TBChap 014 - Lecture notes 14 PDF

Title TBChap 014 - Lecture notes 14
Course Consumer Behavior
Institution Ball State University
Pages 59
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Chapt er14 ConsumerDeci si onPr ocessandPr obl em Recogni t i on

Multiple Choice Questions 1. Cons umer t oconsumersol ut i onst o" pr obl emst heynev erk new t heyhad"haveac cel er at eddue t ot her i seof_____.

A.soci al medi al i kePi nt er est B.cr owds our c i ngl i keKi cks t ar t er C.peeri nnovat i onl i keQui r ky D.al l oft heabove E.noneoft heabove 2. Whati st hefir s ts t ageoft heconsumerdec i si onpr oces s ?

A.i nf or mat i onsear c h B.pr obl em r ecogni t i on C.al t er nat i veev al uat i on D.pur chas e E.pos t pur c hasebehav i or 3. Whi choft hef ol l owi ngst at ement si sFALSEr egar di ngc ons umerdeci si onsandt heconsumer deci s i onpr ocess ?

A.Thedec i s i onpr ocessmodel pr ovi desusef uli ns i ghti nt oal lt ypesofconsumerpur chases . B.Consumerdeci s i onsar ef r equent l yt her esul tofas i ngl epr obl em. C.Consumerdeci s i onsar er at i onalandf unct i onal ;ot her wi set heydonoti nvol vedec i s i onsper se. D.Someconsumerdeci s i onsr es ul tf r om t heconv er genceofs ev er al pr obl ems. E.Oncet hedeci s i onpr ocessbegi ns,i tmayev ol v eandbec omemor ec ompl exwi t hmul t i pl e goal s. 4. Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi s( ar e)at ypeofc ons umerdeci si onmak i ngdi sc ussedi ny ourt ext ?

A.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng B.l i mi t eddec i si onmaki ng C.ext endeddeci s i onmaki ng D.BandC E.A,B,andC

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5. Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi sNOTat y peofcons umerdec i si onmaki ngdi sc ussedi ny ourt ex t ?

A.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng B.ex t endeddeci s i onmaki ng C.compl exdeci s i onmaki ng D.l i mi t eddec i s i onmaki ng E.Al l oft heabov ear et y pesofdeci s i onmaki ng. 6. Thel ev el ofconcer nf or ,ori nt er es ti n,t hepur c hasepr ocesst r i gger edbyt heneedt oc ons i dera par t i cul arpur chasei sknownas_____.

A.per s onali nv ol vement B.pr oducti nv ol v ement C.pur chas ei nvol v ement D.endur i ngi nvol v ement E.act i v at edi nv ol v ement 7. Bl ak edoesn' tmuchcar eaboutcar sbuti sengagi ngi nas ubs t ant i al amountofi nf or mat i onsear c h aboutcar sbecaus ehei saboutt obuyanewc ar .I nt er msofi nv ol v ement ,Bl ak ei s_____.

A.hi ghi npr oducti nv ol v ement ;l owi npur c hasei nv ol v ement B.hi ghi nv al ueexpr ess i vei nv ol v ement ;l ow i npr oducti nvol v ement C.hi ghi npr oducti nv ol v ement ;hi ghi npur c hasei nv ol v ement D.l ow i npr oducti nvol v ement ;l ow i npur chasei nv ol v ement E.l owi npr oducti nv ol v ement ;hi ghi npur c hasei nv ol v ement 8. Ver yhi ghl evel sofpur chasei nv ol v ementt endt opr oduce_____.

A.ex t endeddeci s i onmaki ng B.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng C.affect i vedec i si onmak i ng D.l i mi t eddec i s i onmaki ng E.noneoft heabov e 9. Emmanot i cedt hats hewasal mostoutofgas ,s oshepul l edi nt ot henear estgass t at i onandfi l l ed uphert ank.Emma' sdeci si ononwhi c hgast opur c has ei sc har ac t er i z edby_____.

A.ahi ghl evelofc ogni t i v epr oc essi ng B.al owl ev el ofpur chasei nv ol v ement C.l i mi t eddec i s i onmaki ng D.ext endeddeci s i onmaki ng E.ahi ghl evelofaffect i v epr oc essi ng

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10.Whi c ht y peofc ons umerdeci si onmaki ngonl yi ncl udest hes t agesofpr obl em r ecogni t i on,l i mi t ed i nt er nal i nf or mat i onsear ch,pur c hase,andl i mi t edpost pur c has ebehavi or ?

