The Roman Republic (509-31 BCE) PDF

Title The Roman Republic (509-31 BCE)
Author Colette Davies
Course Art And The World I
Institution Adelphi University
Pages 6
File Size 75.8 KB
File Type PDF
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The Roman Republic (509-31 BCE) Monday, October 23, 2017

4:53 PM


Portrait bust of a man a. Republican portraiture - mostly elderly men i. Obvious signs of age - lined foreheads, receding hairlines, sagging jowls, & b. Represents typical Roman man i. Verism - exaggerated realism - highlights the age of the subject & particula features 1) Promised to reflect the sitter's true appearance - emphasized hones wisdom c. Two sides of the face are asymmetrical i. Atrophy of facial musculature II. Man with portrait busts of his ancestors a. Exemplifies the importance placed on preserving and honoring family lineage i. Taking pride in achievements & virtues of ancestors III. Colossal head of a cult statue IV. Denarius with portrait of Julius Caesar V. Portrait of Augustus as general a.


Cupid riding a dolphin i. Represents that his ancestors were also Gods ii. Cupid - son of Aphrodite, who was born from the sea b. Bird on his chest place i. Eagle ii. Roman military divisions standard 1) Considered sacred 2) Needed to take care of them during military campaign 3) Losing a standard was considered a shame Roman men preformed sacrifices with their heads covered a. Probably pouring libation - a liquid sacrifice Ara Pacis Augustae a. Procession with Augutus, Agrippa, & members of the Imperial family i. connection to the frieze in the Parthenon b. Altar of Augustan Peace

row's feet facial & aged

i. ii. iii.



Symbols of fertility & growth 1) Flowers & Female personification Peace brings prosperity 1) Time for harvesting 2) Time to raise children for the future

Tiberius a. Represented as young although he comes to power when he is 56 Gemma Augustea (first quarter of the 1st century AD) a. Probably made to celebrate the military achievements of Tiberius i. Either he commissioned it, or someone close to him did & then gave it to h b. 2 registers i. Top 1) seated on throne - personification of the city of Rome 2) Augustus- being crowned by personification of maybe a city or Italy a) Eagle - Jupiter's bird is sitting by him b) Represented in a way that Jupiter would be c) His zodiac sign is in a bubble above him i) Capricorn 3) Victoria - goddess of victory a) Driving a chariot ii. Bottom 1) Military campaign 2) Male & female barbarians a) Not wearing trousers, shaggy hair & beards 3) Romans are putting together a trophy a) A dummy b) Put on breast plate and helmet on it c) Surround it by armor found on battlefield d) Mark of victory Nero (54-68 AD) a. Became emperor at 16 b. Fond of performing arts - played a lyre, sang, recite his own poetry c. Fond of chariot racing - something than an elite member of an aristocratic family not do i. Frowned upon ii. Inappropriate for an emperor to do iii. Took place in circuses - racetracks i D


n Rome did

iv. v.



Dangerous Operated horses with a whip - held onto reins & chariot with the other han 1) Reins tied around torso - control horses with waist vi. Went to Olympia - to participate in Olympic games in chariot racing - he w his favor d. Hair style - resembled those of charioteers e. Many statues of him were re-carved to represent later emperors i. Reused the stone f. Committed suicide - had no descendants g. Domus Aurea - Golden House of Nero (64-68 AD) Year of 4 emperors (68-69 AD) a. 4 generals in 4 different parts of the empire are pushed forward by their soldiers b. Emperors for a coupe of months i. Assassinated c. 4th general - Vespasian - remains emperor for 10 years (69-79 AD) i. Has 4 sons - helps establish a dynasty ii. Flavian dynasty (69-96 AD) Arch of Titus 81 AD a. Connected to a larger group related to triumph - series of rituals that a victoriou received permission from senate to hold (was a procession) i. Because you had to receive permission it would usually happen years after ii. All triumphs followed a specific path down certain streets iii. Processions were very long 1) Hundred of people 2) General in horse drawn chariot 3) Colorful & vibrant 4) Soldiers processing with general 5) Servants & floats carrying the spoils of war

n - rigged in

general he victory...

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