Theories of learning prep-guide 9-1. PDF

Title Theories of learning prep-guide 9-1.
Course Theories of Learning
Institution University of Massachusetts Lowell
Pages 2
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1. Name the two types of behavior associated with Negative Reinforcement. What is the main difference between these two? Escape behavior: The performance of the behavior terminates the aversive stimulus. Avoidance behavior: The performance of the behavior prevents the aversive stimulus from occurring. We either act in a way to avoid the stimulus before it happens or escape it while we are already experiencing the stimulus. 2. Summarize the main details of the shuttle avoidance procedure. Discuss a human analog of the sort of learning we see in this experimental context. Shuttle avoidance procedure: when an animal has to shuttle back and forth in a box to avoid an aversive stimulus. While hiking avoiding getting lost and returning before night or wait for it to start to get dark and try to escape getting stuck in the dark. 3. Discuss the main features of Mowrer’s two-factor theory. What are the two factors? Identify the criticisms of this theory and how these have been addressed. What is/are the main difference/differences between Herrnstein’s one-process theory and the two-factor theory? Two-factor theory is when two processes are involved in learning an avoidance response. The first part is the classical conditioning of fear response to a CS. (Shock = fear) (Light = fear) Second operant conditioning, in which moving away from the CS is negatively reinforced by the reduction in fear. There are some holes in this theory because if the shock was no longer on animals will still avoid the light. The behavior will not extinguish. The one-process theory is the act of avoidance is negatively reinforced simply by the lower rate of aversive stimulation with which is associated. The rate jumps barrier to decrease the rate of shock not a decreased feeling of fear. 4. Discuss (not just repeat) your answers to Quick Quiz D on page 357 In experimental models of avoidance animals normally avoid the US (the shock to the rat). Human phobia avoids the CS ( fear of dog avoid all dogs). Less; A few, one, experimental. 5. How can avoidance responding account for “repressed” memories? Is it possible to shape memory of an event that may have not occurred, what would this process look like? People learn to make the avoidance response early on in the chain of events so as to minimize the effort of avoiding. It is possible to change your memory to believe something happened a certain way. The memory of childhood trauma is, therefore, an aversive stimulus that generates anxiety, which in turn motivates one to escape from the anxiety by thinking of something else. With practice, one eventually learns to think of something else before the memory even arises.

6. Describe what the behavior of someone diagnosed with OCD might look like. How does Mowrer’s two-process theory aid in our understanding of OCD behavior? How are phobias and OCD different in terms of your response to aversive stimuli? Characterized by persistent thoughts, impulses, or images, and repetitive, stereotyped actions that are carried out in response to the obsessions. (must be neat, have to flick the light 3 times). The two-factor theory relates to OCD because when you fulfill a compulsion it decreases that anxiety. That action is negatively reinforced by the reduction of anxiety. With a phobia, you avoid that aversive stimulus to decrease anxiety, but with OCD you do something to reduce anxiety. 7. Describe the main ideas of ERP therapy for OCD. What are the similarities between ERP and systematic desensitization? Pretend your discussion partner has OCD with a compulsion to not “step on a crack” because doing so would “break my mother’s back”. How would you use ERP to address this compulsion to avoid stepping on cracks? Exposure and response prevention is a method that involves prolonged exposure to the anxiety arousing event while not engaging in the compulsive behavior pattern that reduces anxiety. Systematic desensitization is similar to ERP because it both put OCD patients through prolonged periods of their anxiety-driven events. I would recommend keeping stepping on crack with your mother around to reduce the anxiety. 8. Review the distinction between Positive and Negative Punishment. Give your own examples. How is Positive Reinforcement related to negative Punishment? Positive punishment consists of the presentation of a certain event following a response, which then leads to a decrease in future strength if that response. Yelling at a child for swearing. Negative punishment consists of the removal of a certain event following the response, which then leads to a decrease in the future strength of that response. Taking away video games because they won’t do their homework....

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