Syllabus AnglèS TÈCNIC-URV 2020-21 fitxer amb ex PDF

Title Syllabus AnglèS TÈCNIC-URV 2020-21 fitxer amb ex
Author Carles Quer
Course Anglès Tècnic
Institution Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Pages 6
File Size 331.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 103
Total Views 140


fichero con ejercicios que se solucionan en clase de la materia Angles Tecnic, de la univeritat rovira i virgili de tarragona para aprovar la asignatura...



2020-- 20 2 1 - CURS 2020





Due to the current situation with COVID-19, in the 20-21 academic year this subject will be taught exclusively online. The usual contents, competencies and learning outcomes will apply and are available in the relevant section of the teaching guide. The teaching methods, course plan and assessment criteria will be as close as possible to those described for the face-to-face mode. Any changes in assessment or schedule will be communicated on Moodle.

OBJECTIVES This course aims to introduce students to the main characteristics of technical English in the different fields of engineering. The objectives of the course are to help students improve their linguistic competence in English and to provide them with the necessary resources for effective communication in an academic setting. Throughout the course, students will practice reading and writing technical texts, as well as listening to and speaking about different aspects of their discipline. They will also practice oral presentation skills in English by presenting a project related to their specific field of engineering. This project, called course project, will be part of a collaborative effort in which students will first have to find information about a topic of their choice and then deliver a group oral presentation at the end of the course. This course also seeks to foster critical thinking by presenting engineering students with ethical issues related to the use of new technologies and how the can affect society. The course will cover the following areas: • Practice on all four skills through a variety of engineering topics. • Practice on the rhetoric of professional and academic documents in

engineering. • Practice on the most common functions, notions and grammar structures found

in engineering texts. • Practice on the oral presentation of topics related to engineering.

Course level: • In order to pass the course successfully, students should have at least B1.2 (Intermediate) of CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for languages). • At the beginning of the course, students will take an “Online Test” to test their English level. SYLLABUS

UNIT 1: HISTORICAL FACTS IN ENGINEERING 1.1 Chronological description: narrative texts 1.2 Review of verb tenses: ways to express time sequence 1.3 Genres: Encyclopaedias


1.4 Texts: History of Engineering, Energy Supply, Electronics in the Home, Electromagnetism,

Developments in Computing, History of Electricity / Podcasts: Studying in the UK, Global Workers.

UNIT 2: A COMPUTERIZED WORLD 2.1 Physical and function description: ways to describe the physical properties, the function and parts of a device, and how something works. 2.2 Review of prepositions and Phrasal Verbs. 2.3 Genres: focus on audience and purpose. 2.4 Texts: The IPad, How Zombie Computers Work, Spam Distribution, Describing a Computer and

How it Works: IDE Cables, The Dangers of Hacking and What a Hacker Can Do to Your Computer / Podcasts: Engineering Projects, Finding Information.

UNIT 3: ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRICAL DEVICES 3.1 Making definitions: relative clauses and relative pronouns. Reduced relative clauses. Defining and Non-defining relative clauses. 3.2 Structure and use of compound nouns. 3.3 Genres in Engineering: Magazine article and Research article. 3.5 Texts: The Transistor, Graphene Electronics, Home Automation, What is a LED Screen?Flexible

Home Care Automation / Podcasts: Effective Websites, The Future of English.

UNIT 4: A GREENER WORLD: RENEWABLE ENERGIES 4.1 Expressions to indicate cause and effect. 4.2 Process description and sequence markers. 4.3 Comparison and contrast. 4.4 Visual information and in-text reference. Conditional sentences to express a hypothesis. 4.5 Genres and text layout: headings in texts 4.6 Texts: Alternative Sources of Energy, Electricity Generation, Sources of Electricity, Nuclear

Power, Nuclear Accidents, How Does a Nuclear Power Plant Work? How a Solar Cell Works/ Podcasts: A Greener World; Climate Change; Hybrid Cars, Fuel from Garbage (video);

UNIT 5: AN INTERCONNECTED CITY: MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES 5.1 Making predictions in English 5.2 E-mail writing and Netiquette in electronic communication. 5.3 Formal and informal language in electronic communication. 5.4 Email writing: Practice on common academic situations 6.5 Podcasts: ESL Business Writing Video - Email Tune-up (video), Lifelong Learning.


UNIT 6: ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION 6.1 Expressions used in classifications. Ways of expressing criteria and giving examples. 6.2 Review of modal verbs expressing obligation, probability and deduction. 6.3 Review of linking words: coordination, subordination, and sentence adverbials. 6.5 Genres: textbooks and newspaper articles. 7.6 Texts: Robotics, Types of Robots, Social Robots, The Three Laws of Robotics, Robots: The

Future is Now, Miniature Robotics / Podcasts: Biologically-inspired robots (video).

UNIT 7: BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 7.1 Focus on all four skills: intensive reading, paragraph writing, expressing your opinion on ethical issues related to the use of technology, and listening for specific information. 7.2 Fostering critical thinking skills using bioethical issues and related topics. 7.3 Texts: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), What is

Bioethics? The Ethical Implications of Disruptive Technologies, Gene Editing: God’s Will or God’s Won’t. 7.4 Online Videos: Introduction to Bioethics, What Happens to Society if We Live Beyond 130

years? 7 Times Science Played God.

