Test mark klimek blue book quizlet PDF

Title Test mark klimek blue book quizlet
Author Vanessa B.
Course Ancient Philosophy: Plato
Institution Queens College CUNY
Pages 140
File Size 1.4 MB
File Type PDF
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1,998 Written questions 1.

The post op abdominal aneurysm repair client is most likely to have which type of tube?

2.________________________________________After using nose drops, the client should remain ______ for minutes.

3.What will you see when you observe the neck of a client with CD of pregnancy?

4.The hair loss due to chemotherapy is usually temporary? (T/F)

5.What is the purpose of a Logan Bow?

6.Which blood gas disorder is most common in pneumonia?

7._______________________________________________________Foods lose some or all of their fiber when they are ___________. ___________,____________ or_____________________________________________ _.

8.Syphilis is sexually transmiteed. (T/F)

9.In what age range is spinal cord injury most common?


How long after strep infection does AGN develop?


What movements are to be avoided after cataract surgery?


How much sleep should the client get the night before an EEG?

13.____________________________________________________Complete recovery from the paralysis of Bell's Palsy should occur in _______ to______________________________________months.

14. What is the famous triad of symptoms in

15. Sterile gloved hands must always be kept above the waist.

16. What are the 2 common subjective signs of otitis

17. Iron with


Under-secretion of adrenal cortex


How many nitro tabs can you take before you call the doctor?


What positions are to be avoided after cataract surgery?


What type of diet should the patient with MG be on?


Is cholesterol a triglyceride?


How long does the oliguric phase last?


Clients receiving chemotherapy must be NPO. (T/F)


How often are vital sign measurements taken in AGN?

26. After receiving ear drops the client should remain in ________position for ___minutes.

27. Name one carbonic anhydrase

28. How long does the woman have to be off oral contraceptives before

29. What is another name for Vitamin B-

30. What conditions does ECT

31. What is the common finding with pediculosis

32. W hat are the 3 ob jecti ve symp tom s/signs of throm bocytopeni a? Hint:


"If I had to do it over again, I'd life my life just about the same," is an example of ____ ____________


When pulmonary edema is severe what does the sputum look like?


What kind of treatment is done for severe scoliosis?


What are three types of transfusion reactions that can occur?




Hyperthyroid (High metabolism)


Before PD it is important the client be...

40._________________________________The goal is for the infant to breast feed for

41. Are migraine headaches usually unilateral or

42. How long does the diuretic phase

43. Masks deliver higher or lower concentrations of O2 than nasal

minutes per side.

44. What group of people get cast

45. The most common symptom of osteoarthritis is_________.

46.When halo traction is being used to immobilize the spinal cord the client is allowed to _.



48.Whole grains and grain products are (high/low) in fiber.


Define cataract

50._______________________________________________________To prevent irritation of the skin near the edges of a cast the edges should be______________________________________.

51._____________________________Early stage hepatitis often looks like the _.


What is the first test for HIV antibodies?


What does heterozygous mean?

54.________________________________________________________ Clients with celiac's disease don't absorb fats; therefore they don't absorb__________________________________________.


What is intermittent claudication?


AIDS is trasmissible through what four routs?

57. Hypertension is an ________ or sustained elevation in the (systolic/diastolic)__ _.

58. The major source of energy for the

59. How many measurements must be made before you can say a person has

60. (Obese/very thin) women are most likely to become diabetic during

61. Do clients in hypovolemic shock have to have a Foley


What is anuria?


From where should the nurse provide care to the client with cesium implant?


Of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, which ones (percent-wise) increase in the diet of gestational diabetics?


In what type of container should breast milk be stored?


What is the difference between

structural and functional scoliosis?


What is a common complication of a client

in a body cast (like a Risser cast)?


Besides a thrombus what else can cause an embolus in the lung?


Which of these symptoms are NOT seen in hemophilia? Prolonged bleeding, petechiae, ecchymosis or hematoma?


What are the top three nursing interventions in pemphigus?

71. What is the big danger from

72. In Cushings syndrome, the trunk is ________ and the extremities are__.

73. After treatment how long do you have to inspect

74. The school-aged child perceives the cause of illness to to be external or

75. When the client asks about the use of glassess or contacts after cataract surgery what would you


What are the three adult stages of development called

77.1 kg


What type of rigidity is typical of Parkinson's?

79.What is Kyphosis?

80.How far should the HOB be up after CVA?

81.____________________________________Without leukopenia the AIDS patient will be on


What does blood-typing mean?

83.Rape is a crime of passion. (T/F)

84.What is the most common symptom of lice?

