The Perfect Commercial PDF

Title The Perfect Commercial
Author Anonymous User
Course English Composition 1
Institution Grand Canyon University
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The Perfect Commercial, talks about why companies should mold their commercials into one of the main commercials mentioned in my essay....



The Perfect Commercial

Insert your name Grand Canyon University ENG-105 Professor’s Name November 10, 2020

2 The Perfect Commercial Imagine the pressure of having to create a commercial that will be seen by millions of people. An advertisement that must be extremely appealing to viewers through persuasive means such as good branding, appropriate casting, and an interesting plot; making your product look irresistible! If your commercial does not meet these requirements, other commercials will outshine you and take a lot of potential consumers from you resulting in negative profits. With all of this in mind one must ask the question, how does one make the perfect commercial? The Cool Ranch Doritos commercial was one of the many commercials broadcasted to millions of people across the United States during the Super Bowl. The commercial begins with Lil Nas X riding a horse through a ranch met by Sam Elliot, both hysterically dance battling to win a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. Lil Nas X then wins the dance battle and rides off eating the Cool Ranch Doritos (Doritos, 2020). This commercial is a model of how companies can have good branding, appropriate casting, and an interesting plot to make the perfect commercial. Branding The branding of the Cool Ranch Doritos commercial is used effectively because the product and logo are shown at appropriate times and do not take too much screen time. Branding is important because companies need viewers to remember their brand and logo which may lead to a sale. Which is explained further by Norris I. Bruce, Maren Becker, and Werner Reinartz in their article “Communicating Brands in Television Advertising” which they state, “The idea is that the more frequently consumers hear, see, or think about the brand, the more prominent it becomes in their memory” (Bruce N. I. et al., 2020, para. 11). The viewers of the commercial need to be shown the product and logo so they can remember the brand and the product that is being sold (Bruce N. I. et al., 2020). Ineffective branding in a commercial makes the viewers

3 less inclined to buying the product. In the Cool Ranch Doritos commercial, the product is only shown twice, but it is perfectly timed so viewers can realize that Lil Nas X and Sam Elliot are having a dance competition for the bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. At the end of the commercial, Sam Elliot says, “Doritos Cool Ranch just got cooler” (Doritos, 2020) which reminds viewers about the product as the commercial is ending on a good note. The fact that two grown men are willing to have a comedic dance competition over a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos shows viewers how valuable their product is. In the end, Lil Nas X is seen riding away in a horse eating the Doritos showing him as a cool person, which means that whoever eats their chips is a cool person as well. This commercial is an example of how to use effective branding, which other companies should strive for. Casting The casting of the Cool Ranch Doritos commercial is effective because of Lil Nas X and Sam Elliot’s influence. Casting is important because the cast can make the product more appealing which will lead to sales. Which is explained further by Tanti Handriana and Wahyu Rahman Wisandiko in their article “Consumer Attitudes Toward Advertisement and Brand, Based on the Number of Endorsers and Product Involvement: An Experimental Study” they explain, “using multiple endorsers has a better impact on the consumers’ attitude to advertising and the brand” (Handriana, T. & Wisandiko, R. M., 2017, p. 15). Meaning celebrity endorsers that are casted in a commercial will positively impact the viewers’ attitude toward the product and advertisement (Handriana, T. & Wisandiko, R. M., 2017, p. 15). Ineffective casting will negatively impact viewers and change their attitude towards the product which will reduce profits by a great margin. In the Cool Ranch Doritos commercial, Lil Nas X and Sam Elliot, who are rising celebrities, make the product attractive and with their influence they create more

4 attention toward the product they are endorsing. The Cool Ranch Doritos commercial is an example of what effective casting looks like, and other companies should strive for the same effective casting as they do. Plot The plot of the Cool Ranch Doritos commercial is perfect because it makes the viewers interested in the product. The plot of a commercial is important because there needs to be a story portrayed for the commercial to make sense and entice viewers to buy the product. In Jennifer L. Burton, Leigh McAlister, and Wayne D. Hoyer’s article “How do Consumers Respond to Story Lines in Television Advertisements? A Principal-Components Analysis Tool Helps Decipher Moment-to-Moment Evaluations” they state, “the level of affect consumer experienced at the conclusion of an advertisement had a strong influence on retrospective advertisement and brand evaluations” (Burton, L. J., et al., 2015, p. 3). This means that the emotions and interests that consumers feel at the end of a commercial strongly influences their choice in buying a product (Burton, L. J., et al., 2015, p. 3). A boring or unsatisfying plot in a commercial negatively impacts consumers’ opinions on the brand and advertisement. In the Cool Ranch Doritos commercial, there is only one bag of chips, and two men who want it and because of this a dance competition arises (Doritos, 2020). Since there is a dance competition, it anticipates viewers as to who may win and take the bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. In the commercial’s conclusion where Lil Nas X wins, viewers are at peak interest and see him eating the chips riding away on a horse which draws their attention to the bag of chips enticing them to buy the product (Doritos, 2020). Conclusion Ultimately, the Cool Ranch Doritos Super Bowl commercial is perfect in terms of its branding, casting, and plot which attracted millions of viewers to buy their product. The branding

5 is effective because of the commercials’ timing in showing the product and logo. Multiple celebrity endorsers gathered a lot of attention to the Doritos’ brand in a positive manner which was due to wise casting. The plot was easy to follow, it had an introduction, a premise, development, and a conclusion where the plot development was interesting and kept viewers anticipating the conclusion. This commercial is a perfect example of how to persuade viewers becoming a consumer of their product, which all commercials need to strive for. If this is not accomplished, companies will heavily suffer from loss of profits and create a bad reputation for themselves. Millions of people are watching, the pressure is high, will companies be able to thrive despite it?


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