Team building amp leadership mcqs 30 PDF

Title Team building amp leadership mcqs 30
Author Jonathan Jonathan
Course Leadership and team building
Institution University of Cape Coast
Pages 5
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Lectures lesson notes. Multiple questions to answer. Trail questions before examination is due. Try your hands on them and you'll pass ....


AR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS PGDM E H3-TEAM BUILDING & LEADERSHIP 1. Being a manager, with no environmental uncertainty or threat of competitors’ new products, would be relatively simple without . a) Government regulations b) Diversity c) Cultural differences d) Organizational change 2. Managing change is an integral part of a) Top management’s job b) Middle-level management’s job c) The first-line manager’s job d) Every manager’s job


3. Kets de Vries (1996) identified that most successful leaders perform two roles. What are these roles? a) Charismatic and architectural b) Tough and supportive c) Directive and mentoring d) Intellectual and coaching 4. The Action Centred Leadership model was put forward and developed in 1973 by whom? a) Beer b) Taylor c) Adair d) Fiedler 5. What is the Human Capital Perspective argument for diversity management in leadership and management? a) Using human resource planning to identify leaders and managers b) Assessing all employees in terms of the money they make c) Taking advantage of the talents available in the whole of the workforce d) Telling employees that their knowledge and skills will be assessed and used by managers 6. Research in the styles of leadership preferred by different generations was completed by Arsenault (2004). What was the style of leadership that Generation X was found to prefer? a) Directive b) Authoritarian c) Participative d) Egalitarian

7. Planning to learn from experience is in keeping with which of Mumford's four approaches to learning? a) Prospective approach b) Intuitive approach c) Incidental approach d) Retrospective approach 8. Which of Carnall's (2003) four core managerial components essential for the effective management of change involves team building? a) Decision making b) Coalition building c) Achieving action d) Maintaining momentum 9. Membership of a group provides the individual with a sense of a) Belonging b) Inferiority c) Individuality d) Superiority


10. Cohesive groups: a) Will never produce a higher level of output. b) Are unlikely to be successful. c) Will always produce a higher level of output. d) Will conform to an acceptable level of output as decided by the group. 11. The team-role which is most likely closely associated with enthusiasm, developing contacts and exploring opportunities is: a) Monitor-evaluator. b) Team worker. c) Completer-finisher. d) Resource investigator. 12. Research by Benne and Sheats concludes that within the group, specific tasks involve the selection, definition and solving of common problems. These tasks may be performed by various members or the group leader, they are: a) Group building roles b) Group maintenance roles c) Individual roles d) Group task roles 13. The roles of 'encourager', 'compromiser', 'standard setter' and 'harmoniser' adopted by group members are classified as: a) Individual roles b) Group building/maintenance roles

c) Group task roles d) All of the above 14. Which one is NOT a characteristic of normative influence? a) It leads people to conform to positive expectations of others. b) It motivates people to gain social approval. c) It shows people how to avoid social disapproval. d) It is relevant in ambiguous situations. 15. The so-called dual-process dependency model of social influence claimed that: a) People depend on others to provide either information about reality or else social approval. b) People depend on their own individual standards as well as those of the group. c) There are two opposing forces that cause dependency. d) People are easily influenced by others because of their early fixation at either the anal or the oral stage of development. 16. A mandatory prerequisite for team building is: a) Funding for staff development activities b) Shared work ethics among team members c) Commitment from top level management d) Removal of troublesome individuals 17. A key barrier to team development is: a) A strong matrix management structure. b) When major problems delay the project completion date or budget targets. c) When team members are accountable to both functional and project managers. d) When formal training plans cannot be implemented. 18. Legitimate power is: a) Power derived from a person's formal position in the organization. b) Power bestowed due to a person's personal qualities and abilities. c) Power earned based on a person's technical knowledge, skill, or expertise in a particular area. d) Power to distribute information as one sees fit. 19. What impact does a matrix organization have on project team development? a) No impact at all b) It complicates team development. c) It simplifies team development. d) It hinders team development completely. 20. A technique for resolving conflict in which the parties agree to have a neutral third party hear the dispute and make a decision is called: a) Negotiation b) Arbitration c) Smoothing

d) Forcing 21. Forcing, as a means to manage conflict: a) Exerts one's view at the potential expense of another party. b) Emphasizes areas of agreement while avoiding points of disagreement. c) Establishes a lose-lose situation. d) a and c 22. The belief that management's high levels of trust, confidence and commitment to workers leads to high levels of motivation and productivity on the part of workers is a part of which motivation theory? a) Theory Y b) Theory Z c) Theory X d) Contingency theory 23. Which of the following statements concerning compromise as a conflict resolution is false? a) Neither party wins but both parties get some degree of satisfaction. b) Important aspects of the project may be hindered in order to achieve personal objectives. c) Compromise is generally considered a lose-lose situation. d) A Definitive resolution is seldom achieved. 24. In which type of organization is team building likely to be most difficult? a) Functional b) Projectized c) Matrix d) Project coordinator 25. If more than several departments must be involved in a decision, use of a task force: a) should be considered b) will undermine the authority and power of the project manager c) can work as long as those on the task force are experts on the issue d) all of the above 26. To improve workplace diversity, managers should a) widen their recruiting net b) downsize c) hire more employee referrals d) recruit more minority candidates


27. Because leading is one of the four basic managerial functions, a) all managers are b) all managers should be c) some managers are d) some managers should be


28. Early Leadership trait research looked to find characteristics that might a) distinguish ordinary leaders from great leaders b) define charisma c) identify the physical traits of leaders d) differentiate leaders from non leaders 29. Leaders are . a) Individual people, while leadership is a process. b) the first step in the leadership process c) individual people who study the leadership process d) the final step in the leadership process 30. If a trait theory of leadership were true, then all leaders would possess a) Charisma b) The same traits c) Different traits d) Seven traits


Answer 1.d, 2.d, 3.a, 4.c, 5.c, 6.d, 7.a, 8.d, 9.a, 10.d, 11.d, 12.d, 13.b, 14.d, 15.a, 16.c, 17.c, 18.a, 19.b, 20.b, 21.a, 22.b, 23.d, 24.c, 25.a, 26.a, 27.b, 28.d, 29.a, 30.b...

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