Terror state questions PDF

Title Terror state questions
Author lolnice 46
Course Grafika 1/G-Izb
Institution Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Pages 1
File Size 34.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 68
Total Views 130




Ysabel Henson

Terror state questions Page 107 1. The Nazi Party didn’t introduce a new constitution or legal system because Hitler’s word was law 2. Instead, they introduced some new laws to deal with political offences and forced the existing justice system to adapt and bend to their will 3. The result was that in Nazi Germany, the legal principles on which German law had been based in the Weimar period no longer applied 4. Himmler controlled the SS 5. Rohm controlled the SA 6. The SA was an intelligence gathering offshoot of the SS Page 108/110 1. The Gestapo were originally based in Prussia 2. Members of the Gestapo were mostly professional police officers who saw their role as being to serve the State 3. The Gestapo depended on information supplied by informers 4. The role of the ‘block leader’ was to report suspicious activity in their block of flats or residential street 5. It was impossible for the Gestapo to investigate all alleged crimes because there was an overwhelming volume of information received The courts and the justice system 1. Hitler was angry about the fact that the Supreme Court acquitted all but one of the defendants in the Reichstag Fire trial 2. The Front of German Law in 1933 was when various professional associations of judges and lawyers merged with the League of National Socialist Lawyers 3. Special Courts were set up to deal with political crime 4. The Nazi Party allowed for the old court system to exist because the justice system had no power to interfere with the Nazis’ use of terror 5. Most people trialled in the People’s Court were former communists and socialists 6. Many individuals who were brought before the People’s Court were given the death penalty Page 111 1. The regime gained acceptance from the majority of people through propaganda and Gleichschaltung 2. The police system was presented as an instrument to protect the majority against the corrupting influence of minorities 3. The terms ‘People’s Court’ and ‘popular justice’ reflected oppression and portrayed persecution as something that reflected the will of the people. 4. Historians generally agree that there was a widespread acceptance of the regime 5. The Third Reich was preferable to the disorder of the final Weimar Republic years...

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