TAT2 Task 1: Passed PDF

Title TAT2 Task 1: Passed
Author Kelsey Burnett
Course Technology Production
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 14
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Tat2 Task 1 Assignment, passed on first attempt...




TAT2 Task 1 Kelsey Burnett Student ID: 007081675 Program Mentor: Rachel Swiatowiec Date: August 14, 2021



TAT2 Task 1 Main Idea and Key Details of a Nonfiction Text By Kelsey Burnett Overview of Unit

Instructional Goal Third grade students will be able to determine the main idea and supporting details within informational texts by applying prior knowledge of the given text with support from the teacher. Performance Objectives 1. Given the text “The Everglades” students will be able to take information from the text to create questions and then locate the answers in the text when applicable with 90% accuracy. 2. Given a variety of nonfiction paragraphs, students will be able to determine the topic of a specific paragraph with 90% accuracy. 3. Given a variety of nonfiction words and phrases, students will be able to determine the topic and the main idea with 90% accuracy. Learner Analysis and Learner Environment The instructional setting is a Title 1 public school located in Hueytown, Al. Hueytown is part of the Birmingham metropolitan area with large steel and coal mining industries. This school is an Intermediate School serving grades third-fifth. This is a new building and the first year for students to attend this school in this building. Every classroom at this school was hybrid, with the



teacher simultaneously teaching students in person and online. Each student had their own personal Chromebook computer. This class consisted of 19 students. All 19 students will be considered in this learner's analysis. I teach these students and a second class Reading and Social Studies. This group leaves my classroom halfway through the day and attends Math and Science class in my partner teacher's classroom. My classroom is devoted to Reading and Social Studies instruction, thus containing posters and information pertaining to these subjects that can be found all around the room. Students receive 90 minutes of Reading instruction per day. In order to be proficient at determining the comprehension skill of finding the main idea and supporting details of a nonfiction text, students must first be able to differentiate between a topic sentence and a supporting detail. Students must be able to determine which sentence is a topic sentence and which sentences support that topic sentence with more details. Students need to show an ability to read to learn by applying general phonological skills to understand the meaning behind the printed words.

Since first grade, students have been working with identifying the main topic and retelling details of a nonfiction text. Since second grade, students have been working with demonstrating an understanding of key details and identifying the main topic of a multiparagraph nonfiction text. The idea of determining the main point (main idea) and details that tell more about it (key details) is nothing new to these students. As seen in my needs analysis, students are not proficient in applying this comprehension to informational text. Remediation will be needed to address this problem along with supplying the students with adequate background knowledge on the topic of the text the students will be required to find the main idea and key details of.



My class consisted of ten boys and nine girls ranging from 8-9 years old. This class of 19 students included nine African Americans, four Hispanics, five Caucasians and one student of mixed race. Two of these students had IEPs and three were considered English Language Learners. Two of these students received intervention services from a specialized interventionist for Tier 3 Reading Intervention. In terms of attitude and motivation, the majority of my students work hard and participate in class daily to complete reading assignments. I feel that most of my students trust me and thus when I am able to work with them, they are motivated. Students do tend to have a more discouraged attitude when working with nonfiction text. For my students who require Tier 3 Reading Intervention or have an IEP, this lack of motivation comes from not being able to read on grade level. Several other students who can read fluently on grade level, will become less motivated with informational texts due to not having enough background knowledge on the text topic. The lack of background knowledge can stem from being in a Title 1 school and thus a community with less resources to provide the adequate background knowledge needed to read to learn, comprehend and apply comprehension skills such as main idea and key detail to informational text.

Many students with IEPs or who receive Tier 3 Reading Intervention are very selfconscious and self-aware of the fact that they are below grade level and can present with social anxiety. To accommodate these students, I avoid calling on them in whole group lessons unless they ask to be called on. I reteach these students in small groups to make sure that they understand the lesson and to give them the opportunity to ask questions in a smaller setting. Students with IEPs also receive assignment and testing modifications and accommodations that are unique to that student and their IEP.



ESL students also qualify for assignment and testing modifications and accommodations. ESL students can receive these modifications and accommodations at the discretion of myself and the school’s ESL teacher. Similar to students with IEPs or who receive Tier 3 Reading Intervention, ESL students can present with social anxiety primarily due to the language gap that comes with English being their second language. I provide read aloud options, additional vocabulary support and refrain from calling on them in whole group lessons unless they ask to be called on.

