Tepid Sponge Bath - procedure PDF

Title Tepid Sponge Bath - procedure
Course Lab skills PSW
Institution Centennial College
Pages 5
File Size 308.8 KB
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TEPID SPONGE BATH is considered as one of the best cooling treatments. This method is recommended for febrile individuals, especially those with fever ranging from 102.2 For higher. It is effective in relieving fever by reducing high temperature and also helpful in alleviating pain or comfort. Read on to learn more about how to do tepid sponge bath in a hospital setting.

PURPOSE  To lower down temperature to the body's normal range EQUIPMENTS/MATERIALS Bath Basin

Tepid Water Bath Barometer Soap and soap dish

Washcloth Waterproof pad

Bath blanket


IMPORTANT POINTS (1) Remind the patient to call for assistance when getting up. The combination of the elevated temperatures and sponge bath could weaken the patient. (2) Constantly check the patient’s temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate . (3) Maintain a level of privacy.

ASSESSMENT 1.Identify the client Note: this is important to reassure the identification of the right patient. You can: ask their name directly/ ask their name thru their SO; their name were stamped at the hospital bed (you can look for it) 2.Explain the procedure to the client and how he or she can cooperate Note: it is ethically right to explain; the patient can prepare for the procedure; and they can also ask some questions 3.Obtain the patient's body temperature Note:TSB is usually done with patient who has above normal body temp / assessing axillary temp would be preferable / for comparison on the later result after TSB

PLANNING 4. Assemble all the articles needed Note:accessibility; the nurse can work at ease / would be best if articles would be arranged by parallel

5. Provide the client privacy Note: done for the comfort of the patient

6. Close window and air-conditioning units Note:this will abrupt the result of measuring the right temp of the client; the client may chill

7. Raise the bed at a comfortable working height. Raise the side rails Note:to work not against the gravity; to work at ease / side rails for the protection of the patient 8. Invite a family member or a significant other to participate if desired Note:the patient may feel comfortable with the SO participation 9. Offer bed pan or urinal as desired Note: it is important to urinate before TSB; to avoid chills; the patient may have the urge to urinate while performing the procedure 10. Wash hands then put on gloves Note:sanitary purposes; avoid contacts of any microorganism; to protect both the nurse and the patient IMPLEMENTATION 11. Loosen the top sheet and replace it with a bath blanket Note:this will provide privacy to the patient

12. Assist the patient to the side of the bed closer to you. Note:to avoid any accidents; for the nurse to work at ease 13. Place rubber sheet under the client's body 14, Remove patient's gown under the covering of the bath blanket Note:expose the top of the rubber sheet on the lighter side (usually green) for visualization / will reserve as water proof pad to provide privacy 15. Pour tepid water into the basin and soak washcloths 16. Wring washcloths so that they are adequately moist but not dripping. Place them in the axillae and groin. Check then every 5 minutes. Soak and replace as necessary Note:expose the top of the rubber sheet on the lighter side (usually green) for visualization / will reserve as water proof pad. Axillary and groin are the most crucial body parts in regulating body temp (surface temp)

17. Place the bath towel across the chest Note: to provide comfort and privacy; it will avoid the patient to get wet 18. With another adequately saturated wash clothes, sponge the face and the neck for 3 min, using S patting stroke. Change wash cloths as needed. Note: clean region must be patted first (neck being the last) 19. Pat dry lightly with towel Note: for the comfort of patient; wet surfaces tend to harbor microorganisms 20. For 3-5 min each, using long light patting strokes, sponge the anterior surface of the body in the following sequence; chest, abdomen, upper extremities, lower extremities. Place or transfer towel under the area where you will do the sponging. NOTE: if the patient complaints of feeling chilly, the chest and abdomen may not be sponged. The towel must be at side for easy access; upper- lower extremities provides venous return; the chest and abdomen are sensitive to chills and the patient may feel uncomfortable 21. Dry each part lightly with towel after sponging 22. Reassess client's pulse and body temperature. Observe client's response to the therapy. Note: to compare the baseline temp earlier; this will provide knowledge to the nurse if the procedure was effective/ implement other techniques 23. Assist the patient to turn to his side with his back towards to you. Note: for the nurse to work at ease 24. Sponge the entire posterior part of the body in the same manner as in the anterior. Dry lightly. Note: the posterior of the body must also be included in TSB 25. Replace the patient's clothing 26.Change beddings if necessary Note: to provide comfort; discard soiled linens 27. Clean and return used equipment 28. Wash hands

EVALUATION 29. Check the patient's temperature after 30 minutes including pulses and respiration 30. Assess for signs of fever eg. skin warmth, flushing, complaints of heat pr chilling, diaphoresis, etc. DOCUMENTATION 31. Chart the following:  Body temperature  Other manifestation related to fever  Time of rendering the procedure  Patient's responses including his body temperature after the procedure...

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