Theory Review Chart 12 use this one for class PDF

Title Theory Review Chart 12 use this one for class
Course Introduction to Counseling Theories
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Theory Review Chart Theoretical Framework

Psychodynamic 1. Psychoanalysis


Analytical Therapy

View of Human Nature

Key Theorists

Key Terminology

Key Concepts


Freud believed our behavior is determined by irrational forces, unconscious motivations, and biological and instinctual drives evolved from the psychosexual stages in the first 6 years of life.

Sigmund Freud

Consciousness Defense Mechanisms Denial Id Ego Superego Instincts Unconscious Preconscious Psychic Reality

Stressed the importance of early childhood events, the influence of the unconscious and sexual instincts in the development and formation of personality.

A strength is that there are now free associations to explore the unconsciousness.

Each of us is motivated not only by

Carl Jung

CAT (Cognitive Analytic Therapy) Experiences

Focused on concepts such as the collective

Strength is finding ways that the individual will cope

A weakness would be measuring the unconscious and whether a change has occurred or not

Therapeutic Techniques

Personal View (Does this theory align with your personal view? Why or why not?

It is always important to create an environment of trust. With such an atmosphere, the client will feel free to share thoughts, feelings, and their behaviors that could be negative or even shameful. Freud’s had four characteristics in conjunction control for various essence of psychoanalytic technique these included interpretation, transference analysis, technical neutrality, and countertransference analysis (Kernberg, 2016). There is a chance for the client to freely speak about issues.

My personal view on Psychoanalysis is that this theory does align with my view. The reason for this is that Many of us are influenced by different things from my past and present sense. Therefore, many of us as individuals possess unconscious thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories differently.

My personal view on the Analytical Therapy it does align


Individual Psychology

repressed experiences but also by certain emotionally toned experiences inherited from our ancestors. As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being”. Reflecting on what it is to be a person raises profound questions which the concern of two major psychological perspectives have been very much. Every individual represents a unity of personality and the individual then fashions that unity. The individual is thus both the picture and the artist.

Alfred Adler

Anxiety Depression Stress Active imagination Analytical psychology Mystical participation Transcendent function

unconscious, archetypes, and psychological types.

Compensation Superiority complex Inferiority complex Style of life

Believed the core motive behind personality involves striving for superiority, or the desire to overcome challenges and move closer toward self-

with negative situations and It will not only help them in the present but will help them in the future as well. Weakness is that the client could possibly hold troubles back that she is ashamed of. There could be more underlying issues that a therapist cannot discover.

One of the major strengths is that Individual Psychology focus on a holistic return to community. By keeping healthy reorientation into society as a goal for personal and individual

Questionnaires help establish symptoms. Therapist writes a reformulation letter to put everything on paper. Therapist works to actively map out issues.

with my personal views because we as individuals can never fully know or embrace this theory fully because we dependent upon the relatively inferior ego to perceive it. I don't know if the fight is anxiety or discomforts, but we have to get an understanding of the self’s qualities.

Using the triple column and vertical arrow techniques to access core convictions behind specific problems. Examining the Evidence Questions “What evidence supports this belief? What evidence does

My personal views of the Individual Psychology it does align with my personal views because this theory basally reveals the method of an individual personality, including the meaning why

Therefore, if one can change one's concept of self, they can change the picture being painted."

Existential-Humanistic 1. Existential Everything can Therapy be taken from

a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.

Viktor Frankl, Rollo May, and Irvin Yalom

Aloneness Anxiety Awareness Existential Neurosis Existential Vacuum Existentialism Freedom Meaninglessness Phenomenology Restricted Existence The Courage to Be

realization. This desire to achieve superiority stems from underlying feelings of inferiority that Adler believed were universal.


To understand why the client sees the world the way they do and help them make choices based on new insight. People often have a limited awareness of themselves and the nature of their problems. It sees humans as: having the capacity for selfawareness, experiencing tension between freedom and responsibility, creating an identity and establishing meaningful relationships,

Strengths: Helping the client to live more authentically. To be less concerned with superficial concerns. To take responsibility for their actions. To take ownership of their lives. To find meaning in their lives. To be able to answer the question “What am I here for?” Living in the here and now. To live more fully, understanding that “this too shall pass.”

Weaknesses: Inability to overcome inferiority feelings: helpless, poor selfopinion

Weakness: Intellectualization, Religious Conflict,

not support it?” and Asking for Alternative Explanations (similar to Perceptual Alternatives in AT) “What are some alternative explanations?” “What are some other ways to explain the situation?”

some folks give to themselves, their final goal, and the emotional, reasoning, and communication strategies they employ to reach the goal.

Refinement of intuition or nonrational knowing

My personal views of the Existential Therapy are that this theory somewhat aligns with my personal view. It is seen to be centered on the inescapable givens of existence, freedom, isolation, meaninglessness, and death. Plus, the Existential therapy for anxiety is offered as an example of the way this view of human nature differs from commonly accepted counseling paradigms.

