The Impact Of Social Media For The Development Of Da'wah In Indonesia PDF

Title The Impact Of Social Media For The Development Of Da'wah In Indonesia
Author Mukti Ali
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RELIGIA Vol. 24 No. 1 2021 ISSN: 1411-1632 (Print) 2527-5992 (Online) Jurnal Ilmu–Ilmu Keislaman Article History The Impact Of Social Media For The Development Submitted: Of Da’wah In Indonesia 12-08-2020 Reviewed: Mukti Ali 03-10-2020 [email protected] Aproved: 27-03-2021 Institute of Isl...



Vol. 24 No. 1 2021 ISSN: 1411-1632 (Print) 2527-5992 (Online)

Jurnal Ilmu–Ilmu Keislaman

Article History Submitted: 12-08-2020 Reviewed: 03-10-2020 Aproved: 27-03-2021

The Impact Of Social Media For The Development Of Da’wah In Indonesia Mukti Ali [email protected] Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga Avin Wimar Budyastomo [email protected] Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga Makmur Haji Harun [email protected] Sultan Idris Education University

Abstract This study aims to determine the impact of social media in developing da'wah in Indonesia. Social media that is often used by the Indonesian people can be trusted to bring about changes in the behavior and methods of preaching to be conveyed. Currently, scholars in developing their preaching have also used social media. This type of research is descriptive qualitative by describing the findings or data available in the field then described as information. The method used is a direct interview with respondents about the impact of social media on the development of da'wah in Indonesia. The results obtained are the impact of social media on the development of Da'wah is that currently Da'wah has used technology such as social media for the propagation of Da'wah. Most scholars preach using social media such as YouTube and Facebook. This makes it easier for the scholars to preach. Keywords: Social Media; Da'wah; Community Behavior URL: DOI:

INTRODUCTION The development of information technology is very rapid, especially the use of the internet as a communication medium which is considered very practical and efficient. there are so many benefits that we can feel in using the internet, especially social media.

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ISSN: 1411-1632 (Print) 2527-5992 (Online)

Vol. 24 No. 1 April 2021

There are many types of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. Currently, the use of social media as a medium for disseminating information to the general public, such as company promotion, advertising, learning, and preaching. At the time of the prophet Muhammad SAW preaching was carried out with full obstacles. The struggle that is always driven away by the Quraysh infidels. at the time of the prophet Muhammad SAW preaching was carried out with full obstacles. The struggle that is always driven away by the quraish infidels. However, the times have changed very rapidly which has brought about tremendous changes in the method of spreading da’wah. Currently, there are many scholars who use social media as a medium for their da'wah which is considered very practical and efficient. From this social media has a very significant impact on the development of da'wah in the world, especially in Indonesia. There are two kinds of impacts brought about by social media, namely positive and negative impacts. People want to use the computer then only can at office or home, if now they can use the computer wherever they want. The development of information technology increasingly affects human life. Along its development, the people of Indonesia began to recognize the internet, television, radio and others. One of them is the Internet which is a form of integration between the flow of communication with the development of technology. One of the most popular web-based services is the social networking site. Indonesia became a country in Asia that experienced the second rapid growth after Malaysia in accessing one of the social network (facebook). Furthermore, based on the background of the problems described above, the main objective in this study is to determine the impact of social media in developing da'wah in Indonesia. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with a case study approach, primary data collection is done by interview and direct observation. Meanwhile, secondary data were obtained from literature studies on various reading sources in accordance with the theme. The data of this study involved forty respondents who were divided into two religious leaders, namely Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah of Salatiga City.

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Vol. 24 No. 1 April 2021

Respondents were asked questions about the impact of social media on the development of da'wah in Indonesia presented in the form of questionnaires. Data retrieval is conducted by direct interview to the source. Furthermore, the table is used as the result of this study. In addition to social media bring a positive impact to da'wah, social media also bring influence to the life of people in Indonesia. Indonesian society is not separated from the name of social media. Day by day millions of Indonesian people access social media for work purposes, updating news, or just a hobby. A variety of reasons someone makes an account on social media. Among them to stay connected with family and friends, obtain information and news through news feeds provided by social media, to show the existence of self. The rise and booming of social media users among teenagers, lately began to emerge the more active assumption of a teenager in social media then they are increasingly considered cool and slang. For teenagers who do not have accounts in social media, they are considered ancient and lack knowledge of technology. This poses a very serious problem. It is because teenagers are still emotional fairly unstable, thus in daily life, teenagers often use social media is becoming dramatic and continue to make an image of themselves. In achieving its objectives, youth seek to develop behaviors that support their “role” in social media. Social media is even able to change people who use it becomes more consumptive. In order to get the predicate cool and update, many young people are affected and then buy a smartphone that they can use to access social media. Beside the negative side, the use of social media has also a very positive impact, especially in the interaction both socially, politically and economically. The use of social media makes users easy to communicate, with friends or family that is not possible through face to face because of distance factor. The use of internet means we can send the required information easily and quickly, as well as in accessing the required information. We meet many friends or family, who have rarely met, through social media, i.e facebook. Social media can be used as a means to share, exchange photos, data and other documents. Social media can also be used as a means of promotion with various products / services that can be offered to the users of social media without having to spend a large cost but with multiple benefits. So do not be