A.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng B.nor mal dec i si onmak i ng C.l i mi t eddec i s i onmaki ng D.ext endeddeci s i onmaki ng E.si mpl edeci s i onmaki ng 11.Whi c ht y peofc ons umerdeci si onmaki ngdoesNOTi ncl udeal t er nat i v eev al uat i on?

A.r out i nedeci s i onmaki ng B.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng C.ext endeddeci s i onmaki ng D.si mpl edeci s i on mak i ng E.l i mi t eddec i si onmaki ng 12.Whi c ht y peofc ons umerdeci si onmaki ngi nc l udesonl yal i mi t edi nt er nal i nf or mat i ons ear chand noex t er nal sear c hf ori nf or mat i on?

A.r out i nedeci s i onmaki ng B.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng C.ext endeddeci s i onmaki ng D.si mpl edeci s i on mak i ng E.l i mi t eddec i si onmaki ng 13.Whi c ht y peofc ons umerdeci si onmaki ngi nc l udest heev al uat i onofonl yaf ew a t t r i but es ,si mpl e deci s i onr ul es,andf ew al t er nat i v es ?

A.r out i nedeci s i onmaki ng B.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng C.ext endeddeci s i onmaki ng D.si mpl edeci s i on mak i ng E.l i mi t eddec i si onmaki ng

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14.Whi c ht y peofc ons umerdeci si onmaki ngi nv ol v est heev al uat i onofmanyat t r i but esand al t er nat i vesandempl oy scompl exdec i si onr ul es ?

A.r out i nedeci s i onmaki ng B.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng C.ext endeddeci s i onmaki ng D.si mpl edeci s i on mak i ng E.l i mi t eddec i si onmaki ng 15.Whi c ht y peofdeci s i onmaki ngpr ocessi neffecti nv ol v esnodeci s i onpers e ?

A.si mpl edeci s i onmaki ng B.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng C.ext endeddeci s i onmaki ng D.aut omat i cdeci s i onmaki ng E.def aul tdeci s i onmaki ng 16.Nomi naldeci s i onmaki ngi ssomet i mesr ef er r edt oas_____.

A.habi t ualdeci s i onmaki ng B.r out i nedeci s i onmaki ng C.si mpl edeci s i on mak i ng D.aut omat i cdeci s i onmaki ng E.def aul tdeci s i onmaki ng 17.Ac ompl et el ynomi nal dec i s i ondoesnoteveni nc l udec ons i der at i onof_____.

A.i nf or mat i on B.pr obl em r ecogni t i on C.t he" donotpur c hase"al t er nat i ve D.pur chas eev al uat i on E.al l oft heabove 18.Nomi naldeci s i onscanbebr ok eni nt owhi c ht wodi st i nctcat egor i es ?

A.br andl oyal deci si onsandr epeatpur c has edeci s i ons B.pr i mar ydeci s i onsandsecondar y dec i si ons C.hi ghi nv ol v ementdeci si onsandl owi nv ol v ementdeci si ons D.expensi v edeci s i onsandi nex pens i v edec i si ons E.fir stpur chas edeci s i onsandr epeatpur c hasedeci si ons

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19.Whi c ht y peofnomi nal deci s i oni sc har ac t er i z edbyaf ai r l yhi ghdegr eeofpr oducti nv ol v ementbut al ow degr eeofpur c has ei nv ol v ement ?

A.r out i nedeci s i on B.i nexpensi v edeci s i on C.pr i mar y dec i si on D.br andl oy aldeci si on E.l ow v i s i bi l i t ydeci si on 20.Br adwasoutofsof tdr i nk si nhi sdor mr oom,sohewentt ot hest or eandpur chas edCok e.Thi si s t hebr andheal way sbuy s ,andhewoul dnotev enc onsi derpur chasi nganot herbr and.Whi c ht ype ofnomi nal deci si ondoest hi si l l ust r at e ?

A.r out i nedeci s i on B.r epeatpur c hasedeci si on C.pr i mar y dec i si on D.br andl oy aldeci si on E.l ow v i s i bi l i t ydeci si on 21.Whi c ht y peofnomi nal deci s i oni sc har ac t er i z edbyaconsumerbel i ev i ngt hatal l br andswi t hi na gi venpr oductcat egor yar eaboutt hes ameandnotat t achi ngmuc hi mpor t anc et ot hepr oduct cat egor yorpur chas e ?

A.r out i nedeci s i on B.r epeatpur c hasedeci si on C.s econdar y dec i si on D.i ncons equent i aldeci s i on E.i ndi ffer entdec i s i on 22.Ri t ai sdoi ngherf ami l y' sgr oc er ys hoppi ngandpur c hasesi c ec r eam.She' spur c hasedBl ueBel l i cec r eam bef or eandpur chasesi tagai n.She' snotcommi t t edt ot hi sbr and;i t ' sj us tt hats heand herf ami l yl i k ei t .Whi cht ypeofnomi nal deci s i oni st hi s ?

