The Union In Peril - sheg PDF

Title The Union In Peril - sheg
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Isabelle Rose & Nicole Tempesta Mr.Packard US HistoryI- Honors Jan , 21st 2020 A7+8 The Union In Peril Table #1 -

The Compromise of 1850 The Compromise of 1850 contains five parts that happened, California was admitted as a

free state to the Union. The remainder of the Mexican cession was split into the two territories of New Mexico and Utah, they unified without mention of slavery. Texas ' claimed a portion of New Mexico and it was settled with a $10 million settlement.Lastly, the New legislation (the Fugitive Slave Act) was passed to capture and return runaway slaves to their masters, and the purchase and sale of slaves (but not slavery ) was banned in the District of Columbia. This act had divided Americans because it absolutely ticked off abolitionists because all they have done to try to abolish slavery was just thrown away. While the slaveholders were gleeing w/ joy bc. Slavery will be around for a long time. This is important because it will create more tension between the two sides and eventually lead to the civil war.

Table #2 

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)

Uncle Tom's Cabin or Life Among the Lowly is a Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel. That was published in book form in 1852. It's a antislavery novel, that accomplished wide popularity by powerfully dramatizing the experience of slavery, especially among the caucasian readers in the North. This divided Americans because Southerns being pro for slaves thought that this novel was one sided only showing the “horror” or lies and not how slavery was in real time. It was important because i t Helped bring about what will be the civil war. Even if that's not true, it shows how people assumed the book by Stowe helped fuel the Civil War. Uncle Tom's Cabin strengthened the North's resistance to slavery.  -

Election of 1852 The U.S. presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 2, 1852. It was the 17th

presidential election. The former New Hampshire Governor, Democrat Franklin Pierce, beat the Whig candidate, General Winfield Scott. This was the last election where the Whigs acted as the Democrats ' main opposition. This election was significant because It will be the last time the Whig Party nominates a presidential candidate. The party will split apart and ceased to exist within the decade, primarily due to regional tensions caused by the issue of slavery. This will spilt Americans because pro slave repulicans will take office now and this will cause tension and anger between the anti slavery activists.

Table #3 - The Kansas- Nebraska Act & The Lecompton Constitution

The Kansas-Nebraska Act passed through the United States Congress on the 30th of May 1854. This enabled people in the Kansas and Nebraska territories to determine for themselves whether to allow slavery within their boundaries or not. The Act helped to revoke the 1820 Missouri Compromise banning slavery. This act had divided Americans because now people could decide whether or not they wanted slaves and didn’t have restrictions. This ticked of the abolishanants, because they thought the slaveholders would only grow and grow, and eventually this country would be back to what it originally was. This is significant because all the work the congress had put in separating slave states from free states had been appealed and now it will have to be up to the people and their beliefs to keep slavery going or finally end it. This will cause the great question which will you be? - Bleeding Kansas In 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska Act overturned the Missouri Compromise's use of latitude as the boundary between slave and free territory. Instead, they used the principle of popular sovereignty, and declared that the residents would determine whether the area became a free state or a slave state. This is important because it allowed the citizens to pick a side, based on their views on slavery.

-The Election of 1856 Occurred on November 4, 1856, in which Democrat James Buchanan beat Republican John C. Frémont by 174 votes to Frémont by 114. Whig and former President Millard Fillmore, who stood for the Know-Nothing ticket, received just 8 ballots. This will divide Americans because Frémont opposed the expansion of slavery, while Buchanan cautioned that the

Republicans were radicals whose victory would lead to civil war. This is significant because Americans through politics will choose their sides and divide into two different belief systems, that will lead to war. Table #4 - Violence In the US senate: The Caning of Senator Charles Sumner Charles Sumner delivered a three hour speech in which he publicly states that the Kansas-Nebraska act was wrong. He also fiercely criticized slaveholders. During this, he verbally attacked Stephen Douglas and Andrew Butler, by mocking them, and making fun of his speech (he had just had a stroke). Two days after this, Preston Brooks, the nephew of a man who was mocked during the speech, brutally attacked Sumner with a walking cane, not only for making fun of his uncle, but for being an abolitionist. This divided Americans because it spiked more tension because the North was anti-slavery and the South was pro. But now the controversial topic slavery isn’t rusulting in just verbal abuse, but physical too. This is Significant because this is one of the first public acts of violence that had occured because of their disputs over slavery, now it will only evlove.

