THE X-FILE Squeeze, libro de inglés para Avanzado y Avanzado 1 PDF

Title THE X-FILE Squeeze, libro de inglés para Avanzado y Avanzado 1
Author Ulzzang Choi
Course Ingles
Institution Universidad del Valle de México
Pages 37
File Size 488 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 102
Total Views 167


libro de inglés para Avanzado y Avanzado 1, Libro sin contestar, completo y sin traducciones. Espero les ayude por si lo estaban buscando....


The X-Files : Squeeeze

by Ellen Steiber

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Contents Chapter One: Working Late......................................................................... 3 Chapter Two: The Fingerprint..................................................................... 5 Chapter Three: A Profile of the Killer......................................................... 8 Chapter Four: The Lie-Detector Test......................................................... 11 Chapter Five: Another Victim....................................................................14 Chapter Six: The Nest................................................................................ 20 Chapter Seven: Scully in Danger............................................................... 25 Chapter Eight: The Hunt............................................................................ 29 Chapter Nine: The Fight.............................................................................32 Chapter Ten: Squeeze................................................................................ 36

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Chapter One: Working Late At seven thirty p.m. the Baltimore sky was striped with a bloodred sunset. Hundreds of workers crowded the streets, hurrying to get home. On the contrary George Usher, a middle-aged businessman, was returning to his office for a long evening of work. When Usher left the elevator on the fifteenth floor of his office building, he looked at the long, silent hallways, lit with Exit signs that shone in the dark. The office felt different at night. Usher reminded himself, Nobody can get in unless they work here. He walked into his office, turned on the light, and dialled a number on his phone. An answering machine clicked on and his wife's voice asked callers to leave a message after the beep. "Hello, darling," he said. "It's about seven thirty and it looks like. I'll be here for a while. Call me back. I love you. Bye." After hanging up, Usher looked at the dark hallway outside his office. Suddenly he felt an odd tremor: it was fear! He thought that a cup of coffee would help him, so he headed for① the coffee machine. A tiny noise broke the silence the moment he left his office. High on the wall, the cover of an air vent② began to move slowly. The two screws ③holding

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the vent in place started to turn. First the right. Then the left. Then,

headed for:朝着...走去。 air vent:通气口。 screws:螺丝钉。 3 / 37

very slowly, long, skinny① fingertips② came out from inside the vent, pushing the cover to one side. When Usher came back with his coffee, he stopped outside his office door; he was sure that he'd left the light on inside. He went in and tried to switch on the lamp on his desk. Then, all of a sudden, the door slammed shut with an unearthly③ force. And Usher suddenly realised that he wasn't alone. Frantically④ he reached for the door. He got hold of the knob⑤ and tried to open it. But someone or something had hold of him. Usher fought in the stranger's grasp and slipped free⑥. He rolled across the desk only to feel powerful hands lock around his throat. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't make a sound as his body was raised into the air with inhuman strength. For a moment the hands left his throat and his desperate scream rang through the office as his body slammed into the door with enough force to splinter⑦ it. And then there was only silence. An hour later Usher's office was a mess⑧ and the carpet was drenched⑨ with blood. Directly above Usher's body, one of the screws in the cover of the air vent began to turn. Something inside the vent was screwing the cover back into the wall. Slowly. Victoriously. ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨

skinny:很瘦的。 fingertips:指尖。 unearthly:可怕的。 frantically:狂乱的。 knob:圆形把手。 slipped free:挣脱。 splinter: 使裂成碎片。 a mess:一片混乱。 drenched:浸透。 4 / 37

Chapter Two: The Fingerprint Scully was having lunch with Tom Colton, an old friend from the F.B.I. training academy, who worked for the Violent Crimes Section. He was telling her about a strange case: three murders over the last six weeks victims varying in age, gender① and race, and no known connections to each other. The only thing in common was the lack of entry. "One victim," Colton said, "was a college girl. She was killed in her room and when she was found, the windows wore locked and the door was chained② from the inside. The last incident was two days ago in a highsecurity office building. It was evening and everybody had gone home. The guy parked in the garage and took the elevator to the fifteenth floor. No one else came into the building. The guy never came out." "Could they be suicides?" asked Scully. Colton shook his head and handed Scully a photograph. "All the victims' livers have been removed - without tools." "This sounds like an X-file," said Scully. An "X-file" was what the F.B.I. called a case that involved strange happenings and unexplained phenomena. "Well, I don't know about that but I'd like you to look at the case histories and see the crime scene." When Scully went to Usher's office, Mulder was already there. The office was a mess and blood was splattered③ everywhere. "Morning," Mulder said to Scully. Fox Mulder looked incredibly young for an agent with so much