In order to support my unmotivated students, I start by creating a comfortable classroom community where students know they are safe to ask questions without judgement. I consistently remind students that everyone learns in different ways, and everyone has a different level of background knowledge to use when reading nonfiction texts. I reward student participation with verbal praise and work diligently to answer all student questions. I review failed or missing assignments with students in small groups or one-on-one, depending on that student's comfort level when having to address failed work. Review can be used by students to add points to their grades; thus, I have found this to be very helpful for struggling or unmotivated students. Key Components A. The length is three lesson plans. B. These lessons will be taught face-to-face and in a whole group format. C. Instructional Sequence: The allotted time for reading instruction is 90 minutes. Each lesson follows about the same sequence of events: proactivity, old content review, introduction of new content, teacher guided practice, student independent practice and closing of the lesson.


D. The instructional theory used in creating these lessons were based on cognitivism. In the first lesson, cognitivism was used as students will stimulate their prior knowledge from previous grades. Modeling and demonstrations are used by the teacher. The concept is scaffolded to students. In the second lesson, cognitivism is again used as students will continue to stimulate their prior knowledge from previous grades. The continuing the practice of modeling and demonstrations. Organizers will be utilized for students to organize the taught information. The concepts will be chunked. The third lesson continues to utilize cognitivism. Students will once more stimulate their prior knowledge from previous grades. The teacher will model how to determine key details and interactivity are used as students work with a partner to complete key details sorting poster. Scaffolding is used as the teacher guides students from matching key details to their main idea to analyzing a paragraph and determining which details do not add support to the main idea. In creating these lessons, I implemented the learning design theory of Backwards Design. I began by identifying the learning objectives and key standards. I made sure these objectives and standards were properly assessed and created all the assessments. Afterwards, I moved into creating the lessons. E. Instructional strategies in these lessons include direct instruction and scaffolding. The teacher scaffolds the new information by guiding the students throughout the lessons and progresses how the new information is taught. Direct instruction is used as the teacher presents predetermined information to the student in teacher led activities. Lessons are planned out ahead of time with the teacher continually modeling how conscious readers think as they read. F. Materials:




a. Computer b. Pencil c. Nonfiction articles d. Printed materials Description of Lesson Plans A. Lesson 1: This lesson used the cognitivism learning theory. Students stimulate their prior knowledge from pervious grades. The teacher models reading the nonfiction articles and noticing words or phrases repeated throughout the article. The teacher models how to sort the article to its topic. The teacher scaffolds the lesson using I do (the teacher reads and models how to sort the article to the topic), we do (the teacher guides the students to with the cut and pastes activity) and then to you do (the student completes the final assessment on their own). All the instructional strategies support the cognitivism learning theory as these strategies concentrate on ways for students to understand information for recall. B. Lesson 2: This lesson used the cognitivism learning theory. Students stimulate their prior knowledge from pervious grades and previous lessons. The teacher models reading the article and has students utilize a previously taught strategy to search for repeated words to determine the topic of an article. The teacher guides and models until releasing the students into independent work where they sort between main ideas and topics. These strategies and materials help build recall in the students. C. Lesson 3: Cognitivism Learning Theory is practiced in this lesson. Students stimulate their prior knowledge from previous grades and previous lessons. The teacher demonstrates how to determine a main idea’s key details. The students demonstrate their knowledge by organizing main ideas and their corresponding key details on a poster.



Students collaborate with peers demonstrating interactivity. The teacher is assessing students' ability to analyze a paragraph and determine what detail does not belong, which one will not support the main idea. Teacher is only looking for the student’s understanding of key details. These instructional strategies support Cognitivism Learning Theory.

Assessment A. Lesson 1: Students will complete a fill in the blank page where they will be presented

with various 1 paragraph nonfiction articles. The students will fill in the topic for each article on their own and justify their answer with a short response. B. Lesson 2: Students will complete Main Idea and Topic Match Sheet. This sheet has

students color topics one color and main ideas a different color. C. Lesson 3: Teacher will give each student a copy of the ‘key details – what does not

belong’ page. Each page contains three nonfiction paragraphs. Each paragraph has the main idea stated. Students are to read the paragraph and then underline which detail in the paragraph does not belong. Identification and Evaluation of Technology Resources for Integration

Name of Resource

Description/ category

Google Slides


How the resource supports learning A slideshow presentation can be created to

Limitation 1

Limitation 2

Students are not easy for students to go back and

Access to a computer is needed for a



provide visual representations to students. This presentation can also include key points for students to take notes on.

Epic Books


Digital books used from Epic will be used to bring new content into the learning environment.



