The Practice of Training The Identification of Training Needs lecture notes PDF

Title The Practice of Training The Identification of Training Needs lecture notes
Author Aleksandra Foryszewska
Course Learning and Employee Development
Institution Birkbeck, University of London
Pages 3
File Size 108.1 KB
File Type PDF
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The Practice of Training: The Identification of Training Needs Chapter 6

UKCES - The UK Commission for Employment and Skills ( over 60% of UK organisation appear to carry out little or no training ) Training (CIPID - Chartered Institute of Personnel an Development ) - instructor-led, content-based intervention, leading to desired changes in behaviour (Sloman, 2005) relatively permanent change of knowledge, attitude or behaviour occurring as a result of formal education or training, or as a result of informal experiences (Wilson, 2005).

[training, learning and development ]

The meaning of training need ITBs-IndustrialTrainingBoards Identifyneeds-Designrequirements-Deliveractivities-Evaluateactivities Howpeopleareworking-howtheorganisationsareperforming;(Moore&Dutton,1978)-assessingandanalysingoftrainingneedsisconcernedwith identifyinggapsbetweenworkperformanceandstandardsofworkperformancecriteriathathaveatrainingsolution.[knowledge,skillsandattitudesas gaps] Trainingneedsareoftennotidentifiedbyorganisations(lackofstrategiccomponent),Boydell&Leary,1996) Initiationoftrainingactivities(periodofcrisisorgreatchangeforinstance)

Types of training needs (Bloom's taxonomy) knowledge-thecognitivedomain skills-thepsychomtordomain attitude-affectivedomain

Knowledge CPD - continuing professional development lifelong learning comprehension, application,analysis, synthesis, evaluation

Skill - competence - abilities to perform within an occupational area to a standard required in employment. (CIPD) the behaviours that employees must have, or must acquire, to input into a situation in order to achieve high levels of performance. -NVQs - National Vocational Qualifications within QCF - Qualification and Credit Framework - crucial to vocational education and training system in the UK; - ( Armstrong, 2002) Key aspects of competence: Input:knowledge,skillsandpersonalattributes Process:thebehaviourrequiredtoconverttheinputintooutputs Output:theoutcomesachieved

Attitudes An attitude is usually understood as a particular mental state of person, which can be positive or negative, affecting judgment, decisions and motivation. Gibb(2011)-attitudesareakeyaspectsofthethirddimensionofneeds,alongsidetheemotionalintelligence,theawarenessandmanagementof emotionsinordertoacteffectivelyinsocialsituations; therightattitudinalcommitment;attitudesuniversallyappropriate(enthusiasmandconscientiousness)andspecificattitudesnecessaryforparticular jobs;skilldevelopment. AttributionTheory-(attitudescannotbelearned'attitudesascrucialforperformanceandtraining; trainability=f(afunctionofavailability,motivationandperceptionsoftheworkenvironment;

Indicators of training needs Thepurposeofthetraining-organisationalobjectives(Chiuatal.,1999)-businessorientatedapproach Output Varyingstandards Time Turnoverandabsenteeism Delays Complaints Anuneasyrelationshipbetweenthetrainingandthechangeorculturalissues Chiu(1999)-trainee-centredapproach

The identification of assessment of training needs

Levels of training need 1.Organisational


The Practice of Training: The Identification of Training Needs | Evernote Web

- What skills the organisation has now and what it requires now and in the future; organisational strategy, available recources, constraints and support for the transfer of learning. - Analysis of the culture of the organisation; - Skill audit - Standards of performance and competency framework - HR plan - Analysis and synthesis of appraisal records - Critical incidents - Useful sources of written information available within the organisation - External research - Total Quality Management ( TQM) financial. ,customers, internal business, learning and growth ( Kaplan& Norton, 1996) - The UK government's Investors in People (IiP) 2.Job

-the particular requirement for each job - Job analysis/ Job training analysis - job description - the personnel ( person) specification - the job specification ( training specification - knowledge, skills and attitude) - Problem-centred analysis - Key tasks analysis - Competency analysis - National Occupational Standards ( NOS)


- Validated - Feedback - Defensive posture - Performance - Responce - Judgements made

Some of the methods for identifying level needs: Performancestandards Comparativemethods Directobservation Individualappraisal Multisourcefeedback(360degreeappraisal) Assessmentandanddevelopmentcentres Self-assessment

Problems with the identification of training needs


The Practice of Training: The Identification of Training Needs | Evernote Web

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