The Contemporary World-M2-Learning-Task PDF

Title The Contemporary World-M2-Learning-Task
Course The Contemporary World
Institution Centro Escolar University
Pages 13
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M2 Pre-task: The Global North and the Global SouthNAME OF CITY / TOWN: PASAY CITYGLOBAL NORTH GLOBAL SOUTHPasay city is one of the wealthiest cities in Metro Manila.On the other side, Pasay city also has many poor areas or informal settlers. Pasay city has Mall of Asia located near the of this pictu...


M2 Pre-task: The Global North and the Global South


GLOBAL NORTH Pasay city is one of the wealthiest cities in Metro Manila. Pasay city has Mall of Asia located near the of this picture.

The global north of Pasay has different multi-millionaire companies. Many people from different cities go to Pasay because of its large building, and that building gives many people work. The Global north of Pasay is clean.

GLOBAL SOUTH On the other side, Pasay city also has many poor areas or informal settlers. Pasay city also has the Baclaran, where people sell everything you need at an affordable price, but the place is like the global south, as the picture shows. The global south of Pasay shows how the government leaves people behind. The people of Pasay in the global south cannot go or work to the buildings of their city because they work in their area. The global south of Pasay is not clean because of its situation.

M2 Lesson 2: While-task





M2 Post-task: Regional Economic Integration

Profile of the Regional Economic Integration 1. European Union

Specific Goals

To provide EU people with freedom, security, and justice while maintaining control over their exterior borders.

Member Countries

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Date Founded: Croatia, November 1, Republic of 1993 Cyprus, Czech Treaties: Republic, Treaty of Lisbon Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden 2. African Union To develop greater Burundi, African unity, Cameroon, Date Founded: cohesion, and Central July 9, 2002 solidarity among African African counties and Republic, Treaties: nations and protect Chad, Congo OAU Charter, its member states' Republic, DR Addis Ababa sovereignty, Congo, territorial integrity, Equatorial

Classification as The Rich North/ The Poor South Rich North The European Union is classified as rich north. The continent of Europe is the second world's wealthiest because most of the countries in Europe belong to the Core country. The European Union has had higher GDP for many consecutive years.

Poor South The African Union is categorized as poor south due to a variety of challenges, some of which have existed for decades (chronic poverty; political instability and violent mobilization by various

and independence.


To improve

Guinea, Gabon, Sāo Tomé and Principe, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sahrawi Republic, Tunisia, Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cōte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, GuineaBissau, Liberia, Mali Antigua and

subcultures; corruption and other forms of impunity), and others (terrorism and violent extremism) that have emerged since the turn of the century. Many are internal, resulting from citizen concerns against their administrations. A lack of political will has slowed the African Union's growth significantly.

Poor South

Date Founded: August 1, 1973 Treaties: Treaty of Chaguaramas

4. MERCOSUR Date Founded March 26, 1991: Treaties: Treaty of Asunción

5. ANDEAN Community Date Founded: May 26,

economic collaboration and coordination among its members and to guarantee that the benefits of integration are shared evenly, as well as the coordination of foreign policy.

By expanding markets, fostering economic development in a globalized world, enhancing infrastructure and communications, better using existing resources, and safeguarding the environment, all member economies will be more efficient and competitive. creating an environment Industrial complementarity and macroeconomic policy coordination To improve the region's position in the world economic framework by promoting growth

Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

Bolivia , Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru are four countries in

CARICOM nations are considered developing countries; they were categorized as poor south. The CARICOM nations are not poorer and have expanded faster than the larger ones, indicating that access to overseas markets may mitigate the constraints posed by a small domestic market. In terms of population and size are all little and diverse in terms of geography, population, culture, and economic and social development levels. Poor South They are categorized as poor in the south because they cannot access fertile land owing to inequitable land distribution. They also lack access to sufficient knowledge, technical assistance, capacitybuilding, and productive assets. Because impoverished rural residents have limited access to resources, They cannot benefit from agricultural products and other income-generating activities due to a lack of access to essential technology, knowledge, and markets. Poor South They are classified as poor south because they are prone to floods, earthquakes, volcanic

