Test 5 - This has all the answers for a bunch of the quiz questions regarding the material PDF

Title Test 5 - This has all the answers for a bunch of the quiz questions regarding the material
Author Scott sterling
Course Medical Terminology/Rec
Institution Appalachian State University
Pages 31
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This has all the answers for a bunch of the quiz questions regarding the material covered about the endocrine system...


1. The coiled tubular structures arising from the dermis that excrete sweat are the: sebaceous glands holocrine glands merocrine glands sudoriferous glands 2. The outer layer of skin is called the: paradermis subdermis epidermis dermis

3. The white area at the base of the nail that is half moon shaped is the: sebum follicle lunula keratin 4. Melan/o/cytes in the stratum basale layer of the epidermis produce Melanin which is responsible for: secreting sweat secreting oil skin color nail shape

5. The layer of skin that is sometimes referred to as true skin is the: subcutaneous layer epidermis hair follicle dermis or cutis 6. The combining forms that mean "nail" are: kerat/o- and lipotrich/o- and piloconi/o- and dacryounguin/o- or onycho-

7. The combining forms cutane/o- (cutaneous), pel/o- (pellagra), -derm- (ep/iderm/is and dermat/itis) , and cut/i- (cut/icle) all mean: upper skin skin horny tissue sweat 8. The term Nettles, Hives, or ______________ refers to a rash that may be characterized by wheals. Shingles Herpes Urticaria Yaws

9. The medical term for new growth (of abnormal tissue or tumor) is: protoplasm neonatal neoplasm cytoplasm 10. The compound diagnostic term "Dermato/myc/osis" actually means: purulent/refers "containing pus" or suppurative/refers "pus forming bad mucus infection extensive infection of a muscle an extensive skin fungus condition, state of, or infection

11. The compound term "Sebo/aden/itis" literally means: sweat gland state hidden pocket gland inflamed oil gland self producing sweat inflammation 12. The combining forms Hidr/o- and Sudero- both mean: sweat hair gum oil

13. Dermato/plast/y literally means: skin/cut/procedure skin/fix/process of skin/pull/procedure skin/surgical repair/process of 14. The combining form that means "death" is: necr/opachy/oconi/oaut/o-

15. The prefix that means on, upon, or over is: intrapara- or parepisub16. The suffix Malac/ia means: inflammation/state of to softening/refers to view/state of instrument/to cut

17. The suffix "-orrhea" means: excision or surgical removal instrument used to cut plastic or surgical repair flow or discharge 18. The diagnostic term Pemphig/us means: tube/refers blisters/refers bladder/refers sac or bag/refers

19. The suffix that means to view is: -itis -opsy -plasty -tome 20. The suffix that means berry shaped is: -morphic -bacterium -coccus -form

21. Pediculosis Corpus is often spread by: Sexual intercourse Sharing fabrics and combs Animal feces Unsanitary water 22. The prefix that means beside, beyond, or around is: intraepipara- or parsub-

23. The combining form that means "grape or grape-like clusters" is: xer/ostaphyl/ostrept/ococc/i24. The diagnostic term that means localization of pus is: abscess "tissue goes away" psoriasis "severe itching" fissure carbuncle "many boils"

25. The diagnostic term that means fibrous tumor of the skin is: dermato/fibr/oma xero/derma dermato/coni/o/sis dermat/itis 26. The diagnostic term Hyper-seb/o/rrhea means: abnormal thickening of the skin dry skin condition fibrous tumor excessive discharge or flow of oil

27. The diagnostic term Hidr/aden/itis means: inflammation of a sweat gland diseased state around the nail inflammation of the skin abnormal condition of a hidden nail 28. The diagnostic term that means skin or tissue bruise is: laceration contusion furuncle eczema

29. The term that means invasion into the skin and body hair by lice is: pediculosis cellulitis impetigo scabies 30. The pre/cancerous skin condition that is characterized by horny and hard skin that was caused by excessive exposure to sunlight is: Kaposi's Sarc/oma actinic kerat/osis impetigo cellul/itis 31. The diagnostic term _____________ actually means tissue death or literally "an eating sore." This condition is usually caused by clostridium perfringens and/or poor blood supply. laceration gangrene furuncle tinea pedis 32. The diagnostic term fissure actually means cleft, ___________, sulcus, and groove. ir/regular fungus lesion ragged-edged wound slit or crack-like sore in the skin painful skin node caused by bacteria

