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Vol. 22, Nomor 3, Juli 2017 Psycological Analysis of Main Character in Novel Bumi Cinta Written by Habiburrahman El Shirasy Abdul Rahim & Sulastri Urgensi Peran Nilai Kearifan Lokal Krik Salamat dalam Mewujudkan Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Unter Iwes Kabupaten Sumbawa) Ade Sujasti...


Vol. 22, Nomor 3, Juli 2017 Psycological Analysis of Main Character in Novel Bumi Cinta Written by Habiburrahman El Shirasy

Abdul Rahim & Sulastri Urgensi Peran Nilai Kearifan Lokal Krik Salamat dalam Mewujudkan Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Unter Iwes Kabupaten Sumbawa)

Ade Sujastiawan The Use of Instructional Media: A Qualitative Study of Two Junior High School English Teachers

Arsaida Aprilianti, Iwan Jazadi Pengaruh Karateristik Ibu dan Pemberian Oksitosin Drip Terhadap Nilai APGAR pada Ibu yang Mengalami Preeklampsia Berat di RSUDP NTB Tahun 2014-2015

Ati Sulianty Strategi Manajer dalam Penguatan Modal Kerja pada Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Olat Ojong Tahun Buku 2015

Fatmawati Dan Rahmawati Critical Review: Studi Detail Konservasi Sub Das Kali Leksodi Kabupaten Blitar

Ieke Wulan Ayu Studi Retrospektif tentang Strategi Anak dalam Menghadapi Kesulitan Berbahasa

IGA Widari Analisis Pengelolaan dan Kemampuan Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Sumbawa

Ika Fitriyani Silent Pause and Pause Fillers Use in Learners’ Speech: A Case Study of a Regional English Debate

Irfan Hamonangan Tarihoran Anatomisme Logis dan Positivisme Logis: Perspektif Kebahasaan

Juanda Sertifikasi Produk/HAKI dan Perlindungan Hukum Bagi UKM

Lahmuddin Zuhri Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Pernikahan Usia Muda Perempuan di Kabupaten Sumbawa

Mutiara Rachawati Suseno Dampak IPTEK Terhadap Pemahaman Remaja dalam Memaknai Kebebasan di Kabupaten Sumbawa

Rahmawati Total Physical Response (TPR) as an Effective Method to Teach Vocabulary for Children

Suparman Analisis Tingkat Kerusakan dan Vegetasi Mangrove di Kawasan Pesisir Labuhan Sawo Kabupaten Sumbawa

Supratman & Nurdin Ismail Optimalisasi Peran Pemerintah melalui Bantuan Sosial dan Pelatihan Kerja Sebagai Upaya Meningatkan Pemberdayaan dan Kemandirian Masyarakat Miskin


Vol. 22

Halaman 1—117

Sumbawa Juli 2017

ISSN: 1412-7652

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Vol. 22 Nomor 3, Juli 2017

Penanggung Jawab Prof. Dr. Syaifuddin Iskandar, M.Pd. Pemimpin Umum Dr. Lahmuddin Zuhri, S.H.,M.Hum. Pemimpin Redaksi Endra Syaifuddin, S.H.,M.H. Dewan Redaksi Iwan Haryanto, S.H.,M.H. Ade Sujastiawan, M.Si. Tim Reviewer Ahli Dr. Dahlil Marjom, M.Hum. (Universitas Andalas Padang) Dr. Gunawan (Universitas Mataram) Dr. Luh Putu Sudini, S.H.,M.Hum. (Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar) Dr. Ahmad Dakhoir, S.Hi (STAIN Palangkaraya) Dr. I Nyoman Sutama, M.M. (Universitas Samawa)

Diterbitkan oleh: PUSAT PELAYANAN PENERBITAN DAN INFORMASI (P31) UNIVERSITAS SAMAWA (UNSA) Sumbawa Besar NTB Alamat Redaksi: Kampus Universitas Samawa Jl. Raya Sering Unter Iwes Sumbawa Besar NTB Telp./Faks. (0371) 625848/ 087834970500 Website: e-mail: [email protected] ii

Daftar Isi



Psycological Analysis of Main Character in Novel Bumi Cinta Written by Habiburrahman El Shirasy

