UNIT 1 - Edtech - Module 1 on educational technology PDF

Title UNIT 1 - Edtech - Module 1 on educational technology
Author Jr. Balauag
Course Education Technology
Institution University of La Salette
Pages 9
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Module 1 on educational technology...


UNIT 1: THE CONFINES OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, ROLE OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING AND MEDIA IN EDUCATION “Technology is more than hardware. Technology consists of the designs and the environments that engage learners.” – D. Jonassen CONFINES OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Meaning of Educational Technology ➢ To understand the meaning of educational technology, it may be good to begin with the meaning of technology. The word “technology” comes from the Greek word techne which means craft or art-based on the etymology of the word “technology”, the term educational; technology, therefore, refers to the arts or craft of responding to our educational needs. ➢ Many people think that technology refers only to machines such as computers, tv, videos, and the like. All these form part of technology but educational technology is all theses and more! Technology is not just machines. It is a “planned, systematic method of working to achieve planned outcomes – a process not a product. Technology is that applied side of scientific development. “ (Dale, 1969) technology also refers to any valid and reliable process or procedure that is derived from basic research using the scientific method.” (http://en.wikipedia.org?wiki/Educational_technology#Perspectives_and_meaning) technology refers to “all the ways people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs and desires” (The World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 19). So, educational technology refers to how people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their educational l needs and desires, i.e. learning. ➢ Educational technology is “a complex, integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices, ad organization for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of human learning.” (Association for Education Communications and Technology, 1997. The definition of education technology: A summary, In the definition of educational technology, 1-16, Washington D.C.: AECT). ➢ Educational technology “consists of the design and environments that engage learners .. and reliable technique or method for engaging learning such as cognitive learning strategies and critical thinking skills “ (David h. Jonassen, et. Al 1999). ➢ Educational Technology is a theory about how problems in human learning are identified and solved, (David h. Jonassen, Klye L. Peck, Brent G. Wilson, 1999). As a theory, educational technology has an “integrated set of principles that explain and predict observed events.” ➢ Educational technology is a field involved in applying a complex, integrated process to analyze and solve problems in human learning (David H. Jonassen, et, Al 1999) ➢ Educational technology is a field study which is concerned with the practice using educational methods and resources for the ultimate goals of facilitating the learning process (Lucido and Borabo, 1997). As a field, it operated with the total field of education ➢ Is a profession like teaching, it is made up of organized effort to implement the theory, intellectual technique, and practical application of education technology (David H. Jonassen, et. Al 1999) 1

➢ From the definition of Educational technology given above, we can say that education technology is very broad term. It is the application of scientific finding in our method, process or procedure of working in the field of education is order to effect learning. It embraces curriculum and instruction design, environments, theories of teachinglearning. It is also a field study and profession. It is the sue of all human inventions for teachers to realize their mission to tech in order that student learn ➢ There are other terms that are associated with educational technology. We come across terms like technology in education, instructional technology and technology integration in education books, educational media. Are they synonymous with educational technology? ➢ Technology in education is “the application of technology to any of those processes involved in operating the institutions which house the educational enterprise. It includes the application of technology to food, health, finance, scheduling, grade, reporting, and other processes which support education within institutions” (David H. Jonassen, et. Al, 1999) ➢ Instructional technology is a part of education technology. Instructional technology refers to those aspects of educational technology that “Are concerned with institutions. Instructional technology is systematic way of designing, carrying out, and evaluating the total process of learning and teaching in terms of specific objectives” (Lucido and Borabo, 1997) ➢ Technology integration means using learning Technologies to introduce, reinforce supplement and extend skills.” (Williams, ed. 2000). like instructional technology, it is a part of educational technology. Technology integration is part and parcel of instructional technology, which in turn is a part of education technology. ➢ Educational media are channels or venues or instruments of communication. Examples are books, magazines, newspaper, radio, television and internet. These media also serve educational purposes. Key Notes: ✓ If technology refers to “all the ways people use their inventions to satisfy their needs and desires| then educational technology includes all educational inventions – old and new to satisfy our human needs to learn ✓ Technology in education is “the application of te4chnology to any of those processes involved in operating the institutions which house the educational enterprise ✓ Instructional technology is a parts of education technology refers to those aspects of educational technology that are concerned with instruction ✓ Educational media are channels or avenues or instruments of communication Elements of Educational Technology 1. Both educational hardware and software 2. Educational system to identify, develop, organize, use and manage learning resources 3. Methods of teaching 4. Curriculum objectives and design


