Understanding Human Being Comprehensively (MCQs) PDF

Title Understanding Human Being Comprehensively (MCQs)
Author Sanchit Ghai
Course Universal human values
Institution Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University
Pages 21
File Size 489 KB
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Mostly a mix of MCQs of Universal human values taken from several universities...


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Understanding the Human Being ComprehensivelyHuman Aspirations & its Fulfillment (ROE 074) MCQs UNIT 1 Q 1. The ‘Self’ is central to the human existence and __________ is central to the existence. A. Coexistence B. Nature C. Struggle D. Society


Q 2. Which option is correct about the goals of UHV2a. To understand the co-existence b. To have the feeling and the thought of co-existence c. To live in co-existence in mutual relation with human being and the rest of nature A. B. C. D.

a&b b&c a&c a,b & c


Q 3. The word “society” is primarily used in the context of human-________ relationship. A. Human B. Nature C. Both D. None


Q 4. ________ deals with personal transformation and societal transformationA. Skill Education B. Human Education C. Professional education D. Inhuman Education


Q 5. Human-human interaction is called A. Work B. Behaviour C. System D. None


Q 6. Human-rest of nature interaction is called A. Behaviour B. Work C. Production D. All


Q 7. The Self(I) is the seer_____________ A. Doer B. Enjoyer C. Doer & Enjoyer D. None

ANS: C Q 8. There are _____ comprehensive human goals A. 8 B. 6 C. 4 D. 9


Q 9. While evaluating present state of the society and system, we found climate change, environmental pollution, and resource depletion. This is related withA. Individual B. Family C. Society D. Relationship with rest of nature ANS: D Q 10. Terms -Aimlessness, Confusion, Tension, Frustration, Depression, Alcoholism, Obesity, Suicide deal with A. Individual B. Family C. Society D. Relationship with rest of nature ANS: A Q 11. Terms -Opposition, Reaction, Anger, Strife, Court cases, Divorce are related with A. Individual B. Family C. Society D. Relationship with rest of nature


Q 12. Increasing gap between rich -poor, Fear, Genocide, Domination, Exploitation, Terrorism, War etc deal with A. Individual B. Family C. Society D. Relationship with rest of nature ANS: C Q 13. Find the correct statement/statements about the shifts expected after UHV2A. Human being is co existence of Self & body B. Individual effort can merely initiate societal changes. C. Happiness is to be in a state of co-existence D. Units are unlimited in size.


Q 14. What should be the human aspiration as per your syllabus? A. We want to live B. We want to live with fulfilment C. We want to live with continuous fulfilment D. All


Q 15. TRUTH deals with A. Realization in the self B. Fulfilment in relationship C. Ensuring more than required physical facility D. None


Q 16. PROSPERITY deals with A. Right understanding in the self B. Fulfilment in relationship C. Ensuring more than required physical facility D. None


Q 17. The human goal at the level of individual is A. Prosperity B. Fearlessness C. Co-existence D. Right understanding


Q 18. The human goal at the level of family is A. Prosperity B. Fearlessness C. Co-existence D. Right understanding


Q 19. The human goal at the level of society is A. Prosperity B. Fearlessness C. Co-existence D. Right understanding


Q 20. The human goal at the level of nature is A. Prosperity B. Fearlessness C. Co-existence D. Right understanding


Q 21. Which is correctly matched? A. Prosperity-society B. Fearlessness-trust C. Co-existence-family D. Right feeling-nature


Q 22. Right feeling & right thought deals with A. Self B. Body C. Self and body both D. Physical Facility


Q 23. Recognizing need for physical facility, its production, and Right utilization ensuresA. Fearlessness B. Prosperity C. Justice D. None


Q 24: Ensuring mutual enrichment with every unit in nature is A. Human goal at individual level B. Human goal at family level C. Human goal at society level D. Human goal at nature level


Q 25: The fulfilment and evaluation of feelings lead to mutual _________ in relationship. A. Prosperity B. Enrichment C. Happiness D. None

Ans: C

Q 26. Right feeling within myself (I) is A. Definite B. Continuous C. Unconditional D. All


Q 27. Terms- definite, continuous, unconditional refers to A. Right understanding & Right feeling B. Realization C. Coexistence D. All


Q 28. ___________means harmony within myself. A. Happiness B. Pleasure C. Excitement D. All


Q 29. When we expect feelings from others for our happiness, it is a state of A. Swatantrata B. Partantrata C. Prosperity D. None