1- 8

Abdul Rahim & Sulastri Urgensi Peran Nilai Kearifan Lokal Krik Salamat dalam Mewujudkan Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Unter Iwes Kabupaten Sumbawa)


Ade Sujastiawan The Use of Instructional Media: A Qualitative Study of Two Junior High School English Teachers


Arsaida Aprilianti, Iwan Jazadi Pengaruh Karateristik Ibu dan Pemberian Oksitosin Drip Terhadap Nilai APGAR pada Ibu yang Mengalami Preeklampsia Berat di RSUDP NTB Tahun 2014-2015


Ati Sulianty Strategi Manajer dalam Penguatan Modal Kerja pada Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Olat Ojong Tahun Buku 2015


Fatmawati Dan Rahmawati Critical Review: Studi Detail Konservasi Sub Das Kali Leksodi Kabupaten Blitar


Ieke Wulan Ayu Studi Retrospektif tentang Strategi Anak dalam Menghadapi Kesulitan Berbahasa


IGA Widari Analisis Pengelolaan dan Kemampuan Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Sumbawa


Ika Fitriyani Silent Pause and Pause Fillers Use in Learners’ Speech: A Case Study of a Regional English Debate


Irfan Hamonangan Tarihoran Anatomisme Logis dan Positivisme Logis: Perspektif Kebahasaan


Juanda Sertifikasi Produk/HAKI dan Perlindungan Hukum Bagi UKM


Lahmuddin Zuhri Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Pernikahan Usia Muda Perempuan di Kabupaten Sumbawa


Mutiara Rachawati Suseno Dampak IPTEK Terhadap Pemahaman Remaja dalam Memaknai Kebebasan di Kabupaten Sumbawa


Rahmawati Total Physical Response (TPR) as an Effective Method to Teach Vocabulary for Children


Suparman Analisis Tingkat Kerusakan dan Vegetasi Mangrove di Kawasan Pesisir Labuhan Sawo Kabupaten Sumbawa


Supratman & Nurdin Ismail Optimalisasi Peran Pemerintah melalui Bantuan Sosial dan Pelatihan Kerja Sebagai Upaya Meningatkan Pemberdayaan dan Kemandirian Masyarakat Miskin


Umar Hasany


THE USE OF INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA: A QUALITATIVE STUDY OF TWO JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH TEACHERS Arsaida Aprilianti1 & Iwan Jazadi2 1 Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa 2 Dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa ABSTRACT It is very important for teachers to apply teaching media to facilitate student learning. Teachers should be creative to develop students’ understanding, knowledge and skills which are the aims of learning. Using media, teachers will likely optimize such development. Thus, this research aimed to identify the media used and how they were used by experienced English teachers. The design of this study was qualitative method. In collecting the data, three techniques were used, namely observation, interview and documentation. The result of this study showed that there were some kinds of instructional media used by the teachers. Kinds of instructional media used by teachers were whiteboard and books, pictures, photos or photographs, calendar, invitation, timetables and laptop. The media used mostly in English teaching were pictures because they were more easily prepared, kept for reuse and easily understood by the students. Key words: Instructional Media, Technology and Media Utilization INTRODUCTION Media can be utilized systematically as a resource of learning. In the process of utilization of media, teachers are demanded to change themselves to be more creative in designing a learning process. In the teaching process, teachers could make decisions based on the specification of learning in a planned and purposeful way. According to Aqib (2002, p. 41), teaching is a process that is directed at the planned destination. According to Supardi (2011, pp. 5-6), the media are used to motivate students to learn more effectively and efficiently in order to achieve the set goals. Therefore, teachers need to provide instructional media to motivate students in learning. Thus, English teachers need to be creative in developing students’ knowledge and understanding of the English language. Teaching English with media iss indispensable as a tool to assist a teacher in explaining her or his concrete or abstract materials to students. Teachers need to be skilled and creative in using media, including using those infrastructure and facilities available in the school environment. However, media can be defned in a simplistic way as to include print media such as ready-to-use coursebooks such as gram-