1969 Treaties: Cartagena Agreement

6. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Date Founded: December 8, 1991 Treaties: CIS Charter treaty

7. EFTA Date Founded:

and development in member countries via economic and social cooperation

South America. Associate members include Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, while observers are Panama, Mexico, and Spain. CAN's headquarters are in Lima, Peru.

eruptions, droughts, health issues, densely populated urban regions, political instability, and internal upheavals are just a few of the factors that exacerbate the vulnerability of large impoverished and marginalized groups. This situation, along with high levels of inequality and a lack of necessities, makes communities more vulnerable and poses a severe humanitarian issue.

Supporting member states' economic and social development within a common economic space, ensuring human rights and fundamental freedoms under universally recognized principles, facilitating member state cooperation in ensuring international peace and security, and promoting peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts between member states. to create a single market that would, in theory,

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan , Ukraine, and Uzbekistan

Poor South They were designated as poor south because, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the withdrawal of subsidies, the disruption of intercountry trade, and the implementation of rigorous government stabilization measures caused a reduction in output across the area. Natural catastrophes, bloody wars, and other calamities Boundary conflicts have been added to the separation's economic toll on Uzbekistan.

Rich North Iceland, Liechtenstein, They are classed as the Norway and

January 4, 1960 Treaties: EFTA treaty

comprise all of Western Europe's countries. There will also be no tariffs on non-agricultural imports and open industrial trade between its members.


prosperous north because they benefit from lower inflation, higher employment, healthier budget surpluses, and lower accurate interest rates. Surprisingly, they export more per capita than EU nations, having the highest sales-topopulation ratio globally. The four freedoms of the single market, namely the free movement of commodities, services, people, and capital, — have been completely incorporated in the nations of EFTA

8. NAFTA Date Founded: January 1, 1994 Treaties: NAFTA treaty

To remove all trade and investment barriers between the US, Canada, and Mexico, including tariffs and non-tariff barriers.

Mexico, Canada, and the United States.

Rich North They are categorized as wealthy north because they built the world's largest free-trade zone, with a GDP that exceeds that of the 28 member nations of the European Union. This improved economic growth, profits, and employment in all three nations. As a result, consumer prices were also cut. NAFTA promoted business by eliminating all barriers between the three nations. It also drafted international corporate investor rights treaties. As a result, the cost of trading was decreased. It encourages small businesses to invest and grow.

9. ASEAN Date Founded: August 8, 1967 Treaties: Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, Bali

10. Pacific Island Forum Date Founded: 1971 Treaties: Pacific Islands Air Services Agreement ('PIASA')

To promote regional peace and stability by adhering to the ideals of the United Nations Charter and accelerating economic growth, social progress, and cultural development in the region.

Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Providing policy guidance, as well as coordinating, monitoring, and assessing regional cooperation and integration, aims to encourage economic growth and improve political governance and security in the region

Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.

Poor South They classed ASEAN as poor south because its economic development has been substantially less variable than that of the European Union since then. Savings rates have remained broadly consistent at roughly a third of GDP, despite significant differences between high-saving nations such as Brunei, Malaysia, and Singapore and low-saving economies such as Cambodia, Laos, and the Philippines.

Poor South They are classified as poor south because they are small in size, with limited natural resources and narrow-based economies; they are physically separated from major markets; they have small populations spread across many islands; and they are vulnerable to external shocks such as COVID-19, all of which can suppress economic growth, increase poverty, and lead to high levels of economic distress volatility.

11. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

To maintain the region's growth and development for the common good of its Date Founded: peoples while January 31, 1989 also contributing to the world Treaties: economy's does not have a growth and development to treaty maximize the positive benefits that increasing economic interdependence brings to the region and the world economy.

12. South Asia Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Date Founded: December 8, 1985 Treaties: Saarc Agreement on Trade In Services

To promote the welfare of South Asian peoples and improve their quality of life; to accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural development in the region; and ensure that all people can live in dignity.

