Chapter 8 Review for Test PDF

Title Chapter 8 Review for Test
Author Halle Womble
Course Intro Sciences: Ecology
Institution University of Central Missouri
Pages 18
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For chapter 8 for ecology. Use as a study guide....


AP PSYCHOLOGY Chapter 8 Big Review Name___________________________________ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) In the early 20th century, psychologists were inclined to explain motivated behavior by attributing it to ________. A) learned responses B) emotions C) instincts D) incentives


2) The theory stating that behaviors are motivated by the body's attempts to reduce tension from conditions such as hunger or thirst to a state of balance is ________ theory. A) homeostatis B) disequilibrium C) needs D) drive reduction


3) Some psychologists believe that behavior is motivated by the body's attempts to achieve a state of balance in which the body functions effectively, or ________. A) propinquity B) reciprocity C) homeostasis D) acquiescence


4) A famed psychologist claims that motivated behaviors result from an effort to reduce tension caused by bodily needs such as hunger or thirst. This psychologist's philosophy most closely matches ________ theory. A) drive -reduction B) needs C) reciprocity D) homeostatis


5) Which of the following does NOT support drive -reduction theory? A) going jogging when you are bored B) getting something to drink when you are thirsty C) going to sleep when you are tired D) getting some food when you are hungry


6) Primary drives are ________. A) learned B) based on a physiological state C) exceptions to the drive -reduction principle D) influenced by stimuli outside the body


7) Primary drives are ________. A) exceptions to the drive -reduction principle B) produced by external incentives C) unlearned D) learned


8) Thirst, sex, and hunger are examples of ________ drives. A) reduction B) internalized C) primary

8) D) secondary

9) Drives that are most strongly influenced by stimuli within the body are called ________ drives. A) primary B) secondary C) instinctual D) learned



10) Primary drives are found in ________. A) only mammals C) most animals except primates

10) B) all animals D) only reptiles and fish

11) The theory of motivation that proposes that organisms seek an optimum level of stimulation is ________ theory. A) instinct B) drive reduction C) the hierarchy of needs D) arousal


12) The Yerkes-Dodson Law states ________. A) there is an optimal level of arousal for best performance of any task B) organisms seek to reduce arousal and maintain homeostasis C) extrinsic motivation is more powerful than intrinsic motivation D) that intrinsic motivation is more powerful than intrinsic motivation


13) Which of the following is true? A) Sometimes behavior is motivated to increase arousal, while other times it is motivated to reduce arousal. B) Behavior is almost always motivated to maintain the current level of arousal. C) Behavior is almost always motivated to reduce arousal. D) Behavior is almost always motivated to increase arousal.


14) The idea that there is an optimal level of arousal for best performance of any task, and the more complex the task, the lower the level of optimal arousal, is ________. A) the Law of Effect B) Weber's Law C) the Law of Diminishing Returns D) the Yerkes-Dodson Law


15) According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, higher levels of arousal ________. A) are best when performing simple tasks B) always disrupt performance of a task C) are best for performing all tasks, whether simple or complex D) are best when performing complex tasks


16) According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, lower levels of arousal ________. A) are best when performing complex tasks B) are best for performing all tasks, whether simple or complex C) always disrupt performance of a task D) are best when performing simple tasks


17) According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, ________. A) easy tasks require a very low level of emotional level B) difficult tasks require a very high level of emotional level C) complex tasks require a very low level of emotional level D) there is no relationship between emotional arousal and performance


18) Which of the following is likely to be significantly affected by emotional level according to the Yerkes-Dodson Law? A) boiling water for tea B) taking your dog for a walk C) taking the college board exams D) raking the leaves



19) Intense emotions would NOT be conducive to ________. A) going for a walk B) doing the laundry C) talking to yourself D) studying for an exam


20) A highly emotional state would LEAST affect ________. A) playing chess B) driving a car C) studying D) washing the car


21) Behavior such as skydiving is best explained by ________. A) drive reduction theory B) arousal theory C) a motive for homeostasis D) a motive for sensation seeking


22) Human behavior is ________ rigid, unchanging, inflexible, and found throughout the species. A) rarely B) always C) usually D) never


23) ________ significant human behavior is ________. A) Most; learned B) All; learned

23) C) All; inborn

D) Most; inborn

24) The state of tension created by biological needs is called a(n) ________. A) emotion B) instinct C) impulse

D) drive

25) Hunger and thirst are examples of ________. A) instincts B) drives

D) motives


25) C) incentives

26) Extremely stimulating activities such as sky-diving, bungee jumping, and hang gliding are ________. A) not well explained by either drive -reduction theory or arousal theory B) well explained by arousal theory but not drive-reduction theory C) well explained by both arousal theory and drive-reduction theory D) well explained by drive -reduction theory but not arousal theory


27) Which of the following is LEAST well explained by arousal theory? A) watching television B) skydiving C) playing a computer game D) going for a walk


28) Each of the following is true of high sensation seekers when compared to low sensation seekers EXCEPT they are more likely ________. A) to smoke, drink heavily and use illicit drugs B) to be classified as aggressive in school C) to have more sexual partners and engage in more varied and dangerous sexual activities D) engage in unsafe driving.