mar books. Furthermore, the problems encountered by the teachers during teaching are apparently because of inadequate existing instructional media, while the teachers hardly develop instructional media by themselves. It is also expected that they are able to use instructional media that attract students’ attention and suit their characteristics. Based on the background above, this qualitative study sought to explore the use of instructional media by two English teachers in a junior high school in a subdistrict in Sumbawa Regency, focusing on the following questions: a. How were the teaching media prepared by the English teachers before teaching? b. What teaching media were used by the teachers in the school? c. How were the teaching media used during teaching at the English classrooms? REVIEW OF LITERATURE According to Supardi (2011, pp. 5-6), the word ‘media’ is derived from Latin and a plural form of “medium”, which literally means middle, intermediary or introductory. Media constitute an intermediary of messag14

es or information from the sender to the receiver. In other words, media are all forms and channels, either print or audio-visual used in the process of delivering information. In education, media are used interchangeably with teaching aids used to optimize the delivery of teaching materials and the comprehension of the students in class. Smaldino, et al (2011, p. 7) state that any media carry information between a source and a receiver. According to Arsyad in Ginanjar (2010, p. 7), an instructional medium is a tool that serves to convey a message of learning. Media can facilitate a teacher to convey the material to be taught to learners. It can stimulate the mind, feeling, concern and interest of a person. In other words, media are used by teachers and educators in order to deliver the content of the teaching materials to students or learners. According to Ruis et al (2009, p.2), teaching aids are used by teachers to impart and emphasize information, stimulate interest, and facilitate the learning process. They range from simple to sophisticated ones and they can be aural, visual, or computerized. Nevertheless, some experts still discriminate between instructional media and teaching aids. Teaching aids are the objects and the content of the objects is the instructional media. Teaching aids can be substantiated by the summary of key concepts that facilitate students to envisage or experience something that is useful to see or do in a real life. Educational technology is chiefly significant because teachers are eager to help students get to a higher level and reach objectives in the context of limited time and resources. Jonassen in Wang (2008, p. 136) states that the purpose of the educational technology is the effective achievement of measurable learning objectives. Technology is very important in education to support teaching and learning process. With technology, teachers can obtain a source of material directly. According to Smaldino et al (2011, p. 4), technology is a broad term relating to the use and knowledge of tools and skills. Thus, it can be concluded that

technology is a tool that is useful for conveying knowledge and skills of teachers to students. According to Cahyadi (2014, p.17), instructional media have a lot of utilization. They can provide more concrete explanation because the material can be presented in a logical and clear order using such instructional media as images, photographs, miniatures, film, video, interactive CD and computers. Instructional Media can save information and facilitate teachers to reach the objectives in the English teaching. Levie & Lentz in Supardi (2011, pp. 1719) suggest four functions of media, especially the visual media. First, related to cognition, visual pictures facilitate the attainment of the aim to understand and remember the information or message contained in the picture. Second, in terms of attention, media attract and direct the attention of students to concentrate on the learning content that relates to the visual meaning that is displayed or accompanies learning materials. Third, for a compensatory function, visual media provide a context for understanding the text to help weak students in reading for organizing information in text and recalling it. Last, affectively, the level of enjoyment of the students is increased when studying or reading a text with pictures. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of media in teaching and learning has a great influence on students, including weak and inattentive students. Donald and John in Supardi (2011, p. 35-48) categorize instructional media into seven groups. The first group include graphics, print materials and still pictures. Graphic media include visual media that present facts, ideas through the presentation of words, sentences, numbers and symbol images. These include such graphic media as graphs, diagrams, charts, sketches, posters, flannel boards and bulletin boards. Printed material media are visual media that are produced through a printing process. These printed materials media include text books and modules. Still picture media are visual media such as pictures produced by a photographic process. This still picture 15