85.For breast engorgement, the non-breastfeeding mother should be told to express breast milk. (T/F)

86. What type of cast is used post-


87.What age group should be routinely screened for scoliosis?

88.What surgery CAN be done for MG?

89.Young adults are (low/high) risk for suicide.

90. What test confirms the diagnoses of gestational diabetes?


How much suction should be used for an adult?

92.HIV is present in all body fluids?

93.When you plan to use gloves for a procedure you do not need to wash hands before it. (T/F)

94.Name two miotics

95.What are comedones?

96.The symptoms of sensory overload and sensory deprivation are...

97.If a transfusion reaction is suspected, what two samples are collected and sent to the lab?

98.Why are doctors cautious in using antiemetics to treat hyperemesis gravidarum?

99. 3 to 6 years

100. The preferred length of needle for SQ injection is____.

101. What is recommended for the prevention of epiglottitis?

102.______________________________________ An aneurysm can result from an _____________ and from


103. Name the 3 physical symptoms of Rape Trauma Syndrome.

104. How do you tell which side of the person's brain is dominant?

105. -penia

106. Are fats a normal constituent of feces?

107. Children with epiglottitis often need a tracheotomy. What behavior would indicate the need for a tracheotomy?

108.____________________________Children should receive no more than cc per site by IM injection.

109. Comfort range or relative humidity is...

110. -ology

111. When a woman is hospitalized for severe pre-eclampsia the nurse should test...

112. When is insulin used in the treatment of gestatinal diabetes?

113. What acid-base disorder is seen in the shock phase of a burn?

114. What is the appearance of the stool in a client with CF? remember the 4 Fs

115. By what route do you take

116. The unconscious client should assume what position during suctioning?

117. Hepatitis B

118. Name the 5 criteria that are recorded on an apgar scale

119. What are the #1 and #2 causes of sickle cell crisis?

120. The first thing a nurse should do when a client objects to side rails is...

121. What should you tell a breast feeding mother about her milk supply when she goes home from the hospital?

122._____________________________________These infants are prone to develop ______ and failure to


123. Can 3 cc of fluid be administered per IM into the deltoid of an adult?

124. A dry cast is gray or white?

125._________________________________ In addition to the facial paralysis, the sense of

126. If mastitis is caused by an organism, what causes breast engorgement?

127. When do you need a gown with

128. The post-operative patient should void by_hours post-operatively or you must call the

129. What gauge catheter would you use to start an IV in hypovolemic

is also affected.

130. How long does a lady have to wait before driving after a

131. What drug is most commonly used in polycythemia vera?

132._________________________Gestational diabetics tend to get infections.

133. How is the flow of eye irrigational fluid directed?

134. What affect do oral contraceptives have on ovarian cysts?

135. What does torsion of an ovarian cyst mean?

136._______________________________________________________________ Kernig's sign is positive when there is pain in the _____ when attempting to straighten the leg with_________________ flexed.

137. How often should the neurovascular status of the extremities of a client in a Risser cast be measured? Fresh post-operatively?

138. What flow rates of O2 are appropriate for the client with emphysema?

139. What is a major nursing diagnosis post-mastoidectomy?

140.________________________________The first trimester goes from week _____ to week _.

141. What occurs during the follicular phase of the ovarian

142. The preferred length of needle to administer an IM injection

143. Give three appropriate indications for bladder

144. What is the #1 complication of cleft

145. Should a female staff member be present when the rape victim is being examined?

146. What should the nurse do with the IV line if transfusion reaction is suspected?

147. How much suction should be used for an infant?

148. What is the lesion like in primary syphilis?

149.___________________________________________The preferred gauge of needle for injection for SQ injection__________________________________________ _.

150. What is the age range of concrete operational thinking?

151. A major disadvantage of PCA pump is that the client can take too much medication. (T/F)

152.______________________Patient's with Parkinson's have


153. What drug is used to fight epiglottitis?

154.________________Proteins provide

Kcalories per 1 gram.

155. Uncleanliness is a cause of

156. What two lab tests monitor coumadin

157. When putting on the second of a set of sterile gloves, you should grasp the cuff.

158. What is important about the level of the urinary drainage

159. When do you need a mask with

160. What does a type and cross match

161. Will the client with a MI be

162. If the client absorbs too much of the dialysate the client will experience...

163. What three medications are used in osteoarthritis?

164. What solution is best to use if you intend to remove a client's contact lenses?

165. Which two nutrients is breast milk lower in?

166. When should a diabetic be delivered?

167.______________________Water acounts for __________ to

168. What type of diet is used in BPH?

169. Does a client have to be NPO before an EEG?

170. C an a cli ent on PD: Sit in a chair? Eat? Urin ate?

171. What are 3 ways to gain access to the circulation in

172. Subcutaneous injection must be given at 45 degrees.

% of an infant's total weight?