Table #5 -

Dred Scott V.S Sandford (1857) On 6 March 1857, the Supreme Court ruled that slave Dred Scott, who had lived in a free

state and territory, was not entitled to his individual freedom; and that African Americans were not and could never be citizens of the United States. Also that the Missouri Compromise (1820), which made all lands west of Missouri and north of latitude 36 ° 30′ free, was unconstitutional

and was revoked This divided Americans because the abolitionists and even slaves are abused of this news because this little rights they had of being a person are now stripped away from them. This is significant because it will be many of the reasons why the Americans will go to war with the south= liberty for the slaves. -

The Lincoln- Douglas Debate (1858) Lincoln-Douglas debates were a series of seven debates between Democratic Senator

Stephen A. Douglas and Republican challenger Abraham Lincoln during the senatorial race in Illinois in 1858, mostly on the issue of the expansion of slavery into the territories. This divided Americans because these two men had traveled around for thousands of hours speaking their opinions. This will divide the Americans listening because these compelling speakers will drift them to one side or another. This is significant because now the slavery issue is becoming a central political not just on the side. People will now gain a firm political side and this will strip friends, and families apart. -

John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry- 1859 John Brown led a small army of 18 men in to the small town of HARPER'S FERRY,

Virginia, on 16th October 1859. His plan was to encourage a major revolt of slaves in the South. He would take the federal arsenal arms and ammunition, arm slaves, in the region, and move south along the Appalachian Mountains, drawing slaves to his cause. He didn't have any rations and no escape route.This would divide Americans because the Slave holders will be out ragged at the abolitionists saying that they are destroying their rightful “property” in absurd way and many but not all abolitionists will say that they are free people who have rights to defend themselves. This is significant because this like the cane hitting is an act of violence because of

the tension between those two sides. Unlike the two senators, this anger has evolved and now we have guns and “soldiers” involved the next step will be essentially a war. Table#6 -

The election of 1860 This election was the 19th presidential election quadrennial. It took place on Tuesday

the 6th of November 1860. It was a four-way contest, Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin's Republican Party ticket emerged triumphantly. This is significant Because the Republican Party vowed not to deal with state slavery but advocated against the further expansion of slavery to the territories. This will divide Americans because it will be the first time slavery will be smacked in the face and finally nationally dealt with in the US, this small step to stop the expansion will eventually lead to a war. Now the Americans in this time have to decide if they want to follow this inspiring new leader or follow in their old vile ways.


The secession of the southern states Many of the states in the Southern part of the United States voted to form their own

country in February 1861. The Confederate States of America they named it. The northern states, however, denied that those states had the right to leave. It ended the Civil War. On December 20, 1860, South Carolina was the first State to leave the United States. Abraham Lincoln was surprised, as were many others. Congress didn't think the States were going to really abandon the US. Lincoln was eager to reunite all the states under one government when he became President. This divided Americans because they have to decide if they want to be apart of this new country

or stay in their home of America, this will be the last split before Americans will be killing Amerians. This is important - Attack on Fort Sumter The Battle of Fort Sumter was the first battle of the Civil war. Months had passed and the Confederates had intense ammunition. They used this to attack Major Robert Anderson's small Union garrison in Charleston, South Carolina's unfinished harbor fort. This divided Americans because the war had officially begun with the first battle, now the Amercians had to decide which they would stand, fight and die for. This is significant because now the Americans have officially stated their opinions and are willing to die for them....

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