Unit 1 - P2-M1-D1- stakeholder influence PDF

Title Unit 1 - P2-M1-D1- stakeholder influence
Course Business Strategy Report
Institution University of Sussex
Pages 6
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The influences arising from stakeholders...


Unit 1 – P2 - M1 - D1 StakeholderWhat stakeholders want? internal or external? Tesco Customers Tesco’s customers want goods that are of high quality as well as they want the goods to be affordable. Also they want the business to know them and treat them with personal attention.


Tesco’s employees want a good working environment to be able to do their job without any risk on their health and safety. Also all the employees would want a good pay to be convinced to work for a certain business.


Tesco’s suppliers want a good relationship with them and that’s by both the suppliers and Tesco having their resources/money ready at the time when it’s needed. Also suppliers would want to be offered a good price for their resources.


The government want Tesco to be a successful business because successful firms are good for the country as they create wealth and lower the amount of unemployed people in the country.

Owners/shareholde rs

Owners and shareholder want Tesco to be successful by maximising their profit because they car the most about how much the business

How can they influence the business?e.gs

Customers are one of the key parts in Tesco because without customers there is no business. Customers influence Tesco by going to the store and paying for the goods which help the business make more profit to be able to expand and reach more customers. Tesco’s employees influence the business by having good customer service skills such as being polite to their customers by doing simple things such as smiling. Also they influence the business by getting their job done to make sure that the business is running correctly in the most effective way. Tesco’s suppliers influence the business by providing them with the resources that they need at the right time. This is important because this will have a huge effect on the business because if the resources that they need were late they will make less money because they won’t have as much resources. Also this could affect Tesco’s relationship with customers because they might not have a product that their customers want. The government influence Tesco by their economic policies that affect the business through taxations and interest rates which lower the business’ revenue. However It helps the government with the wealth of country because if there are more businesses the government will receive more tax. Owners influence the business by having a say on how the business is managed and their decisions affect how well the business is doing and how much profit the

is making. Local and National Local and national communities want Tesco to be communities/pressu ethical by supporting organizations such as re groups Fairtrade to ensure that the business is being managed correctly and ethically. As well as they want Tesco to give some of their profit to charities for the less fortunate people to help them with their lives.

Stakeholderinternal or external? CNCS Students





business is making. Communities influence Tesco by providing the business with staff and customers as well as they may supply a business with goods and services which help them grow as business. Also Tesco will be motivated by communities to do more charity work. For example they managed to give charity 34 million last year1 which helps them to gain the communities respect and trust.

What stakeholders want??

How can they influence the business??e.gs

Students in Newman school want a high level of education as well as good health care. Also they want a good and safe environment to be able to attend all their lessons under no risk on their health and safety. Teachers in Newman school want a good working environment to be able to do their job effectively without any risks or difficulties. Also teachers want to have a good pay to work for Newman school as well as they want facilities that will help them present their lessons such as SMART boards. Workers in Cardinal Neman want to be able to work under good conditions to be able to work and maximise their profit by selling goods to the students. The government want Cardinal Newman to provide good education for the students in the

Students influence Cardinal Newman by attending their classes and getting good grades as well as they influence the business by their behaviour. All of these things help the school create a good image of their business. Teachers influence Cardinal Neman by providing good education to the students so they can get good grades to create a good image of the school. Also if the school have good teachers it will attract more students to join Cardinal Neman school.


