Syllabus 186 66282980 1509016588 PDF

Title Syllabus 186 66282980 1509016588
Author yash arear
Course Agricultural Extention
Institution Sylhet Agricultural University
Pages 23
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Sylhet Agricultural University Department of Agricultural Extension Education Master of Science (MS) in Agricultural Extension Education Course Layout 1. Total Credits 2. MS Course Duration

: 42 : 18 months consists of 3 Semester, each of months duration (there will be 18 working weeks in each semester covering instructions, assignments, seminar and examinations in Semester-I and semester-II and the Semester-III i.e., Research semester will be of 6 months duration) 3. Compulsory course : 8 compulsory courses from own department of total 18 credits (2 credits Х 6 courses + 3 credits Х 2 courses = 18 credits) 4. Elective course : 4 elective courses from own and or other departments of total 8 credits (2 credits x 4 courses) 6. Research & Thesis : 16 credits Courses and credits in different semesters Semester-I (July – December) A. Compulsory course Course No. Course title



Extension Program Development


Research Methodology in Social and Educational Research Communication and Information Technology Socio-Psychological Theories of Extension Education Sub-total



Technology Transfer and Poverty Alleviation









Extension Administration and Supervision Extension Project Management



Semester-II (January–June) A. Compulsory course Course Course title No. AGEXT 505 Group Dynamics and Leadership



B. Elective course (At least 2 courses must be taken ) AGEXT 512 Gender and Development



Environmental Studies and Farming Systems in Extension Monitoring & Evaluation







Economics of Extension and Impact Assessment Agricultural Journalism



Community Development




C. AGEXT 509

Research & Thesis Research works and Seminar Total credits

B. Elective course (At least 2 courses must be taken) AGEXT 518 Data Analysis and Interpretation in Extension Education AGEXT 519 Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development




Total credits

Continuation of Research & thesis writing Thesis Evaluation


Thesis defense


Total credits


(S/ U)



Agricultural Knowledge System

Research & Thesis Research works and Seminar





Course title




Course No. AGEXT 509



C. (S/ U)

Thesis Semester Cr

Extension Training Management and Evaluation Extension Programs for Special Interest Groups Adult Education



Semester-III (July– December)




2 (S/ U)


Grand Total Credits =42

S/U = Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Course evaluation system Sl. No. 1 2 3

Topic Assignments Class Test 2x20 marks Final examination

Marks (%) 20 40 40 100



* If a student fails to complete his/her MS within 3 normal semesters from the enrollment, additional 2 semesters will be allowed to complete the degree, otherwise his/her enrollment will be cancelled. * * Semester-III will be research semester whenever the student enrolls as MS student.


Sylhet Agricultural University Department of Agricultural Extension Education Syllabus for M S in Agricultural Extension Education Course No: AGEXT 501 Course Title: Extension Programme Development Credit hours: 2 1.

Concept and Principles of Extension Programme Planning and Development: Meaning, Nature, Importance and principles of extension programme planning; concept of needs; assumptions and approaches in extension programming; participation in the planning process and different participatory methods including PRA techniques; role of extension personnel and specialists in the planning process.


Model for Extension Programme Planning: Criteria for good programme planning; the model - situation and analysis, organisation for planning, programme planning process, the planned programme, plan of work, execution of plan of work and appraisal of accomplishment; criteria for practice and procedure in programming; building an agricultural production programme.


Programme Execution and Evaluation: Concept of execution, monitoring and evaluation; factors in programme execution and obstacles to programme execution; contribution of evaluation to programme planning; levels and criteria for judging extension programmes; basic steps in evaluating the extension programmes.


Home and Field Assignment: The students will prepare extension programme for different situations family/village/block/upazila. Moreover each student will also prepare an extension evaluation report on a suitable topic.

