The Vain Little Mouse. Laura Torregrosa Soto PDF

Title The Vain Little Mouse. Laura Torregrosa Soto
Author laura torregrosa
Course Literature For Children In English
Institution Universidad Camilo José Cela
Pages 11
File Size 272.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Theoretical foundations


Activity development






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LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN OBJECTIVES The main objective of this task is to know how to work with stories in the classroom. This task is formed by fourth parts which are theoretical foundation, activity develop conclusion and bibliography. Firstly, I have realized a theoretical foundation which I have previously reviewed articles about the benefits of telling stories, why and how to choose stories, the process of storytelling and working with it. Secondly, activity development is other section of my task in which I have tried to explain how I have prepared the story before telling, the resources and a tale of it. Thirdly, this section is related to my own opinion about storytelling in general and make a conclusion about what I have learned in it. Fourth, the last section I have referenced about all the book and articles which I have reviewed to do this task. The main reason for what I have chosen to do this story because I am working in a school and when we have to work about fairly tale, children usually choose this one. Children know the story in Spanish and I think it is a good way learning English because they already know a tale of it so we focus on vocabulary and some aspects of grammar in English. The general objectives of this work are: 

To know how to choose a properly story.

To develop skills of storytelling.

To reflect about the benefits of telling stories.

To develop self confidence and to know how to speaking in front of children.

To use a wide range strategies and techniques for storytelling.

To learn value through a story.

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LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN THEORETICAL FOUNDATION The book can offer in classroom different ways to work with it. The resource more practice for all teacher is story time that is usually develop in kind garden, infant and first circle of primary school. Teacher can choose between read aloud and tell a story, as each one have a good and bad points. In this case I have chosen to tell a story for many reasons which I will explain a long of this task. The advantages of reading story are: you don’t learn story, children can follow it while you are reading whereas you have to be careful with reading slowly and making properly intonations. However, the advantages of telling a story are as improvising while you are telling it, the role of the teacher is so important whereas you need to learn enough the story. Personally, I think that tell a story is more easier than read because you can put on your own emphasis, voices, adaptations. Types of Stories: According to Anderson1 (2006) there are six classification of children´s literature: 

Picture books

Traditional literature: including folktales, which convey the legends, customs, superstitions, and beliefs of people in previous civilizations.

Fiction, including fantasy, realistic fiction, and historical fiction.


Biography and autobiography

Poetry and verse.

Why storytelling: Storytelling is one of the main principal context in primary curriculum through which oral language can be approached. It is a traditional technique which is using recently by teacher as teaching in a classroom life. That have many benefits; 1

Anderson, N (2006): Elementary Children´s Literature. Pearson Education

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Students explore them imagination and creativity.

Useful in communicative approach methodology.

A way of entertainment which children are encouraged to take part in activities.

Powerful speaking and listening skills.

Accuracy rich and new vocabulary.

Motivational activity.

While teacher are telling a story children are paying attention so they are so concentrated on listening it.

They learn to tell their own stories because they listen the structure orally.

Understanding the sequence and structure of a story.

Increased knowledge.

Transfer emotions and feelings.

Transmit information about belief, values or rules.

A person who tell a story, in this case teacher, has to keep in mind the next performance skills: 

Timing of the story

Use of space: organization the class. It is important that everybody can see you and book and also they can exchange opinions with you. It depends on the class but I usually organize the class in circle or U form as being more easier to see and listen.

Voice mechanics is one of the most important skills when you tell or read a story so children can pay more attention if you change voice they are more enthusiastic and motivated to listen the story.

Facial expression and body language can be very useful when children don’t understand the meaning of words so helping gesture and mimic by using body or face. It is sometimes attractive to dress up like a character of the story or to use a representative objects during to tell it.

How choose properly a story:

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LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN Teacher has to know how choose a right story. Firstly, teacher have to keep in mind to select a story appropriate the age and level of children. Secondly, there are many requisitions to select it; 

Books have to have a lot of images. This criteria depends on ages of children.

To create the necessity of communication.

Funny stories.

Teacher like a story.

Colorful, attractive illustration and photos that bring the text to life and give clues to the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Teacher should know if children have heard about it before.

Children previous knowledge.

The tale is related to a specific topic or cross curricular.

Reading or telling stories in class it can be a reading habit in them life.

How work in storytelling: Frequently, teacher finish telling or reading a story, children work about it. There are many activities how to work with a story which I explain briefly because it is not the focus on this task. Depending on which skill teacher wants to work, there are many variants of activities: listening skill (pre, while and post listening), speaking skill (imitation, practice, free production), writing skill (copy, controlled practice, production) and reading skill (pre, while and post reading). All these activities can be worked in different moments of the story telling. Generally, in every stories work different contents such as specific topic, values, vocabulary… but teacher have to decide which are focus on it. If I had to focus on my story I would work relatively the vocabulary to animals and also values as vanity and arrogance. As you known, each story always have a moral ideas which are message that you learnt generally from a story about what to do or how to behave.