Practice of creativity in "formal" (art) or informal (personal relationships) encounters Meditation Loving service Cultivation of mindfulness Use of dreams and imagery


Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt theory is founded on a positive view of human nature. Perl’s believed that developing an awareness of one's feelings, reactions, and thoughts in a present situation could resolve personal issues. In other words, people have the ability to solve their own problems. They can regulate their actions when they are aware of what is happening.

Fritz and Laura Perls; Key figures: Miriam and Erving Polster

Awareness Blocks to Energy Confluence Confrontation Contact Continuum of Awareness Deflection Dichotomy Dream Work Emotion Focused Therapy Empty Chair Technique

searching for the meaning, purpose and values of life, accepting anxiety as a condition of living, and being aware of death and non-being The key concepts of gestalt therapy include figure and ground, balance and polarities, awareness, presentcenteredness, unfinished business, and personal responsibility. It focuses on the here and now Attend to both nonverbal and verbal expression Recognize that life presents choices Help clients become more integrated and mature Bring together emotion, cognition, and

Strengths: Incorporates all parts of life Resolves the past Stresses doing and acting Helps in the treatment of certain affective disorders Is flexible in using exercises and experiments Weakness: Lacks a strong theoretical base May become gimmicky Does not allow for passive learning Eschews testing and diagnosis Is too self-centered

Exercises, or planned interactions: e.g., dream work, empty chair, confrontation Experiments, or spontaneous interactions Group exercises: e.g., making the rounds, Therapeutic Techniques: Taking responsibility, exaggerating, repeating a sentence

My personal views of the Gestalt Therapy are it rejects the oppositions of mind and body, body and soul, thinking and feeling, and feeling and action. Plus, we as individuals are not made up of separate elements, but the mind, body and soul, function as a whole.


PersonCentered Counseling

People are essentially good, and that human nature possesses a basic sense of trust in the client's ability to move forwards in a constructive manner if conditions conducive to fostering growth are present. Furthermore, he perceived human nature as a product of environmental and societal factors as well as heredity, early development, and an innate self-drive striving for growth throughout life.

Carl Rogers; Key figure: Natalie Rogers

Depression Anxiety Alcohol Disorders Cognitive Dysfunction Schizophrenia Personality Disorders

behavior Help clients accept internal polarities and shed neurotic tendencies Valuing people Treating people with dignity and respect by being aware of and supporting personal perspectives, values, beliefs and preferences. Listening to each other and working in partnership to design and deliver services. Autonomy The provision of choice and subsequent respect for choices made. Balancing rights, risks and responsibilities. Optimizing a person’s control through the sharing of power and decisionmaking. Maximizing independence

Strengths: Offers a perspective that is up-to-date and optimistic provided a basis for many other therapies such as the emphasis on the client-therapist relationship Weaknesses: The approach may lead therapists to just be supportive of clients without challenging them Difficulty in therapists allowing clients to find their own way Could be an ineffective way to facilitate therapy if the therapist is nondirective and passive

To help people to gain the ability to Therapeutic Techniques: Able to manage their lives and become self-actualized

My personal views of the Person-Centered Counseling are that Theory is similar to the Gestalt Therapy. However, uses a nonauthoritative approach that allows clients to take more of a lead in discussions so that, in the process, they will discover their own solutions. Basically giving the client a little more control over there treatment.

by building on individual strengths, interest and abilities Life experience Supporting the sense of self by understanding the importance of a person’s past, their present-day experience, and their hopes for the future. Cognitive-Behavioral 1. Behavior People are Therapy "both the product and producers" of their environment

B.F Skinner, John Wolpe, Albert Bandura, Ivan Pavlov, and others

Acceptance Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Anger Management Training Antecedent Events Applied Behavior Analysis Assertion Training Depression Anxiety Panic Disorders Eating Disorders Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Bipolar Disorder ADHD Phobias

Key Concepts: Helps clients develop and achieve skills in interpersonal competence May involve various behavioral procedures such as assessment, direct instruction and coaching, modeling, roleplaying, and homework assignments The feedback and reinforcement clients receive assists them in

Strengths: Reversing negative patterns of thinking, addressing bad habits Appropriately dealing with stress and frustration Participating positively in a variety of activities Setting goals to replace negative patterns of behavior with positive ones New ways of learning and selfhelp techniques are reinforced

Journaling Self-Monitoring Schedule of Weekly Activities Role Playing Behavior Modification

My personal views of Behavior Therapy are that behavior itself is the problem and the goal are to teach clients new behaviors to minimize or eliminate the issue.

conceptualizing and using a new set of social skills that enables them to communicate more effectively

Increase in selfesteem Improved performance at school, at home and in social situations

Weaknesses: Heavy focus on behavioral change may detract from client's experience of emotions Behavior therapy does not place emphasis on insight Behavior therapy tends to focus on symptoms rather than underlying causes of maladaptive behaviors


Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Humans are both rational and irrational. People disturb themselves by what they

Albert Ellis

A=ACTIVATING event B= irrational BELIEFcognition C= CONSEQUENCEemotional or behavioral

Effective strategies with children include direct teaching of concepts, such as teaching the child to like

Some clients may find the directive approach imposing or too mechanistic Strengths: Direct, clear, effective and easily learned, combines well with other theories, evolving theory, quick.

