UNIT 1- AES- Notes - -nothing PDF

Title UNIT 1- AES- Notes - -nothing
Course Aerospace Engineering 1
Institution University of Glasgow
Pages 13
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UNIT 1 KEY: Definitions: green and bold Formulae: red and bold Examples: purple and bold Visual Content (video) about Atmospheric Dynamics and its Influence on Flying Machines History of Aviation (visual content) – Types of Flying Machines, Major Components of an Aircraft, and their Functions (visual content) – Aircraft vs Rotorcraft (visual content) – Basic Instruments for Flying (visual content) – Physical Properties and Structure of the Atmosphere: Temperature, Pressure and Altitude Relationships -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

How routine is flying? Casually walk into an aluminum tube Strap on a seat belt Aircraft hurtle down a concrete runway at over 180mph Seat a few feet from burning kerosene Hundreds of sharp blades spinning at 1500 revolutions per second Placed right below huge tanks filled with thousands of gallons of volatile kerosene fuel Tube then shoots upwards Flies at up to 600 miles per hour 7 miles above the ground for hours At that speed human would be smashed to a pulp if exposed directly to the oncoming airstream and one would die freezing (-50 F) The tube would fly through violent thunderstorms , land in rain or snow and find its way precisely to a point on a concrete field at the destination still moving at 150 to 170 mph Passengers Gets impatient if the plane is a bit late

if the meal on board is not warm if the flight is 'rough' for example have to figure out every step of the above process, agonize ● 1. 2. 3. 4.

Insert picture here - aerospace runway Aerodynamics structures control propulsion

Mechanics → statics and dynamics objects in motion in air- flight mechanics fluid - is fluid dynamics and when the fluid is air - aerodynamics Energy - stored in the fuel , need to learn more efficient ways to conserve energy and going green Aircrafts can propel on different forms of energy like solar , nuclear etc Advancements in wind power energy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Runway ethics- traditions and expectations-history today's dream-mission and specifications-designs and practice hydrostatics- weight estimation, Atmospherics- designs and practice hydrostatics- force and moment balance- wings chemistry- propulsion mechanics- performance- current limits; designtradeoff's Aerodynamics- Stability- Current limits; design tradeoffs Energy-structures- relaxed stability Control-launch design- economics materials- launch design-economics

if velocity is constant then the force is always 0 ● ● ● ●

lift = weight and drag = thrust always If lift becomes greater than weight, then the plane will accelerate upward. If the weight is greater than the lift, then the plane will accelerate downward. design tradeoff's - describe your performance Aircraft stability deals with the ability to keep an aircraft in the air in the chosen flight attitude. • Aircraft control deals with the ability to change the flight direction and altitude of an aircraft. If weight and lift cancel each other out at the same exact time that thrust and drag cancel each other out, the plane would hover until one of these variables changed.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Atmosphere Aerospace engineering - astronautical and aeronautical Aeronautical engineering- involves Flying : moving through air without falling or without gravity influence what makes things fly : wings - when something glides through air , the air pressure on Atmosphere: troposphere stratosphere mesosphere thermosphere homo-sphere heterosphere Ionosphere ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aerospace Engineering Aeronautical engineering- within the Earth's atmosphere Astronautical engineering - above the earths atmosphere

● ● ● ●

Dynamics of operating a flying machine in outer space is completely different from that of flying an aircraft in the atmosphere Integration of all branches of engineering /technologies - Aerospace Whether maintenance or design , the scope for error in aerospace is Zero (10^-8) with technological advances in avionics , flight control, advanced materials , space flight , communications and increasing reliance on computers in aerospace , it was necessary to include the study of topics suitable for application in these new fields. Well grounded engineers will have a good grasp of several engineering disciplines in various aspects of aerospace systems

Rocket ● ● ●

top speed = 17500 MPH Price- $450000000 Hours to get around the world: 1.4 hours

Aircraft ● ●

Sukhol Su-27: speed of mach 2.35 (1550 mph , or 2500 km/h) entered service soviet Air force in 1985

Astronaut ● 1. ● 1. 2.

Yuri Gagan July 20th 1969 Kalpana Chawla 2003 February 1 space shuttle: Columbia

Scientist ● APJ Abdul Kalam 1. Missile Man of India 2. dead - 27th July 2015

Course objectives a. Differentiate between Aeronautics and Aerospace b. Define atmosphere c. Identify various levels in the atmosphere d. Understand the composition of each level

e. Examine the relationship of temperature and pressure with altitude f. Interpret the influence of each level on flying objects g. Recall historic attempts at flight and flying machines h. Categorize various types of flying machines i. Recognize major components and their functions j. Distinguish between aircraft and rotorcraft k. Identify the basic instruments for flying l. Understand their principles of operation with respect to aerial navigation m. Recall the history of Earth's Atmosphere or Universe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Numbers of layers Troposphere : 0 to 12 km ( 0 to 7 miles) Mesosphere : 12 to 50 km Stratosphere: 50 to 80 km Thermosphere: 80 to 700 km Exosphere: 700 to 10,000 km


Atmosphere and Rays ● ● ● ●

Gamma - stratosphere X rays - Thermosphere Ultra Violet Rays- Troposphere Visible light - earth

Earth's energy budget ● ● ● ● ● ●

6%- earth atmosphere - reflection 20%- by clouds 4%- earth's surface Incoming solar energy 100%- absorbed by land and oceans 51% Absorption by atmosphere 16% Conduction and rising air 7%