5. The entire process of setting goals, renewing the curriculum, alternative strategies and materials in order to reset goals and system The four Phases of Educational Technology 1. Identification of objectives • Logical approach to human activities • It can serve as guide to the type and nature of learning activities • Goals are embodied in the Philippines constitution • Differentiate between general and specific objectives • Indicate cognitive, affective and motor skills objectives • Relevant to the learners needs 2. Design of learning experiences Sequences and strategies • Should I use the discovery or expository approach? • Which would ne be more effective: individualized or group learning? • How can time be spent in presenting each learning activity? • How can students accomplishments be assessed at the end of the lesson? • What teaching style would be best suited for the subject matter and objectives? Modes and media • Should I use graphics? • Written symbols? • Recorded sounds? • Multimedia? 3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the learning experiences • Observation devices: checklist, rating scales, anecdotal records and behavioral journal • Self-report instrument, inventories, questionnaire and raking devices • Test items: essay and objective types 4. Improvement of the learning experiences so as to better achieve the objective • Revision or mode modification may be done in the media or materials employed • Reformulation of the objectives, design of another set of learning experiences and evaluation of students performance


THE ROLES OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING ➢ From the traditional point of view, technology serves as source and presented of knowledge. It is assumed that “knowledge is embedded in the technology (e.g. the content presented by firms and tv program or the teaching sequence in programmed instruction) and the technology presents that knowledge to the student (David H. Jonassen, et. Al, 1999) ➢ Technology like computer is seen as a productivity tool. The popularity of word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphics programs and desktop publishing in the 1980s points to this productive role of educational technology ➢ With the eruption of the INTERNET in the mid-90s, communications and multimedia have dominated the role of technology in the classroom m for the past few years ➢ From the constructivist point of view, education technology serves as learning tools that learners learn with. It engages learners in “active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative learning. It provides opportunities for technology and learner interaction for meaningful learning. In this case, technology will not be mere delivery vehicle for content. Rather it is used as facilitator of thinking and knowledge contractions. From a constructivist perspective, the following are roles of technology in learning: (Jonassen, et, Al 1999) • Technology as tools to support knowledge construction o For representing learners’ ideas, understanding and beliefs o for producing organized, multimedia knowledge bases by learners • Technology as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning-byconstructing: o For accessing needed information o For comparing perspectives, beliefs and world views • Technology as context to support learning-by-doing o For representing ad simulating meaningful real-world problems, situations and contexts for representing beliefs, perspectives, arguments and stories of other o For defining a safe, controllable problem space for student thinking • Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing o For collaborating with other o For discussing, arguing, and building consensus among members of a community o For supporting discourse among knowledge-building communities • Technology as intellectual partner (Jonnasen 1996) to support learning-byreflecting: o For helping learners to articulate and represent what they know o For reflecting on what they have learned and how they came to know it o Fir supporting learner ‘internal negotiations and meaning making o For constructing personal representations of meaning for supporting mindful thinking


Whether used from the tadeonal or constructivist point of view, when used effectivity, research indicates that technology not only “increases students’ learning understanding and achievement but also augments motivation to learn, encourages collaborative learning and supports the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills” (Schacter and Fagnano, 1999). Russell and Sorge (1999) also claims that the prosper implementation of technology in the classroom gives students more “control of their own learning and …. Tends to move classrooms from teacher-dominated environments ones that are more learner-centered. The use of technology in the classroom m enables the teacher to do differentiated instruction considering the divergence of students’ readiness levels, interests, multiple intelligences, and learning styles. Technology also helps students become lifelong learners

Four pillars of Education 1. Learning to learn – enable one to address coping with situations that need knowledge greater intellectual curiosity, shapes the mental faculties and enable one to make judgement on the things and situations they experienced 2. Learning to do – equips one with certain skills to undertake certain task to be productive and competent 3. Learning to live together – provides individual the potentials for harmonious relationship with people around them 4. Learning to be – gives an individual a picture of what he plans to be after certain periods in his lifetime. Benefits of Technology in Education • Instructional effectiveness • Active learning • Cooperative learning • Communication skills • Multisensory delivery Importance of Technology in Schools ✓ Conversant with technology show improvement in their writing, reading and math skills ✓ Decrease in dropout rates, improvement in school attendance and enhancement in their learning abilities ✓ Technology in school benefits children during higher education: strong foundation ✓ Computers offer livelier explanations of various subjects: Internet ✓ Learning process becomes enjoyable thus inviting greater interest: motivation ✓ Worldwide knowledge can be assimilated ✓ Simplified administration process: electronic Elements for using Technology in Education 1. Motivation • Gaining learner attention 5

• Encouraging the learner through productive work • Increasing perceptions of learner control • Technology use as motivation 2. Unique Instructional Capabilities • Tracking learning progress (e-portfolio) • Linking learners to learning tools 3. Support for new instructional approaches • Cooperative learning • Shared intelligence • Problem solving and higher-level skills 4. Required skills for an information age • Technology literacy • Information literacy • Visual literacy

ROLE OF MEDIA IN EDUCATION Introduction ➢ Media is everywhere, it has become a part of our daily life. ➢ The media play a dominant role in the learning process. ➢ Media has potential to shape personalities and change the way we perceive and understand the world. ➢ Education and Media are integral part of learning. They form a person and transform society.