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gender:性别。 chained:用链子拴住。 splattered:泼溅。 5 / 37

experience. He was a tall, thin man who wore his hair unusually long for an F.B.I. agent. Scully thought there was something a little deceptive① about Mulder's appearance. He appeared so innocent, almost boyish, until you looked into his clear hazel② eyes. That was when you realised that Fox Mulder had seen more than most people. And it had cost him. Mulder was concentrating on something shining on the carpet: he recognised some tiny metal filings③. Using tweezers④, Mulder lifted a filing and thought for a second, then looked up. High above on the wall was the metal grille⑤ that covered the office's air vent. He stood up and went to his forensic kit⑥. He took the fingerprint powder⑦, tape and brush. Then he began to powder the area surrounding the vent. A long, thin print was emerging, bit by bit. It had some of the qualities of a human fingerprint, but it was certainly not human. Mulder was sure that he'd seen those prints before. Some time later, in the basement of F.B.I. headquarters, Scully focused her attention on some slides⑧ that Mulder was showing her. There were six and each of them showed an elongated⑨ fingerprint. The prints were too long and thin to be human. Mulder pointed to one of the slides. "This is the print I took yesterday ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨

deceptive:靠不住。 hazel:黄褐色。 filings:挫屑。 tweez tweezers:镊子。 ers:镊子。 grille:铁栅。 forensic kit:(用以搜集犯罪证据的)整套法医工具 kit:(用以搜集犯罪证据的)整套法医工具。 。 fingerprint powder:指纹粉。 slides:幻灯片。 elongated:拉长的。 6 / 37

from Usher's office," he said. "All the others are from the X-files." "How many murders are we talking about?" Scully asked. "Eleven, counting Usher," Mulder replied. "Ten murders before him. All in the Baltimore area. No point of entrance in any of them. Each victim was murdered the same way. These prints are from five of those other ten crime scenes." "Ten other murders?" Scully still couldn't believe it. Then Mulder pointed to three of the slides. "These three prints were lifted in 1963, and these two were taken in 1933." Scully's eyes widened①. "You're saying the same murderer was fit' work thirty years ago and sixty years ago?" "And ninety," Mulder said. "Unfortunately, we don't have prints for that one. Fingerprinting wasn't too common in 1903. And police records weren't very complete. But there was at least one similar murder at that time." "Of course," Scully said sarcastically②. She thought, If you leave it to Mulder, he'll come up with an absolutely unbelievable case history. Mulder ignored her tone and added: "Five murders, every thirty years. That means he's got two more to go this year." Scully stood up and turned away from her partner. There must be a more rational explanation, she told herself. She was a scientist, a doctor. There was no way she could believe I his.

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widened:睁大。 sarcastically:嘲讽的。 7 / 37

Chapter Three: A Profile of the Killer At 10:00 p.m. Scully was in her apartment with her eyes fixed on the computer screen. Her notes from the case were on her desk. She'd read through Mulder's X-files and now she was writing a profile of the killer. Once again she carefully thought about Mulder's theory. And then she went ahead with her own. "After a careful review of the violent nature of these murders," she wrote, "I believe the killer to be a male, twenty-five to thirty¬ five years old. He has above-average intelligence. His method of entry has so far been undetermined. This may be due to his great knowledge of the internal structure of buildings and ducts①." Scully studied the slide of the elongated fingerprint. Then she put it down, feeling puzzled②.She couldn't explain the odd print; instead, she dealt with another aspect of the murder. "The removal of the liver is the most important detail of these crimes. The liver possesses restorative


It purifies④ the blood."

The next morning Scully presented her report to Colton and other agents at the Violent Crimes Section. "The taking of the liver may allow the killer to believe he's cleaning himself of his own impurities," she said. "I think he's acting under the classic form of obsessive-compulsive⑤ behavior." "since the victims are unrelated," she continued, "we can't predict who

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

ducts:管道。 puzz puzzled:困惑。 led:困惑。 restorative:起恢复作用的。 purifies:净化。 obsessive-compulsive obsessive-compulsive:强迫性神经症的。 :强迫性神经症的。 8 / 37

will be next. But we can use the fact that when serial killers don't succeed in finding a victim, they sometimes return to the site of the previous murder to recapture the emotional high①. So I think we should target② those sites where he's already killed." The stakeouts③ of the murder sites began that night. Three days later Scully parked her car in the garage below George Usher's office building. Mulder was already there. He was examining the duct system because he had heard some banging sounds. Mulder shone his light around the area and realised that the gate was sufficiently open for someone to slip through. He paced through the open gate. The ventilation duct flexed④ from the inside, almost as if it were breathing. Something was scaling⑤ the duct from inside. "Scully!" he shouted, racing towards her car. "Call for backup⑥ and get over here!" Scully made a call on the radio and went up to him. "In there," said Mulder pointing towards the ducts. Scully drew her gun. "Federal agent⑦!" she shouted. "Don't move! I'm armed!" She could just distinguish⑧ a man in the darkness of the opening. He

① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧

high:快感。 target:以...为目标。 stakeouts:监视。 flexed:屈曲。 scaling:攀爬。 backup:支援。 federal agent:联邦密探。 distinguish:辨别出。 9 / 37

hesitated① beyond the glare② of the agents' flashlights③.Then he crawled out feet first④. He looked about twenty. He had a childlike face with a high forehead. He wore a tan⑤ uniform with an emblem⑥ that read ANIMAL CONTROL. His face glistened⑦ with sweat. He raised his hands over his head, looking scared to death, like a rabbit caught in handcuffed⑧. The agents handcuffed him. "you are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law... "

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hesitated:迟疑。 glare:刺眼的光线。 flashlights:手电筒。 crawled out feet first: 以脚先爬出来。 tan:黄褐色。 emblem:徽章。 glistened: 闪烁。 handcuffed:给... handcuffed:给...戴上手铐。 戴上手铐。 10 / 37

Chapter Four: The Lie-Detector Test The following day Scully was sitting behind a two-way mirror in the Baltimore Police headquarters. Mulder and Colton were with her. A woman with short blonde hair was getting ready to give a lie-detector test to the suspect. The suspect wore fluorescent① orange prison overalls②. He was sitting in a chair, facing the two-way mirror. Scully knew that though they could see him, he couldn't see them. One of the suspect's arms was tied with a blood-pressure cuff③. Wires④ connected the machine to sensors⑤ on his fingertips. Scully knew that his blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing-rate were going to be measured. A change In anyone of them might testify that he was lying. The woman calibrated⑥ the machine so that the ink ran through the stylus⑦ and the graph paper moved, then she started the test. "Is your full name Eugene Victor Tooms?" she asked. "Yes," the suspect answered. "Do you live in the state of Maryland?” "Yes," Tooms said. "Are you employed by Baltimore Municipal Animal Control?" "Yes," he answered again. The examiner observed the graph paper and marked "7+" next to the

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fluorescent:荧光的。 overalls:连衫裤工作服。 cuff:绑在手臂的袖带。 wires:电线。 sensors:传感测量仪。 calibrated:校准。 stylus:描画针。 11 / 37

response. So far, Scully knew, the suspect was telling the truth. "Eugene, is it your intention to lie to me about anything here today?" the woman asked. "No," Tooms answered. He spoke in a monotone, and his eyes seemed glazed, as if he were in a trance①."Were you ever enrolled in college?" "Yes." "Were you ever enrolled in medical school?" "No." "Have you ever removed a liver from a human being?" "No," rooms answered. "Have you ever killed a living creature?" "Yes." Like his voice, rooms's face was absolutely neutral, empty of all emotion. "Have you ever killed a human being?" "No," he replied. "Have you ever been in George Usher's office?" "No," rooms answered. "Did you kill George Usher?" "No," he replied again. "Are you over one hundred years old?" Tooms hesitated, looking astonished by the question. Then he answered, "No." "Have you ever been to Powhatan Mill?" asked the examiner . "Yes," answered Tooms. "In 1933?" Again the suspect hesitated before saying, "No." Some time later the examiner reached Scully and Mulder and said: "As far

trance:催眠状态。 12 / 37

as I'm concerned, the subject did not kill those people. " "Tooms lied on questions twelve and fourteen," said Mulder pointing to the graph paper. "He's our guy." Colt on stood up and went to the door. Scully could see that he didn't believe Mlilder. "Well, even if he is, I'm letting him go!” The door slammed behind him. The next day Scully sat with Mulder at a computer puter in the Baltimore police station. Mulder had called up Eugene rooms's arrest report. "Here," Mulder said, "are Tooms's fingerprints. And here is an elongated print taken from Usher's office. It matches the old ones from the X-files. This print is from the 1933 murder at Powhatan Mill" Scully looked at Mulder and shrugged①, "There's no match." "No," admitted Mulder, "but what if..." He punched in② a command and the computer stretched Tooms's fingerprint until it was as long and narrow as the one taken from Usher's office. "Just look," Mulder said while running the mouse across its pad. The two images moved towards the centre of the screen until they overlapped③ and the computer beeped. "Match 100%," it read. Scully asked: "How could Tooms's print be exactly the same as a print taken from a murder committed over sixty years ago?" "The only thing I know for sure," said Mulder, "is that they let him go."