Teaching and disputing, anatomy emotion, imagery persuasion, logical reasoning, reminder devices, cognitive homework,

My personal views of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy are that some individuals provide to their own emotional problems, as well as to given

D= DISPUTING beliefs-detect and debate E= new EFFECTIVE belief system F= new FEELING

think and what they believe. You are responsible for your emotions and actions; your harmful emotions and dysfunctional behaviors are the product of your irrational thinking. You can learn more realistic views and make them apart of u with practice


Cognitive Therapy

Men are disturbed not by things but by the views which they take of them."

Aaron “Tim” Beek

Depression Panic disorder Generalized anxiety disorder Social phobia Obsessivecompulsive disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder Substance abuse Personality

oneself, to not take things too seriously, to realize that there is joy in participation, to realize that achievement requires effort, or to realize that one does not have to be perfect. Helps clients love more rational and productive lives. Stop thinking irrationally, elimination of ought’s, should, musturbation, self-defeating habits, Tolerance and acceptance of self and others. Is based on an ever-evolving formulation of the client and his or her problems in cognitive terms Requires a sound therapeutic alliance Emphasizes collaboration

Weaknesses: Not applicable for all Clients (mentally impaired) Ellis was unconventional and used other theories to support his.

Strengths: The client learns to monitor negative, automatic thoughts Recognizes the connection between thoughts, emotions, behavior Examines the

bibliotherapy, shame attacks, and rational self-analysis, unconditional acceptance, use humor, changing language (should, musturbation).

symptoms, by the inflexible and lifethreatening beliefs they hold about events and situations.

Didactic (educational) aspects

My personal views on Cognitive Therapy are that CBT is one of the most effective treatments for disorders where nervousness or hopelessness is the main problem. It is the most effective emotional healing for mild or

Cognitive techniques Behavioral interventions

disorders Schizophrenia Couple's problems Bipolar disorder Hypochondriasis Somatoform disorder Eating disorders

and active participation Is goal oriented and problem focused Initially emphasizes the present

harsh depression and is as effective as antidepressants for many types of depression.

evidence for and against distorted automatic thoughts Substitutes more realistic interpretations for the biased thoughts Identifies the dysfunctional beliefs that predispose him or her to distort experiences. Weaknesses: It almost disqualifies emotions It’s too logical or abstract A person may feel blamed It might exclude culture/ethnic origin Thinking is difficult to change


Reality Therapy/Choice

Human beings operate on a

William Glasser


help clients become

Strengths: is versatile

Responsible behavior

My personal views on Reality


Post-Modern 1. Narrative Therapy

conscious level and are not driven by unconscious forces or instincts. A health/growth force exists within everyone

There are multiple realities in the sense that

Power Freedom Fun Identity

Michael White

Dominant Story Alternate Story

psychologically strong and rational and realize that they have choices in how they treat themselves and others help clients clarify what they want in life help clients formulate a realistic and viable plan to achieve personal needs and wishes have counselors establish meaningful relationships with their clients focus on behavior and the present eliminate both fear of punishment and excuses from clients' lives

concrete addresses the resolution of conflict its stress on the present emphasizes shortterm treatment has national training centers contributed to counseling by successfully challenging the medical model of client treatment

Listen with an open mind



Success Identity Reality Therapy Strives to prevent

Therapy/Choice Theory is that it helps to support the client to take more effective control of their lives

Weaknesses: ignores other concepts, such as the unconscious and personal history belief that all forms of mental illness are attempts to deal with external events too simple because it has few theoretical constructs susceptible to becoming overly moralistic dependence on verbal interaction and two-way communication

Client-as-expert (not knowing position)

No recipe, no set agenda, and no formula

My personal views on Narrative Therapy is that this give me a therapy help some

everyone creates their realities through interaction and discourse within social groups/circles. These therapists observed how their clients were affected by the meaning they ascribed to life traumas and otherwise stressful life events.


SolutionFocused Brief Therapy

Solution development processes are independent of problem processes. Narratives shape our experience. Knowledge is local and pragmatic. Language can create realities (world of linguistic events). Meaning is ongoing and

Externalizing Conversation Deconstruction Mapping the

clients to share their stories Listen to a problemsaturated story of a client without getting stuck

Influence Reauthoring Coauthoring Unique Outcomes Steve De Shazer & Insoo Kim Bery

Eco systemic Epistemology Binocular Theory of Change

Demonstrate respectful curiosity and persistence

Blaming Stories Invalidating Stories Countertransference

Weakness: No set of formulas ...

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