The 21st Century Workplace PDF

Title The 21st Century Workplace
Author Ja co
Course Introduction to Management
Institution Victoria University of Wellington
Pages 3
File Size 248 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 45
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Ben Walker, Tri 1 2019...


The 21st Century Workplace   

Technology Values Attitudes to work

Technology How is it changing today's workplace? Increasingly, technology is doing jobs that humans used to do - and frequently doing these jobs better than humans can do them! It is affecting all jobs, including the highly skilled jobs such as doctors. It is good because it lowers the cost, less employees. It can help workers as it makes their job easier and more interesting. “In the 20th Century, a relatively small elite exploited masses of people. The masses felt exploited but they were still very important. You could not run an economy without them…In the 21st century, the main struggle will be about irrelevance." For better or worse, technology is rapidly advancing, which requires managers to have some specific skills/capabilities…

Digital Literacy Digital literacy requires a variety of strategies and skills, including: • • • •

critical thinking — questioning how authentic, valid and useful digital information is communicating and collaborating with others in the digital space using digital tools to design and create compelling original content using digital tools to access, use and share information.

Technology is changing so fast, so it is hard to prepare for the future. What we do need is the ability to learn when it arrives.

Lifelong Learning Continuously learning from daily experiences and opportunities.

Values How are collective values changing today’s workplace?

In the 21st Century, the values of universalism and benevolence are having a significant impact on workplaces. “Universalism and benevolence = Enhancement of others and transcendence of selfish interests.”

What challenges of this value shift mean to managers? We risk focusing too much on what social categories people belong to, and overlooking their individual qualities (e.g., competence, skills).

Diversity Fatigue An individual or collective sense of exhaustion and boredom about issues of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Attitudes Towards Work In the 21st Century, people look to their work as a valuable source of identity, community, and purpose. Therefore people’s strong personal attachments to work creates new opportunities for managers/organisations, but also new problems. Traditionally, managers have focused on motivating their workers, nowadays it is about ensuring there is a work-life balance for employees.

Workaholism The compulsive inner drive to work hard.

Burnout Has been added to the disease list by the WHO. Chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed, characterised by 3 symptoms: 1) feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; 2) increased mental distance from one's job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and 3) reduced professional efficacy

There is now a 4th C. Caring....

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