Teaching Speaking Journal PDF

Title Teaching Speaking Journal
Author Irwan Sulistyanto
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THE TE ACHING OF SPE AK ING AT GANE SHA OPE RATION (GO) TUL UNGAGUNG Presented to Prof. Dr. H. Dimjati Ahmadin, M. Pd In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For Advanced L inguistics Subject By Irwan Sulistyanto 21402073134 ISL AMIC UNIVE RSITY OF MAL ANG FACUL TY OF TE ACHE R TRAINING AND E DUC...



Presented to Prof. Dr. H. Dimjati Ahmadin, M. Pd In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For Advanced Linguistics Subject

By Irwan Sulistyanto 21402073134



Presented to Prof. Dr. H. Dimjati Ahmadin, M. Pd In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For Advanced Linguistics Subject

By Irwan Sulistyanto 21402073134


THE TEACHING OF SPEAKING AT GANESHA OPERATION (GO) TULUNGAGUNG Irwan Sulistyanto Student of English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Islamic University of Malang, Postgraduate Program, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The aim of this study is to describe the teaching speaking at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung. That are including of: the teachers‟ preparation; the teachers‟ implementation that are consists of: the material, method, and media; the teachers‟ evaluation; and the students‟ competence in speaking E nglish. The subjects are: the director at Ganesha Operation, the tutors at Ganesha Operation, and the students of the first level of junior high school that consists of 25 students who study at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung. The research were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative. The data were collected using observation, interview and test. The teachers‟ preparation in teaching speaking E nglish at Ganesha Operation is the tutors have mission that the English language which have been taught by the tutors at Ganesha Operation as tool of communication, so the students must be able to communication with English language in surrounding Ganesha Operation. The teachers‟ implementation in teaching speaking E nglish are: the material that use at Ganesha Operation are narrative, recount, descriptive, procedure, analytical exposition, and hortatory analytical; the method is communicative language teaching (CLT). The tutors also have 2 ways in teaching speaking that is monolog and dialog. In monolog the tutors use: retelling story, telling story, describing picture, speak by hand phone, debate, telling picture, being reporter, speech, being guide, giving comment, developing word. And dialogs are: guessing, role playing, and being interpreter; the media that the tutor used in teaching speaking English at Ganesha Operation is a picture. The teachers‟ evaluation in teaching speaking English are including of: pronunciation, word choice, accuracy, skillful to apply, fluency, eloquence, expression, gesture, content, and speed. T he students‟ competence in speaking E nglish is in good category, the students‟ mean is 75, 4. That is 8 students or 32% of the students have very good category in speaking English and 17 students or 68% of students have good category.

Keywords: speaking, teaching speaking English, and speaking ability. Introduction: The influence of English language is very big. Most of the big countries around the world use English as their both native and second language. In Indonesia, English as foreign language. Nevertheless, Indonesian does want to give in. As a developing country, Indonesia has to be always motivated to be developed like other developed countries. English is now becoming common language. The students not only can study English at school, but also they can learn English in non-formal education. In here the purpose of non-formal education is to complete, to change, and to add the students‟ knowledge that they even or never get from formal education.


Moreover, some people who want to get a job and best education in the future actually take non-formal education to increase their English ability. Non-formal education is very important and has rule to increase quality of education. There are many non-formal educations in our surrounding and one of them that can help the students‟ E nglish ability is E nglish courses. There are many English courses have been built in Tulungagung. They are: Ganesha Operation (GO), Piramida, and Sahabat English. Ganesha Operation (GO) is one of them. Its location is on Jl. P. Sudirman No. 73, Kel. Kepatihan, Tulungagung. This course has been founded by Dr. Ir. Bob Foster, MM since April 23, 2001 and it is one of the oldest courses in Tulungagung. Because of the efforts of Dr. Ir. Bob Foster, MM, this course becomes the most popular course today in Tulungagung. Thousands of students graduate from this course and most of them have been successful in their future. Ganesha Operation opens from the first level elementary student until the third senior high school. The aim of this course is to help the students‟ easy in study English, not only passive but also in active condition. Sometimes some of the students who had been graduated from the course can join to teach English in that course. Ganesha Operation (GO) has many students and most of the students at Ganesha Operation join in English competition, especially at speaking competition, there are come from elementary and senior high school level. From elementary level such as: join in English Olympiad, speech contest, and English debate at Tulungagung in academic years 2011/2012, from senior high school level such as: join in English debate and Olympiad at Tulungagung in academic years 2011/2012, English debate and English speech at Tulungagung in academic years 2012/2013. There are many students‟ who join at Ganesha Operation are accepted at favorite school in Tulungagung area that are: SMAN 1 Kedungwaru, SMAN 1 Boyolangu, SMAN 1 Kauman, and SMAN 1 Gondang. The achievements of Ganesha Operation got until now are: Ganesha Operation (GO) is chosen to give course to all of SMPN 1 Tulungagung‟s staff and, give the learning in TOEFL test to all of SMP 1 Tulungagung‟ s teacher, cooperated with elementary and SMP to give special training in surrounding Tulungagung. The teaching process that happens at GO is the students not only study about vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, and writing, but they also they learn speaking. The students who study at GO should be able to speak English well. It is because this course has mission to make the students brave to speak in front of the public. They can discuss and share with their friends at GO area with English language. According to Ermasari, the researcher before (2013), she said that every teacher or school has their own strategy in teaching speaking English. Some of them are successful in their strategy but some of them can not gain their target. Moreover they have made the students are bored, lazy or afraid of learning English especially in speaking. This situation can be caused by the teaching strategy that is not suitable with the condition of the student. The teaching strategy in here is mean the way of the teachers in teaching speaking. The teaching strategies in speaking English is very important to the teachers, because with the suitable strategies so the teachers can teach speaking maximal to get their goal.