173. What is Hegar's

174. para-

175. What is the most common problem due to

176. Should pregnant staff care for a client with a cesium

177.____________________________Normal length of pregnancy is ______ to days.


What is the icteric stage?

179.______________________________________________________________The b asis for a therapeuti c nu rse/ patient relati onship b eg ins with the ______ , self______ and __________________________ _.


PROM always occurs in a gush of fluid. (T/F)


Are enemas required before cystoscopy?


Encourage fantasy

183.______________________________________Repetitive actions designed to reduce anxiety are called _.


What is the big danger to staff when caring for a client with cesium implant?

185. In the recovery room the neck should

186. Give 3 stages of acute renal

187. How often should the client with acne wash his face each

188. Which sex has a higher incidence of

189. If a women on oral contraceptives misses a period, should she still take

190. If pre-eclampsia is mild will the woman be

191. Birth to 18

192.____________________________________________________If after a right BKA, the client c/o pain in his right tow, he is experiencing__________________________________ _.

193. Should a CVA patient have all four side rails up at all times? Should they be restrained?

194. What safety measures should be followed with Meniere's?

195. Fruits are (high/low) in fiber.

196. What does blood cross matching mean?

197. Name the four most common toxic effects of digitalis.

198. Name 3 drugs given for acne?

199. What fluid order should the emphysema client have?

200. Give five causes of

201. -genic

202. Amniotic fluid is

203. If you were told to start the IV on the woman admitted for Placenta Previa, what gauge needle would you

204. Name the three symptoms of

205. For a woman who doesn"t have retracted nipples, is towel drying or air drying

206. Mastitis and breast engorgement are more likely to occur in

207.For the client with calcium nephrolithiasis the diet should be____ ash.

208.Can the client be removed from skeletal traction?

209.What causes thrombophlebitis after hysterectomy?


During the lute al phase of th e o vari an cycle, whi ch of the following ho rmone s increase: estro gen, progesterone or L H?


Should you use a heat lamp or hair dryer or fan to help dry a cast?


What is the name of frozen factor VIII given to hemophiliacs?


Does stress make acne worse?


How often should the nurse check the flow rate of the O2?

215. Obesity increases risk of CVA

216. What test confirms the

217. What is the primary purpose of a 3 way continuous bladder irrigation (CBI) after

218. Can hypertension be

219. Use of oral contraceptives increases the risk of CVA

220. What is the #1 integumentary side effect of

221. What is the characteristic lesion of

222. What solution should be used on the skin where the brace rubs?

223. When does lightening occur in pregnancy?

224.___________________________________________________________________________ In the rule of nines, the front trunk gets_____, the posterior trunk gets_____, each leg gets ______ and the genitalia gets______.

225._______________________________________________After meals, the nurse must always check _______ of the CVA client for___________________________________________ _.

226. Name foods that make acid urine

227. What are 2 common psychological reactions to hysterectomy?

228. What is lovenox?

229. Which week can mother first feel the fetus move?

230._______________________________________________________"Time is too short to start another life, though I wish I could," is an example of___________________________________. 231. A second-degree burn is dull or

218. Can hypertension be

219. Use of oral contraceptives increases the risk of CVA

220. What is the #1 integumentary side effect of

221. What is the characteristic lesion of

231. A second-degree burn is dull or

232. The best client position during airway suctioning is_ _ _.

233. Is it always bad for the nurse to self-

234. When putting on the second glove of a set of sterile gloves, you must not use the thumb of the first

235. What vital sign changes are most ominous after

236. What does AKA mean?

237. What is the meaning of cervical effacement?

238._____________________________________________The school-aged hospitalized child is afraid of separation from_______________________________________ _.

239.____________________________________________________ Abruptio Placenta usually occurs in (prima/multi) gravida over the age of__________________________________.

240. Define contusion.

241. Which extremities are affected by it?

242. When putting on the first glove of a set of sterile gloves, you should grasp the cuff. (T/F)

243. Strict aseptic techniques is required when administering a vaginal medication. (T/F)

244. Elastic stockings should be removed for the bath.

245. What is done in an AV

246. Apendicitis occurs most in what age

247. What is the sensori-motor stage of intellectual

248. What is

249. What is the #1 symptom of cast

250. What will you hear when you auscultate the lungs of the client with CD of

251._____________________________________________If the AIDS patient has leukopenia they will be on _.

252. Where does the organism that causes mastitis come from?

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