29) A desire to perform a behavior that originates within the individual is known as ________ motivation. A) primary B) secondary C) intrinsic D) extrinsic


30) A desire to perform a behavior to obtain an external reward or avoid punishment is known as ________ motivation. A) intrinsic B) primary C) secondary D) extrinsic



31) The person who climbs a mountain “because it is there” is responding to ________ motivation. A) secondary B) intrinsic C) primary D) extrinsic


32) The student who completes a project in school hoping to get first prize in a competition is responding to ________ motivation. A) secondary B) primary C) intrinsic D) extrinsic


33) The motive of self-actualization makes one want to ________. A) have frequent contact with others B) convince others of one's true worth C) possess as many material goods as possible D) fulfill one's inborn potential


34) The correct sequential order of Maslow's hierarchy of motives from most complex and human to most primitive is ________. A) self-actualization, belongingness, safety, esteem, physiological B) self-actualization, esteem, belongingness, safety, physiological C) belongingness, self-actualization, esteem, physiological, safety D) self-actualization, esteem, belongingness, physiological, safety


35) According to Maslow's theory, higher motives emerge ________. A) simultaneously with more basic needs B) before any other needs emerge C) only after more basic ones have been satisfied D) unpredictably, depending on the situation


36) Unexpected rewards ________. A) do not necessarily reduce intrinsic motivation B) reduce intrinsic motivation as much as contractual rewards C) reduce intrinsic motivation, but not as much as contractual rewards D) reduce intrinsic motivation even more than contractual rewards


37) Positive feedback, including praise, ________. A) dramatically reduces intrinsic motivation B) slightly reduces intrinsic motivation C) has no effect on intrinsic motivation D) may actually increase intrinsic motivation


38) According to Maslow, the highest level on the hierarchy of needs is ________. A) physiological needs B) esteem C) self-actualization D) intellectual needs


39) When people are offered extrinsic rewards for a behavior, intrinsic motivation and a sense of personal responsibility for that behavior are ________. A) impossible to predict B) likely to increase C) likely to remain unchanged D) likely to decrease



40) The correct sequential order of Maslow's hierarchy of motives from the most primitive to the most complex and human is ________. A) physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization B) safety, physiological, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization C) physiological, esteem, self-actualization, safety, belongingness D) physiological, esteem, safety, belongingness, self-actualization


41) Hunger is stimulated by ________ cues. Thirst is stimulated by ________ cues. A) internal and external; internal and external B) internal and external; internal C) external; internal and external D) internal; external


42) Thirst is monitored by ________ regulator(s) that monitor(s) the level of fluids inside and outside the cells. A) four B) one C) three D) two


43) Fat cells in our body produce ________, which travels in the bloodstream, and high levels of it signal the brain to reduce appetite, or to increase the rate at which fat is burned. A) leptin B) glucose C) ghrelin D) glycerol


44) A hormone produced in the stomach and small intestines that increases appetite is ________. A) leptin B) ghrelin C) insulin D) glycerol


45) Located in the ________ are two regions that serve as “on and off” switches for eating behaviors. A) hypothalamus B) thalamus C) frontal lobes D) temporal lobes


46) A hormone secreted by the pancreas that keeps glucose levels balanced is ________. A) ghrelin B) glycerol C) insulin D) leptin


47) The brain measures satiety by measuring the level of ________ in the blood. A) lipoproteins B) insulin C) cholesterol

47) D) glucose

48) Horse meat is very popular in ________. A) Europe B) America

D) Africa

48) C) Asia

49) Eating which of the following violates both Islamic and Jewish dietary laws? A) horse meat B) pork C) dog meat

49) D) lamb

50) The mere sight, smell, or thought of food causes ________ in insulin production and ________ in glucose levels in the body's cells. A) increases; increases B) increases; decreases C) decreases; decreases D) decreases; increases



51) The mere aroma of food ________. A) has little or no affect, by itself, in arousing hunger B) serves as an incentive to eat and arouses the primary drive of hunger C) arouses the primary drive of hunger, although it does not serve as an incentive to eat D) serves as an incentive to eat, but does not arouse the primary drive of hunger


52) The way in which a person responds when hungry ________. A) varies directly with the age of the individual B) is consistent across cultures C) is entirely dependent on internal drives D) varies with each individual's social conditioning


53) A serious eating disorder that is associated with an intense fear of weight gain and a distorted body image is called ________. A) Huntington's chorea B) anorexia nervosa C) bulimia D) Karposi's anemia


54) About ________ percent of all adolescent females suffer from bulimia nervosa. A) 4 to 6 B) 1 to 2 C) 12 to 15 D) 8 to 10


55) Which of the following females is MOST likely to develop bulimia? A) a lower-class female high school dropout B) an upper-middle class female high school graduate who is attending college C) a middle-class male who is trying to make his high -school wrestling team. D) a lower-class female who is a college graduate


56) Muscle dysmorphia is ________. A) a steady and uncontrollable deterioration of muscle mass in young adulthood B) characterized by excessive cramping of the muscles when exercising C) characterized by excessively large but weak striated muscles D) an obsessive concern with one's muscle size


