discussion forums. If it is one-on-one type of question, email me. I will respond within 12 hours Mon-Fri and 24 hours on the weekends. Electronic Devices: The use of electronic “toys” is not allowed during class time. The use of a notes taking device is acceptable. This, of course, only applies to our on-campus sessions. Special Needs: Students who have special educations needs should make the instructor aware of your needs. Lasell College has many resources available to help with the student have a successful learning experience. Professionalism: This is a business class first and foremost. Therefore all assignments will be prepared in a professional manner. That means typed using business language with no social networking code words, etc.


Academic Dishonesty: Students have a responsibility to maintain the highest level of academic integrity. Academic dishonesty, intentional or unintentional, is grounds for failure on any assignment or failure in the course, at the instructor’s discretion. Academic dishonesty is also grounds for suspension from the college at the discretion of the Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs and may be subject to appropriate legal investigation and prosecution. Helping another student in an act of academic dishonesty constitutes an act of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty may take the following forms. Plagiarism: The act of taking or passing off another’s ideas, or writing, as one’s own; copying or paraphrasing another’s words without credit; buying or accepting work and presenting it as one’s own. Students bear the responsibility for demonstrating the evolution of original work. Copyright Violations: The Copyright Law (Title 17 U.S. Code) protects electronic, print and other copyrighted materials. Any infringement of copyright is a violation of academic integrity. Electronic copyright infringement involves video, audio and computer materials and any other materials made electronically. Copying videos, cassettes or software, selling or disseminating programs without the owner’s permission, putting pirated software on the College computers or your computer is not permitted. As long as appropriate credit is given, making a copy of small portion of a book or a portion of an article for use in your assignments is acceptable. The correct citation method for sources of ideas and information obtained electronically or in print is available in the library. The library has a copy of the complete Copyright Law for further reference. Moodle: Lasell College uses Moodle as its course management system. Moodle is an open-source e-learning application that complements and works with posted and text instruction. It is accessed through your Internet browser and provides a secure learning environment for accessing course materials sharing information, as well as a number of features and tools that enhance effective learning. These include:  File management.  Course materials can be uploaded.  Assignment submission and grading.  Variety of communication tools: Discussion forums, chat rooms, instant messages, emails, etc.  Collaboration tools.


To log into Moodle, please visit  In the upper left/center of the screen, you will see a login box. Your username and password are your Lasell network username and password.  Once you login, the course you are taking will be listed there. Click on the name of the course, you should now be in the course. The following PDF documents can be found at which will show you how to access Moodle, update your Moodle profile, locate and upload assignments and participate in discussion forums.  How to access Moodle.  Getting familiar with Moodle layout and navigation.  How to update your profile.  How to work with assignments in Moodle.  How to participation in Moodle discussion forums.


APPENDIX SECTION Appendix A Participation/Discussion Forum: 15% of grade, weekly starting 9/5/2017 and ending 12/5/2016. Participation in the Discussion Forum is crucial to the learning process. The Discussion Forum becomes a virtual classroom. This is the place where we get together to ask questions, share ideas and experiences, learn and, hopefully, have a little bit of fun. Please treat our virtual classroom and all the participants with the same respect and courtesy as you would in a traditional classroom. This class will not have a specific time to log on to the discussion board. In effect, we will be running asynchronously, that is, you logon onto the site whenever you can or want to. All comments, questions, etc. will be replied to by the instructor within 24 hours. The achievement and successful completion of this course depends very heavily on class participation. I expect and encourage each of you to share your opinions and viewpoints throughout the course. Moodle has some wonderful tools of capturing participation in the course in general and in specific portions of the course site. There is not a specific, quantitative measure of participation. But one response to the weekly instructor posting and 2 responses weekly to other students’ postings are the minimum you should aim for. Meaningful, thoughtful and insightful ideas with a dash of critical thinking will be the primary input to that portion of your grade. Appendix B Case Studies: 30% of grade, to be handed in on in-campus dates as listed in the syllabus. This case study should include an introduction to the issue and then address the question or questions in the syllabus for this case. Recommendations and a final solution should be provided. Any outside sources used should be properly cited using APA formatting. It is expected that these cases will comprise a minimum of 1 to 2 pages. Appendix C Web Field Trips: 30% of grade, to be posted in moodle at 11:00 PM on the date specified in the syllabus. The requirement is to answer the questions posted in moodle for the URL in the syllabus. The information for the student can be found utilizing that URL.


Appendix E Kimball’s Restaurant: 25% of grade, to be completed on a weekly basis starting with Ch. 1 on 9/12/2017. On the dates of our on-campus class, the assignment can be handed in. For the dates of our on-line class, the assignment will be posted in moodle at 11:00 PM on the Tuesday of the on-line session. More on Kimball Restaurant; Kimball’s Restaurant is a text long case. It covers one company from its introduction on pages 1-3 in chapter 1 all the way to chapter 14. At the end of each chapter there is short update on Kimball as it relates to the topics in that specific chapter. Your assignment is to answer the question(s) at the end of Kimball’s Revisted under the title, “What is your advice?’




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