UNIT 8: ENGINEERING PROJECTS: ORAL PRESENTATIONS 8.1 Designing technical presentations 8.2 Stages for the design of an oral presentation: planning, delivery, evaluation 8.3 Delivering an oral presentation: parts 8.4 Online Videocasts: Extensive practice on oral presentations through activities and videos.

ASSESSMENT Course evaluation is as follows:

1st CALL: 1) 4 online tests (12.5 % each test) = 50% of the final grade 2) Course project (including both the written document in ppt format and the oral presentation): 10% written document + 20% oral presentation = 30% of the final grade 3) Participation in 2 online forums = 10% of the final grade 4) Attendance and active participation online in synchronous sessions = 10 % of the final grade The final grade will be the result of the different percentages of the activities mentioned


above: 50 + 30 + 10 + 10 = 100 %. Nevertheless, in order to be able to average all the grades earned in the course, students should • • • •

pass at least 3 online tests pass the course project participate in the online forums attend at least 60 % of all the synchronous class sessions

The final mark results from adding the four different percentages: Online tests + Course Project + Online Forums + Active participation online.

2ª CALL: · 1 written test = 100 % of the final mark. If students failed to pass their first call based on continuous assessment, they will have to take just an exam (with practical texts and multiple choice tests about all the contents of the course) for the second call. The result of this exam will determine the final grade of the course. Exam: June 18, 2021 (from 9-11 a.m.)

Requirements for class attendance via Teams: Due to the current pandemic, this course will be taught exclusively online via Teams. In order to have synchronous sessions that resemble traditional face-to-face sessions as much as possible, students should attend sessions in the corresponding Teams videoconference group. Students should have their cameras ON and their mikes OFF. Please, raise your hand if you have to ask a question or make a contribution.

Attendance and participation in class is important. Students should attend at least 60 % of all the synchronous class sessions. Attendance will be checked every session.

Requirements for participation in online forums: Students will have to participate in two online forums on a given topic. Each contribution should have at least 150-200 words and also refer to another student’s posting(s).


Requirements for the completion of the Course Project: Students will have to do research on an engineering topic of their choice and then deliver an oral presentation on it. By the end of April, students will have to create groups of 4-5 students ONLY. They should create a powerpoint on a topic relevant to their engineering studies, and they will have to deliver a group oral presentation at the end of the course. The powerpoint should be submitted on Moodle three weeks before the end of the course. The deadline to submit it will be May 16. Oral Presentations should take place the last two weeks of the course, depending on the number of students per class. Each student should speak for 5 minuts (for example, a group of 4 students should deliver an oral presentation that lasts for 20 minutes). The date to deliver oral presentations will be May 24 – June 2. IMPORTANT: After May 16, no more groups will be accepted for oral presentations. Please, make sure you meet those deadlines.

Requirements for online examinations: Students will be required to identify themselves following the instructions provided in the online test. Failure to identify yourself according to specifications will automatically disqualify your exam and it will be declared INVALID. Students must take online tests on the assigned date, in their assigned group and in the corresponding time slot ONLY. Failure to complete the online test as indicated above will be the student’s responsibility. An online test cannot be taken any other day or in a different group or in a different time slot. Students will have to take online tests with their cameras ON and their mikes OFF.

COURSE MATERIALS - Carmen Rueda. Workbook of Technical English. Course handbook. Departament d’Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys. URV. 2020. (Download it from Moodle, from UNIT 1 to 8, in pdf or Word format) A print-out copy of the Workbook is also available at “Servei de fotocopisteria” (edifici Ventura I Gasol, al costat de la biblioteca I a l’esquerra. Edifici groc).



ACADEMIC PLAGIARISM You must do your own work throughout the course. If it is determined that you have plagiarized a task from the Internet or from another student, you will receive a zero for the assignment. If you do it


again, you will fail the whole course. If the instructor finds that your course project has been plagiarized in part or in its entirety, you will receive a zero for the project and will fail the course. Besides, the Dean of Academic Affairs for our College of Engineering will also be notified. Remember that academic plagiarism is a serious academic offense.

CLASSROOM RULES AND PROCEDURES 1. You are expected to bring your own course material to our class (a print-out copy of the

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Workbook) in order to be able to do the activities and follow explanations. You are not allowed to share Workbooks. It is the student’s responsibility to complete all work on time and to check deadlines. Homework will be assigned every day and is due immediately when class begins. In the event of an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to get and complete all work. Attendance will be checked every session. Students are expected to be in class on time. Students will make every effort to communicate in English during class. Use of cell phonesà During classes, students are not allowed to text or answer a phone call. If you do, attendance will be invalid.

TIMETABLE Below are the different groups, the corresponding time slots and the teacher for every group.

Curs 2020HORARI 2021


Dilluns 12 -14

Dimarts 12-14



Dimecres 12-14

Dijous 12-14



Dijous 8-10

Divendres 8-10

Dimecres 15-17

Divendres 15-17


Dilluns 8-10

Dimarts 8-10


Dimecres 8-10

Divendres 12-14


Grup P1 T1

Grup P4 T2 P5 Grup P6 T3



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