Titas Module (English version) PDF

Title Titas Module (English version)
Author Wan Nik Bah
Course Mechanical Engineering
Institution Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Pages 142
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TITAS MODULE Islamic & Asian Civilizations



Introduction to Civilization (Chapter 1) it is about Basic concept, Aspects, Definition, Characteristics, Rise & Fall factors, Interaction among civilization, Universal Values etc


Context (Chapter 2, 3, 4 & 5) It is about Geography, History, Kingdoms, Empires, Dynasties and the rulers or emperors, leaders etc


Worldview or Cosmology (Chapter 2, 3, 4 & 5) It is about Philosophy, relevant concept, basic principles, founders etc


System (Chapter 2, 3, 4 & 5) It is about system of the civilization such as religion, belief system, political, economic, social, cultural etc


Contribution & Achievement (Chapter 2, 3, 4 & 5) It is about the Contribution and Achievement in the field of Social Sciences and Science & Technology. It discuss about the tangible and intangible inventions and the inventors.


Contemporary issues on Civilization (Chapter 6) It is about Globalization, Western domination, Jihad concept, Clash of Civilization, Civilizational Dialogue and effective strategies to overcome the issues.

For Internal Circulation and Teaching & Learning Purpose Only




Define definition/ process/ importance of the civilization in term of the origin, culture, thought, experiences and future development Differentiate between civilizational studies and history of civilization. Describe the interaction between religion and culture in a civilization. Define the characteristics of a civilization. Describe factors that contributing to the emergence, growth and fall of a civilization. Discuss the similarities and differences between civilizations.

INTRODUCTION There are several questions that often arise in polemics about civilization and civilization. Among other things, includes a very basic question, for example, what is civilization? What is the basis for understanding the meaning and concept of civilization? What is the size, value or as a benchmark for determining the achievement level of civilization to a civilization? Or, more general question of nature, such as, what is the reference for determining a nation or a society is civilized or not? These questions are nothing new actually. It has been a polemic in the world of civilization and civilized thinking. Debate about it can be traced back to the Greeks when Plato submit police concept in his work The Republic, referring to the shape and type of community that reaches the stage of development and also the existence of cultural institutions, politics, and society within the framework of social relations.Among Islamic thinkers, al-Farabi for 2

example to produce the concept of Al-Madinah Al-Fadilah, while Ibn Khaldun's Umran submit badawi and Umran Hadhari.All of this is to answer the questions that center around the culture and civilization. No other purpose except to clarify the concept and meaning of culture and civilization, and subsequently submit the conceptual framework of what shapes and forms of culture and civilization of the human dream. The scope of civilization and civilized debate is quite broad, covering the scope of human life. To explain this vast subject, we need an approach that can guide them to understand more clearly about the following aspects important and fundamental elements in the process of civilization. For this purpose, a more appropriate approach is to start by highlighting an overview of common terms used in the discussion and discourse of civilization. This clarification is necessary because the failure to understand the concepts or terms that will lead to misunderstanding views on civilization and the science of civilization.This will in turn enable a person get the essence of the concepts and then build a world view and the reference frame (frame of reference) when talking about the issues of civilization and culture in particular. Frame of reference is important because the study of civilization must be built on a foundation of clear epistemological and dotted less than the premises adapted to mold world opinion against the background of certain cultures, ideologies and religions in which they are built. The aim of the construction and understanding of this worldview is to generate intellectual disabilities to setup measurement of a civilized and uncivilized of one community or nation. In short, to engage with debates about civilization and civilization, a person must understand and identify the criteria and basis for determining the level of reference and achievements of a civilization based on theories of civilization that produced either classical, modern or contemporary. At the same time it is also able to identify and with the knowledge that mold and be able to use their own value system in assessing any kind of culture and civilization that came from outside.

2 BASIC CONCEPTS OF CIVILIZATION: a) STUDY OF CIVILISATION (CIVILISATIONAL STUDIES) AND b) HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION (BIOGRAPHY OF CIVILIZATION) Frequent error in the understanding of the study of civilization and the history of civilization. As a result of these conditions explained the difference and relationship demands or civilization studies the relationship between the history of civilization? This explanation is especially needed for the study of civilization must be built on the basis of the correct epistemology and mold and are based on certain fundamental principles. This is necessary to avoid confusion between the discussion of civilization as a concept and civilization as a social reality in human history. As a field of knowledge and knowledge, civilization studies discuss the theory, basic concepts, characteristics and nature of civilization in conceptual, theoretical and abstract, 3

while the history of civilization refers to those experienced by a civilization in terms of achievement, the ups and downs, progress and backwardness or simply the study of the past. In general, studies of civilization is not so tied to the limitation of time / age and history of civilization, is often constrained by time factors. However, this perspective is not intended to isolate the study of history of civilization with the civilization of study or research. This is because between the two can not be separated but not likely. Without history, the study of civilization will be a subject of an empty, dilapidated and empty as was the case with the bag containing the no. Thus, the historian must always be the basic components of civilization in the study because of the theory of knowledge and history of civilization is designed, built and developed. In addition to the history, components and disciplines other knowledge also become important components, including religion, philosophy, urban studies, sociology, anthropology, culture, science and technology, art and literature. In fact, all the elaborate discipline of human life and the environment is included under the scope discipline civilization studies. The study of civilization is an area that is very much alive, versatile, spacious and is inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary. Example of Statements The establishment of X civilization consist of several significant events and experiences such as experiences with colonials, distress among citizen, revitalization of intellect scholars, establishment of educational institutions, improvement in science and technology, life status, and etc. It is also include the important timeline and chronological events that happen during that time.