The suitable strategies also can make students easy in learning speaking maximally. Ganesha Operation (GO) is one of courses which evaluable in Tulungagung. This course has been successful in producing the students in speaking ability, this course also the most popular course in Tulungagung that absolutely has many rewards in teaching speaking English. Literature Review

Education is the important factor from human live. With education human became cultured and able to develop the culture to get better live. Education is has value not only to be formed the individual but also to be formed the culture of society go in the direction of the quality of better live. Nanang Fattah (2004:7) states that education is one of the efforts of increasing quality of human live. With increasingly quality of the human, the human can be qualified their selves regularly to protect and increasing their quality to the best for a variety of society living area. Speaking ability is a matter which needs much effort. No matter how great an idea is, if it is not communicated properly, it cannot be effective. Through speaking, students learn concepts, develop vocabulary, and perceive the structure of the English language essential components of learning. To speak English well and casual, the students obviously have to try to speak it in the way the native speakers do. In order to be able to speak English better, it is important to learn all of skills in English and matter English phonetic as well, because it is very helpful to learn the language quickly and successfully. Hornby (1995), states that teaching speaking is giving instruction to a person in order to communication. For this reason, in teaching speaking skill it is necessary to have clear understanding involved in speech. From the aim of language is a communication. So, communicative teaching is not only the ability to compose correct sentences but also the ability to communicate. The teachers should do more than make a group in teaching speaking, but they can use a variety of different acts. This statement is like as the theory from Widdowson (1983:118) states that communication only take place when we make use of sentences to perform a variety of different acts of essentially social nature and we use sentences to make statement of different kind, to describe, to record, to classify, and so on, or to ask questions, make requests, and give order. From the statement above, in teaching speaking English the teachers should have another ways to make easy in transform language to their students. Methodology

The design that is used in this study is a descriptive qualitative. Descriptive qualitative is designed to obtain information relating to the current status of phenomenon and presented toward determining the nature of situation that happen at a time of the research activities, not giving them any treatment then describing the phenomenon as it exist naturally. In this research, the researchers describe the teaching speaking process that happen at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung.


One of the characteristic that is the data of phenomena interpreted naturally and not to give any treatment to them. The researcher here describe about the teachers‟ preparation, the teachers‟ implementation, and the teachers‟ evaluation in teaching speaking English at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung. The research data were collected using observation, interview and test. Observation for collecting data on the teachers‟ implementation that consists of: the material, method, and media that the teachers used in teaching speaking E nglish, interview for collecting data on the teachers‟ preparation and the teachers‟ evaluation in teaching speaking E nglish, and test for collecting data on the students‟ competence in speaking E nglish. Finding and Discussion

The finding and discussion in this study are presented in accordance with the research questions, there are: the teachers‟ preparation in teaching speaking English at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung; the teachers‟ implementation that consists of: the material, the method, the media that the teachers used in teaching speaking English at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung; the teachers‟ evaluation in teaching speaking English at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung; and the students„ competence in speaking English at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung. The following section presents the details of finding in this research. Finding

By using interview on January 05, 2015, the teachers‟ preparation in teaching speaking English at GO Tulungagung is the tutors have mission that the English language which have been taught by the tutors as a tool of communication, the students must be able to communication in the surrounding GO by using English language. By using observation for two months ago from December 21th until February 10th, the teachers‟ implementation in teaching speaking E nglish at Ganesha Ooperation are: the material that the tutors use in teaching speaking English at GO are narrative, recount, descriptive, procedure, analytical exposition, and hortatory analytical. The tutors use some books in teaching the material above, such as: English 900, new concept, essential reading, Hello magazine, routine daily activities and English short story with the tittle “how a university graduate struggles to get a job in Jakarta. In teaching speaking English at Ganesha Operation, the tutors use 2 ways that is in monolog and dialog performance. In monolog, the tutors used are: retelling story, telling story, describing picture, speak by telephone, debate, telling picture, being reporter, speech, being guide, giving comment, developing word. In teaching speaking by dialog, there are such as: guessing, role play, and being interpreter. Beside of two ways above, the tutors at Ganesha Operation also has aim to make communicative competence is a goal of language teaching. That is shame with the criteria of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). The media that the tutors use at Ganesha Operation is picture. The picture that the tutors use in teaching speaking English at Ganesha Operation both monolog and dialog are varieties. In monolog the picture use in describing picture, telling picture, and giving comment and in dialog this is use in guessing.


