Test Fisiología 5 PDF

Title Test Fisiología 5
Course Fisiología Humana
Institution Universitat Politècnica de València
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HORMONAS 102) If a diabetic patient received too much insulin, the low blood sugar could be corrected by injecting A) glucagon B) GHIH. C) thyroid hormone. D) aldosterone. E) antidiuretic hormone. Answer: A 105) The two lobes of the pituitary gland together produce how many hormones? A) 3 B) 5 C) 7 D) 9 E) 16 Answer: D 106) The hormone that may be slowly administered by intravenous drip to accelerate labor and delivery is A) oxytocin. B) prolactin. C) luteinizing hormone. D) just฀extra fluids. E) both A and C Answer: A 107) TSH plays a key role in the ________ of thyroid hormones. A) inhibition B) synthesis C) release D) both A and B E) both B and C

Answer: E 108) The control of calcitonin excretion is an example of direct ________ regulation. A) endocrine B) pancreatic C) homeostatic D) hepatic E) vascular Answer: A 109) Parathyroid hormone does all of the following, except that it doesn’t A) stimulate osteoclast activity. B) inhibit osteoblast activity. C) build up bone. D) stimulate the formation and secretion of calcitriol at the kidneys. E) enhance the reabsorption of calcium at the kidneys. Answer: C 111) Which of the following substances activates protein kinases and thus acts as a second messenger? A) insulin B) ACTH C) epinephrine D) cyclic AMP E) TSH Answer: D

112) The primary target of insulin is A) skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle cells. B) adipocytes. C) liver cells. D) A and C E) A, B, and C Answer: E 114) After brain surgery, a patient receiving postoperative care in an intensive care unit began to pass large volumes of very dilute urine.The ICU nurse administered a medicine that mimics one of the following hormones. Which one? A) aldosterone B) epinephrine C) renin D) ADH E) cortisol Answer: D 115) Cushing disease results from an excess of A) growth hormone. B) parathyroid hormone. C) ADH. D) glucocorticoids. E) epinephrine. Answer: D 116) The term used to describe excess production of urine is A) polyuria. B) polydipsia. C) hematuria. D) glycosuria. E) none of the above

Answer: A 117) Which of the following hormones is water soluble and therefore binds to extracellular receptors? A) insulin B) epinephrine C) cortisol D) A and B only E) A, B, and C

Answer: D 119) Reduction of fluid losses at the kidneys due to the retention of Na+ is the action of A) antidiuretic hormone. B) calcitonin. C) aldosterone. D) cortisone. E) oxytocin. Answer: C

CORAZÓN: 1) Blood returning to the heart from the systemic circuit first enters the A) right atrium. B) right ventricle. C) left atrium. D) left ventricle. E) conus arteriosus. Answer: A 2) Blood returning to the heart from the pulmonary circuit first enters the A) right atrium. B) right ventricle. C) left atrium. D) left ventricle. E) conus arteriosus. Answer: C 3) The earlike extension of the atrium is the A) ventricle. B) coronary sinus. C) coronar sulcus. D) auricle. E) atricle. Answer: D 4) The coronary sulcus is a groove that A) marks the border between the atria and ventricles. B) marks the boundary line between the right and left ventricles. C) marks the boundary line between the right and left atria. D) separates the atrioventricular valves from the atria. E) separates the coronary arteries from the coronary veins. Answer: A 5) In the middle of the thoracic cavity is a region occupied by the heart, great vessels, thymus, esophagus, and trachea called the A) pleural space. B) pericardial space. C) mediastinum. D) cardiac notch. E) ventral cavity. Answer: C 7) Contractions of the papillary muscles A) close the atrioventricular valves. B) close the semilunar valves. C) eject blood from the ventricles. D) prevent the atrioventricular valves from reversing into the atria. E) eject blood from the atria into the ventricles. Answer: D 9) Most of the middle layer in the heart wall is composed of A) cardiac myocytes. B) chondrocytes. C) epitheliocytes. D) fibrocytes. E) smooth muscle cells. Answer: A 10) The right ventricle pumps blood to the A) right and left lungs. B) left ventricle. C) left atrium. D) aorta. E) right atrium. Answer: A

