Table of lower limb muscles PDF

Title Table of lower limb muscles
Course Anatomy, Histology and Embryology 1
Institution Debreceni Egyetem
Pages 7
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A GUIDE TO THE MUSCLES OF THE LOWER LIMB Category Muscle Function Origin Insertion Nerve Blood Supply Gluteal Region Gluteus maximus Hip extensor Lateral rotator (H) Suface of ilium, sacrum Inferior gluteal (L5, S1, S2) Inf. Sup. Gluteal Gluteus medius Hip abductor Medial rotator (H) Hip abductor Me...








Blood Supply

Gluteal Region

Gluteus maximus

Hip extensor Lateral rotator (H)

Suface of ilium, sacrum

Inferior gluteal (L5, S1, S2)

Inf. & Sup. Gluteal

Gluteus medius

Hip abductor Medial rotator (H) Hip abductor Medial rotator (H) Hip abductor Medial rotator (H) ,assists glut. max to extend knee

External Surface of ilium External Surface of ilium Anterior superior iliac spine; anterior part of iliac crest

Iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of the femur Greater trochanter

Superior gluteal

Superior gluteal

Greater trochanter

Superior gluteal

Superior gluteal

Iliotibial tract

Superior gluteal

Superior gluteal


Lateral rotator (H)


Greater trochanter

Sacral plexus, nerve to piriformis S1, S2

Inf. & Sup. Gluteal

Obturator internus

Lateral rotator (H)

Inner surface of obturator foramen

Greater trochanter

Inf. Gluteal

Superior gemellus

Lateral rotator (H)

Ischial spine

Greater trochanter

Sacral plexus, Nerve to obturator internus (L5, S1) Sacral plexus, Nerve to obturator internus (L5, S1)

Inferior gemellus

Lateral rotator (H)

Ischial tuberosity

Greater trochanter

Obturator externus

Lateral rotator (H)

Outer surface of obturator foramen

Greater trochanter

Gluteus minimus Tensor Fascia Latae

Pelvic Region

Itay Chen 2009

Nerve to quadratus femoris Obturator posterior

Inf. Gluteal Inf. Gluteal Med. circumflex femoral & Obturator

Hip exceptions

Quadratus femoris

Lateral rotator (H)

ischial tuberosity

intertrochanteric crest of femur

Nerve to quadratus femoris

Inferior glutial artery

Iliacus (part of iliopsoas)

flexing thigh at hip joint

Iliac crest, iliac fossa, ala of sacrum, and anterior sacroiliac ligaments Sides of T12-L5 vertebrae and discs between them. Sides of T12-L1 vertebrae and intervertebral disc superior Pubic ramus

Tendon of psoas major, lesser trochanter.

Femoral nerve

Medial femoral circumflex

Lesser trochanter of femur

Anterior rami of lumbar nerves

Lumbar branch of iliolumbar artery

Pectineal line, iliopectineal eminence. Pectineal line of femur

Anterior rami of lumbar nerves

lumbar artery


Anterior superior iliac spine

Upper medial tibia


Med. Circumflex femoral & Obturator Femoral

Anterior inferior iliac spine and ilium superior to acetabulum Intertrochanteric line and medial lip of linea aspera of femur Greater trochanter and lateral lip of

Patellar ligament


Lateral circumflex femoral

Patellar ligament


Femoral (profunda femoris)

Patellar ligament


Lateral circumflex

Psoas major (part of flexing thigh at hip iliopasoas) joint

Anterior Thigh

Psoas minor

flexing thigh at hip joint


Hip Flexor Hip Adductor Medial roatation


Hip Flexor Hip Abductor Lateral Rotator (H) Knee extensor Extend leg at knee joint, help in hip flexion.

Rectus femoris

Vastus medialis

Extend leg at knee joint

Vastus lateralis

Extend leg at knee joint

Itay Chen 2009

Medial Thigh

Vastus intermedius

Extend leg at knee joint


Knee Flexor Hip Adductor

Adductor magnus

Adductor part: adduction Hamstrings part: extends thigh

Posterior Thigh

linea aspera of femur Anterior and lateral surfaces of shaft of femur

femoral Patellar ligament


Lateral circumflex femoral

Inferior Pubic ramus

Upper medial tibia


Adductor part: inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium Hamstrings part: ischial tuberosity

Adductor part: gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, medial supracondylar line Hamstrings part: adductor tubercle of femur Pectineal line and proximal part of linea aspera of femur Middle third of linea aspera of femur

Adductor part: obturator nerve,

Med circumflex femoral & obturator Med circumflex femoral & obturator

Adductor brevis

Hip Adductor Thigh flexor

Pubic ramus

Adductor Longus

Hip Adductor Thigh flexion

Anterior surface of body of pubis


Hip Extensor Knee Flexor (roatat the leg medialy

Ischial tuberosity

Itay Chen 2009

Medial surface of superior part of tibia

Hamstrings part: tibial part of sciatic nerve.