Google Drive


Students will be able to practice working with main idea and key details in nonfiction articles at their own personalized level. Google Drive is a resource that provides an online data storage space for files that is accessible across many devices. Supports meaningful learning by providing a central location for instructors and

access since they often have difficulty navigating their Google Drive and finding previously worked on assignments.

Google Slides presentation to be shown and for the student to be able to access the presentation. The student must also make their own copy of the Google Slides in order to add to the presentation. It is very Books are difficult to find dependent on the the perfect book internet. If the that describes internet goes and shows out, these digital exactly what will books can no be taught in longer be shown class. to the class. Students must If students have know their not taken the logins to access Renaissance test, Freckle. they will have to take a pre-test before each unit.

Students must remember to access their files in their drive and not start a new file.

Students must have access to Wifi or internet in order to work in their Google Drives. If they do not have access to Wifi or internet, they will only be able to view files and not be able to edit.







learners to access digital materials. This resource provides students with a new way to learn meaningful information by having it presented in a new and engaging way. This resource provides students with an interactive slideshow. Students could complete both teacher and student paced learning.

Ads are often present on YouTube and can be unpredictable in their content.

YouTube videos are dependent on Wifi or internet in order to search, access and play the videos.

There is a limit as to how many students can be logged in and participating.

Some features of nearpod do not work on all devices.

Three Resources A. The three resources that I have chosen are Google Slides, Epic Books and Freckle. These three resources will integrate smoothly into my instructional unit. They will assist me in the teaching and assessment of main idea and key details in a nonfiction text. All three of these resources are engaging and appropriate for third grade. B. The choosing of these specific resources was aided by the evaluation of a total of six resources to determine which three would best improve student learning in my instructional unit. I had to contemplate the usefulness and limitations of each resource and then come to a decision as to which ones would best work for my students. The three



chosen resources stood out as the best choices because they are all appropriate for third grade, engaging and add support for all my specific learners. C. There are drawbacks and limitations that need to be taken into consideration. In order to reduce these for Google Slides, I will make the Google Slides link equipped with a forced copy option thus ensuring that each student makes their own copy of the Google Slides and are not editing the original and effecting others work. Access to a computer and internet are also necessary when working with Google Slides. In order to address this limitation, the slides will be printed ahead of the time and copies can be made for students to write on the slides in case of internet outage. When it comes to Epic Books, the books needed can be downloaded ahead of time. This will keep me from having to rely on the internet. I will also provide a downloadable copy to each of my students. To make sure that each digital book applies to the content and skill that is being learned, I will preview them before presenting them to the students. I will only present digital books to the students that directly apply to the content and skill that is being taught. when using Freckle, I will have students sign in using their first and last names and have the class code posted largely on the board. This will eliminate confusion when signing in. I will present Freckle to my students and teach them on how to navigate the software before having them use it. I will also make sure that all students have taken the Renaissance test prior to the instructional unit. This will keep the students from having to take a pretest. To eliminate a dependence on the internet, I will download the Freckle work and have printed copies. Explain the location of integration for each of the resources into the unit and why there?



A. The productivity resource that I chose is Google Slides. This resource will be located in all three of my lessons. It will be used to guide the lesson(s) and to show practice problems. B. The research-based resource that I chose is Epic Books. This resource will be used in lessons one and two. In lesson one, various nonfiction books will be provided from Epic all relating to the content topic of the Everglades with evident headings and subheadings to aide in determining the main idea and key details. Digital books offer students various advantages than basic paper books or articles. Engagement is increased by these being on computers and/or tablets. Student engagement tends to increase when students can manipulate and click through a resource by using technology. Students can also use text to speech features on Epic and their computers if they need to hear the article and stories read more than once in order to comprehend them. C. The additional resource that I have chosen is Freckle. Freckle will be used as follow up activities at the end of each lesson. Freckle is adaptive and will be great to meet the students on their level giving them individualized practice on main idea, key details and articles on the Everglades that are on each students reading level.



References Renaissance. (2021). Freckle student dashboard. Retrieved August 14, 2021, from https://student.freckle.com/#/login Nearpod. (2021). Make every lesson interactive. Retrieved August 14, 2021, from https://nearpod.com/ Google. (2021). Google slides: Free online presentations for personal use. Retrieved August 14, 2021, from https://docs.google.com/presentation/u/0/



Google. (2021). Cloud storage for work and home. Google Drive. Retrieved August 14, 2021, from https://www.google.com/drive/. YouTube. (2021). Youtube. Retrieved August 14, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/. Inc., E. C. (2021). Instantly access over 40,000 of the best books & videos for kids on Epic. Epic. Retrieved August 14, 2021, from https://www.getepic.com/....

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