11) The left ventricle pumps blood to the A) lungs. B) right ventricle. C) right atrium. D) aorta. E) pulmonary circuit. Answer: D 12) The right atrium receives blood from the A) coronary sinus. B) superior vena cava. C) inferior vena cava. D) A, B, and C E) B and C only Answer: D 13) Blood flowing into the heart from the venae cavae flows next through the ________ valve. A) mitral B) bicuspid C) tricuspid D) pulmonary semilunar E) aortic semilunar Answer: C 14) As blood leaves the right ventricle it passed through the ________ and then into the pulmonary trunk. A) pulmonary veins B) conus arteriosus C) aorta D) inferior vena cava E) superior vena cava Answer: B 15) The pulmonary semilunar valve prevents backward flow into the A) aorta. B) pulmonary trunk. C) pulmonary veins. D) right ventricle. E) left atrium. Answer: D 16) The bicuspid or mitral valve is located A) in the opening of the aorta. B) in the opening of the pulmonary trunk. C) where the venae cavae join the right atrium. D) between the right atrium and right ventricle. E) between the left atrium and left ventricle. Answer: E 17) The ________ valve prevents backward flow into the left atrium. A) semicaval B) semilunar C) bicuspid D) tricuspid E) pulmonic Answer: C 18) The function of the atrium is to A) collect blood. B) pump blood to the lungs. C) pump blood into the systemic circuit. D) pump blood to the ventricle. E) both A and D Answer: E

19) Compared to the right ventricle, the left ventricle has all the following characteristics, except that it A) has a thicker wall. B) is round in cross section. C) pumps a greater volume. D) works harder. E) produces about six to eight times more pressure when it contracts. Answer: C 21) The pulmonary arteries carry blood to the A) heart. B) lungs. C) brain. D) intestines. E) liver. Answer: B 22) The pulmonary veins carry blood to the A) heart. B) lungs. C) brain. D) intestines. E) liver. Answer: A 24) Blood is supplied to the myocardium by A) the coronary sinus. B) contact with blood in the pumping chambers. C) the coronary arteries. D) arteries that branch from the pulmonary arteries. E) both A and C Answer: C 25) The first blood vessels to branch from the aorta are the ________ arteries. A) pulmonary B) coronary C) circumflex D) carotid E) subclavian Answer: B 30) In cardiac muscle,the fast depolarization phase of the action potential is the result of A) increased membrane permeability to sodium ions. B) increased membrane permeability to potassium ions. C) decreased membrane permeability to calcium ions. D) decreased membrane permeability to sodium ions. E) increased membrane permeability to chloride ions. Answer: A 31) The long plateau phase of the cardiac muscle action potential is due to A) movement of fewer sodium ions across the cell membrane. B) calcium channels remaining open. C) increased membrane permeability to potassium ion. D) decrease in the amount of calcium diffusing across the membrane. E) increased membrane permeability to sodium ions. Answer: B 32) In cardiac muscle A) calcium ions are not released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. B) calcium ions do not bind to troponin molecules. C) calcium ions play no role in the process of contraction. D) at least half of the calcium ion required for contraction comes from outside the cell. E) calcium ions play an important role in repolarizing the membrane after the depolarization phase. Answer: D

