The Environmental immunity PDF

Title The Environmental immunity
Author D. Gomaa
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The environmental immunity "Green management for climate change challenges" Prepared by Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa Doctorate in law-University of Mansoura Master of administration Business, Eslsca School- French University Legal researcher at governmental organization Faculty member, policy &am...


The environmental immunity "Green management for climate change challenges"

Prepared by Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa Doctorate in law-University of Mansoura Master of administration Business, Eslsca SchoolFrench University Legal researcher at governmental organization Faculty member, policy &law faculty-University of van Holland

Abstract This paper investigation recently attempts by the specialists of environmental science in international communities, to answer the question "How to achieve the environmental immunity? This research focuses on, generally, the framework for green management of climate change 'challenge, which clarifies; how to protect the healthy environment right for earth' peoples. The green treatment of climate change challenges represents a significant matter for all countries because it considers as preventive boundaries for the earth's environment that protect the earth from climate change disasters. Thus, the achievement of environmental immunity requires three kinds of levels; (a) geographical immunity; (b) chemical -industrial immunity; (c) legislative immunity. The geographical immunity divides into two levels; horizontal, and vertical, but the chemical -industrial immunity relies on the recycling industry for greenhouse gases, especially CO2, in another hand, the legislative immunity requires the legal framework for the environmental immunity and enacts the international legislation that enforces the obligations on developed countries. Consequently, the researcher will focus on identifying how to achieve green management for the climate change challenge that protects healthy environment' rights for the countries. This paper seeks to answer many questions; what is environmental immunity? What are the components of green management for the climate change challenge? What are the kinds of environmental immunity? How to achieve environmental immunity on a geographical level, technological level, legislative, and judicial one?. It hopes this research will inform the responsible international organizations, and national ones, for climate change to enact the rules of international environmental immunity . Keywords: climate change, environment, environmental security.

Background Climate change is a continuing modification in the typical weather shapes that have come to delineate Earth’s global, local, and regional climates. These deviations have an extensive array of witnessed paraphernalia that is tantamount to the term. Fluctuations witnessed in Earth’s climate

subsequently the primary 20th-century stem mainly from human actions, chiefly the burning of fossil fuel, which upturns heat of greenhouse gas ranks in Earth’s air, increasing Earth’s mediocre surface heat. These human-manufactured temperature upturns are frequently mentioned as global warming. Normal developments can similarly subsidize climate change, containing interior changeability (e.g., recurrent ocean configurations) and exterior power (e.g., variations in Earth’s orbit, changes in the Sun’s energy output, volcanic activity,). Experts witness remarks from the earth, environment, and planetary, in conjunction with theoretical perspectives, to track and watch future, present, and past climate change. (Nasa, 2021) Climate change discusses long-standing swings in heat and meteorological forms. These swings may be normal, such as through deviations in the astrophysical rotation. However, since the 1800s, human deeds have been the key cause of climate change, principally attributable to piping hot fossil fuels like gas, coal, and oil. Fiery fossil fuels produce emissions of greenhouse gas that make as a comprehensive covered around the Earth, conning the heat of the sun and rising heat. Cases in point of emissions of greenhouse gas that are bringing about climate change embrace carbon dioxide and methane. These derive employing gasoline for a car' energetic or coal for warming a house. Clearance forests and land can also issue carbon dioxide. Garbage landfilling's are a foremost source of methane emissions. Agriculture, buildings, industry, transport, energy, and land practice are among the leading emitters. (UN, 2021) The mitigation of undesired consequences of climate change requires an adaptation strategy, it is imperative to comprehend the shifting climatological and hydrological inclinations in the previous eras. Even though the fluctuating climate is a reason of concern for the whole planet, its impacts can differ meaningfully on a national scale. As a case study, Canada has witnessed a fast enlargement in the yearly surface air temperature in the ancient epochs. The contemporary scholarship intends to explore tendencies in monthly rainfall, snowstorm, supreme and lowest temperature, as well as total streamflow, baseflow, surface runoff, and values for the region of Ontario, Canada. A comparable study relating rural and urban turning point, which measures the impression of varying

