This poem called - Riassunto PDF

Title This poem called - Riassunto
Course Inglese
Institution Liceo (Italia)
Pages 1
File Size 29 KB
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Riassunto ...


This poem called “Daffodils” was written by William Wordsworth in 1804 and published in 1807. The poet remembers the experience of a walk with his sister in the Lake District. It is composed by four stanzas with six lines each. Rhyme scheme is ABABCC. In the first stanza the poet was walking lonely around vales and hills when suddenly he saw a crowd of golden daffodils beside the lake, under the trees dancing in the breeze. In the second stanza he keeps on describing the multitude of flowers, which were waving in the air, near a bay. Then in the third stanza he says that the flowers danced more than the waves of the lake. At the end it is described the condition of tranquility in which the author recollected what he had seen. At the same time he remembers the dancing flowers and his heart dances with them. Particularly important are the simple language used, nature seen as a source of inspiration and the relationship between nature and men. That’s why this poem could be considered an example of William Wordsworth’s poetry. Even though initially the poet lives in a condition of loneliness, then thanks to the view of the golden dancing daffodils, he reaches a condition of pleasure. Initially he doesn’t realize the importance of this sight, the memory brings this scene back only in a second moment, when he recollects in tranquility all these sights. The daffodils have a metaphorical meaning, in fact they are described with adjectives and verbs, which remind human beings, such as “crowd”, “host”, “tossing their heads”, “dancing”. The daffodils are described as part of the universal order. All nature appears alive and happy, in fact “the crowd floats on high”, “the stars shine”, “the waves dance”. Also the daffodils are not static but alive. In fact they are “fluttering” and “dancing in the breeze” and “tossing theirs heads in sprinkling dance”. The most important thing is not describing nature but the emotional reaction of man to natural phenomena. Wordsworth believed that man and nature are inseparable....

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