Top 21 Job interview Questions PDF

Title Top 21 Job interview Questions
Course Accounting Internship
Institution Technological Institute of the Philippines
Pages 6
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Top 21 Job interview Questions...


Top 21 Job interview Questions

1. Tell me something about yourself. 

I was an achiever since my elementary days. I've been in the pilot section when I was in Junior High school, I graduated with honors in Senior High School, and in college, I am a consistent scholar of CHED and have been included in Dean's listers a few times. I was able to achieve these awards firstly because of God, and because of my determination and passion to excel in everything I do. I will use these characteristics of mine to contribute to your company and be of help in achieving your goals and objectives. I am looking to further develop my customer service and problem-solving skills and that's why I wanted to interview with your firm since this position seemed like a great opportunity to develop and improve my skills and at the same time, contributing to the success of your company.

2. Why do you want to work for us? 

I remember reading an article about how your company values the community. I was excited that your company values the same as I do. That's why I decided to pursue my interview here in your company because not only do you help businesses, but you also make sure to give back to society. And as someone who has values like that, I would utilize my skills and expertise to be an asset in your company and be a productive employee.

3. What are your strengths? 

Aside from my credentials and achievements, my personality is one of my strengths. I am a good listener, I know how to handle conflicts, I'm approachable, and more. I believe that these characteristics of mine are essential for your company because they will greatly contribute to my productivity and others as well.

4. What is your biggest weakness? 

Growing up, I was an aloof person. I easily get shy in front of people, and I prefer being alone because I'm scared of being judged. However, as time progressed, I realized that I need to go out of my comfort zone to grow. Currently, I'm a youth leader in our church and I was able to interact with different people with whom I shared experiences. I will bring this characteristic of mine in the workplace by being a listener and a team player to everyone at the workplace.

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 

In 5 years, I see myself still working in your company and already had contributed and achieved a lot. Maybe this time I am a leader who handles my subordinates and an employee who already gained so much experience in the accounting field. I will be looking for more opportunities to grow my responsibilities within this role to work towards my goal and the company's goal.

6. Why do you want to leave your current job? 

My current job offers a great salary and has a good workplace, however, I decided to leave because I want to grow and learn more. I wanted to expand my network and knowledge in the industry. I think I am ready and capable to handle bigger roles as I have already gained so many learnings and experiences from my current job. I think it's time for me to explore and share my expertise and experiences with others.

7. When have you delivered excellent customer service? 

During my last position, I handled many phone calls each day. Although there were lots of negative customers and some of them will shout at you and will say

a lot of mean things, I never give up being positive and helpful to them. I tried to listen attentively and speak with a gentle voice which helped them to calm.

8. What would you do if you didn't get on with someone in your team? 

I avoid conflicts as much as possible but if I encounter someone who gets mad at me for some reason, I'll talk to him/her privately. We will talk and settle it between ourselves but if he/she doesn't want to, I'll probably talk to someone with authority in the company and ask for some advice on how we can fix our problem. I'll humble myself and make sure to apologize if I've done something that annoys her/him.

9. How do you handle the pressure? 

Realistically, I pray first. I don't make rash decisions without thinking about it first. I always weigh the pros and cons first and ask other people, who are credible enough, about their opinions. Being pressured can cause a lot of wrong decisions, so I think first before doing any actions. I think first then I act.

10.Why should we hire you? 

Based on what you have said and my research, your company is looking for a position where my skills and knowledge are aligned with. In my previous company, I contributed a lot to the fulfillment of their goals. I will bring that or even exert more effort to contribute more to your company.

11. When have you worked as part of the team? 

There are tons of times I have worked with a team. One example is when I was in Senior High School where I became the leader of the group. To cut it short, we won awards in that certain event. Also, as a youth leader, I collaborate with many people who have different personalities and opinions than mine, but I always

make sure to be understanding and humble as much as possible to have a good working environment and avoid conflicts.

12.What didn't you like about your last job? 

I worked in my last job for 3 years and my experience there is very great, but the company is very small, so the opportunities for advancement are limited. I've already gained so much experience from them and I already contributed a lot to them, so I think it's time for me to move on and find a company that will fully utilize my skills and expertise. In that way, I will grow while contributing.

13.What three things would your last boss say about you? 

In my past job, I was known for being humble, industrious, and punctual. He said that since I started with the company three years ago, I have shown an impressive amount of growth. In the review, he also mentioned that I was next in line for a promotion.

14.What are your salary expectations? 

That's a great question. It would be helpful if you could share with me what the salary range is in this role. While it would also be great if I get acquainted first with the position—I believe similar positions to the one I'm applying for offer salaries between P30,000-P40,000. Given my expertise and skills, I would like to be given a salary within that range.

15.Can you give me an example of a difficult situation you faced in a previous job and how you dealt with it? 

At my current job, a client called and asked dome questions regarding their project status. My boss is usually the one who interacts directly with our clients, but he already left home. So, I asked the client since I'm also part of the project,

and she/s fine with it. I helped her and provided enough information, so she was relieved she was informed.

16.Explain the gaps in your employment history? 

I stopped finding jobs because I think that I need a break. I was so pressured and not feeling okay when I was working in my last job. It caused me to overthink and worry always. It's affecting my mental health. After thinking for quite some time, I decided to stop and redeem myself. Right now, I'm better than before.

17.What's your greatest achievement to date? 

That would be me, being one of our church leaders. Being a leader is not just a title, it's beyond that. People watch your every movement, and you must be a good role model to others. Being a youth leader helped me to become more responsible and to be committed. This aspect of mine will be helpful in your company since I will work as diligently as I can.

18.What would you do in the first 30 days of starting? 

I will most likely adjust and adapt first in the workplace and be as friendly as possible. I plan to get to know the people I'll be working with the most and to be comfortable with them. Little by little, I will familiarize myself with my roles and responsibilities.

19.When have you had a disagreement with your manager? 

There's this one time I disagreed with my boss because of how he dealt with the customer. I politely asked him if we can talk privately because I don't want other people to hear our conversation and I don't want to cause a commotion. Our customer left content, and we were able to establish an even better relationship.

20.What motivates you? 

I crave growth. I don't want to be stuck up and be mediocre. As time progress, I want to learn and experience things that will add growth for me. And I want it to happen with your company, I want to grow in your company and experience new things. While growing, I will make sure to produce great outputs and be a great employee.

21.Do you have any questions? 

I would like to know the day-to-day responsibilities of the position I am applying for and if I get hired, what do you want me to achieve within 2 months?...

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