Basic concept History of Civilization (Biography of Civilization) (Sejarah Tamadun)

The XYZ study discuss about…  What is the origin of Man?. According to Islamic principle as mentioned in al-Qur’an, the origin of man is ……  Civilization can be defined in different approaches which are….  Theory of Clash of Civilization is formulated by….  How society can live in different belief, custom, identity and cultural background?.  What are the unique attributes and characteristics of Asian society such as Malay, Chinese, Indian people etc?  Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. (570 to 632BCE) was raised an orphan in a less well-to-do tribe called the Quraysh.  The Tang (618-907), along with the Song dynasty (960-1279 CE) that follows, is often referred to as China's "Golden Age“.  Civilization in India began with the Harappa culture developed by the Dravidians.

Civilizational Study (Pengajian Ketamadunan)

History (Sejarah)

DEFINITION AND FEATURES OF CIVILIZATION The word 'civilization' is used to describe the progress of a society khausunya from the point of physical science. From the current perspective, the word 'civilization' refers to high achievement in science and technology (S & T) parallel to prominence in Western civilization. 4

The word civilization itself is from Arabic that was adopted in the Malay language (Bahasa Indonesia in more popular usage the term civilization). From the point of it comes from the etymology of the word maddana verb refers to the act of opening act of the city or town and refine character.From the word is derived the word that is the nature of the name of civil society. Madani refer to the related nature of urban development and refinement of character is commendable. Both maddana and civil own words actually originated from the deen of religious meaning, which reflects the religious life. Indirectly, the meaning of civilization, highlighted two important issues, namely refinement of character and development of the municipality or settlement. In a more perfect, civilization can be defined as a total achievement and development in all his actions, thoughts and progress (such as S & T, artistic, literary and other), good, fine and polite towards character building and community that has personality, morality, and a noble character to form a society or nation. In addition, the word most often used in English to mean civilization is a civilization. This word comes from the Latin word civitas, which means town or city. As hadarah and civilization, Civilization also means emphasizing the merger between the height of the cultural and material development. Among the writers who can be considered a pioneer in this field of study of which is Jurji Zaydan and Farid Wajdi, as well as some other figures such as Muhammad Abduh, and Malik Bennabi. However, the earlier writers, and explores the idea of this study are Ibn Khaldun. Ibn Khaldun uses the term 'Umran to clarify the meaning and purpose of a civilization that encompasses social and cultural organizations.The term civilization is introduced specifically for this study by Jurji Zaydan when he published his famous Tarikh alal-Islami civilization.Muhammad Abduh, used the term madaniyyah (from the same root word civilization). In Malay-language corpus is, at least two terms are often used as "civilization" and "civilization". Both terms are also not the words of Malay origin. Both are Arabic loans. In the corpus of Malay writing, before the advent of Islam for the purpose of word civilization is rooted to the height of culture and refinement value. This is reflected in the customs and traditions of the Malay race ages. At this point the Malay word that is often used to reflect the increase in the life of this society is the advancement or development. However, the word developed and progress appears to have far more narrow connotation of civilization. After the advent of Islam the Arabic terms used extensively and then recognized and adopted as a Malay word or term.

RELIGION AND CIVILIZATION Religion is one aspect that can not be ignored in the study of civilization. Religious phenomenon to understand because it is part of human life. Based on the religion of secularism involves faith (belief) of a nature "Transcendent" and "beyond". While civilization refers to a level of performance in terms of social development, the state of society to be civilized or savage. It means a society to achieve social progress in 5