33. The diagnostic term that actually means the process of scraping away the skin by a mechanical process or injury is: ab/ras/ion lacerat/ion gangrene contus/ion

34. A malignant neoplasmic skin condition that spreads to organs & lymph nodes, which is commonly associated with AIDS, diabetes, and lymphoma is: systemic lupus erythematosus squamous cell carcinoma Kaposi's Sarcoma basal cell carcinoma 35. The directional term that means "toward the tail" is: proximal medial lateral caudal

36. The surgical term that actually means a plastic repair procedure that uses skin from others for a skin graft is: cheilo/plast/y rhytido/plast/y laparo/plast/y dermato/hetero/plast/y

37. The anatomical term Epidermal literally means: study of the skin pertaining to the skin pertaining to upon the skin instrument used to cut the skin 38. The anatomical term that means pertaining to within the skin is: ungual hypodermic subcutaneous intradermal

39. The medical term that means berry-shaped bacteria in twisted chains is: strepto/coccus kerato/genic necr/o/sis staphylo/coccus 40. The medical term Cicatrix literally means: baldness redness white scar

41. The medical term that means profuse sweating is: dia/phoresis dis/seminate hyperhidrosis hyp/o/hydrosis 42. The term that describes the direction closest to the point of origin is: lateral proximal medial distal

43. The medical term Nevus means: mole or birthmark scar bruise bleeding 44. Re/flex/olog/y literally means: again/bends/of/procedure of before/bend/of/process point/bend/of/condition of none of the above

45. Homeo/path/ic literally means: other or opposite/disease/refers like or same/as disease/refers double/disease/condition of similar/as disease/like 46. The medical term that refers to pinpoint or tiny skin hemorrhages is: pruritus papule petechia verruca

47. The medical term that means Wart is: verruca purpura macule wheal 48. The medical term Pruritus means: escape of blood into the tissue severe itching hypersensitivity to a substance elevation of skin containing pus

49. The medical term that means small, solid skin elevation is: pustule vesicle macule papule 50. "Biofeedback" is a type of _____ therapy: holistic biochemical psychosomatic gene

51. What treats the body using principles similar to acupuncture and acupressure? Phrenology Reflexology Iridology Aromatherapy 52. The diagnostic term Contusion literally means: to burn to bruise to bloody to dilate

53. The diagnostic term Acne Vulgaris literally means: white and painful red and pus filled pointed and common red and many 54. What is the manipulation of the body’s soft tissues by stroking, rubbing, kneading and tapping? acupuncture acupressure therapeutic touch massage 55. The diagnostic term Seb/orrhea Dermat/itis is also known as: trichinosis spiloma dandruff oil swellings 56. The diagnostic term Geriatric Alopecia actually means: "old age” baldness "fox mange" scalp treatment vitiligo for teenagers hair loss in women

57. The disease term Anthrax literally means: discharge coal or carbuncle lesion sore 58. The diagnostic term Cheil/itis literally means: inflammation of the lip tongue inflamed mouth inflamed gum inflammation

59. The diagnostic term Curettage of a skin lesion literally means: take away with cold treatment cut away burning scooping 60. The diagnostic term Furuncle actually means ____________and is a staphylococcus infection of a hair follicle or hair gland: fistula carbuncle adenoma boil

61. The diagnostic term Rubella (red) is also known as: 9 day measles herpes zoster German measles or 3 day measles shingles 62. The diagnostic term Herpes literally means: fever blister genital lesions cold sore to creep

63. The diagnostic term Rubeola literally means: red or redness skin irritation raised painful and swollen 64. Irid/olog/y literally means: mind/science/procedure of rainbow/science/procedure of again/bends/of/procedure of like or same/as disease/refers