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LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN The main moral which I can extract form this story is a vanity because the little mouse is always thinking about herself and her appearance. When she founded a coin she invests her money in buying a bow to be pretty. Also there is another value such as arrogance, she has many suitors and she doesn’t accept the proposal from her suitors because she doesn’t like their spoil the appearance of making noise at the night. The fairy tales are not only known by Perrault also this literally genre have been written by Andersen and the Brother Grimm. Stories from imagination have been told orally by family because they didn’t have enough resources to go to school so children learnt through orally stories and it was a pedagogic and cultural value. It has transmitted sex stereotype in order to teach to children how to behave like their sex. There are different roles as men and woman. A man is shown as resolving a problem, brave, warlike whereas a woman as fretful, shy, superficial. In the little vain mouse story a sex stereotype is household and her physical appearance. Children usually feel identify with a person in that story, in this case children are acquire different roles as I have explained.


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LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN The focus on this task is telling a story of ´The vain little mouse´. It is traditionally known and written by Charles Perrault (1628-1703).His stories were known in 1697 (France) who also wrote other stories as: Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Puss in Boots. It can be classifies as new literally genre in that epoch, the fairy tale. The vain little mouse, is represented by animals. The main character is a beautiful mouse and the rest of them are her suitors (dog, horse, cockroach, cat and mouse) so that I have to do the characterization of animals as using different voices to represent each animal. As you known, it is an oral traditional as there are many variants about its end and characters. The variants of the end are; a mouse pretends her and she asks about what ´s sound he makes in the night, finally she marries the mouse. In other versions, she marries the cat and she is eaten by the cat at the wedding night. About the variant of the characters, in different versions there are different representations, for instance there is donkey, pig, dog… it is depending on story. I have chosen to tell the first end which I have mentioned before. Before telling story in front of my class, I would have been practice before. Firstly, I have to read again and again on my own until I completely feel that I can tell it without book. After that telling story aloud while practice the different voices which I make to represent each characters of it. Secondly, use facial and body (sweeping the floor of her house, founding a coin, buying a bow…)this section I can practice in front of my mirror while I am telling the story aloud and also I have to keep in mind making eye contact with children in the class because I can know if they pay attention or not. However the last one step about making eye contact, I can´t be practice previously at home. Thirdly, I think it is a good way that children feel as part of the story using questions and repetitions while I am telling it. For instance, they can repeat what animal says to little mouse; you who are so beautiful, would you marry me? also they can make the sound of the animals when she asks about, which noise the animal make at night? One of the most important think that we have to keep in mind when we do a story time if we have to capture the children interest during whole story so I have to begin Page 8

LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN with an attractive words and also put emphasis on the words and sentences to pay them attention. Finally, when I have finished following these steps, I will be able to tell story to your family or friend, who make their first impressions and give you an opinion. So I will do a list with strengths and weaknesses points which I will have to improve it. As resource, I have used a big book which there isn´t any text so I have to tell sequence of the story through photos. That story is thinking to tell in the first cycle of primary school so children are following more easier that the words I use. I have reviewed articles about storytelling in which the majority of this say that is better to use props owing to add to the story more belief, in this case I have dressed up as the vain mouse; apron and bow in the hair and also some objects which can represent a symbolic in the sequence of a story.


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LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN A story is a wonderful didactic resource as working in classroom because children tend to be a model of us so if teacher usually read or tell story they will acquire the lector habit at home. Through story breed a values into children due to teacher select and decide which one are more significant for children. We have to be conscious of depending on the level and age of children, teacher can work the four skills of English separately and properly. Listening and speaking skills are properly in preschool while reading and writing are introducing in the first cycle of primary. Although these last skills will be properly acquired in advance cycles. The age and level of children is the most important factor when teacher select a story because there are other factors in it to keep in mind as like: vocabulary, complex of grammar… An activity of storytelling isn´t just focus on infants and first cycle, other cycles of primary can be useful as well. From my point of view it is a wonderful resource where children carry on developing their skills of imagination and creativity. While they are listening to tell story by teacher, they are learning knowledge, communication, rules and other things which are very useful in daily classroom. Through this subject I have learned different steps that teacher keep in mind when decide to tell a story and is very useful in my day to day in the teaching practice. It is a great motivator for students, which inhibit their concerns or the degree of demand and they feel more comfortable with this, and many concepts, vocabulary and grammar can be worked through them in a more creative way.

The resources or ITC can help teacher to make more attractive and entertainment a story but it isn’t always necessary to use it. Teacher are often complicate and spend time in researching which one is more properly and they focus on resource and isn´t concentrate on a story so a tale miss importance. In my opinion, resources have to be support of a story, that´s it.


LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN Álvarez Gutiérrez, C (209): El cuento en la clase de inglés. Innovación y experiencias educativas, 18.

Anderson, N (2006): Elementary Children´s Literature. Pearson Education

Education Publication Center (2002): Teaching our youngest. U.S. Department Education

Fernández Serón, C (2010): El cuento como un recurso educativo. Innovación y experiencias educativas, 23.

Korakel, D: Reading aloud with children of all ages. Founding in a website

Ozckus, L (2012): The power of reading aloud to you students: guidelines and top 5 read-aloud strategies from Best ever literacy survival tips; 72 lesson you can´t teach without.

Ros García, E (2012-2013): El cuento infantil como herramienta socializadora de género. Cuestiones pedagógicas, 22(pp 329-350).

Pelegrín, A (1982): La aventura de oír: cuentos y memorias de tradición oral. Editorial Cincel.

Phillips, S (1999): Drama with Children. Oxford University Press

Wright, A (1995): Storytelling with children. Oxford University Press

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