The Sangha – the Buddhist Community PDF

Title The Sangha – the Buddhist Community
Author Megan Lee
Course Buddhism
Institution University of Arizona
Pages 2
File Size 72 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 78
Total Views 158


Lecture outline...


The Sangha – the Buddhist Community (2) Important Disciples and Lay Followers •

Ten Principal Disciples o Sariputra o Maudgalyayana o Mahakasyapa o Subhuti o Purna Maitrayani-Putra o Katyayana o Aniruddha o Upali o Rahula o Ananda

Ananda o The Buddha’s cousin and personal attendant o Superb capacity for memory § Remembered all of the Buddha’s sermons § Recited the Buddha’s sermons at the First Council (the basis of the Buddhist canon) § “Sutras” – the Buddha’s sermons o Also played a role in the establishment of the community of nuns o Heard the last words of the Buddha

Devadatta o Tried to usurp the leadership of the Sangha o Several attempts to kill the Buddha o The “villain” in the Buddhist narrative o Some speculate that Devadatta was a reformer trying to bring back the original ideals of the Sangha

Angulimala o Another famous disciple o A serial killer collecting fingers of the victims o Tried to kill the Buddha, too, but failed.

Lay Followers o King Bimbisara § King of Magadha § Donated a significant piece of land to the Sangha -- Venuvana Arama (Bamboo Grove Park) o Anthapindika § Wealthy banker § Also donated lands

o Generous donors as models for lay Buddhists Buddhist nuns • • • • •

Bhiksuni sangha (a community of ordained female practitioners) First request came from Mahaprajapati, the Buddha’s aunt The Buddha was hesitant at first, but Ananda encouraged him. Women seen as capable of enlightenment, but more rules needed Gurudharmas o Extra precepts required for women’s ordination...

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