Technology as a Way of Revealing PDF

Title Technology as a Way of Revealing
Course Science, Technology And Society
Institution Technological Institute of the Philippines
Pages 5
File Size 277.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Technol ogy as a Way of Reveal ingThe Essence of Technol ogyThe Greek concept of the essence of technology was investigated by Martin Heidegger. The meaning of technology for the Greeks was assumed to be part of our everyday life. To clarify further, the term technology was defined into two categori...


Tec hnol ogyasaWayofRev eal i ng TheEss enceofTec hnol ogy TheGr eekc onc eptoft hees s enc eoft ec hnol ogywasi nv es t i gat edbyMar t i n Hei degger .Themeani ngoft ec hnol ogyf ort heGr eek swasass umedt obepar tofour ev er ydayl i f e.T oc l ar i f yf ur t her ,t het er mt ec hnol ogywasdefi nedi nt ot woc at egor i es . 1. 2.

Tec hnol ogyi sameanst oanend. Tec hnol ogyi sahumanact i v i t y .

Thefi r s tdefi ni t i ont r eat edt ec hnol ogyasani ns t r umentt oac hi ev eapur poseor end.Forex ampl e,s t udentAboughtal apt opands mar t phonet obeus edf oronl i ne l ear ni ngsi nces t udent swer enotal l owedt oat t endaf ac et of acel ear ni ng.Thel apt ops andsmar t phonesar ei ns t r ument sf ort hest udentt oac hi ev ehi s / herpur posewhi chi st o par t i ci pat ei nonl i nel ear ni ng. Thes econddefi ni t i onpoi nt edoutt hatt ec hnol ogyi spar tofourdai l yact i v i t i es oft hehumanper s onwhi c hi st oi nv entt ec hnol ogysuc hasgadget sf oronl i nel ear ni ng, pr ot ec t i v eequi pmentt ofi ghtCOVI D19,agr i c ul t ur almac hi nest opr oduc ef oodsandet c . Thet wodefini t i onsoft ec hnol ogyar ei nt er c onnec t edwi t heac hot heri ns ucha wayt hatt heout comesofhumanact i v i t i esar emeantt os er v ei t spur pos e.Howev er ,t hi s defi ni t i onoft echnol ogybec amepr obl emat i cwhent ec hnol ogydoesnotser v ei t s pur pos e( es s ence) .Forex ampl e,i magi net hatCOVI D19wi l ldi enat ur al l y .Youmi ght t hi nkt hatt hosePPEsandgadget sf orl ear ni ngar emeani ngl es sbecaus et hepur pos ei s notbei ngs er v ed.Ther ev i v aloff acet of ac el ear ni ngwi l lmak eagadgetf oronl i ne l ear ni ngl esss i gni fi canti nt het r adi t i onal cl ass r oom.

ThePr obl emsonModer nTec hnol ogy TheGr eekdefini t i onoft ec hnol ogyashumanac t i v i t yanddes i gnedf oras pec i fi c pur pos ewasr es t r uct ur edi nmoder nt i mes .T ec hnol ogyi nt hemoder ner awasr educed i nt oc al c ul at i v et hi nki ngt hatcont r ol snat ur e.Fori nst ance,t hei nv ent i onoft het el esc ope, t hes t eam mac hi ne,andot herdev i c eswasusedt omast ernat ur e.I nt hemas t er yof nat ur e,weus edt ec hnol ogyt omani pul at et hi ngsar oundus .Tos eeac l earpi ct ur e, Hei deggerpr ov i dedt hr eer ev el at i onsonmoder nt ec hnol ogyasc hal l engi ngf or t h, enf r ami nganddanger ous ;

