Test Questions Sec 4 - map quiz - World Civilization 2 PDF

Title Test Questions Sec 4 - map quiz - World Civilization 2
Course World Civilizations II
Institution University at Buffalo
Pages 2
File Size 93 KB
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1. Know the major plants native and not native to the “New World” Brazil Wood & Sugar 2. Know what happened with Brazil during and after the Napoleonic Wars 1807: Napoleon’ s armies invaded Portugal -Portuguese royal family fled to Brazil (+ 15000 people) -New world capital for empire -1815 Napoleon defeated at Waterloo, but Portuguese ruler chooses to remain in Brazil -Brazil becomes not just a colony, but a united kingdom Brazil and Portugal = Portuguese Empire -Commercial and cultural improvements in Brazil -ex: Medical schools, banks, botanical gardens, opera house, etc 3. Know the first colony of the New World to free its slaves Brazil had very peaceful separation from Portugal, Spanish colonies did not 4. Know the social classes in the Spanish colonies and who was on top before the wars of independence and after the wars of independence Peninsulares: Spaniards born in Spain - all the rights and all the power -Controlled imports/exports, intercolonial trade, mining industry Creoles: Spaniards by birth (Spanish parents) but born in the new world Mestizo: child of one European parent and one Native American Mulatto: child of one European parent and one African Native American Indians African Slaves 5. Know what the Casa de Contratación was set up to do 1717 moved board of trade (casa de contraction) away from bureaucracies, 1790 board of trade was abolished 6. Know the major feats of Carlos/Charles III -Made smaller viceroyalties -So can’ t be full economic systems- lacking some goods so can be controlled -Instituted free trade* that benefited Spanish merchants -Local goods couldn’ t compete -Stimulated production for overseas markets -Local trade declined 7. Know what Tupac Amaru II’ s original name was and what he tried to accomplish -Jose Gabriel Condorcanqui becomes Tupac Amaru II, “ heir”to the Incan Empire -Led a force of natives and castas (people of mixed-origins)

-Successful early, but crushed in 1781 -Spanish sent local troops from Lima and Cusco (Peru had two capitals) -Tupac’ s family and captains beheaded in front of him, then he himself beheaded. 8. Know the major reasons for revolts/rebellions in the Spanish colonies -Peasants and workers elected a común (central committee) to lead a revolt -Revolutionaries = comuneros 9. Know who Bernardo O’ Higgins was and his common nickname Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme was a Chilean independence leader who, together with José de San Martín, freed Chile from Spanish rule in the Chilean War of Independence. Nickname The Liberator of Chile...

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