A.i nconsequent i aldec i s i on B.i ndi ffer entdec i s i on C.aut omat i cdeci s i on D.r epeatpur chas edeci s i on E.secondar y dec i si on

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23.Whi c ht y peofdeci s i onmaki ngi nv ol v esi nt er nal andex t er nal s ear c h,f ewal t er nat i ves,si mpl e deci s i onr ul esonaf ewat t r i but es,andl i t t l epost pur chaseev al uat i on?

A.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng B.r out i nedeci s i onmaki ng C.l i mi t eddec i s i onmaki ng D.par t i al deci s i on mak i ng E.ex t endeddeci s i onmaki ng 24.Whi c ht y peofdeci s i onmaki ngcov er st hemi ddl egr oundbet weennomi nal andext endeddec i si on mak i ng?

A.l i mi t eddec i si onmaki ng B.par t i aldec i si on mak i ng C.mi dr angedeci si onmaki ng D.modi fieddeci si onmak i ng E.i nt er naldec i si onmak i ng 25.Whi c ht y peofdeci s i onmaki ngi nv ol v esr ecogni z i ngapr obl em f orwhi c ht her ear esev er al poss i bl es ol ut i ons ?

A.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng B.nor mal dec i si onmak i ng C.al t er nat edeci s i onmaki ng D.modi fieddeci si onmak i ng E.l i mi t eddec i si onmaki ng 26.Mar l ai sbor edwi t hherc el l phone.Shewant st opur c has eanewonet hathascoolr i ngt onesand cant ak eapi c t ur e.She' snotgoi ngt oconductabi gs ear chf oranew phoneasshe' sj ustgoi ngt o consi deraf ewot her s .Whi cht ypeofdeci s i onmaki ngi st hi s ?

A.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng B.l i mi t eddec i si onmaki ng C.ext ensi v edeci s i onmaki ng D.ext endeddeci s i onmaki ng E.t r uncat eddeci si onmaki ng

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27.Whi c ht y peofdeci s i onmaki ngi nv ol v esanext ens i v ei nt er nalandex t er nal i nf or mat i ons ear ch f ol l owedbyacompl exeval uat i onofmul t i pl eal t er nat i v esandsi gni fic antpos t pur c has e ev al uat i on?

A.l i mi t eddec i si onmaki ng B.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng C.ext endeddeci s i onmaki ng D.compl exdeci s i onmaki ng E.compl et edeci si onmak i ng 28.TheSmi t h' sol destdaught er ,Ol i vi a,i sas eni ori nhi ghs chool .Shehasal l " A' s"ands cor eda34 ont heACT.Shei spr es i dentoft hedebat et eam andt henat i onalhonorsoci et yaswel l asa memberoft hec heer l eadi ngsquad.Ol i vi awant st oat t endmedi c als c hool ,sobot hsheandher par ent sar ever yconcer nedaboutwhi c hunder gr aduat eschool sheat t ends .Theyhav espent count l esshour sont heI nt er netex ami ni nguni v er s i t i es,andt heyhaveal r eadyvi s i t edfiv e campus es .ForOl i vi aandherpar ent s ,whi cht ypeofdec i si onmaki ngdoest hi sr epr es ent ?

A.l i mi t eddec i si onmaki ng B.nomi nal dec i si onmaki ng C.ext endeddeci s i onmaki ng D.compl exdeci s i onmaki ng E.compl et edeci si onmak i ng 29._____i st her esul tofadi sc r epanc ybet weenadesi r edst at eandanac t uals t at et hati ssuffici ent t oar ous eandac t i v at et hedeci si onpr oc ess .

A.Al t er nat i v eev al uat i on B.Pr obl em r ecogni t i on C.I nf or mat i onsear c h D.Pur chase E.Post pur c has eev al uat i on 30.Tessnot i cedt hatshewasal mos toutofshampoo.Whi c hs t ageoft hedeci si onpr oc esswi l lt hi s obser v at i onact i v at e ?

A.pr obl em r ecogni t i on B.i nf or mat i ons ear c h C.al t er nat i veev al uat i on D.post pur chas eev al uat i on E.di s sonanc e

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31.A( n)_____i st hewayani ndi vi dual per cei v eshi sorherf eel i ngsandsi t uat i ont obeatt hepr es ent t i me.