Med circumflex femoral & obturator


Med circumflex femoral & obturator


Perforating br. Of deep femoral

when the knee is flexed) Semimembranosus Hip Extensor Knee Flexor (roatat the leg medialy when the knee is flexed) Long head of biceps Hip Extensor femoris Knee Flexor Lateral rotator (H) Short head of Knee Flexor biceps femoris Lateral rotator (H)

Posterior Leg


Plantar flexion(A) Knee Flexor


Plantar flexion(A)


Plantar flexion(A)

Flexor digitorum longus

Plantar flexion(A) Flexes toes 2-5, supports longitudinal arches of foot

Flexor hallucis longus

Plantar flexion(A) Flexes toe 1, supports medial

Ischial tuberosity

Posterior part of medial condyle of tibia


Perforating br. Of deep femoral

Ischial tuberosity

Fibular head


Perforating br. Of deep femoral

linea aspera and lateral supracondylar line of femur Medial and lateral epicondyles of femur lateral supracondylar line of distal femur Posterior aspect of head of fibula, medial border of tibial shaft, Posterior surface of tibia

Fibular head

Common Fibular

Perforating br. Of deep femoral

Calcaneus (via calcaneal tendon) Calcaneus (via calcaneal tendon)


Sural br. Of popliteus


Sural br of popliteus

Calcaneus (via calcaneal tendon)


Sural br of popliteus & posterior tibial

bases of 2nd - 5th distal phalanges (go under medial malleulus)


Posterior tibial

Base of distal phalanx of great toe (go under


Posterior tibial

posterior surface of fibula, interosseous Itay Chen 2009

Tibialis posterior

Dorsum of Foot

Lateral Leg

Anterior Leg

longitudinal arches of foot Plantar flexion(A) Inversion


Rotates knee medially and flexes the leg on the thigh

Extensor digitorum brevis

Extensor of toes (by aiding the extensor digitorum longus)

Extensor Hallucis Brevis

Extends great toe

Fibularis longus

Plantarflexion (A) Eversion

Fibularis brevis

Plantarflexion (A) Eversion

Tibialis anterior

Dorsiflexes ankle and inverts foot


medial malleulus)

Posterior surface of tibia and fibula &interosseous membrane

Navicular, cuniform, cuboid, bases of 2-4 metatarsals. (go under medial malleulus) Posterior surface of tibia, superior to soleal line

Lateral surface of lateral condyle of femur and lateral meniscus Calcaeneus, interosseous talocalcaneal ligament In common with extensor digitorum brevis Head and superior two thirds of lateral surface of fibula

Long flexor tendons of four medial toes

Dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx 1 Metatarsal of toe #1 & medial cuneiform (go under lateral malleulus) Inferior two thirds Base Metatarsal of of lateral surface toe #5 (go under of fibula lateral malleulus) Lateral condyle Medial and superior cuneiform/first lateral surface of metatarsal tibia and interosseous membrane

Itay Chen 2009


Posterior tibial, peroneal

Tibial nerve

Medial inferior genicular & Posterior tibial

Deep fibular

Dorsalis pedis

Deep fibular

Dorsalis pedis

Superficial fibular

Fibular artery

Superficial fibular

Fibular artery

Deep fibular

Anterior tibial

Plantar Foot Level 1

Extensor hallucis longus

Extends great toe and dorsiflexes ankle

Extensor digitorum longus

Dorsiflexion (A) Extensor of toes

Fibularis tertius

Distal phalanx of toe #1 (dorsum)

Deep fibular

Anterior tibial

Extensor expansion of lateral 4 toes

Deep fibular

Anterior tibial

Dorsiflexes ankle and aids in eversion of foot

Middle part of anterior surface of fibula and interosseous membrane Lateral condyle of tibia and medial surface of fibula and interosseous membrane distal anterior surface of the fibula

metatarsal of toe #5 Deep fibular

Anterior tibial

Abductor hallucis

Abducts toe #1 Flexes toe #1

Medial tubercle of calcaeneum

Medial plantar (Tibial)

Medial plantar (post. Tibial)

Flexor digitorum brevis Abductor digiti minimi Quadratus plantae

Flexes lateral four digits Abducts and flexes little toe Assists flexor digitorum longus in flexing lateral four digits Flex proximal phalanges, extend middle and distal phalanges of lateral four digits

Medial tubercle of calcaeneum Calcaeneum

Medial side of base of proximal phalanx of 1st digit Middle phalanx of toes #2-5 Lateral base of phalanx #5 Tendons of flexor digitarum longus

Medial plantar (Tibial) Lateral plantar (Tibial) Lateral plantar (Tibial)

Medial plantar (post. Tibial) Lateral plantar (post. Tibial) Lateral plantar (post. Tibial)

Medial one: medial plantar nerve. Lateral three: lateral plantar nerve.

Medial and Lateral plantar arteries

Level 2



Tendons of flexor digitorum longus

Itay Chen 2009

Medial aspect of expansion over lateral four digits

Flexor digitorum longus tendon

Level 3

Flexor hallucis brevis Adductor hallucis

Passes in the sustentaculum tali and crosses with the flexor hallucis longus tendon Flexes big toe

Cuboid and lateral cuneiform Oblique Head: proximal ends of middle 3 metatarsal bones; Transverse Head: MTP ligaments of middle 3 toes Base of metatarsal bone #5

Adducts big toe and assists in transverse arch of foot.

Flexor digiti minimi Flexes pinky toe brevis

Level 4

Flexor hallucis longus tendon Plantar interossei 3

Dorsal interossei 4

Adduct digits (2-4) and flex metatarsophalangeal joints Abduct digits (2-4) and flex metatarsophalangeal joints

Bases and medial sides of metatarsals 3-5 Adjacent sides of metatarsals

Itay Chen 2009

Base of proximal phalanx of toe #1 Lateral side of proximal phalanx of big toe #1

Medial plantar (Tibial) Lateral plantar

Medial plantar (post. Tibial) lateral plantar (post. Tibial)

base of the proximal phalanx of toe #5

Superficial branch of lateral plantar nerve

Lateral plantar (post. Tibial)

Medial sides of bases of phalanges 3-5

Lateral plantar

Lateral plantar (post. Tibial)

Phlanages and dorsal expansion of corresponding toes

Lateral plantar

Lateral plantar (post. Tibial)...

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