In describing picture, the tutors use picture such as: animal, fruit, profession and tourist place in Indonesia. In telling picture, the pictur e that the tutors‟ uses are: natural phenomena in the surrounding such as: earthquake, flood, volcano, etc. In giving comment, the pictures that the tutors use are: about fighting, smoking, drive with excessive speed, etc. In guessing, the pictures that the tutors use are: animal, fruit, food, and school equipment. The teachers‟ evaluation in teaching speaking English at GO is the tutors automatically evaluate the students‟ ability in speaking E nglish. Although the tutors orally give the students‟ evaluation in speaking, the tutors actually have some criteria in evaluate speaking ability. There are includes: pronunciation, word choice, accuracy, skillful to apply, fluency, eloquence, expression, gesture, content, and speech. Based on the test that held on Monday, January 10th - 13th, 2015, the students‟ competence in speaking English is in the good category. That is 32% from 25 students in the level very good and 68% in the level good. Discussions Concerning about the teachers‟ preparation in teaching speaking E nglish like as another English courses in our surrounding, Ganesha Operation have mission in teaching English that is the English language that have been taught by the tutors at Ganesha Operation as tool of communication, so the students must be able to used English language in their communication. The teachers‟ implementation in teaching speaking English are: the material that the tutors use at Ganesha Operation in teaching speaking English is related with the junior high school students‟ level. According to syllabus in the curriculum KTSP 2006, the students‟ must be able to communicate with short functional text monolog such as: procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, and report. Based on the discussion, the material that the tutors use at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung to teach speaking English is good because it is related with the students‟ need in their level. The method that the tutors use at Ganesha Operation is communicative language teaching (CLT). Ganesha Operation has aim to make communicative competence is a goal of language teaching. All of the students who are studying at Ganesha Operation should be able to speak English. This is related with the theory from Richards and Rodgers (1986: 67), there are some criterion of CLT that is communicative competence is the desired goal. Ganesha Operation also has some activities to promote speaking English, such as: retelling story, telling story, describing picture, speak by hand phone, debate, telling picture, being reporter, speech, being guide, giving comment, developing word, guessing, role play, and being reporter. This is related with Hayrite Kayi (Pages 1-2) that there are some activities to promote speaking, which are: discussion, role play, simulations, information gap, brain storming, storytelling, interviews, story completion, reporting, playing card, picture narrating, and describing picture. Based on the discussion, the method that the tutors use at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung is good, because study about language, the students not only study it in the theory, but they must be able to speak and use English language in communication. The media that the tutors use in teaching speaking English at Ganesha Operation is picture. It is related with the theory of Jan Comenius (1631) we can teach language through pictures to increase


the students‟ ability in speaking skill. Here the tutors use the picture of natural panorama, about the some accidents in the society. Based on the media that the tutors use at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung is enough, because they use picture to promote the students‟ ability in speaking E nglish, but they must try another media such as: card, song, movie and the others media to make the different situation in teaching speaking English. The teachers‟ evaluation in teaching speaking E nglish at GO is the tutors automatically can evaluate the students‟ ability in speaking E nglish. In every meeting that is every Monday until Friday, the tutors immediately ask the students to practice in front of them to telling story or make communication in pair with their partner. Although the tutors directly give the students‟ evaluation in speaking, the tutors actually have some criteria in evaluate speaking ability and this is including from ten components, there are: pronunciation, word choice, accuracy, skillful to apply, fluency, eloquence, expression, gesture, content, and speech. Based on the criteria above, it is same with the criteria of the rule of KTSP 2006, there are about fluency, accuracy, performance, and content. Fluency is the ability to keep the conversation going; accuracy is appropriate in using grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation; performance is conclude of expression and gesture; and the last is content that is related with the structure. So from the components above actually both of them is same. But there are gathering with different component. Based on the discussion, the teachers‟ evaluation in teaching speaking E nglish is good. It is because the tutors always give the students‟ evaluation in speaking English in every meeting, so the tutors can see the progress from their students‟ ability in speaking E nglish every day. But one thing that the tutors at Ganesha Operation must do in the teaching evaluation here, they should have the form from the students‟ evaluation in speaking E nglish and give it to the students‟ parents every month or every semester to make the parents know the students‟ ability after they study speaking E nglish at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung. by using the form evaluation in teaching speaking English above, this is can make the students more motivated in learning speaking English. And the teacher also can correct their way in teaching speaking English. Based on the research finding that the researcher got from the test of 25 students in the junior high school level, 8 students or 32% of the students have very good category in speaking English and 17 students or 68% of students have good category. From this finding, it can be said that the students‟ competence in speaking English at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung is good and it is related that the students at Ganesha Operation (GO) Tulungagung have many achievements, such as: in the elementary level they are: one of student of Ganesha Operation is chosen to became students‟ icon from Tulungagung in academic years 2011/2012 and the third winner English Olympiad as sub d...

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