34) The following are structural components of the conducting system of the heart. 1.Purkinje fibers 2.AV bundle 3.AV node 4.SA node 5.bundle branches The sequence in which excitation would move through this system is A) 1, 4, 3, 2, 5. B) 3, 2, 4, 5, 1. C) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1. D) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1. E) 4, 2, 3, 5, 1. Answer: D 35) The P wave of the electrocardiogram is a signal from A) depolarization of the SA node. B) depolarization of the AV node. C) depolarization of the atria. D) repolarization of the atria. E) depolarization of the ventricles. Answer: C 36) Depolarization of the ventricles is represented on an electrocardiogram by the A) P wave. B) T wave. C) S wave. D) QRS complex. E) PR complex. Answer: D 37) The T wave on an ECG tracing represents A) atrial depolarization. B) atrial repolarization. C) ventricular depolarization. D) ventricular repolarization. E) ventricular contraction. Answer: D 38) Analysis of the electrocardiogram can reveal all of the following, except the A) heart rate. B) stroke volume. C) condition of the conducting system. D) effects of drugs and poisons. E) duration of the ventricular action potential. Answer: B 39) The first heart sound is heard when the A) AV valves open. B) AV valves close. C) semilunar valves close. D) atria contract. E) blood enters the aorta. Answer: B 40) During the isovolumetric phase of ventricular systole, the A) atria are contracting and the ventricles are relaxing. B) atrioventricular valves and semilunar valves are closed. C) blood is ejected into the great vessels. D) all of the above E) B and C only Answer: B

41) During the cardiac cycle, the A) P wave of the ECG occurs between the first and second heart sounds. B) QRS complex of the ECG precedes the increase in ventricular pressure. C) second heart sound occurs during atrial systole. D) first heart sound coincides with the QRS complex of the ECG. E) both B and D Answer: E 42) The volume of blood ejected from each ventricle during a contraction is called the A) end-diastolic volume. B) end-systolic volume. C) stroke volume. D) cardiac output. E) cardiac reserve. Answer: C 43) Each of the following factors will increase cardiac output, except A) increased venous return. B) increased parasympathetic stimulation. C) increased sympathetic stimulation. D) increased heart rate. E) both A and B Answer: B 45) Which of the following would increase heart rate? A) increased sympathetic stimulation of SA node B) decreased parasympathetic stimulation of nodal fibers C) increased levels of epinephrine D) faster depolarization of the pacemaker potential E) all of the above Answer: E 46) The phase in the cardiac cycle when the mitral valve is closed and the aortic valve is open is the A) atrial systole. B) early diastolic filling phase. C) late diastolic filling phase. D) systolic ejection phase. E) dicrotic phase. Answer: D 48) Artery is to ________ as vein is to ________. A) efferent; afferent B) afferent; efferent C) toward; away D) afferent; away E) none of the above Answer: A 49) The heart beats approximately ________ times each day. A) 1,000 B) 10,000 C) 100,000 D) 1,000,000 E) 10,000,000 Answer: C 50) The heart pumps approximately ________ liters of blood each day. A) 8,000 B) 15,000 C) 20,000 D) 50,000 E) 100,000 Answer: A

51) The heart is roughly the size of A) a thigh. B) a man s clenched fist. C) the gallbladder. D) the hand of a 10-year-old. E) Texas. Answer: B 52) The wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the right because A) the left ventricle does more work than the right ventricle. B) the left ventricle pumps a greater volume of blood than the right ventricle. C) the left ventricle produces a higher pressure than the right. D) both A and B E) both A and C Answer: E 53) Which of the following descriptions matches the term near the left fifth intercostal space? A) pericardial cavity B) visceral pericardium C) apex of heart D) aorta E) right atrium Answer: C 54) The term used to describe fluid collecting in the pericardial cavity that restricts the movement of the heart is known as A) cardiac tamponade. B) mitral valve prolapse. C) pleural effusion. D) cardiomyopathy. E) pericarditis. Answer: A 55) The interventricular sulci and __________coronary sulcus contain A) fat. B) arteries. C) veins. D) all of the above E) B and C only Answer: D 56) Intercalated discs serve to transfer ________ from cell to cell. A) ionic currents B) action potentials C) the force of contraction D) all of the above E) A and B only Answer: D 57) Cardiac muscle cells and skeletal muscle cells differ in a few ways. Which of the following is not one of them? A) Cardiac muscle cells are smaller in size. B) Cardiac muscle cells have a single, centered nucleus. C) Cardiac muscle cells branch. D) Skeletal muscle cells lack intercalated discs. E) Cardiac muscle cells lack transverse tubules. Answer: E 58) The atrioventricular valves permit blood flow A) in one direction only. B) in both directions. C) in many directions. D) in opposite directions on the right and left. E) both A and D Answer: A

