Test review Chapter 1 PDF

Title Test review Chapter 1
Course Culture And Society
Institution Florida Atlantic University
Pages 4
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Test reviewGeneral stuff● Anthropology: The study of the human species and its immediate ancestors ● Holistic: Encompassing past, present, and future biology, society, language , and culture ● Culture: Traditions and customs transmitted through learning ○ culture is dynamic ● universality: something that exists everywhere ● Particularity: distinct or unique ● Generality: exists in some but not all cultures ● know forms of culture and biological adaptations to High altitudes Chart 1.1 in your book Four fields of anthropology● Archaeology: study of cultural remains ● biological anthropology: study of human biological variation and space ● Cultural Anthropology: Comparative cross-cultural study of human society and culture ● linguistic anthropology: study of human language in time and space What are these? ● Ethnography vs ethnology ○ Ethnography ■ field work in a particular cultural area ○ Ethnology ■ interpreting and collecting and what you do with the ethnographies ● Biocultural ○ cultural and biology adaptations to high altitudes ■ technological- breathing masks to be able to breathe regularly ■ stockier bodies ■ lungs that have adapted to breathe thinner air ● sociolinguistics ○ study of language and how it evolves over time ■ and how it interacts with culture ● Science-the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.:

Comparison ● Matrilineal vs Patrilineal ○ what are the trobriand islander ■ matrilineal ● mother's brother is more of the father figure and the father is more of a buddy ● Culturally specific syndromes mentioned in the book (pg 12 & 13) ○ susto, anorexia ● How is culture symbolic

○ the way we dress is culture Ethnography: ● Participant observation ○ when you go into the culture and interact with the culture ○ actively involved with daily activities ● Key cultural consultant ○ the people who you talk to who you learn that culture from ● Emic and etic ○ Emic- insider's perspective (look at it from their point of view) ○ Etic- The outsider's point of view ● Genealogy ○ how you track kinship through time and distance People to know and their ideas ● Franz boas ○ historical particularism ■ histories are not comparable diverse paths can lead to the same cultural result ● E.B. Tylor ○ He believed that there was a functional basis for the development of society and religion, which he determined was universal. Tylor is considered by many to be a founding figure of the science of social anthropology, and his scholarly works helped to build the discipline of anthropology in the nineteenth century ● Lewis Henry Morgan ○ assumed that human society had evolved through a series of stages, which he called savagery, barbarism, and civilization.

Margaret Mead ○ coming of age in samoa ■ helped Americans appreciate the relevance of anthropology to understanding their daily lives. Her work is featured here and elsewhere in this book. What is structural functionalism pg. 53 ○ a very scientific view of why and how people are doing what they do ○ radcliffe brown and evan pritchard ■ that we have things set up in culture for an advantageous reason ■ a very functional purpose to why we have and do certain things

Applications of anthropology ● Examples of applied anthropology ○ CRM ○ Garbology ○ Medical Anthropology ● What might an anthropologist do in a corporate setting? ○ marketing ○ demographics ● What does developmental anthropology focus on

○ focuses on developing communities ○ what is overinnovation pg 69 Where may Urban ANthropology take place ○ takes place in cities ○ such as studying people in boca ○ archeology in an urban landscape

More Miscellaneous Stuff ● What is encculturation ○ the way one learns their culture and is transmitted through generations ● what is acculturation ○ the interaction of two cultures and exchange of cultural ideas while staying distinct ● Tell me about symbols ○ skulls = symbols ● Disease vs illness ○ Disease refers to a scientifically identified health threat caused genetically or by a ○

bacterium, virus, fungus, parasite, or other pathogen. Illness is a condition of poor health perceived or felt by an individual within a particular culture.

What is ethnocentrism ● belief that your culture is superior than other cultures What is adaptation ● how you cope with the environmental forces around you Are humans the only primates with culture? ● no some primates like chimpanzees partake in activities that others do not Cultural diversity has no correlation with wealth how did the AAA feel about working in war zones ● some believe you should stay out some say to just be careful Cultural Diffusion● is the spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another. ● The mixing of world cultures through different ethnicities, religions and

nationalities has increased with advanced communication, transportation and technology.

Basics of Medical Anthropology ● Medical anthropologists examine such questions as which diseases and health conditions affect particular populations (and why) and how illness is socially constructed, diagnosed, managed, and treated in various societies...

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