Australia; Brunei Darussala m; Canada; Chile; People's Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Republic of Korea; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea, Peru; the Philippines; the Russian Federation; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; the United States of America; Vietnam. The charter was formally adopted by the leaders of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. In 2007, Afghanistan became SAARC's

Rich North They categorized as wealthy north because APEC has turned into a thriving engine of economic advancement and one of the most significant regional forums in Asia-Pacific. Bringing the area closer together, eliminating trade barriers, and smoothing out regulatory differences have stimulated business, resulting in this extraordinary surge in prosperity. APEC has implemented a variety of initiatives to assist the region's economies in integrating and increasing trade while simultaneously tackling the issues of sustainability and social equality

Poor South The SAARC nations are developing; the bulk of the poor rely on selfemployment or selling their work to others to maintain their family. As a result, increasing people's possibilities to earn more money is crucial to eliminating poverty. SMEs are critical engines in eliminating poverty due to

eighth member

13. Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) Date Founded: 1875 Treaties: AMU treaty

14. Gulf Cooperation Council Date Founded: May 1981 Treaties:

To strengthen all types of linkages between the Member States, as well as to gradually implement the free movement of commodities, services, and factors of production among them.

Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia.

Member states must coordinate, integrate, and interconnect in all spheres to create unity. To deepen and strengthen the current state of relations, links, and areas of cooperation among their people in various fields.

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman

their vast provision of work opportunities for the underprivileged.

Poor South They labelled the Maghreb as poor south because, on a per capita basis, it is impoverished, equivalent to Lithuania. However, progress in establishing a Maghreb common market has been far slower than anticipated. Despite the signing of 26 cooperative agreements in sectors such as taxation, customs, and central banking in the first half, the process was already running behind schedule, despite the cultural cohesion of the Maghreb, which is mainly Arabic-speaking and Muslim and has a shared historical identity, economic and political impediments to integration have prevailed. Rich North The Gulf Cooperation Council, also known as the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, is an alliance of six oilexporting countries in the Persian Gulf. The cooperative council was established to foster economic, scientific, and commercial partnerships. They are among the world's wealthiest

countries regarding per capita income. They provide one-third of America's oil and own at least a billion in US dollars debt.

Part 2. In 200 words, analyze -

Modernization has become a catch-all word for significant structural change in Latin America and a source of loud and passionate criticism from people who have been injured, harmed, or disregarded by global restructuring forces. Latin Americans are too isolated and do not have a strong enough connection to impact the rest of the world. Latin American nations would need to form a unified economic alliance to affect the global level. However, they are not yet industrialized or diversified enough to do so. Latin American migrants live with a quasi-westernized perspective; therefore, the vast majority of them are impacted by the western country they reside in rather than the other way around.

Critical Thinking Questions: 1. How did Globalization challenge the Global North-South divide? -

The North-South Gap, also known as the Rich-Poor Divide, is a socioeconomic and political divide between affluent industrialized nations known as "the North" and impoverished developing countries known as "the South." Naturally available resources, various levels of healthcare and education, the character of a nation's economic sectors, world trade rules and market access, and how societies are governed are all factors to consider, as are international relationships between countries, conflict within and between countries, and a country's vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change.

2. Describe the relationship between Globalization and the rise of transnational crimes and terrorism? - Globalization, defined as removing barriers to cross-border movement of products and finances, has benefited transnational organized criminal networks. Because of global supply and demand forces, illegal goods and services of criminal organizations have found new markets. One of the significant benefits of Globalization has been the rise of transnational criminals. Globalization promotes worldwide trade but complicates regulation, criminals, and contraband profit.

References: al, C. G. (2017). Latin America in a new global political and economic scenario: What does it mean for the region? BROOKINGS. Link: Bank, T. W. (2016). Regional Integration. Link: Rillo, A. D. (2016). Monitoring Regional Economic Integration in Asia. Asian Development Bank.

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