Moder nTechnol ogyasChal l engi ngFor t h Hei deggerc l ai medt hatanci entandmoder nt echnol ogyar er ev eal i ng.Howev er , moder nt ec hnol ogyi sr ev eal i ngnoti nt hesens eofbr i ngi ngf or t hbutr at herchal l engi ng nat ur e.Moder nt ec hnol ogyc hal l engi ngnat ur et hr oughex t r ac t i ng,t r ans f or mi ng,s t or i ng, anddi st r i but i ngi t .Chal l engi ngf or t hr educednat ur eass t andi ng' r es er v e' ors omet hi ng t obedi s pos edofbyt hepeopl e.Forex ampl es ,peopl eex pl oi t edt henat ur alr es our c es wi t houtmi ndi ngt henegat i v eeffect st ot heecol ogy ,moder ni z at i onofex t r act i nggol d, c oal ,andpet r ol eum f r om t hegr oundc ompr omi s edt hebodi esofwat er s ,usi ngof s y nt het i cdy esandar t i fi c i alfl av or i ngj eopar di z ehumanheal t h,andt heus eofc hemi cal s i nt heagr i cul t ur eposest hr eatt of oods af et yandheal t hs ecur i t y .

Effect sofModer nTec hnol ogy

Modern Technology as Enframing Ac cor di ngt oMar t i nHei degger ,moder nt echnol ogyi senf r ami ng.Thet er m ' enf r ami ng' der i v esf r om t hewor d' f r ame' whi c hmeansput t i ngsomet hi ngi nt oabox . Thi smet aphor i calt er m ofHei deggerc onnot est hatmoder nt echnol ogyputnat ur ei nt oa boxt hr oughsc i ent i fi ck nowl edge.Enf r ami ng,ac cor di ngt oHei degger ,i sak i nt ot wo way sofl ooki ngatt hewor l d;cal c ul at i v et hi nk i ngandmedi t at i v et hi nk i ng.Humansputan or dert onat ur eandc ont r oli tt hr oughc al c ul at i v et hi nk i ng.

TheDanger sofTechnol ogy Hei deggeratt hi spoi nti sc r i t i c alt ot hedanger sofmoder nt ec hnol ogybypoi nt i ng outi t sdef ect sasenf r ami ngnat ur e,c hal l engi ngf or t h,t r eatnat ur easas t andi ngr es er v e. I nt hi sc ase,moder nt ec hnol ogydev i at edf r om t hees sent i alnot i onoft ec hnol ogyand r ev eal i ngorpoi es i s .Hei deggers eest hi sasadangert ohumani t y . Recogni z i ngi t sdanger soft ec hnol ogyr equi r esc r i t i c alandr eflec t i v et hi nki ngoni t s us e.Forex ampl e,s oc i almedi ahasi ndeedc onnec t edpeopl ei nt hemos teffic i entand c onv eni entwaybuti ti spr onet oabuses uchast hei nv asi onofpr i v acy ,onl i nedi s i nhi bi t i on,andpr ol i f er at i onoff ak enews . Ther ealt hr eatoft ec hnol ogyc omesf r om i t sess ence,noti t sact i v i t i esorpr oduct s . Thec or r ectr es pons et ot hedangeroft echnol ogyi snots i mpl ydi s mi s si ngt echnol ogy al t oget her .Hei deggerex pl ai nedt hatpeopl ear edel i v er edov ert ot ec hnol ogyi nt he wor stposs i bl ewaywhent heyr egar di tass omet hi ngneut r al( Hei degger ,1997) .

Ar tasaSavi ngPowerandQuest i oni ng Thought Ar tandQuest i oni ngThought Commonex per i enc et el l sust hati nt i mesofc r i s i sorpandemi c ,humanc r eat i v i t yi s r ev eal i ng.Weal way shearorwat c hi nt het el ev i si onaboutt henewher oesl i k et he medi calpr act i t i oner si nt hef r ontl i newhot ookt her i ski ns av i ngt hel i v esoft hos e i nf ect edpat i ent sandpr ev ent i ngt hes pr eadofCOVI D19,I nt er aAgenc yTaskFor c e ( I ATF)wast as k edt oc r eat eas oc i als y s t em andenf or c ei tl i k e" bawall umabas " ,s t ay homeandwai tf or( ay uda)dol eout .Thec hur c hes ,or gani z at i ons ,andi ndi vi dual swer e al s oc r eat i v ei nfi ght i ngCOVI D19t hr ought hei rownmeans .I ti si ndeedt r uet hatc r i si s c ompel sust obec omec r eat i v eorar t i s t i ci nor dert os ur vi v e.Thi si st her eas onwhy Hei deggerwhoex per i encedt hehor r orofwor l dwart woi st el l i ngushowar tc ans av eus f r om ami s conc ept i onoft ec hnol ogyandhowt or enewourr el at i onwi t hi t . Whati sar t ?