Q 30. PARTANTRATA deals with A. Within you don’t have any definite feeling (it keeps fluctuating) B. If the other expresses right feeling, you feel “happy” C. If the other expresses wrong feeling, you feel “unhappy” D. All


Q 31. Behaviour depends upon A. Feelings B. Desire, Thought, Expectation C. Right Understanding D. All


Q 32. Work depends upon A. Feelings B. Desire, Thought, Expectation C. Right Understanding D. Both b and c


Q 33. Thoughts may be governed by A. Right understanding B. Preconditioning C. Sensation D. All


Q 34. For behaviour in relationship to be right, it is necessary for the ______ and ________ to be right. A. Feeling and thought B. Physical facility and health C. Wealth and prosperity D. None ANS: A Q 35. Which is not correctly matched?

a. b. c. d.

Right feeling---Harmony in the activities of the Self Behaviour--- human-rest of nature interaction Work ---- Human-Human interaction Swatantrata—definite, continuous & unconditional

A. B. C. D.

1&4 2&4 2&3 1&2


Understanding the Human Being Comprehensively- Human Aspiration and its Fulfilment (ROE 069)

MCQs UNIT 2 Q 1. How the transition in society can be made possible a. Recognize where change is required so that effort can be made in these areas b. Collective effort is essential for the change and effective functioning of a human society c. proper coordination amongst people who are thinking, making effort for societal changes d. all the above ANS: D Q 2. What is naturally acceptable a. Problem b. Analysis of problem c. Solution d. Resolution ANS: D Q 3. Human-human interaction is called a. Work b. Behaviour c. System d. None


Q 4. Human-rest of nature interaction is called a. Behaviour b. Work c. Production d. All


Q 5. Right feeling & right thought deals with a. Self b. Body c. Self and body both d. Physical Facility ANS: A Q 6. Right feeling within myself (I) is a. Definite b. Continuous c. Unconditional d. All


Q 7. Terms- definite, continuous, unconditional refers to a. Right understanding b. Right feeling c. Swatantrata d. All


Q 8. PARTANTRATA deals with a. Within you don’t have any definite feeling (it keeps fluctuating) b. If the other expresses right feeling, you feel “happy” c. If the other expresses wrong feeling, you feel “unhappy” d. All


Q 9. Thoughts may be governed by a. Right understanding b. Preconditioning c. Sensation d. All


Q 10. For behaviour in relationship to be right, it is necessary for the ______ and ________ to be right. a. Feeling and thought b. Physical facility and health c. Wealth and prosperity d. None ANS: A Q 11. Which is not correctly matched? 1. Right feeling---Harmony in the activities of the Self 2. Behaviour--- human-rest of nature interaction 3. Work ---- Human-Human interaction 4. Swatantrata —definite, continuous & unconditional a. b. c. d.

1&4 2&4 2&3 1&2


Q 12. For continuity of happiness, what is essential? a. Right understanding in the Self b. Right feeling and right thought in the Self c. Recognition of needs, ensure more than required, make right utilisation of it d. All the above


Q 13. Wisdom means a. Right speech, right action b. Clarity of human goals c. Developing Skill with right efforts d. Right awareness and focusing


Q 14. Realisation centric wisdom is a. Knowledge based on listening b. Knowledge based on Self- realisation of existential realities c. Reasoning based Knowledge d. None of the above


Q 15. Right understanding, feeling and thought are collectively known as a. Knowledge b. Prosperity c. Happiness d. Unhappiness


Q 16. The goal of education is a. To facilitate the process of developing those abilities in the individual which are essential for ensuring human society and order. b. Only preparing human being to earn money c. To earn respect from others through degree d. None of the above ANS: A Q 17. While doing analysis of our state regarding fulfilment of goals which area we have to focus on a. Analysis of state today at each of four levels (Individual…) b. Analysis of state today at each of the dimensions (Education…) c. Both a and b d. None Ans: C Q 18 Seeing the essence of the reality as it is, means seeing the part that is definite, universal & continuous, like: a. Natural Characteristic (Relationship/participation in larger order) b. Innateness (Harmony/self organization)

c. d.