climate on temperature and other hydrological developments over an epoch ranging from 1968 to 2017, has not yet been directed for Ontario. Man-Kendall drift assessment was used to investigate inclinations in the above-mentioned hydrometric and climatic factors for rural and urban watersheds positioned in the northern and southern parts of Ontario. The consequences of this schoolwork designate that the main regular lowest temperatures for rural turning point located in southern Ontario have augmented meaningfully for the summer and winter months, which may have produced an upturn in melting' snow and subsequently the streamflow for the winter months in the province. Contrasting the turning point in southern Ontario, the northern watersheds observed comparatively scarcer occurrences of noteworthy fluctuations in main monthly temperatures, and in some cases, decreasing degrees have been observed. Likewise, only a limited watershed in the north saw a considerable descent in base flow over the summer months. For closely all the months, the monthly lowest and supreme temperatures' average were found to rise for urban watersheds. The surface runoff, baseflow, and streamflow augmented, likely attributed to fast expansion, resulting in an inferior penetration rate. These outcomes will donate in the direction of the decision-making manners and growth of different water administration plans within the sphere, taking into consideration the provincial differences in climate change’s impression on the hydrology of Ontario’s watersheds. ( A. Azarkhish1, R. Rudra, P. Daggupati, J. Dhiman, T. Dickins, P. Goel, Investigation of Long-Term Climate and Streamflow Patterns in Ontario, 2021)

Statement of the Problem Climate change has an extensive array of probable environmental, economic, and social influences. International anxieties correlated to intensifying sea levels (Church et al., 2013), an upturn in the rate of recurrence and concentration of warmness waves (Peterson et al., 2013), and regular drought and flooding occurrences (Dai, 2013), sorts it significant to examination the modification in tendencies of hydrological and climatic data. Nevertheless, the influences of climate change in consort with land use fluctuations on a provincial scale may differ significantly based on geographical sites (Hamilton & Keim, 2009). For example, in an investigation directed by Shahid et al. (2018), it was found that climate change with land-use change played a vital role in the decline

of excess from the Soan Basin, Pakistan. Accordingly, comprehending the long and short-term impacts of climate change on factors such as total streamflow, surface runoff, baseflow, precipitation, and temperature at a regional scale becomes indispensable, particularly for the provincial authorities and decision-makers (Shahid & Rahman, 2021; Wang et al., 2016). The comeback of a local catchment to the climatic deviations (e.g., the disparity in rainfall and temperature) is considered its hydrologic system. In addition, the geomorphologic advancements of catchments are greatly leisurely than the potential climatic deviations being witnessed. Consequently, in the unspoiled turning point with the unfettered flows, a stream’s hydrologic system can be a respectable pointer of the impacts of climate change (Zhang et al., 2001). Global climate transformation considers an actual threat to human healthiness, environments, and water management regimes; there is a crucial requirement to progress justification and adaptation strategies at global and local levels (Upadhyay, 2020). To be talented to proceeds any additional footsteps in planning and carrying out of new approaches to diminish the undesired outcomes of the continuing provincial climate change. It is vital to implement a modernized and inclusive investigation that investigates the chronological inclinations in hydrology and climatology of the province for the past few decades; the changing climate and its effects on hydrological processes can be assessed through a trend analysis of the location’s historical climatic and hydrologic data (Shahid & Rahman, 2021). Therefore, the aim of this investigation is to comprehend the special effects of the shifting climate on hydrological progression for rural and urban watershed.

Objective of the Study The study aimed at evaluating the position of green management for climate change disasters by establishing the rules for the environmental immunity.

Methodology Experiments- as a research strategies – is a suitable plan for this research, because it is a hypothetic—deductive approach, because it depends on studying causal relationship between variables

Discussions The researcher will discuss the climate change challenge in the light of policy "turn the challenge to opportunity", the researcher will pose the "environmental immunity" through three levels; (a) geographical immunity, (b) chemical- industrial immunity, (c) legislative immunity, as follows ; )a) Geographical immunity: the environmental- geographical immunity depends on two kinds of levels; horizontal, vertical; 1- Horizontal environmental- geographical immunity: is drainage networks for torrential water and flood that drain the waters floods to exploit this great amount of water in agricultural development, this amount of water will be an extra source of water that will fill the water shortage. 2- Vertical environmental- geographical immunity: are water tanks for torrential rain and floods that save the water floods to make it the main source for the agriculture development in desert lands.

(b) Chemical-Industrial immunity: This kind of immunity relies on establishing the Carbon Absorption Factory (CAF) that is designed for absorbing the extra rate of CO2, as the main source of global warming, to recycle it chemically as beneficial material in other fields; as follow;

(1) Use of chemically treated carbon in greenhouses: Carbon dioxide is an indispensable element in photosynthesis, which is very significant for the life of all plants. When leaves are sprayed with water-soaked with liquefied carbon dioxide, plants can engross all the carbon their hereditary chromosomal traits permit for supreme growth. Moreover, scientific experiments on the effect of carbon dioxide gas on plants have proven a 400% upturn in the creation of chlorophyll A and an 800% increase in the transfer of carbon dioxide gas to both sides of the leaf surface area. The conclusions of the first agricultural experiments on three types of hemp, two types of pepper, and two types of lettuce showed an increase in value of at least 45%. (ADFCA, 2021) As a result, the establishment of CAF that will treat the carbon chemically will establish the grounds pipes linked to the greenhouse for plants to increase the agriculture growth.