References Adams, M.E. 1981. Agricultural Extension in Developing Countries. Harlow, Essex: Longman Group. Ali, A.M.M.S. 1986. Politics, Development and Upazila. Dhaka: National Institute of Local Government. Anonymous. 1995. Participatory Rural Appraisal - A Report on Women. Save the Children (USA). Dhaka. Bennett, C.F. 1977. Analysing Impacts of Extension Programs. Washington DC: Extension Service, USDA. Blackburn, D.J. (ed.). 1994. Extension Handbook: Processes and Practices. 2nd ed. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. Boyle, P.G. 1981. Planning Better Programs, New York: McGrow-Hill Book Co. Byrn, D. (ed.) 1977. Evaluation in Extension. Iopeka (Kensas): H.M. Ives and Sons, Inc. Cole, J.M. and M.G. Cole. 1983. Advisory Council: A Theoretical and Practical Guide for Program Planners. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Dahama, O.P. and O.P. Bhatnagar. 1985. Education and Communication for Development. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. DAE. 1995. The Problem Census. Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka. DAE. 1995. Thana and District Agricultural Extension Planning Guidebook. Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka. DAE. 1995. Agricultural Extension Manual. Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka. Hassanullah, M. 1995. Managing Extension Services. Dhaka: University Press Limited. Hyder, E. 1986. Development the Upazila Way. Dhaka: Dhaka Prakashan. Kamath, M.G. (ed.). 1961. Extension Education in Community Development. New Delhi: Directorate of Extension. Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government of India. Kelsey, L.D. and C.C. Hearne. 1963. Co-operative Extension Work. 3rd ed. Ithaca, New York: Comostock Publishing Associates. Planning Commission. 1988. The Fifth Five Year Plan (1997-2002). Ministry of Planning, Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka. Ray, G.L. 1999. Extension Communication and Management. 4th ed. Kolkata: Naya Prokash.


Sandhu, A.S. 1994. Extension Programme Planning. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. Singh, R. 1988. A Textbook of Extension Education. Ludhiana: Shahitya Kala Prakashan. Supe, S.V. 1983. An Introduction to Extension Education. New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Swanson, B.E. (ed.) 1984. Agricultural Extension - A Reference Manual. 2nd ed. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Swanson. B.E., R.P. Bentz and A.J., Sofranko (eds). 1997. Improving Agricultural Extension. A Reference Manual. 3rd ed. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. SDC, 1993. PRA in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Swiss Development Corporation. Van den Ban, A.W. and H.S. Hawkins. 1996. Agricultural Extension. Burnt Mill: Longman Scientific and Technical.


Sylhet Agricultural University Department of Agricultural Extension Education Syllabus for M S in Agricultural Extension Education Course No: AGEXT 502 Course Title: Extension Research Methodology in Social and Education Research Credit hours: 3 1.


Social Research: Science, research, fact, theory and problem; characteristics of research; types of research (qualitative & quantitative); identification of researchable problems, prioritization of researchable problems and fundamental basis of research planning; preparation of a research proposal. Data, Variable, Hypothesis and Research Instruments: Types of data - qualitative, quantitative, discrete and continuous; variable - nature and types of variables; hypothesis - importance, nature and types, formulation and testing; preparation of research instruments; validity, reliability and objectivity in testing research instruments.


Methods of Data Collection: Interview, questionnaire, PRA, RRA, case study and observation.


Measurement: Concept of measurement; levels of measurement, tests and scales; attitude scales - equal appearing interval scale, summated rating scale, cumulative (Guttman) scale; sociometry.


Research Designs: Types of research designs, sampling procedure - population, sample and methods of sampling, collection of data.


Analysis, Presentation and Interpretation of Data: Categorization, coding and tabulation of data; different statistical tests and their uses; forms of presentation of data; interpretation of data - meaning, need, techniques and precautions; preparation of research report - font, quoting references, style of writing, using footnotes, citation of bibliography.