Co-existence All the above

(Coexistence/submergence) Ans: D

Q 19 Ultimately, there are only following things to understand a. Innateness of the four orders (4), Natural characteristics of the four orders (4), Co-existence (1) b. Innateness of the three orders (3), Natural characteristics of the three orders (3), Co-existence (1) c. Innateness of the four orders (4), Natural characteristics of the three orders (3), Co-existence (1) d. Innateness of the three orders (3), Natural characteristics of the four orders (4), Co-existence (1) Ans: A Q 20 Who is knower? a. Human Being b. Existence c. Self d. Body Ans: C Q21 What is to be known? a. Human Being b. Existence c. Self d. Body Ans: B Q22 The process recommended for right understanding/knowing is a. Awakening in the activities of Contemplation, Understanding and Realization b. Awakening in the activities of Desire, Thought and Expectation c. Awakening in the activities of Imaging, Comparing and Selection/Tasting d. Awakening in the activities of Analyzing, Comparing and Selection/Tasting Ans: A Q23 Choose the incorrect matching a. Natural Characteristic & Relationship b. Innateness & self organization c. Co-existence & submergence d. Co-existence & Harmony Ans: D Q24 What makes me continuously happy a. Goal and Value Guided Sensation b. Value Guided Sensation c. Taste guided Sensation d. No use of Sensation Ans: A Q25 Right thoughts means a. Justice guided Senses, Health, Profit b. Harmony, Justice guided Senses, Health, Profit c. Coexistence, Harmony, Justice guided Senses, Health, Profit d. None of the above Ans: C Q26 Righteous expression is outcome of a. Analyzing within b. Contemplation within c. Understanding within d. Realization within Ans: D Q27 Human Education Sanskar reflects in the form of a. Cyclic Development b. Non Cyclic Development c. Both d. None Ans: B

Q28 Transformation through human education includes a. Personal Transformation b. Societal Transformation c. Personal and Societal Transformation both d. Materialistic Transformation Ans: C Q29 In society, obsession for consumption, profit and sensory pleasures is more due to a. Knowledge b. Assumption c. Recognition d. Fulfilment Ans: B Q30. In reality there are a. Only Material Units b. Only Conscious Units c. Material Units & Conscious Units d. Material Units, Conscious Units and Space Ans: D

UHV2- UHBC….(ROE 069) MCQs Module 3 1. Understanding co existence meansa) Conscious and Material Units b) Units submerged in space c) Collection of Units d) All pervading Space 2. Practice sessions or exercises help ina) Rational Enquiry of Thoughts b) Maintaining Health of Body c) Direct Observation of Realities d) Discussing Acceptances/Beliefs 3. Total things to understand are- Consciousness (Self), Material (eg. Body) and____________ a) Space b) Units c) Imagination d) Feelings 4. Which feelings are naturally acceptablea) Struggle for Existence b) Survival of the Fittest c) Be the Best d) Relationship, Harmony, and Co-existence 5. My interaction with the Body or the world outside is by way ofa) Feelings b) Assumption c) Sensation d) Reaction 6. I tend to _________if my sanskar is based on assumptiona) Response b) React c) Definiteness d) Harmony 7. I respond when my sanskar is based on ______________ a) Belief b) Sermons c) Understanding d) Rationality 8. Ultimately there are only few ________ things to see / know/ understanda) 9 b) 7 c) 3 d) 1 9. Natural Charactersics (swabhav) of Human order isa) Dheerta, Veerta, Udarta b) Cruelty and Non Cruelty c) Nurturing and Worsening d) Composition and Decomposition

10. Innateness of human order isa) Existence b) Existence and Growth c) Will to live d) Will to live with continuous Happiness 11. Feeling of responsibility toward body- for nurturing, protection and right utilization of body isa) Sanskar b) Health c) Self Regulation d) Justice 12. I am transacting information with body througha) Vacuum b) Nature c) Existence d) Space 13. State activity of Imaging is_____________a) Realization b) Understanding c) Contemplation d) Comparing 14. ________________ is dynamic activity of Realizationa) Authentication b) Determination c) Imaging d) Analysing 15. Imagination comprises summation ofa) B1 and B2 blocks b) Activities of Imaging, Analyzing, Selecting c) Activities of Realization, Understanding, Contemplation d) Behaviour, Work and Participation in larger order 16. Living only with the imagination largely based on preconditioning or sensation isa) Activity Completeness b) Conduct Completeness c) Human Consciousness d) Animal Consciousness 17. Through the activity of _____________ I know about ‘What is my value in existencea) Realization b) Understanding c) Contemplation d) Imagination 18. The definiteness, borne out of understanding, leads to a feeling of ________a) Bliss b) Satisfaction c) Peace d) Happiness 19. With the activity of Realisation, I live with ___________ in continuitya) Authenticity b) Determination c) Rationality d) Ambiguity