A.cur r ents t at e B.ac t ual st at e C.desi r edst at e D.sel f conc ept E.s el f as sess ment 32.Bes si ei satt hegr ocer yst or eandi st r y i ngt or emembersomeoft het hi ngss heneedst obuy .She i si nt hec l eani ngpr oduct sai sl el ook i ngatt hefloorcl eani ngpr oduct s .She' spr et t ys ur es hehas anot herbot t l el ef tathome,soshedoes n' tpur chaseanot her .Bessi e' sper cept i onofherc ur r ent si t uat i onr egar di ngt hi spr oduc tr eflec t sher____.

A.cur r ents t at e B.des i r edst at e C.act uals t at e D.sel f conc ept E.s el f as sess ment 33.A( n)_____i st hewayani ndi vi dualwant st of eel orbeatt hepr esentt i me.

A.cur r ents t at e B.des i r edst at e C.act uals t at e D.i deal st at e E.i dol i z eds t at e 34.Candi c ei sonadi etandwant st ol ose10pounds .Shewant st obet hi nr i ghtnow,whi ch r epr esent sher_____.

A.act ual st at e B.i dealst at e C.heal t hys t at e D.desi r edst at e E.f ut ur es t at e 35.Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngst at ement si sFALSEr egar di ngpr obl em r ec ogni t i on?

A.Pr obl em r ecogni t i oni st hefir sts t agei nt heconsumerdec i si onpr oces s . B.Onl ywhent hedesi r edst at ei sgr eat ert hant heact uals t at ewi l lapr obl em ex i s t . C.Pr obl em r ec ogni t i oni st her es ul tofadi sc r epancybet weenadesi r eds t at eandanact uals t at e t hati ss uffici entt oar ous eandact i v at et hedec i si onpr oces s . D.Wi t houtr ecogni t i onofapr obl em,t her ei snoneedf oradeci si on. E.Al l oft heabov ear et r uer egar di ngpr obl em r ecogni t i on.

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36.Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngdr i v espr obl em r ecogni t i on?

A.t heconsumer ' sper cept i onoft heact ual st at e B.obj ect i v er eal i t yoft heconsumer ' sac t uals t at e C.t heamountofi nf or mat i onav ai l abl e D.t henumberofal t er nat i v esf r om whi c ht oc hoi ce E.ot her s ' per c ept i onofani ndi vi dual ' sact ual s t at e 37.Thel evelofone' sdes i r et or es ol v eapar t i c ul arpr obl em dependsonwhi chf ac t or s ?

A.t heconsumer ' sper cept i onofhi sorheract ual st at eandt hedes i r edst at e B.t hel engt hoft i mer equi r edt omak eadec i si onandt hel ev el ofpur c has ei nv ol v ement C.t hemagni t udeoft hedi scr epanc ybet weent hedesi r edandac t uals t at esandt her el at i v e i mpor t anceoft hepr obl em D.t hedegr eeofbr andl oy al t yandt heamountoft i mer equi r edt omak eadeci si on E.t hedi r ect i onoft hedi sc r epancybet weent hedes i r edandact ual s t at esandt her el at i v e i mpor t anceoft hepur c hase 38.Rel at i v ei mpor t anc eofapr obl em i sdet er mi nedbywhi choft hef ol l owi ng?

A.how c r i t i calt hepr obl em i st ot hemai nt enanceoft heconsumer ' sdesi r edl i f est y l e B.how c r i t i calt hepr obl em i st oot her s C.t hemagni t udeoft hedi scr epanc ybet weent hedesi r edandac t uals t at es D.t hemagni t udeoft hedi scr epanc ybet weent heact uals el f c onc eptandt hei dealsel f c onc ept E.t hel evel ofr i skas soci at edwi t ht hedeci si onpr ocess 39.Whatar et het y pesofconsumerpr obl ems ?

A.l at entandmani f est B.pr i mar yand s econdar y C.l ow i nv ol v ementandhi ghi nv ol v ement D.act i v eandi nac t i v e E.ac t ual andper cei v ed 40.Whi c ht y peofc ons umerpr obl em i sonet hecons umeri sawar eoforwi l lbecomeawar eofi nt he nor malcour seofev ent s ?

A.l at ent B.mani f es t C.act i v e D.i nact i v e E.bl at ant

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41.Manyel der l yconsumer shav epr obl emswi t har t hr i t i s.Thi spai nf ul condi t i onmakesi tal most i mposs i bl ef ort hem t oopenj ar sormedi ci necont ai ner sbec aus et hej oi nt si nt hei rfinger sar es o st i ff.Whi c ht y peofconsumerpr obl em i st hi s ?

A.l at ent B.mani f es t C.act i v e D.i nact i v e E.bl at ant 42.Whi c ht y peofc ons umerpr obl em i soneofwhi cht heconsumeri snotawar e ?