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Vol. 24 No. 1 April 2021

surprised if now days you are very easy to find online business through the media Social. Even in big cities, the use of political communication through social media becomes a powerful impact to get the candidate pair. Technically, social media also requires us to change our lifestyles to be more intelligent and able to use the latest technologies, so that we can catch up on technologies from other countries. Today's society is accustomed to working faster. Thus, information obtained faster and easier. In addition, the features provided by social media today are very helpful. Positive impacts felt in the use of social media are as follows: 1) Expanding networking. Because of social media sites, teenagers become more easily get friends with others around the world. Although most of them have never met directly. Teens will be motivated to learn to develop themselves through friends that they meet online, because they interact and receive feedback from each other. 2) Make it easy to get information. Teens become easy to obtain information on the internet because of the blog or website. In addition social media can also be used as an information field for education, culture, and others. Social networking sites make children and teenagers more friendly, caring and empathetic. For example teens will pay attention when they have a friend's birthday. They will also leave comment on their friends photos, videos and status. Teenagers can maintain friendly relationships even though they can not meet physically. For those reason, social media make it easy for teenagers to share everything that they want. With the blog, teens easily share about life experiences and various other things is to post them to the blog. Blog also can be used as advertising place for teenagers who do business online. Currently, social media has provided advertising services. Like blogger, facebook, twitter and others can place ads on the site. Adding science and technology, because with the use of technology with social networking, we can directly master the use of these technologies and can increase knowledge insight by reading and opening links related to science. In addition the use of social media can also have a negative impact on the community, as we see now social media is used as a media to incite hatred towards others by uploading words or images that are unethical to awaken dislike and hate against someone, especially those who have important positions both in government and state institutions. Social media used as a means to revile and even spoil other people. This behavior is very dangerous especially concerning the survival of the state of the Republic of The Impact Of Social Media … 22-33 (Mukti Ali)

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Indonesia. Maybe in the future, before too much negative effect of social media we have to control management of the utilization on social media as a means of communication in order to prevent things that are not desirable happened. The usage of social media also affects the relationship between husband and wife, because it can trigger jealousy between couples if one partner build an relationship with other. There are so many cases that we see where in a household is falling apart and eventually divorced due to the uncontrolled use of social media, and when it is happened the one who bear the risks of it are innocent children. Negative impacts of using social media for teenagers include the teenagers become addicted to using social networking without knowing the time. Mostly when a teenager uses social networking, they can take hours to use it. Teenagers become lazy to communicate with others in the real world. It means the level of understanding of language becomes annoyed, if teen is too much communicating in the cyberspace, social networking sites will make teenagers more selfish. They become unaware of the environment around them, it is because most of them spend more time on the internet. The result is they will be less empathetic in real world. It also makes a teenager becomes lazy to learn because they often use social networking to play games on the site. It is because Facebook provides game services that make teens become addicted to the game. This game cause the lack of courtesy of teenagers today. With social media, more and more teens are using inappropriate language, and for teenagers who are still innocent it would be assumed that the language which is used in the game is the modern language of today's children. Because of, there are no spelling and grammatical rules on social networking sites, this makes teenager extremely difficult to distinguish between communicating on social networking sites and in the real world. Social media always has an impact on its users in every element. There are no exceptions for scholars who have used social media in developing their da'wah. From the interview data that has been conducted, that religious leaders agree if the use of social media in the development of da'wah in Indonesia. This is because social media is considered very effective in delivering da'wah material to the public. Especially if the geographical location of Indonesia is diverse, so that with this social media da'wah material can be accepted to the corners of hard-to-reach areas.

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ISSN: 1411-1632 (Print) 2527-5992 (Online)