20. Block of Right Understanding isa) B4 b) B3 c) B2 d) B1 21. Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Smell area) Traps b) Innate faculty c) Sensation d) Preconditioning 22. Right Understanding and Right Feeling is matter ofa) Self b) Body c) Both d) None 23. Definite completion point of feelings isa) Outside b) Within c) Others d) Nowhere 24. With right understanding the basis for Selection/Tasting will bea) Goal, Value guided Sensation b) Sensory pleasure guided sensation c) Senses, Health, Profit d) Coexistence, Harmony, Justice guided Senses, Health, Profit 25. With right understanding the basis for Comparing will bee) Goal, Value guided Sensation f) Sensory pleasure guided sensation g) Senses, Health, Profit h) Coexistence, Harmony, Justice guided Senses, Health, Profit

MCQs UHV2- ROE069 Module 4:

Understanding Co-existence with other Orders

1. a) b) c) d)

Co-existence is ever present, ever effective, ever ___________. Expensive Expressive Extended Exhausted

2. a) b) c) d)

Aspects to understand any unit areForm, Property, Natural Characteristics, Innateness & Coexistence Form, Property, Natural Characteristics & Innateness Form, Property & Natural Characteristics Form & Property

3. a) b) c) d)

All the units are ___________ in ____________. Conscious, Material Recognizes, Fulfills Submerged, Space Covered, Space

4. a) b) c) d)

Role of Human Being isunderstanding of Co-existence, feeling and thought of Co-existence understanding of Co-existence living with the feeling and thoughts of Coexistence analysing & discussing coexistence

5. a) b) c) d)

Knowledge meansSpecialization in Skill Having Degrees Speaking about Right or Wrong To know the reality as it is

6. a) b) c) e)

Resolution meansImmediate Solution of the Problem Spontaneous working on the issues Solution in bits Feeling and thought of Co-existence

7. a) b) c) d)

Which parameters are definite, continuous and same for all the units in natureNatural Characteristics, Innateness & Coexistence Form, Property, Natural Characteristics & Innateness Form, Property & Natural Characteristics Form, Property & Coexistence

8. As the outcome of submergence animal self expressesa) Interaction b) Pulsation

c) Sensitivity d) Knowability/Potential to know 9. a) b) c) d)

As the outcome of submergence plant order expressesInteraction Pulsation Sensitivity Knowability/Potential to know

10. a) b) c) d)

As the outcome of submergence human self expressesInteraction Pulsation Sensitivity Knowability/Potential to know

11. a) b) c) d)

As the outcome of submergence material order expressesInteraction Pulsation Sensitivity Knowability/Potential to know

12. a) b) c) d)

Co-existence, the submergence, is seen by the Self at the level of its activity of _________Realization Understanding Contemplation Imaging

13. a) b) c) d)

Form, seen at the level of __________Imaging Analyzing/Comparing Realizing Selecting/Tasting

14. a) b) c) d)

Property, seen at the level of___________Imaging Analyzing/Comparing Realizing Selecting/Tasting

15. a) b) c) d)

To understand the co-existence, harmony and relationship, isKnowledge Resolution Undivided Human Society Universal Human Order

16. a) b) c)

Clarity of how to live in co-existence, harmony and relationshipKnowledge Resolution Undivided Human Society

d) Universal Human Order 17. a) b) c) d)

To live in co-existence (relationship) with human-beings –family to world family – Knowledge Resolution Undivided Human Society Universal Human Order

18. a) b) c) d)

To live in co-existence with entire nature-family order to world family orderKnowledge Resolution Undivided Human Society Universal Human Order

19. a) b) c) d)

Identify wrong statement- What we need to do isEnsuring Knowledge & Resolution in the Self Ensuring Undivided Society by working through Body, in mutual relationship Ensuring Universal Human Order by working through Body, in mutual relationship Acquire information of coexistence, harmony and relationship

20. a) b) c) d)

Conscious Units areGathansheel Gathanpoorna All pervading Inactive

UHV2 (UHBC….) MSQs UNIT 5 Expansion of Harmony from Self to entire Existence- Human Conduct 1. RIGHT UNDERSTANDING (knowing) includesa. Knowledge of Human Being b. Knowledge of Existence c. Knowledge of Human Conduct d. All of the above 2.


The participation of the human being in ensuring the role of physical facility in nurture, protection and providing means for the body is called its ___________. a. Utility value b. Artistic value c. Both a and b d. None of the above ANS: A

3. The participation of the human being in ensuring the role of physical facility to help and preserve its utility is called its ____________. a. Utility value b. Artistic value c. Both a and b d. None of the above ANS: B 4. The definiteness of human conduct in te...

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