59) During the T wave of the electrocardiogram, the ventricles are A) depolarizing. B) repolarizing. C) contracting. D) relaxing. E) both B and D Answer: E 60) Coronary veins empty into the A) left atrium. B) left ventricle. C) right atrium. D) right ventricle. E) conus arteriosus. Answer: C 61) There are ________ pulmonary veins. A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8 E) none of the above Answer: B 62) Rupture of the papillary muscles in the left ventricle may result in A) mitral regurgitation. B) mitral valve prolapse. C) bicuspid regurgitation. D) bicuspid prolapse. E) all of the above Answer: E 63) When the semilunar valves close, the AV valves then A) close. B) open. C) make the third heart sound. D) both B and C E) both A and C Answer: B 64) The ________ deliver(s) blood to the myocardium. A) right coronary artery B) right coronary vein C) superior vena cava D) left coronary artery E) both A and D Answer: E 65) The ________ ventricle has a greater workload than the ________. A) left; right ventricle B) right; left ventricle C) right; systemic circulation D) both A and C E) none of the above Answer: A 66) The connective tissue fibers of the myocardium A) add strength and prevent overexpansion of the heart. B) help distribute the forces of contraction. C) provide elasticity to help return the heart to its normal size. D) provide physical support for cardiac muscle. E) all of the above Answer: E

67) Blood is supplied to the left atrium by the A) brachiocephalic artery. B) right coronary artery. C) left coronary artery. D) phrenic arteries. E) pulmonary arteries. Answer: C 68) A heart murmur might be caused by A) aortic valve stenosis. B) mitral valve insufficiency. C) pulmonic valve insufficiency. D) B or C E) A or B or C Answer: E 69) A heartbeat lasts A) 3 seconds. B) 370 msec. C) 5 seconds. D) 100 msec. E) none of the above Answer: B 70) Pacemaker cells in the SA node A) have a well-defined resting potential. B) show a slow spontaneous depolarization. C) are connected by gap junctions to atrial myocytes. D) both B and C E) both A and C Answer: D 71) The first heart sound (lub) A) is associated with atrial systole. B) is associated with closing of the mitral valve. C) is associated with opening of the mitral valve. D) is associated with closing of the aortic valve. E) is associated with opening of the aortic valve. Answer: B 72) Pacemaker cells isolated from the SA node generate action potentials at ________ beats per minute. A) 20.—40 B) 40.—60 C) 80.—100 D) 100.—140 E) 140.—180 Answer: C 73) ________ is to slow heart rate as ________ is to fast heart rate. A) Tachycardia; bradycardia B) Bradycardia; cardiomyopathy C) Bradycardia; tachycardia D) Cardiac tamponade; bradycardia E) none of the above Answer: C 74) Depolarization of the atria corresponds to the EKG s A) P wave. B) QRS complex. C) QT interval. D) T wave. E) S-T segment. Answer: A

