UNCC 300 assingment 3, essay, solutions. PDF

Title UNCC 300 assingment 3, essay, solutions.
Author Roshni Silwal
Course Justice and Change in A Global World (UNCC300)
Institution Australian Catholic University
Pages 4
File Size 107 KB
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this essay is based on 17 sustainable goals. Acu. year 2021......


The common good is targeted towards the well-being of every individual. People focussing on common good of the people have pity and compassion towards the mankind. Common good takes care of the human dignity of the people. People implementing common good consider the world as their own and strive for the happiness for all. Nursing is one such profession which can contribute to the common good of the people. Nurses can tend to the health of the people and train them to attain a healthy life. They know how the human body works and how diseases harm the people and they can use this knowledge and The Sustainable Development Goals are Global Goals which are determined by the member states of the United Nations to save the world from poverty, environmental degradations and ensure happiness and peace for all. There are 17 SDGs which are selected so that peace and prosperity of the world can be attained by 2030. Out of the 17 SDGs, the third SDG speaks of good health and well-being. The paper will be discussing this goal and see the role of common good in realizing good health and well-being of the people. The profession of nursing can prove to be effective in helping the people attaining good health and well-being (UNDP, 2021). Nurses are one of the important parts of the society as they contribute a to to maintain a healthy culture of the society. They serve the people and take care of the sick. They treat everyone with dignity and respect. They display good leadership and management and do their work with love. That is why they are successful to contribute so much to the common good of the society. Nurses train other nurses to do the same. They are ethical in their jobs and have their own moral code of conducts which guide their behaviours. The profession of nursing can meet the third goal of 3 SDG which deals with good health and well-being of the common people. Nurses are capable of countering local and global challenges related to the issue (Salmela, Koskinen & Eriksson, 2017). The first challenge which has been discussed in the previous paper is the creation of awareness within the women of the rural regions of India about gender equality and women empowerment so that they can take care of their health and the health of the young women of their communities. The low literacy and false beliefs among the rural population can create problems for the nurses who can go there to educate or train the women. In most of the Asian societies, the focus is on the education of the boys as girls are married off. Nurses can

efficiently meet the challenge and help the women of the region (Roy, Chatterjee & Dutta Gupta, 2018). The second challenge is regarding poverty and malnutrition. These two issues are very common in the rural regions of India. Children suffer and die because of the lack of nutritional diet. There are people who have no access to affordable care and housing. The issues of malnutrition and poverty are interconnected in India. Women and young girls are the most common victims of malnutrition. The consumption and distribution of nutritious food has been affected because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has made things worse for the people who were already suffering because of the unavailability of nutritious food. Nurses can help in this regard by educating the village women and girls on the importance of good nutrition (Bharati et al., 2019). The third challenge is regarding the complete immunization of the girl child. The boy child gets immunized in most of the cases but the girl child is ignored because of which the girl children get affected the most from diseases. The health infrastructure is weak in India and the coronavirus pandemic has made matters worse. The normal immunization drive has completely stopped because the government is more focussed on providing COVID-19 vaccines. The economic status of the people play a role when it comes to immunization because the rich gets their children immunized but the poor fail to do so (Balasubramanian et al., 2018). NURSING AND THE COMMON GOOD The three challenges are linked to each other and can be countered with the help of education. The nurses can open training camps for the village women and girls where they can be trained and educated about the value of gender equality and women empowerment. They can be told about the importance of having a good nutritious diet and immunization. They should know their rights and that will help them to achieve the common good. The nurses can select a village and initiate door to door campaigns and educate both men and women about the solutions of these three challenges. This will help them to interact with both men and women of the villages. The nurses can work together with the local authority and open schools and healthcare centres which will provide free education and healthcare requirements exclusively to the women and girl children as they are the most deprived in terms of receiving education and having a good health. They can partner with government agencies and initiate immunization

drives for the women and the female children. It will help the women and girl children to fight various diseases and the nurses can contribute to the common good of the society. These solutions can make the women and girls of the villages aware of their rights to good health, education and immunization. Among these solutions, the most important solution is the collaboration with local authorities and agencies which can help the nurses to open schools and healthcare centres where they can train the women and girls about good health and education. They can be taught about their rights and empowerment. The government agencies can help in the vaccination drive which can help in the immunization of hundreds of women and girls who can be vulnerable to various diseases and disorders. The nurses must also stress on teaching the women and girls of the villages about balanced diet and nutritional foods so that the issue of malnutrition can be countered. CONCLUSION Hence, it can be seen that the nurses can play a major role in contributing for the common good of the society especially when it comes to the women and girls of Indian villages. They suffer from malnutrition and a lack of proper immunization. The nurses can train these women and girls about having a good health and initiate immunization drives to solve the challenge of a lack of immunization.

Reference Balasubramanian, S., Shah, A., Pemde, H. K., Chatterjee, P., Shivananda, S., Guduru, V. K., ... & Kumar, R. (2018). Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Immunization Practices (ACVIP) Recommended Immunization Schedule (2018-19) and update on immunization for children aged 0 through 18 years. Indian pediatrics, 55(12), 1066-1074https://doi.org/10.1007/s13312-018-1444-8 Bharati, S., Pal, M., Sen, S., & Bharati, P. (2019). Malnutrition and anaemia among adult women in India. J Biosoc Sci, 51(5), 658-668 https://doi.org/10.1017/S002193201800041X Roy, C., Chatterjee, S., & Dutta Gupta, S. (2018). Women empowerment index: Construction of a tool to measure rural women empowerment level in India. Available at SSRN 3357543 https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3357543

Salmela, S., Koskinen, C., & Eriksson, K. (2017). Nurse leaders as managers of ethically sustainable caring cultures. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(4), 871-882 https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13184 Tirole, J. (2017).Economics for the common good. Princeton University Press https://doi.org/10.1515/9781400889143 UNDP. (2021). Goal 3: Good health and well-being | UNDP. UNDP. https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-developmentgoals/ goal-3- good-health-and-well-being.html....

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