65. The diagnostic term Plantar Verruca actually means: spots on the legs bunion enlarged warts on the soles of the feet callous growths 66. The skin condition of Shingles is caused by the Herpes Zoster Virus. This virus also causes: Leprosy Smallpox Mumps Chickenpox 67. The diagnostic term Contracture actually means: to tear open to scoop severe contraction of tissues like skin and muscle to flap 68. Smallpox is caused by a highly contagious __________, and is characterized by prostration, a vesicular-pustular rash, and fever. poxvirus bacteria rickettsia helminth or ascaris

69. The diagnostic term Carbuncul/osis means the presence of multiple skin ______________, which are several lesions placed close together. boils ulcers wheals warts

70. The diagnostic term Malignant Melanoma actually means: a black ulcer on the skin a tumor that are fleshy a white tumor on the skin a black tumor that is bad or cancerous 71. The diagnostic term Ichthy/osis actually means: fish-like skin condition with scale-like tissue wrinkled skin condition snake skin disease oily skin disease 72. The diagnostic term Hirsut/ism literally means: condition of warts huge limbs the state of being hairy resembling fish skin

73. The diagnostic term Squamous Cell Carcinoma actually means: scaly crab-like cell tumors of the surface tissue multiple knots or nodules of the skin soft tumors fleshy tumors 74. The diagnostic term Fifth Disease causes a slight red skin flush similar to: polycythemia vera 3 day measles - rubella erysipelas 9 day measles - rubeola

75. The diagnostic term Erysi/pelas literally means: blue/pallet yellow/legs red/skin brown/arms 76. The diagnostic term Dehiscence actually means: to close to sew shut to tear to gape open

77. The skin diagnostic term Eczema literally means: to form pus to open and bleed to drain to boil out or over 78. The diagnostic term Helminth/iasis, Ascar/iasis and Vermicul/osis can refer to __________________ infections of the skin or the digestive system. bacterial worm fungus lice 79. The diagnostic term Onycho/myc/o/sis literally means: mucus under/nails/pertains nail/fungus/condition nail/long/state of crooked or twisted/nails/refers 80. The bacterial infection of the face that is referred to as ____________ is characterized by vesicles or sacs that rupture and form a golden crust. Lupus Eczema Filariasis Impetigo

81. The diagnostic term Dys/hidr/osis literally means: state of water condition of faulty sweating thirsty/state bad oil gland/condition 82. The diagnostic term Lentigo literally means: sore or ulcer blemish freckle wart

83. The diagnostic term Scabies actually means: rough skin skin with dimpling scaly skin itch mite saliva that causes severe itching 84. The diagnostic term Tinea Cruris (or crusis) actually means: Skin Rash Athletes Foot Jock Itch Body Itch

85. The term Tinea literally means worm, but actually applies to any ____________ infection of the body. Jock Itch virus fungus bacterial

86. The diagnostic term for the fungal infection Candid/iasis literally means: glowing white/condition to turn blue to become green to become red 87. The diagnostic term __________refers to red skin caused by an increase in RBCs near the surface of the skin. This proliferative bone marrow condition can cause clots, strokes, heart attacks, vertigo, weakness, tinnitus, extremity pain, and an enlarged spleen cause by excess RBC breakdown. Lupus Erythematosus Erythropenia Poly/cyth/emia Vera Thrombopenia 88. The skin condition of Ringworm is actually caused by a: itch mite skin worm fungus bacteria

89. The diagnostic term Cutaneous Ulcer literally means: skin sore skin rash skin erosion skin redness 90. The diagnostic term Thrush is usually a fungus infection of the: ear or eustachian ear tube urinary tract skin or lungs throat or vagina

91. The diagnostic term Yaws is caused by the spirochete bacteria similar to the one that causes: lymphogranuloma inguinal (LGV) gonorrhea non-specific urethritis syphilis 92. The diagnostic term Sclero/derma is actually an Auto-Immune reactionary dis/ease like: Rheumatoid Arthritis Shingles Gout Arthritis Osteo-Arthritis

93. The diagnostic term Urticaria is also known as the allergic condition: shingles wheals plantar warts hives 94. The diagnostic term Wheal is a ring-like skin lesion associated with: fungus infections - poor hygiene bacteria - communicated worms - ingested hives or urticaria - allergic reaction