75) ________ is to contraction as ________ is to relaxation. A) Systole; diastole B) Diastole; systole C) Filling; relaxing D) Ejection; filling E) both A and D Answer: E 76) The structure that permits blood flow from the right atrium to the left atrium in the fetal circulation is the A) foramen ovale. B) interatrial septum. C) coronary sinus. D) fossa ovalis. E) ligamentum arteriosus. Answer: A 77) Blood leaves the right ventricle by passing through the A) aortic valve. B) pulmonary valve. C) mitral valve. D) tricuspid valve. E) bicuspid valve. Answer: B 78) Excess fluid in the ________ causes cardiac tamponade. A) pericardial cavity B) visceral pericardium C) apex of heart D) left ventricle E) both atria Answer: A 79) Tetanic muscle contractions don t occur in a normal cardiac muscle because A) cardiac muscle tissue contracts on its own. B) neural stimulation is lacking. C) the refractory period lasts until the muscle relaxes. D) the refractory period ends before the muscle reaches peak tension. E) potassium channels outnumber sodium channels. Answer: C 80) Stroke volume depends on A) end diastolic volume. B) the contractility of the ventricle. C) the pressure required to pump blood into the aorta. D) A and B only E) A, B, and C Answer: E 81) Which of these comparisons between skeletal and heart muscle is false? A) both have T-tubules. B) both release calcium ion from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. C) both are striated. D) both rely entirely on oxidative metabolism for energy. E) both trigger contraction by membrane depolarization. Answer: D 82) Cardiac output can be increased by all of the following except one. Choose the exception. A) decreasing ejection fraction B) decreasing end systolic volume C) increasing stroke volume D) increasing ejection fraction E) increasing heart rate Answer: A

83) During ventricular systole, the A) atria are contracting. B) blood is entering the ventricles. C) AV valves are closed. D) pressure in the ventricles remains constant. E) pressure in the aorta remains constant. Answer: C 84) When the left ventricle contracts, the distance from the apex to the base A) increases. B) decreases. C) remains unchanged. Answer: B 85) When the left ventricle contracts, the diameter of the ventricular chamber A) increases. B) decreases. C) remains the same. Answer: B 86) As a result of the long refractory period in the cardiac __________action potential, cardiac muscle cannot exhibit A) tonus. B) treppe. C) tetany. D) recruitment. E) fatigue. Answer: C 87) At a heart rate of 60 beats/minute, a cardiac cycle lasts A) 60 seconds. B) 60 milliseconds. C) 1 second. D) 370 milliseconds. E) 630 milliseconds. Answer: C 88) Drugs known as calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine can be used to A) decrease the force of cardiac contraction. B) decrease blood pressure. C) dilate the coronary arteries. D) produce a negative inotropic effect. E) all of the above Answer: E 89) Cardiac cells damaged by infarction will show which of the following? A) switch to anaerobic metabolism. B) release of enzymes into the circulation. C) release of troponin T and I into the circulation. D) release of MB-CK into the circulation. E) all of the above Answer: E 90) When a blood clot forms on a ruptured plaque in a coronary artery, the condition is referred to as a(n) A) coronary spasm. B) myocardial infarction. C) coronary thrombosis. D) angina pectoris. E) pulmonary embolism. Answer: C

91) An increase in the rate of action potentials from baroreceptors will reflexly lead to A) increase in heart rate. B) decrease in heart rate. C) decrease in blood pressure. D) both B and C E) both A and C Answer: D 92) AV nodal cells are poorly interconnected compared to contractile cells but they have bigger diameters. A) The first part of the statement is true but the second part is false. B) The first part of the statement is false but the second part is true. C) Both parts of the statement are true. D) Both parts of the statement are false. Answer: A 93) Which of the following is greater during left ventricular systole? A) the peak pressure in the ventricle B) the peak pressure in the aorta C) Neither is greater. Answer: A 94) If the connection between the vagus nerve and the heart is cut, which of these changes will occur? A) heart will beat slower B) stroke volume will decrease C) cardiac output will decrease D) nodal fibers will depolarize more slowly E) none of the above Answer: E 95) Heart rate is controlled by neurons of the cardiovascular center located in the A) pons. B) thalamus. C) medulla oblongata. D) hypothalamus. E) higher centers. Answer: C 96) Cardiac output is increased by A) more sympathetic stimulation. B) increased end systolic volume. C) increased stroke volume. D) all of the above E) A and C only Answer: E 97) Which of the following would be greater? A) th...

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