(2) Use of chemically treated carbon as a source of energy (gasoline): The first research team, led by Chinese chemist Yu Han Sun, at the Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, was able to convert carbon dioxide into gasoline by using a catalyst consisting of partially-reduced indium oxide, in addition to Saccone Mobil zeolite. (Zeolite Socony Mobil-5) The conversion process occurs in two steps; Indium oxide converts carbon dioxide and hydrogen into methanol (methyl alcohol), and zeolite converts methanol into more stable hydrocarbons that can be used as fuel. In this way, about 13% of the carbon dioxide in the reaction can be converted into fuel. In the same vein, the second research team,

from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, led by chemist Kenji Jie, used a different mixture of catalysts. Partially-reduced magnetite was used alongside zeolite. By using this different mixture, a greater proportion of the carbon dioxide entering the reaction was converted to gasoline, reaching 22%.(Scientific American, 2017) As a result, the establishment of CAF that will treat the carbon chemically will establish the grounds pipes linked to the Gasoline station.

(3) Use of chemically treated carbon as fire extinguishers for fire forest: The CAF will treat carbon chemically to transform it to fire extinguisher material to put out forest fires generated from global warming by installing ground sprinklers in the forest escape through pumping pipes for chemically treated carbon.

(c) Legislative immunity: The achievement of environmental immunity requires the legal framework for an environment matters that limits greenhouse gas use in developed countries, which used fossils fuels in their industries, the environmental legislation will be at the national and international level. The national legislations for industrial factories in as an obligation- into environment and enact environment legislation.

have to enact rules that enforce the obligations developed countries to recycle carbon dioxide beneficial material that achieve a healthy expensive fines if they violated the healthy

The international conventions require to form an international committee that considers as a monitor for the developed industrial countries- as the main source for global warming- to watch their greenhouse gases utilization, which damages the environmental health, and to impose compensation payments to the developing countries to treat with the climate change disasters. As a result, the developed countries are responsible for paying compensation for the developing countries that suffer from the climate change disasters generated from greenhouse gases.

Findings 1-Climate change discusses long-standing swings in heat and meteorological forms. These swings may be normal, such as through deviations in the astrophysical rotation. However, since the 1800s, human deeds have been the key cause of climate change, principally attributable to piping hot fossil fuels like gas, coal, and oil. Fiery fossil fuels produce emissions of greenhouse gas that make as a comprehensive covered around the Earth, conning the heat of the sun and rising heat. Cases in point of emissions of greenhouse gas that are bringing about climate change embrace carbon dioxide and methane. 2- The mitigation of undesired consequences of climate change requires an adaptation of a new strategy that achieves a healthy environment, it is imperative to comprehend how to achieve green management for the climate change challenge.

Conclusion: 1- The green management of climate change disasters requires drawing the environmental immunity plan, this immunity divided into three kinds; geographical, chemical- industrial, legislation. 2- The environmental- geographical immunity depends on two kinds of levels; horizontal, vertical ;Horizontal environmental- geographical immunity: is drainage networks for torrential water and flood that drain the waters floods to exploit this great amount of water in agricultural development, this amount of water will be an extra source of water that will fill the water shortage. However, the vertical environmentalgeographical immunity: is a water tank for torrential rain and floods that save the water floods to make it the main source for the agriculture development in desert lands. 3-Chemical-Industrial immunity relies on establishing the Carbon Absorption Factory (CAF) that is designed for absorbing the extra rate of CO2, as the main source of global warming, to recycle it chemically as beneficial material in other fields. 4-The achievement of environmental immunity requires the legal framework for an environment matters that limits greenhouse gas use in developed countries, which used fossils fuels in their industries, the environmental legislation will be at the national and international level

Recommendations: 1- Applying to transform the challenge to opportunity' policy is required in the treatment process for climate change challenges. 2- Establishment the drainage networks for torrential water and flood, and water tanks for torrential rain and floods to exploit the extra water sources in agriculture development. 3- Establishment Carbon Absorption Factory (CAF) that is designed for absorbing the extra rate of CO2, as the main source of global warming, to recycle carbon chemically as beneficial material in other fields.

4- Forming the international committee that considers as a monitor for the developed industrial countries, to watch their greenhouse gases utilization. 5- The developing countries have a right to take legal action internationally against the developed countries to ask the suitable compensation due to their sufferance from climate change disasters, because the fault of developed countries, that is the utilization of greenhouse gases, cause many damages for the developing countries 'peoples; such as; destroying the building, destroying the agriculture corps.

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