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shrugged:耸肩。 punched in::按。 overlapped:重叠。 13 / 37

Chapter Five: Another Victim It was dark when Thomas Werner drove into his driveway①. He opened the car door. He stopped. Something was different tonight. It was so quiet that Werner could hear the wind in the trees and the sound of his own heartbeat. He stepped out of his car and the sensor security light at the side of the house flashed on as he approached. Werner looked around trying to get rid of the strange idea that something was wrong. Evelything's fine, Werner told himself. You're imagining things. Tooms crouched② in the hedges③ on the other side of the street watching, waiting. When Werner had gone inside the house, Tooms stood up and moved swiftly across the street like an animal following a scent④.He stepped in front of the sensor light but it didn't turn on. Werner hadn't been imagining things. Something was wrong- terribly wrong. Tooms began to search for his point of entry. Before him, going up the side of the house was a brick⑤ chimney. He'd found his way in. He started to pull himself up like a lizard scaling a wall, and with incredible strength lifted himself up onto the roof. Werner was reading his mail in the kitchen when he heard a noise - like a man grunting⑥ with effort. No, he told himself, It's impossible. He began to make himself a drink.

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driveway:私人车道。 crouched:蹲。 hedges:篱笆。 scent:气味。 brick:砖。 grunting:发出咕哝声。 14 / 37

Tooms stuck one arm deep into the chimney and stretched and stretched. He stretched until his hand reached down three floors, until his hand reached the bricks at the bottom of the flue. Carefully Tooms lowered his head into the chimney. With a sickening dull pop, he dislocated first his left shoulder from the socket① and then the right. He could smell Thomas Werner's sweat and feel the heat of the blood in his veins. Slowly he began to squeeze himself down the narrow chimney. In the living room Werner decided to light a fire. He took a log and lit the kindling②. A bright fire began to flicker③. But suddenly the fire died. Werner wondered if something was blocking the flue and stood up to go and get more matches from the kitchen. Werner never even had a chance In scream. His attacker threw him to the floor with unbelievable force and he was unconscious when Eugene Tooms took what he'd come for. The next day Werner's house was filled with people. Mulder stood watching the police take measurements. His eyes widened as he saw something the police had missed - a smudge④ of ash above the hearth⑤. And there was something disturbingly familiar in its long narrow shape. Mulder knelt and examined the mark more carefully. It wasn't very clear but the resemblance to the other prints was strong. He noticed another smudge of ash leading up to the mantel⑥. The mantel was bare, covered with a fine layer of dust, but in the middle there was a perfectly clean ring. Mulder turned to Scully, "It was Tooms, and he took something from the

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socket:腋窝。 kindling:引火柴。 flicker:闪烁不定。 smudge:污迹。 hearth:壁炉床。 mantel:壁炉架。 15 / 37

mantel." Mulder was sitting in front of a microfiche① machine. The screen displayed a taped form. The first line read, "1903 Census". The census, Mulder knew, would tell him precisely who had been living in Baltimore at that time. Mulder advanced the screen through a few more pages. He bent forward as he found what he was looking for. This copy of the census form had been filled out by hand. The old-fashioned writing read, "Eugene Victor Tooms." Mulder smiled. Finally the pieces of the puzzle were starting to fit together. "I found him," he said. Scully gave her partner a questioning look. "How do we learn about the present?" Mulder asked. "We look to the past. That's where it all started - in 1903 on Exeter Street." He pointed to the screen. Scully began to read the census form aloud. "Residence: apartment 103, Sixty-six Exeter Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Occupation: Dogcatcher." A profession similar to that of the current Tooms, she thought. The following day Scully and Mulder decided to pay a visit to Frank Briggs, the man who had investigated the murders in 1933. So they drove to Baltimore's Lynne Acres Retirement Home where man was living. Briggs was sitting in a wheelchair' in his room and seemed to be waiting for them. He told them that he had left the police in 1968, after 45 years as a cop. "Could you tell us about the 1933 murders?" Mulder asked. Briggs nodded. "I was a sheriff then ... " he began. His voice trailed a way

microfiche:微缩胶片。 16 / 37

as if I he subject was difficult for him to talk about. "They were like nothing else. I’d seen my share of murders. But I could i1wa...

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