57) Muscular dysmorphia has been increasing particularly among ________. A) young women B) older women C) older men D) young men


58) Genetics appears to play a role in ________. A) bulimia but not anorexia C) both anorexia and bulimia

58) B) neither anorexia nor bulimia D) anorexia, but not bulimia

59) Which of the following people is MOST likely to have anorexia nervosa? A) an upper-class black female B) a middle-class black female C) a lower-class white female D) an upper-class white female


60) Approximately ________ percent of all adolescents suffer from anorexia nervosa. A) 1 B) 7 C) 3 D) 5


61) About ________ of Americans are either overweight or obese. A) one-third B) two-thirds C) one-half



D) one-quarter

62) The rate of obesity among young people has ________ since 1980. A) tripled B) doubled C) declined

D) not changed

63) ________ refers to an excess of body fat in relation to lean body mass. A) Fat B) Morbidity C) Overweight

D) Obesity



64) The human sex drive ________. A) can be turned on and off by environmental cues, but not by biological factors B) can be turned on and off by biological factors, but not by environmental cues C) can be turned on and off by both biological factors and environmental cues D) cannot be turned on or off, it runs at a constant, preset level


65) The sexual drive is different from hunger and thirst in that the sexual drive ________. A) is vital only to the survival of the individual B) can be turned on and off by environmental cues C) is vital only to the survival of the species D) leads to responses which are shaped by experience


66) The primary male sex hormone is ________. A) estrogen B) pheromone

66) C) testosterone

D) progesterone

67) The major difference in animal and human sex drives is that ________. A) human sex drive is controlled by the female's reproductive system B) human sex drive is controlled by the male's reproductive system C) humans are able to be interested in sex at any time D) human sex drive is controlled by hormones


68) Sexual excitement seems to be influenced by the ________ and the ________. A) parietal lobes; hypothalamus B) limbic system; insula C) thyroid gland; ghrelin cortex D) upper spinal cord; sympathetic nervous system


69) The researcher(s) known for discovering the sexual response cycle is (are) ________. A) Alfred Kinsey B) Masters & Johnson C) Hobson & McCarley D) Sigmund Freud


70) The sexual response cycle has ________ phases. A) four B) two

70) C) five

D) three

71) ________ motives are largely unlearned motives that push us to investigate, explore, and often change, the world around us. A) Primary B) Tertiary C) Stimulus D) Secondary


72) Which motive is LEAST influenced by external stimuli? A) exploration B) curiosity C) contact

72) D) hunger

73) Which motive is MOST influenced by external stimuli? A) curiosity B) sex C) thirst

D) hunger



74) Which of the following situations BEST illustrates how a stimulus motive can direct behavior? A) Monkeys kept in a zoo will form male-female pairs, copulate, and rear their young. B) People who are used to eating dinner at 6 P. M. feel hungrier as dinnertime approaches. C) Children who see an object new to their environment will usually pick it up and try to see how it works. D) A rat will learn a maze in order to get food.


75) Which of the following situations does NOT illustrate how a stimulus motive can direct behavior? A) People who are used to eating dinner at 6 P.M. feel hungrier as dinnertime approaches. B) Monkeys kept in a zoo will tend to huddle together. C) Children seem to have a natural curiosity to learn about the world. D) A rat in a maze will naturally explore it.


76) Which of the following would be MOST likely to result from a manipulation motive? A) tapping your fingers on a desktop during a lecture B) looking for a drugstore in order to buy a newspaper C) fiddling with a pocket watch during a job interview D) taking apart a car engine to see how it runs


77) Curiosity has been positively correlated with ________. A) both creativity and intelligence B) intelligence, but not creativity C) neither intelligence nor creativity D) creativity, but not intelligence


78) Which of the following motives is the only one that is directed toward a specific object that must be touched, handled, and played with? A) exploration B) manipulation C) contact D) curiosity


79) Which of the following choices represents an important conclusion that was drawn from Harlow's classic experiments with monkeys and surrogate mothers? A) When stressed, newborn primates are most powerfully drawn to their source of nourishment. B) Newborn primates cannot survive without their real mothers; newborns given surrogate mothers refuse to eat and subsequently die. C) When stressed, newborn primates are most powerfully drawn to a source of “contact comfort” and warmth. D) When stressed, newborn primates are powerfully drawn towards their peers.


80) Harry Harlow's famous experiments with isolated newborn monkeys provide convincing evidence that primates possess a strong ________. A) need to manipulate objects B) activity drive C) need for contact D) need to control their environment


81) A recent study of premature low birthweight babies who were held and massaged found that they gained weight ________ and were ________ than those who were touched minimally. A) faster; more highly aroused B) slower; calmer C) slower; more highly aroused D) faster; calmer



82) All human behavior that is intended to inflict physical or psychological harm on others is known as ________ behavior. A) violent B) confrontational C) anger-driven D) aggressive


83) ________ is a necessary element of virtually all aggression. A) Anger B) Psychological harm C) Physical harm D) Intent to harm


84) Zorba enjoys toying with his set of car keys while he is talking. These keys prob...

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