Media ➢ The word Media comes from the Latin plural of Medium. ➢ Media may refer to communications. ➢ Communication tools are used to store and deliver information or data. Types of media Print Media - Newspapers , Magazines , Books and other printed material. Electronic - Media Radio , Television , Internet , Cinema etc. Education ➢ M.K Gandhi said, “By education, I mean an all- round drawing out of the best in the Child and man’s body, mind and spirit.” ➢ The word ‘Education’ has its origin from two Latin words Educare (Educere) and Educatum. Educare means to bring up or draw out and Educatum means the act of teaching or training. ➢ Education is the formation of an individual to understand and perceive things in a deeper way.


Media Education ➢ The Media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent. ➢ Media Education is the process through which the individual become media literate – able to critically understand the nature, techniques and impacts of media messages and production. ➢ Media used for educational purposes is called Educational Media or academic communication. Role of print Media in Education ➢ The role of Print Media in the process of education is of special importance. ➢ Print Media like Newspapers, Journals and Magazines are the basic oldest channels of communication between one source to other. ➢ Print Media are being printed in every regional language to facilitate, the readers to get information and knowledge in ones own mother tongue. Newspapers ➢ Fr. Francis Arackal said, “Newspapers are common man’s university”. ➢ Through newspapers, we can get news , information, and we can learn our National Language , and English Newspapers are very helpful to learn the English Language. Newspapers was the best way of learning before Independence, and creating public opinion in the time of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. Magazines ➢ Through magazines, we can learn by articles , features , interviews , short stories , and we can get very nice literature by magazines. Different types of magazines having different and versatile knowledge of over all the world. Books ➢ Book is the best source of education. A lot of material of formal and informal education is available in the books. Mostly students depend upon this medium to learn the education. In spite of modern technology, still this medium is popular for the learning. Role of Electronic Media in Education ➢ Role of Radio in the Educational Process Radio is also playing a important role in education. ➢ Talk shows about politics, finance and other programs are the source of informal education. ➢ Many Personalities, Scholars, Professionalisms come in radio as a chief guest, by live calls, we take a lot of information and learned by this way. Community Radio System ➢ Community Radio System have made for education. ➢ Radio has now started to enter into the education sector with the name of community radio system. 7

➢ The term community radio signifies radio broadcasting with the objectives of serving the community by involving members of the community. ➢ It will help the students to increase their speaking skill. ➢ With the introduction of this technology, quite a few civil society organizations have come forward to broadcast their educative radio programming. ➢ Moreover, this kind of radio will help students to revise their classroom teaching, which they may forget. ➢ The impact of community radio is massive and its impact felt on every section of the society. Role of Internet in the Educational Process ➢ The Internet has a significant potential for providing children and youth with access to educational information, and can be compared with a huge home library. ➢ Regardless of gender, race, age, geographic location, language or any disability, internet gives an equal chance to all to progress in the field of education. Online Learning ➢ Online learning has assumed the role of an important media for imparting distance education. ➢ The most important advantage of online distance education is to earn a degree from one’s home or work place. ➢ We can get knowledge and information through charts, maps, graphs, moving images , slides and video clippings and even audio recordings via Internet. It helps to understand the entire syllabus without the help of a teacher. Role of Television in Educational Process ➢ Television is the powerful media that will reach all sorts of people. ➢ It is a source of informal education. ➢ TV does play an important role in shaping a person’s life, both professionally and personality . ➢ It does provide the value addition knowledge to the concerned person, irrespective of his profession. ➢ We’ve a lot of programs on almost everything. There is something for everyone, Channel like Discovery, National Geographic, Animal Planet etc. does provide us with immense knowledge from the subject inventions. TV provide to learn so many things like politics , business, finance, nature, different languages learn through dramas and movies, cooking etc. Different News Channels help to update our knowledge. Role of Films in Educational Process ➢ Film is also a source of informal education we can know about different cultures, and other societies norms , values , civilizations and way of living by films . ➢ Film is playing an important role for learning different languages. Film delivers a moral lesson to the viewers. Its depend upon viewers, how that they perceive. ➢ Many historical films tell us the old history of the Nations.


➢ In a dramatic way, films tell us a current situation of the World like terrorism, corruption, extremism, social evils etc. Role of Mobile Devices in Educational Process ➢ The advent of mobile devices have changed the learning methods of students. Students store all their notes in mobiles and study from it because it’s easy and convenient. ➢ The Hindu Education Plus writes that students and researches can effectively use mobile services to get accurate data, clarify the data and make thesis more credible.

CONCLUSION We can rightly conclude that the effect of media is vast on the life of each and every individual. With the on-going development of information and technology in the society, media has given particular attention to the need of education and cultural diversity and promoted media consciousness among individuals. Media has opened a new dimension and gave a new meaning to education. Education has become more entertaining like never before


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