A.l at ent B.mani f es t C.act i v e D.i nact i v e E.bl at ant 43.TheMar t i ns' homehaspot ent i al l yuns af el ev el sofr adon,butt heyhav enoi deabecaus ei ti s odor l essandt heyhavenotbeenf eel i nganyi l l effect sf r om i t .I nf act ,s ev er al homeshav et hi s pr obl em andt heowner sar enotawar eofi t ,andt heymaynev erbec omeawar eofi tunl ess t est i ngi sdone.Whatt ypeofc ons umerpr obl em i st hi s ?

A.l at ent B.mani f es t C.act i v e D.i nact i v e E.danger ous 44.Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngst at ement si sTRUEr egar di ngact i v eandi nac t i v ec ons umerpr obl ems ?

A.Act i v epr obl emsr equi r et hemar k et eronl yt oconv i nceconsumer st hati t sbr andi st hes uper i or s ol ut i on. B.Act i v eandi nact i v epr obl emsdonotr equi r edi ffer entmar k et i ngs t r at egi es. C.Anact i v epr obl em i soneofwhi cht heconsumeri snotawar e. D.Ev ent houghacons umeri sawar eofi t ,ani nact i v epr obl em i sonet hatheorshehasnodesi r e t or ect i f y . E.Act i v epr obl emsar emor es er i oust hani nact i veones .

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45.Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi sanonmar k et i ngf ac t oraffec t i ngpr obl em r ec ogni t i on?

A.soci al st at us B.pr evi ousdec i si ons C.mot i v es D.si t uat i on E.al l oft heabove 46.Whi c hnonmar k et i ngf ac t oraffect saconsumer ' sdesi r edst at e?

A.cul t ur e/ subcul t ur e B.nor mal depl et i on C.pr oduct / br and per f or mance D.av ai l abi l i t yofpr oduct s E.al l oft heabove 47.Al l EXCEPTwhi choft hef ol l owi ngnonmar k et i ngf act or saffec tcons umer s ' desi r eds t at e ?

A.r ef er encegr oup B.househol dc har act er i st i cs C.nor maldepl et i on D.financ i alst at us / ex pec t at i ons E.c ul t ur e 48.Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi sanonmar k et i ngf ac t oraffec t i ngc ons umer s ' act uals t at e?

A.soci al st at us B.househol dc har act er i st i cs C.pr oduct / br and per f or mance D.mot i v es E.c ul t ur e 49.Al l EXCEPTwhi choft hef ol l owi ngnonmar k et i ngf act or saffec tac ons umer ' sac t ual st at e ?

A.pas tdec i si ons B.nor mal depl et i on C.pr oduct / br and per f or mance D.r ef er encegr oup E.av ai l abi l i t yofpr oduc t s

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50.Whathasr esear chr ev eal edr egar di ngc onsumer s ' v ar i et y s eek i ngbehav i or ?

A.Onceaconsumert r i esanot herbr and,t her ei sahi ghpr obabl yt hatheors hewi l l notr et ur nt o t hepr evi ousbr and. B.Cons umer sus ual l ys wi t cht oopt i onswi t hi nt hesamebr and. C.Consumer sar eunwi l l i ngt os wi t c ht oopt i onswi t hi nt hebr and. D.Consumer sar emor el i k el yt obecomebor edonsensor yat t r i but essuchast ast e. E.Cons umer sar emor el i k el yt obecomebor edwi t hnons ensor yat t r i but ess uc hasbr andname. 51.J amesl i k est oeatas t r awber r yPopTar tf orbr eakf as tbef or es c hool .Af t eraboutt woweek sof t hi s ,hes t ar t st ogetbor edwi t ht hatandswi t chest owaffles .J amesi sdi s pl ay i ngwhi c ht ypeof behavi or ?

A.v ar i et y seeki ng B.br ands wi t chi ng C.ent er t ai nmen t D.l i mi t eds ear ch E.ext endedsear ch 52.Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi saconc er nmar k et i ngmanager shaver el at edt opr obl em r ec ogni t i on?

A.di scover i ngconsumerpr obl ems B.dev el opi ngt hemar ket i ngmi xt os ol v ec onsumerpr obl ems C.hel pi ngc ons umer sr ecogni z epr obl ems D.s uppr ess i ngpr obl em r ecogni t i onamongconsumer s E.al l oft heabove 53.Whati st hemos tcommonappr oac ht odi s cov er i ngconsumerpr obl ems ?

A.act i vi t yanal y si s B.i nt ui t i on C.pr oductanal y s i s D.pr obl em anal y si s E.qual i t at i v er esear c h

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