References Best, J.W. 1980. Research in Education. New Jersey: Practice Hall Pub. Blalock, H.H. 1960. Social Statistics. 2nd edn. Tokyo: McGraw-Hill Kogokusha Pub. Borg, W.R. and M.D. Gall. 1979. Educational Research: An Introduction. 3rd edn. New York: Longman. Cohen, L. and M. Holiday. 1982. Statistics for Social Scientists. London: Harper and Row, Pub. Edwards, A.L. 1946. Statistical Analysis for Psychology and Education. New York: Rinchart and Company Pub. Ghosh, B.N. 1992. Scientific Method and Social Research. 3rd ed. New Delhi: Sterling Publisher Private Ltd. Kerlinger, F.N. 1986. Foundations of Behavioural Research: Educational and Psychological Inquiry. 3rd ed. New Delhi: Halt, Rinohart Winston. Ltd. Kothari, C.R. 1990. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Willey Eastern Ltd. Raj, H. 1987. Theory and Practice of Social Research. New Delhi: Surjeet Publications. Van Dalen, D.B. and W.J. Meyer. 1966. Understanding Educational Research: An Introduction. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co. Pvt. Ltd. Young, P.V. and C.F. Schmid. 1992. Scientific Social Surveys and Research. 4th ed. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India.


Sylhet Agricultural University Department of Agricultural Extension Education Syllabus for M S in Agricultural Extension Education Course No: AGEXT 503 Course Title: Communication and Information Technology Credit hours: 2 1.

Society and its Characteristics: The traditional, modern and transitional; the concepts of development and communication; communication functions, purpose and its importance to extension education; communication as systems approach; models of communication - Berlo’s model, mathematical model and social-psychological model; the concepts of development communication.


Source Characteristics: Credibility of source and other factors; message and its characteristics, message organization; pattern of organization; ordering of arguments, message sides and message style; message appeals - fear, emotional, rational and reward; steps to prepare messages with emotional appeal.


Channels: Categorization, mass media vs. interpersonal; cosmopolite vs. localite; communication channels by stages in the innovation-decision process, effects of mass communication on society.


Receivers: Reception behaviour of messages; selective exposure, selective perception and selective retention.


Communication: Problems of communication in extension organization; strategy for effective communication in extension; review of significant researches in communication with their implications.


Methodological Concepts in Communication Research: Developing a research problem; identification of variables and hypotheses construction; measurement of some key communication variables - scale and test construction; preparing a research instrument, data collection, coding and analysis.


Information Technology (IT) and its Use: Telecommunications and its use in technology diffusion; role of fax, e-mail, internet/website in the assimilation and dissemination of technological innovation; Typology of communication technologies: (a) non-interactive/no externalities, (b) interactive/no externalities, and (c) interactive/ externalities; Electronic computer basics: hardware, software; types of computers, microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframe computers and supercomputers; Management information systems (MIS): concept and steps in establishing a management information system (MIS).


Practical Assignment: Students in group will develop a survey plan on a significant communication topic of public interest, conduct field work, analyze the data and present these as a term paper.

References Berlo, D.K..1980. The Process of Communication: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. New York: Halt Rinehard & Winston Pub. Bettinghaus, E.P. 1973. Persuasive Communication. (2nd ed.) New York: Halt, Rinehart and Winston Pub. Crouch, B.R. and S. Chamala. 1981. Extension Education and Rural Development. Vol. II. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Department of Development Communication. 1976. Communication – Theory and Practice. UPLB, Manila. Havelock, R.G. 1975. Planning for Innovation. Institute for Social Research, the University of Michigan, Michigan. Hopkins, K.D. and J.C. Stanley. 1981. Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation (6th ed.) N.J.: Prentice-Hall Inc. Jamas, J.F. 1975. Readings in Development Communication. Dept. of Dev. Com.UPLB, Manila. Kamath, M.C. (ed.). 1961. Extension Education in Community Development. Directorate of Extension Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Kerlinger, F.N. 1973. Foundations of Behavioural Research. New York: Hold, Rinehart and Winston. Inc. Lionberger, H.F. and P.H. Grewin. 1982. Communication Stategies: A Guide of Agricultural Change Agents. Illinois: The Interstate Printers & Pub.


