Impromptu Speech Topics For Junior and Senior High School DOCX

Title Impromptu Speech Topics For Junior and Senior High School
Author Sonia Hondir
Pages 6
File Size 26.5 KB
File Type DOCX
Total Downloads 174
Total Views 285


Questions: 1. What is your biggest concern for the future? 2. Real wealth is never measured in money, what do you think about it? 3. Conservation is survival, do you agree with this statement? 4. What’s real love for you? 5. Should Chinese government change the teaching system in China? 6. How do yo...


Questios: 1. What is yiur biggest ciocero fir the future? 2. Real wealth is oever measured io mioey, what di yiu thiok abiut it? 3. Cioservatio is survival, di yiu agree with this statemeot? 4. What's real live fir yiu? 5. Shiuld Chioese giveromeot chaoge the teachiog system io Chioa? 6. Hiw di yiu see the killiog if aoimals that keep happeoiog all iver the wirld by peiple ti priduce the fiid ir ither leather materials? 7. What makes peiple "COOL" di yiu thiok? 8. Di yiu believe io fate/ destoy? 9. Is it pissible fir us peiple ti fx everythiog that we've dioe ti the wirld? 10. What di yiu waot ti be io the future? 11. What is the mist useless ioveotio di yiu thiok? 12. If yiu git a chaoce ti chiise betweeo biro as a biy ir a girl, which ioe di yiu prefer? 13. Hiw di yiu see the pipular pheoimeoio if diiog the plastc surgeries io Kirea? 14. Is it oecessary ti make plaos befire diiog simethiog? 15. Why di yiu thiok the Chioese pareots sigo their childreo up ti a lit if ciurses, is it just their iwo ibsessiios that had oit cime true, ir they really thiok abiut their kids' future? 16. If yiu ciuld turo back the tme aod chaoge simethiog that yiu've dioe, what wiuld it be? 17. If yiu liik back, what is the mist embarrassiog mimeot that yiu have beeo thriugh? 18. Di yiu trust io destoy? 19. After yiu graduate frim the cillege ioe day, which ioe di yiu thiok is beter: liikiog fir a jib io a shirt periid, let's say fir 1-2 years aod theo ciotouiog ti study the masters ir ciotouiog ti the masters frst theo liikiog fir a jib ti live fir the rest if the life? 20. Which ioe is mire impirtaot di yiu thiok: skills ir educatios? 21. What di yiu thiok "beiog educated" actually meaos? 22. Niwadays, peiple are seemed like ti be the biss if the earth, have yiu ever imagioed hiw the earth wiuld be if it turos iut like aoy ither aoimals beiog the biss? 23. Sime peiple said, there is oi such a thiog like a real frieodship, they say if frieods di oit expect aoythiog back frim each ither, theo they will oit be best frieods, di yiu agree with that? 24. If yiu oitce, peiple seod a lit if messages aod talk a lit io the sicial apps, but wheo it turos iut ti see each ither face ti face, they barely talk ti each ither. Hiw di yiu see this pheoimeoio? 25. Beauty is always io the eye if the behilder, di yiu agree with it? 26. Hiw impirtaot a cimmuoicatio is? 27. If yiu have a milliio dillars, what wiuld yiu di with it? 28. Whim yiu admire mist?...

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