Vol. 24 No. 1 April 2021

DISCUSSION A. Da’wah The word da'ah is linguistically derived from the word daʻā-yadʻū-da'watan, which has the same meaning as al-nidā ', which means to call out or call. Da'wah according to Sukayat (2009) is a believe in Him and in the teachings that His messengers bring, justify the news they deliver and obey his commands (Allah SWT). The meaning of da'wah is two generations, namely the generation at the time of the prophet Muhammad SAW and the modern generation. At the time of the prophet Muhammad SAW, the meaning of da'wah was to teach, deliver, guide and organize Muslims. In the modern generation, the meaning of da'wah is to invite mankind to enter the way of Allah (Islamic system), as a whole both orally and writing can be called broadcasting or tabligh, as well as with actions as Muslim endeavors to embody Islamic teachings become a reality in the life of shahsiyah usrah congregation and the ummah in all aspects of life in congregation (organized) so as to create khairul ummah (Hasnawirda, 2012). The meaning of da'wah is to call people with the contents of the invitation and exclamation based on the Al-Quran and Hadith which in finally also contributed to mad'u in the form of ethics and morals (Farihah, 2014). The meaning of da'wah is to encourage people to do good and obey instructions, calling them to do good and forbidding them from do evil so that they get happiness in the world and in hereafter (Rosidah, 2015). Da'wah can be interpreted as a process of transformation teachings and Islamic values of a or a group of da'i to mad'u with the goal of the person receiving transformation of Islamic teachings and values it happened enlightenment of faith as well improvement of attitudes and behavior Islamic (Alhidayatillah, 2017). Da'wah in Islam is an absolute obligation by every Muslim according to the ability he has. So in da'wah duties Islam is a noble duty and an obligation. The target of da'wah in Islam is all mankind without exception (Iskandar, 2016) The word da'wah is etymologically a form of the word da'a, yad'u, da'watan, which means calling, inviting, and encouraging. Is terminologically, da'wah is defined as efforts to

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invite and call Muslims towards a way of life that is approved by Allah SWT in the form of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar.(Tahir et al., 2020). Da'wah in the Al Quran means invitation to kindness, that is invitation to Islam, build quran civil society, always in amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar. Da'wah is a set of activities which is practiced by every Muslim accordingly with his ability, aims to make all human to believe and practice the teachings of Islam well and responsibly as well as accompanied by noble morals for the sake of get happiness now and which will come (Hardian, 2018). Da'wah is a system of activities of a person, a group, a group of Muslims as an actualization of the faith that manifests it to a person, a group of people and society in order to influence his behavior in order to achieve that goal (Patmawati, 2014). B. History of Da'wah Da'wah at the time of the Prophet Muhammad was a sufficient penomena Spectacular. In the sense that the Prophet Muhammad SAW has been able to become a pioneer the world not only within the arabian at that time, but for all nature universe, which in historical records the results were obtained over a relative period of time Short. prophet's da'wah is divided into two periods, namely the Mecca and Medina. These two periods have their own character and strategy, can be seen from the extent of the results achieved by the Prophet in the mecca period and Medina (Azhar, 2017). Da'wah can be delivered through various means and various media. One of them is through social media. In this day and age, social media has become a phenomenon globalized and entrenched. As is known together, that social media applications have become an integral part of inseparable from the communication devices that are "embedded" in the smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. Now, with more and more the breadth, speed and breadth of the internet connection, consumers are increasingly made easy to access social media applications (Sumadi, 2016). The history of Islamic da'wah that developed during this time is thick with political feel, the reconstruction of life political elites and patterns of power struggle-wars and bloodshed, finally asserting image of Islam as the "Religion of War", not as a Religion (Masykur, 2019).

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Vol. 24 No. 1 April 2021


Establish a Mosque.

In the time of the Prophet, the mosque was not only used in matters of worship only. The mosque is empowered as a place of learning, governing the government, even preparing for war strategy. In Medina, he built the first mosque that is the mosque of Nabawi which means the mosque of the Prophet. The mosque was founded in the month of rabiulawal year 1 Hijriah. It was only then that the Messenger of Allah established the mosques in the city of Madinah such as the Jumu'ah mosque, Quba mosque, Gamamah mosque, Bani Quraizah mosque, salman mosque, Ubay bin Ka'ab mosque, and Ali mosque. b.

Introducing and Fratifying the Emigrants and the Ansar.

Prophet Muhammad SAW in Medina has given many friends from the Ansar and Muhajiri. Some friends who was ratified by the Prophet Muhammad among them was Saad bin Mua'z by Ibn Mas'ud, Andurrahman premises Auf bin Sa'd ibn Rabi and others. This is done by the Prophet with the aim of unifying the ukhuwah of the people regardless of the background of the place of origin and so forth. Formulate the Act Rasulullah Muhammad SAW set the rights and obligations of the Ummah by legalizing a law and the rules through Law called the Medina Charter. The charter also contains rights and obligations for the people of Madinah who are religious outside of Islam. In general charter of Madinah act as: Means of unifying the Ummah in particular for the tribe of Khazraj and Aus tribe, are direct charter implies a recognition of the legality of Prophet Muhammad SAW as a community leader and State media. As judge guarantor of freedom of the people, as a media which guarantees freedom of religion and Tolerance, as a means of cultural filtering of the Arab nation.

C. E-Da’wah E-da'wah is a new method for convey the islamic mission in the context of spreading wider and larger through the use of internet media and information technology (Wafda, 2020). E-dakwah is one of the uses of information technology as active-creative responses arising from awareness of the positive side information technology to existing developments. E-da'wah becomes necessary because of the conventional dissemination of

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da'wah limited by space and time, while digital da'wah or e-da'wah can be carried out across over space and time. Geographic coverage e-da'wah is broader so that all Internet users can be touched by this type of da'wah (Muiyanto, 2009). ...

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