the field of arts and sciences of complexity in terms of culture has developed in certain groups. To describe the relationship between civilization and religion, a philosophical approach is needed. It should have a period less than the concept of man as an agent of civilization par exellence.As civilization built on the mold and shape and a certain cultural background, then the factors of religion or belief system of a society can not be ignored. That case can be proved by historical outcrop world's great civilizations. World civilizations have emerged, such as Aztec, Sumerian / Babylonian, Masir Ancient China, the Indus-Ganges for example, has traditionally dominated the belief system and even determine the image of the civilization. Life courteous noble character and high moral values are important in civilized life. Construction on the nature of a person closely associated with religious beliefs in the life of a man. Religion serves to form a view of the universe and a community, and conduct their actions in life. From the evidence of ancient civilizations, can be seen how the religion has to do that so close to civilization. Omission of evidence and the ancient civilizations of goods that can be seen up to this day reflects the high appreciation of the religious life. However, not all of civilization strongly influenced by religion as modern Western civilization more likely to isolate religious values in the life of the community. In addition, there are several civilizations, which also gathers a variety of different religious communities holding. This phenomenon can be seen in the last days of Islamic civilization, if not all under the auspices of civilization consists of the Muslim community. Based on the views of scholars in general, there are at least two religious flow which has a great influence and role of civilization on the one hand and those who are skeptical of the role of religion on one of the other. For example, Arnold Toynbee said "in the course if its evolution, a Civilisation Produced, Among other things, a universal state and higher form of religion".Yet another American scholar, Thomas Berry holds that civilization eastern (oriental Civilisation), such as China and India can not be fully understood except by reference to the religions of Asia.While Edward Sullivan was commenting on and recognize the role of Islam in the Islamic civilization to record a "Muslim Civilisation was the product of the Muslim religion". Islamic scholars in this field has been to make assertions about the position, role and influence of Islam as a catalyst for revival of Islamic civilization.Muhammad Abduh, for example in the Tafsir al-Quran was making a generalization that all civilizations (madaniyyat) built on a foundation of religion.While Ali Shariati was pressing question of the role of Islam as a major factor in the process of Islamic revival.

RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE Human society is characterized as a society that has a high cultural and moral. Culture refers to the procedure they are acting on environment (including the social environment) in managing the collective life. High and noble culture refers to the refinement and moral 6

perfection displayed in their lives. However, different from the culture of civilization, when viewed from the following two conditions a) The influence and effect of enduring civilization as long as the influence and effect of culture.With the other meaning a longer lasting effect of culture in the society is the result of civilization. For example, loyalty to the emperor is a consequence of civilization in Japanese society despite their political system was a far cry from the past. The way they dress and the selection of foods that are the result of culture has undergone many changes within one hundred years. b) Civilization beyond the bounds of state and territory, while the culture is usually associated with a particular country or region.Islamic civilization as such contains a number of cultures of different countries or regions. For example, the Islamic culture in the Malay region dressed differently from the Muslim community in the Arabian Peninsula, although they are under the auspices of the Islamic civilization.

Civilization and the Nation Much of the nation has close ties to the history, traditions and geographical areas. While civilization is universal across geographical boundaries is directly beyond the boundaries of race and national levels. There was a civilization that built and owned by more than one nation or race as Western civilization which contains a number of nations or ethnic groups in Europe and North America. While the Islamic civilization has grown up and in latari by various cultures and nations. In theory, civilization and nation has to do even though civilization often beyond national boundaries. However, the image of a civilization is determined by many civilizations, the lead nation. For example, the Islamic civilization that flourished in the Malay world potrays the of Malay attributes (Kemelayuan), at the same time put Islam as a basic value system

PROCESS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF CIVILIZATION Civilization is an evolution taking place in a community of rural life to city life, from life to life is not fixed permanently. Process that has led the formation and thinking about human civilization. The stages of this process is the focus of a variety of related fields of study which the civilization of every stage of the process is affecting the next level. In general, the process experienced by a society of savages to civilized can be divided into several stages starting with a simple epic community / simple to complex, modern society. In this process of a society experiencing the first stage of the process of providing basic needs for himself and his family, food, clothing, shelter and safety. This process will continue the start of efforts to meet basic needs until the ability to meet the needs of a "luxury" and that is no longer constitutional. In this improvement process through various strata of human living standards which involves the upgrading and enhancement of basic needs. Society becomes more developed 7

with infrastructure improvements in their lives and change the concept of what is fundamental and what is luxury. The differences of basic concept is also part of the key indicators that determine the achievement level of civilization in a society. For example, luxury goods in the early stages of the civilizing process later evolved into essential items at the next level. For example, clothing is a basic need to cover certain parts of the human body, but then the perfect dress to the basic needs of human society has progressed. While in the later stage clothes "appropriate" with certain conditions become basic needs may be to a certain person (the position) and the like. Subsequent processes may be more focused on the types of clothing associated with one's social status as the clothes at this point is no longer functioning as a basic need but a symbol of social status. In addition, other aspects of life are moving parallel to the movement of civilization, such as education. In the past the ability to write is something that is rarely owned by someone and it is a privilege to anyone who has that ability. For example, in the days of pagan Arabs, they are able to write is considered a highly privileged in society. But the development of civilization then indicated that the ability of that kind is no longer something special, even those who do not have that capacity is considered omission or deficiency. Even at this point one of the indicators used to measure the achievement of a society or nation is the literacy rate of the letter. Every culture has its own character or prominence such as the famous Greek civilization and literature, philosophy, art, Chinese civilization and Islamic civilization kerafnya is famous for its holistic perspective and world v...

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