95. Who is considered the founder of homeopathy? Andrew Weil Andrew Taylor Still Samuel Hahnemann Daniel David Palmer 96. Who is considered the founder of osteopathy? Andrew Weil Andrew Taylor Still Samuel Hahnemann Daniel David Palmer

97. The diagnostic term Xero/derma literally means: dry/skin skin/redness oily/skin skin/erosion 98. The diagnostic term Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is caused by a Rickettsial (small bacteria) organism that is carried by a: tick mosquito worm bird 99. The diagnostic term __________ literally means "to itch" and this chronic skin condition causes red patches with dry, thick, silvery scales. Verruca Petechia Psoriasis Mumps or Par/ot/itis

100. A skin Lacer/ation literally means: the process of tearing the process of bleeding the process of swelling the process of opening

101. Tinea Cruris is more commonly called: Foot fungus Jock itch Poison ivy Body lice 102. The term Ascariasis refers to parasitic worms that migrate through the lungs in the larval stage to the _________. The eggs are passed on to the next individual through contact with the feces (hands, water, or food). ANS CNS PNS intestines 103. Diuretics cause blood pressure to: Increase Decrease Plateau Diuretics have no effect on blood pressure

104. Helminth/ic Diseases can attack multiple body systems including the integumentary, digestive, and nervous systems. They are caused by Meta/zoa Parasitic Worms called: Tapeworms Roundworms Flukeworms all of the above

105. Who is considered the founder of chiropractics? Andrew Weil Andrew Taylor Still Samuel Hahnemann Daniel David Palmer 106. The term De/fec/ation literally means: process of feces or stool away diarrhea condition stomach stenosis disease indigestion state of

107. Cimex lectularius is also known as: pemphigus - skin blisters chiggers - redbugs or red mite causes itching papillomatosis: nipple-like warts on skin bed bugs 108. The practice of summoning a higher power to help treat disease is called: Spiritual healing Asynchronous healing Synechdoche healing Eight trigrams 64 palms technique

109. The physiologic (function) term De/glutition literally means: to void to swallow away or down to chew to digest 110. The terms Masticat/ion and Mand/ible actually mean: eat and mill face and jaw eater and grinder process of chewing and chewer

111. Phren/olog/y literally means: mind/science/procedure of rainbow/science/procedure of again/bends/of/procedure of like or same/as disease/refers 112. The term Tinea Pedis actually means: Skin Redness Fungus Rash Athletes Foot Jock Itch

113. What physicians administer small doses of similar disease substances to allegedly stimulate the natural body response of immunity? homeopathic allopathic chiropractic osteopathic

114. A bluish ________ skin color is seen with venous congestion, foramen ovale, Tetrology of Fallot, transposition of great vessels, patent ductus arteriolus, heart disease, lung disease, and with cold environmental temperatures. erythremic or rubetic melanotic or nigri cyanotic or livid luteal or yellow 115. Skin blushing, _________, or redness is usually caused by an increase in blood flow, oxy/hemoglobin, fever, inflammation, trauma "wound", and alcohol. melanosis nigration lutesis erythema 116. What physicians use antagonistic substances to attach to disease organisms or illness? homeopathic allopathic chiropractic osteopathic

117. The skin color variation of Pall/or is actually a __________________, which usually accompanies blood loss, various types of anemia, or shock. decrease in skin color shortage of platelets "thrombocytes" shortage of lymph cells "lymphocytes" increase in skin color

118. The skin color variation of ___________ represents an increase in tissue bili/rubin from RBC destruction or liver cell destruction (hepat/itis). This color is best seen in the sclera of the eye, body membranes, and skin. yellow-orange black brown red 119. The relative speed with which the skin resumes its normal appearance after being stretched or compressed is called__________. It represents the amount of water in the tissues or hydration. This process is slower in seniors. turgor dolor rubor tumor 120. Chloasma or melasma patches do NOT appear on which part of the face? Forehead Cheeks Eyes Nose

121. The skin condition Vitiligo literally means: to turn white to fail in color to burst forth to corrupt...

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