Ar ti sat ec hnet hats hows ,unc onceal s ,orr ev eal st het r ut h.Ar twasc ons i der ed asas av i ngpowerandanal t er nat i v eex i tf r om t echnol ogi calenf r ami ng.Ar tast ec hnei s anactoft hemi ndt hathel psust ot hi nkbasedonmedi t at i v et hi nk i ng.Thr oughar t ,we c anes t abl i s hnewr el at i ons hi pswi t ht echnol ogyandnat ur e.AsHei deggerput si t ; " becaus et hees s enceoft ec hnol ogyi snot hi ngt ec hnol ogi cal ,ess ent i alr eflec t i onupon t ec hnol ogyanddec i si v ec onf r ont at i onwi t hi tmus thappeni nar eal mt hati s ,ont he hand,ak i nt ot hees senc eoft ec hnol ogyand,ont heot her ,f undament al l ydi ffer entf r om i t .Suchar eal mi sar t .Butc er t ai nl yonl yi fr eflect i ononar t ,f ori t spar t ,doesnots huti t s ey est ot hec ons t el l at i onoft r ut haf t erwhi chwear equest i oni ng" .Hei degger ,Mar t i n,The Quest i onofTec hnol ogy ,( 1977,p.19)

Quest i oni ngast hePi et yofThought

I npr ac t i c e,wehumanbei ngshav eal otofques t i onsi nl i f ees pec i al l ywhenwe ar ei nat i meofcr i si sorpandemi c .Manyques t i onss ur f ac edi nourmi ndswhenwe paus e,r el ax ,andengageour sel v esi nques t i oni ngt hi ngsar oundus .Hei degger enc our agesust opr ac t i c ec r i t i c al t hi nki ngwheni tc omest ot ec hnol ogy .Weneedt o r eas ses sourc onceptoft ec hnol ogypar t i c ul ar l yoni t spos i t i v eandnegat i v ei mpac tt o nat ur ei nor dert or ebui l dournewr el at i on.Hei deggerendedhi sess aywi t ht hes e s t at ement s;" t hec l oserwec omet ot hedanger ,t hemor ebr i ght l ydot heway si nt ot he s av i ngpowerbegi nt os hi neandt hemor eques t i oni ngwebecome.Forques t i oni ngi s t hepi et yoft hought .( 1977,p.19)

Summar y Tosum upt hedi s c us si onont ec hnol ogyasawayofr ev eal i ng,y oul ear n f r om t hi st opi ct heMar t i nHei deggerc l ar i fi edt hec onc eptoft ec hnol ogyf r om t heanci ent , moder n,andc ont empor ar yper i od.I nt heanc i entper i od,t ec hnol ogywasv i ewedf r om i t ses senc ewhi l emoder ni t ys hapedt echnol ogyasenf r ami ngt hatpost edadangert o nat ur e.Thepr obl em wi t ht hees sent i alnot i onoft ec hnol ogyandt echnol ogi calenf r ami ng wasf arf r om t hei deal conceptoft ec hnol ogybasedonr ev eal i ngwhi chHei degger r et r i ev edf r om t heanc i entc onceptofpoi es i s .Tec hnol ogyasawayofr ev eal i ngpr ov i ded usanewper s pect i v eonhowwer el at ewi t ht ec hnol ogyf r om ar tandques t i oni ng t hought ....

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