media types are called photos. The second group is projected silent media. Media projections are visual media that projects messages; the result of the projection is not moving or has a little element of movement. These types of media include OHT/OHP, slide media or frame film. The third group is audio media. Audio media are media that convey messages through the sense of hearing. The fourth group is audio-visual silent media are media whose messages can be received by the auditory and visual senses but the resulting images are still pictures or a bit that has an element of motion. The fifth group is film (motion picture), tha is a series of still pictures that skim quickly are projected and produce living and moving impression. Sixth, television media are media that show messages in audio-visual forms and movement. The seventh group is multimedia, which is a delivery system by using a variety of learning materials in a form of a unit or package. The selection process of media is very important because the media is one of the main components in learning, in addition to objectives, materials, methods and evaluation. Therefore, teachers have to use the media for the success of their students and to achieve the learning objectives. According to Supardi (2011, p.53), the efforts to realize the goal of learning is supported by the media in accordance with the materials, the strategy used by students, and the characteristic of students. Choosing the right media will support the success of student learning, but if the media is carelessly selected, the cost and effort will be useless. RESEARCH METHOD This study employed qualitative method. According to Syamsuddin and Damaianti (2007, p. 14), qualitative method is a way of solving the problem of research carried out in a planned and accurate way with the intention of getting the facts and conclusions in order to understand, explain, predict, and control the situation.

The participants of this study were two English teachers in a public junior high school in a subdistrict and suburban area in Sumbawa Regency of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Both teachers were civil servants with bachelor degree in English teaching, a tenure of more ten 10 years, and so categorically experienced teachers. These teachers were prototypes of English teachers in the region and even in Indonesia. The data were collected using such techniques as documentation, observation and interviews. Sheth (2009, p. 43) states that observation is the most direct means for studying people when one is interested in their overt behavior. In this study, the researchers conducted direct observation in the classroom and school related to the media used by teachers in the English teaching. In the classroom, the researchers observed the teachers’ teaching processes by using video to keep the data. Outside the class, the researchers observed the teachers’ preparation and selection of media before teaching by using field notes and taking pictures. Interview is very important for asking relevant questions to facilitate the researcher to check, verify or unearth information obtained during observation. According to Fraenkel and Wallen in Sheth (2009, p. 45), an interview provides a means to gain information about things that cannot be observed directly, that is by doing a conversation with the participants (Syamsuddin and Damaianti, 2007, p. 94). In this research, the researcher had organized interviews directly with the two English teachers about their use of instructional media in English teaching. Ahmadi (2016, p. 179) states that documentation refers to such materials as photography, video, film, memos, letters, diaries, records and the like that can be used as supplementary information. In this documentation technique, the researchers looked data through some existing videos, photographs and documents that belong to the school or teachers. In addition, the researcher used video to observe the teachers’ skill, knowledge, 16

and experience in using media in the class. A video was most effectively used when they provided a quick identification of what teachers had done in the class in using the media. The video was taken while the teachers and students were talking or interacting in the class. The result of video taking was described. After that, the data in the form of moving images were be kept as pictures. The data obtained had been processed and analyzed in a few steps. First, data obtained from observation in the form of videos had been processed in two ways. First, the teacher-student talk or interaction was transcribed. Second, data in the form of moving images were kept as pictures or snapshots. The data from interview were transcribed. All data from observation, interview and documentation were collated and analyzed using a qualitative procedure. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Two teachers were involved in the research, Teacher A and Teacher B. Teacher A taught in grades VII and VIII, while Teacher B taught in grades VIII and IX. This section presents the findings in light of the questions of the research, that is, the preparation and use of teaching media in the classroom by the English teachers. A. How the Teaching Media were Prepared and Selected Teacher A generally prepared well before teaching. Her preparation of media involved teacher’s guide and laptop. Teacher B prepared non-projected visuals such as pictures, invitations and calendars. Thus, both English teachers prepared themselves well before teaching new materials. On the other hand, media such as a laptop was only used in listening materials or adapted to the material in the book. In the selection of media, teachers chose media that were simpler as the teachers lacked facilities available at the school. To support learning and to adjust the material in the book, both teachers usually used simple tools readily available as invitations, calendars, and sometimes made

their own media such as pictures and photographs. Facilities such as computers and LCD had been provided by the school before, but because they were rarely used or used for a long time, the media were finally broken. Despite the shortage of electronic media, teachers still managed to use other media that were simple so that students could understand the material they taught more easily. Media availability was important in the learning process. Media availability could help students in learning and understanding lessons. It was found that the media availability in the school under study was somewhat incomplete because only certain types of media were available. Although the media were less complete, the teachers took initiatives to provide the media in English teaching. Even though providing media was one of the difficulties faced by the teachers, they never gave up providing the media and it was a challenge for the teachers in teaching. Good teachers must have the skills and specialized expertise. The skill...

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