Rogers, E.M. 1995. Diffusion of Innovations (4th Ed.). New York: The Free Press. Rogers, E.M. and L. Svenning. 1969. Modernization among Peasants: The Impact of Communication. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Pub. Rudd, R.W. and B.D. Ruben. (eds) 1972. Approaches to Human Communication. New Jersey: Hayden Book Pub. Samanta, R.K. (ed.) 1990. Development Communication for Agriculture. New Delhi: B.R. Publishing Crop. Tan, A.S. 1981. Mass Communication Theories and Research. Ohio: Crid Publishing Inc.


Sylhet Agricultural University Department of Agricultural Extension Education Syllabus for M S in Agricultural Extension Education Course No: AGEXT 504 Course Title: Socio-Psychological Theories of Extension Education Credit hours: 2 1.

Physical and Social Structure of Rural Society: Social institutions, organization, ecological entities, groups and collectivities.


Social Progress through Extension Education: Different theories of change - evolutionism, neo-evolutionism, anarchism, Marxism, Fabians socialism; moralistic reformism, cyclical theories of change, particularistic theory of change and sociological theories of change - application of the theories in agricultural extension education in the context of Bangladesh.


Theories of Learning and Their Implications in Extension Education: S-R theory, cognitive field theory and application of the theories in agricultural extension education in the context of Bangladesh.


Cultural Anthropology: Culture, characteristics of culture, society and culture, cultural change, the impact of culture in diffusion of innovations.


Term paper: Each student has to submit a term paper to the course-teacher on a selected topic as decided by the courseteacher and student.

References Allen F.R., H. Hart, D.C. Miller, W.F. Ogbur and F.N. Meyer. 1957. Technology and Social Change. New York: Appleton- CenturyCrofts, Inc. Ahmed, A.F.S. 1976. Social Ideas and Social Change in Bengal 1818-1835. 2nd edn. Kolkata: The Technical & General Press. Ahmed, A.F.S. 1987. Bangladesh: Tradition and Transformation. Dhaka: The University Press Limited. Beals R. L and H. Hoijer. 1971. An Introduction to Anthropology. New York: The Macmillan Company. Berlo, D.K.1965. The Process of Communication: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, New York: Hall Rinehart & Winston. Bigge, M.L 1976. Learning Theories for Teacher. New York: Harper and Row, Pub. Chitamber, J.B. 1973. Introduction Rural Sociology. New Delhi: Wiley Eastern private Ltd. Doshi, J.K. 1961. Social Structure and Culture Change in A Bhil Village. New Delhi: Raj Kamal Electric Press. Foster, G. M. 1962. Traditional Cultures and The impact of Technological Change. New York: Harper and Row Pub. Foster, G.M. 1973. Traditional Societies and Technological Change. New York: Harper & Row Publishers Inc. Gisbert. P. 1972. Fundamentals of Sociology. Calcutta: Orient Longmans. Halpern, J.M. 1969. The Changing Village Community. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Krishnaswamy, K.S. A. Mitra, I.G. Patel, K.M. Raj and N.N. Srinivas. 1977. Society and Change. Mumbay: Oxford University Press. Steward, J.H. 1955. Theory of Culture Change. Urbana: University of I11 inois Press.


Sylhet Agricultural University Department of Agricultural Extension Education Syllabus for M S in Agricultural Extension Education Course No: AGEXT 505 Course Title: Group Dynamics and Leadership Credit hours: 2 1.

Group Dynamics: Concept of group, its different types, group dynamics and framework for the study of group action; factors affecting internal and external dynamics of groups; human wishes and reasons for group affiliation; group failure and problem solving steps; under-participation and blocks to participation; adjustment to blocks and group techniques for getting effective participation.


Leadership: Concept of leadership and different types of leaders; ideals, principles functions and skills of democratic leadership/leaders; qualifications of good leaders; role of professional and local leaders; and problems in approaching local leaders in extension work.


Planned Change: Concept of planned change and its phases; change forces, resistance forces and interference.


Home and Field Assignment: Visit to the KSSs, irrigation groups and other groups to observe group interaction, leadership patterns and problem – solving activities in the field. Practice of techniques facilitating participation in groups.

References Beal, G.M., J.M. Bohlen. and J.N. Raudabaugh. 1982. Leadershi...

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