Video 50%

Ozone layer: ozone concentrations approx 2 to 8pm , about 90% of the ozone in the atmosphere is contained in the stratosphere Ionosphere: Ionized by solar radiation → auroras occur → day time: stretches from 50km to 1000km (mesosphere , thermosphere , exosphere) → Nighttime : ionizaion in the mesosphere largely ceases ; auroras 13.7 billion years ago - universe age

History of earth 250 millions years ago: Pangaea 200 million years ago: -Triasic-Laurasia , Gondwanaland—- tethys sea 145 million years ago—> Jurassic 65 million years ago - Creatceous 3.8 billion years ago- beneath the surface of our primeval oceans a revolution is taking place 6 simple elements - have combined to form us and everything DNA- within its spirals hides the secret code of life 7 billion years- Life begins 1. Bacteria The first life is small simple and full of possibitites Big bang- all energy The more we harness , the more complex we become Most of big bangs energy- sun Bacteria- consume sun's energy They start creating oxygen Earth's ancient seas are full of iron particles Rusted iron starts collecting on sea floor Now becomes the major sources of iron and steel

Once there is no more iron left in the sea to rust - they create so much oxygen and escapes into the atmosphere Life takes a giant leap For the first time bacteria lives only on oxygen 20 times more efficient bacteria Over the next two billion years life become more complex Skies become blue and oceans too ●

550 million years ago - as the planet celebrate 4 billionth birthday

13% oxygen

Camberian explosion - biology's explanation of complex life

30 million years span - most of the animal groups evolve

Direct ancestors- Bony fish - spine and mouth with jaws and teeth

Ozone layer forms- plants make the move first

Around 400 million years ago - Animals take the leap

Amphibians come onto the land

Our ancestors - mating season like modern frogs - eggs are under water

New amphibians make eggs with moisture so it doesn't dry out the egg-cuts the final tie to the ocean

300 million years before us - Life flourishes in massive tropical swamps , plants die and cooked cos of sun , plants are locked underground as coal

250 million years ago- apocalypse unfolds - volcanic activity - co2 fills the air

more than 70% - permian extinction- species die

reshuffling of the deck

New creatures like the dinosaurs- 160 million years span

first hardwood forests appear

Moons gravity - make it as a 24 day

Africa separtes from south ameria

Gulf between the old and new worlds

Mammals were there during dinosaurus- we couldnt get bigger cos of dinosaurus

65 million years ago- Asteroid - slams into earth

A dust cloud blocks out the sun - every creature goes extinct

Mammals time to rise-

Primates appear - forward facing eyes - and flexible hands and legs with 5 fingers

50 million years ago- planet is warming - there are jungles at the poles

Americas' and africa are formed- egypt is under the sea - numu lytess- form limesotne

limestone - pyramids- seashells

10 million years before us- earth is morphing into now - mountain ranges have risen disrupt weather

Colder planet - panama comes

ICE age:

New creature - 7 million years ago

Our primate ancestors lived in the trees - GRASS

Grass grows everywhere on Earth

Eastern Africa- fewer trees and greater gaps - therefore have to climb on the grass

some apps make the move down on to the grass

Landscape better suited for 2 feet

2 feet - frees our hands

2.6 million years ago- Early proto humans - silicon is there on earth

Silicon core of stars billion years ago

Silicon + oxygen - make sharp edges

Stone age starts - first hand held devices

Of all the planets - earth is unique sustains fire- 2 critical things - oxygen vast ,fuel supply

80000 years ago - fire is firmly under control

External stomach - bigger brains

200,000 years ago- modern human takes place

Layrnx develops and we began to speak

and information can be shared -

10000- shifting continents - afroeurasia

early humans - half the land can be reached on foot

ICE age begins- now the planet tests us like never before

glaciers - begin to descend-

Homospaiens - reach everywhere—> we have started to write

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Video 50% its when we start seeing the picture of a cow - will be recognizable Now with huge amounts of water locked in ice - sea levels plummet Our history of the world began with big bang - 14 billion years now as humans take center stage just how small history into us

14billion years-14 years\ earth 5 years large creature - 7months dinosaurs- 3 weeks Us- 3minutes industrial-6 seconds 12000 years before 10000BC man has reached south africa We colonized the globe From coast to mountain top to tundra to desert ICE begins to melt and sea level rise 2 pockets of humanity Map has emerged In africa - lake victoria and nile Eurasia - rivers emerge- Iraq Indus in pakistan These river valleys allow civilization With temp warming - plants and animals are there and permanent settlements begin Populations grow We learn to plant seeds 6000 years before us next phase of human history Centers of power and industrialization Cities emerge

Change in diet- triggers a new dependents In these first cities crops are kings first writing , first army , first politics

5000 years before us After wandering the earth for more than 100000 years , mankind has decided to settle down Mastering trade , the faster they grow and communicate Donkey- high speed internet of its day carry goods into india Globalisation Trade- networks- hubs by 2000 bc humans have gone from humble huts to massive monuments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The decrease in temperature with height is a result of the decreasing pressure 2. As altitude increases in the stratosphere , temperature also increases 3. The increase in temperature in the stratosphere is due to the concentration of ozone gas that absorbs radiation from the sun. 4. As the altitude increases through the mesosphere the temperature decreases 5. The mesosphere gets colder as the molecules of atmosphere gases spread further apart , making it difficult to absorb heat. 6. As altitude increases in the thermosphere , temperature increases due to radiation from the sun. 7. Temperatures in the the thermosphere can rise upto 1000 degrees celsius but because of the increased distance between the air molecules compared to the lower atmosphere, it would feel hot. 8. There is very little heat transfer because molecules are not too far apart to interact


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