The workers in Cardinal Newman influence the business by making sure that the students are able to get healthy food which help the students be healthier to be able to attend their lesson and get the grades they need. The government influence Cardinal Newman by having policies that stop them doing things that other

Trade unions-NUT

Head teacher

Local and National communities/pressu re groups


country. Also they want the school to have a safe environment for the students and staff to do their job as well as they want the school to provide healthy food to their students for example no extra salt and sugar. Trade unions want Cardinal Newman to have a good and safe working environment for the teachers as well as they want the school to treat all teachers fairly without any discrimination. The Head teacher wants Cardinal Newman to be successful by having good teachers that will help students get high grades which will create a good image of the school. The local community wants Cardinal Newman to have a good and safe working environment for their students because most of the students that attend the school are from the local area. Also when the school have a good reputation the houses’ value in the area will increase. OFSTED wants the school to achieve excellence in education and skills for learners of all ages, as well as they want the school to take care of the students in the best way possible for example by providing healthy food to the students.

businesses are able to do such as selling unhealthy food to the student. Also the government have a say on how the school is managed which means their decisions could affect the business’ image. Trade unions influence Cardinal Newman by their strike actions which have a direct effect on the school because when the teachers go on a strike the school close on that day which may slow down the learning progress. The Head teacher influence Cardinal Newman by spending the money that he receives from the government in the most effective way without wasting any of this revenue. The local community influence Cardinal Newman by providing the school with staff and students as well as they may supply a business with goods and services which help them grow as business.

The school had to set up a school improvement plan update to show OFSTED what they’re planning to improve in aim of improving the schools performance. This helps the school to achieve their aims and objectives.

OFSTED report shows that there are some areas in Cardinal Newman that requires improvement such as the quality of teaching, learning and assessments which lead the school to create a school improvement plan that shows how they will be working on those areas to be able to improve the schools’ performance. This affects the schools’ aims and objectives because the school will try and increase the amount of

students that achieve A-C for example if the percentage is 70% they will try and increase it to 75% which will improve the quality of learning in the school.


Stakeholder Manager

Influence (1–10) 8









Justification Tesco’s manager influences the business everyday by the decisions that he makes. For example what services and products to offer to the customers. Also sometimes the decisions that the manager might take could have a negative effect on the running and profit-making ability of a business such as how they choose to spent the business’ money. Also he can decide who to hire for the job and he decides if the employee is good enough to be able to work at Tesco. This could have a huge influence on the business because if he hired people that are not suitable for the job it could have a really negative impact on the business because they won’t have the right qualifications and experience that allows them to run a business. Therefore they might waste a lot of Tesco’s revenue because they won’t use the money wisely to make sure that the business is running in the most effective way possible. Tesco’s employees are one of the most important stakeholders because they influences the business massively because without them the business won’t be able to survive because employees do everything in the business such as receiving products from suppliers, placing products in the store, pricing the products, providing customer service to the customers if the business don’t have people who are responsible of doing these things Tesco’s won’t be able to sell their products which means they won’t be able to make any profit which could lead to the business shutting down. Also because they have a huge influence on the business the managers will need to make sure that they hire the right employee for the right job because hiring the wrong people could impact the business in a very negative way because it will influence the success of Tesco’s by their productivity and efficiency in their job, Customers are the most important stakeholders in the business because without customers there is no business. If Tesco’s didn’t have any customers they won’t be able to make any profit because they will spend their money buying products and paying suppliers to receive their products so they can sell it to the customers for more to make profit. However if there is no one that is willing to buy their products the business will eventually close down and lose all they money that they’ve invested into the business. This means Tesco’s will need to do their best to keep their customers and attract new customers by having good customer service and cheap prices for high quality products. Owners have a big say in how the aims and objectives of the business are decided as well as they have a huge influence on the business because all the final decisions are made or agreed by them. However it’s quite surprising that employees, customers and directors have more influence on the business and not the owner of the business. That’s because those stakeholders deal with the day-to-day affairs of the business unlike the owner who don’t interact with the customers or employees for example the director may decide to make higher sales a top priority rather than profits which will have an effect on the business’ revenue. Tesco’s suppliers have a massive influence on the business which means It’s important to select suppliers carefully because if a supplier provides a poor quality product to Tesco’s, it

Bibliography: http://www.cncs.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/School-Improvement-Plan-Overview-July-2016-1.pdf http://www.cncs.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Ofsted-Report-2015.pdf http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/higher/business_management/business_enterprise/business_contemporary_society/revision/10/ http://www.learnmanagement2.com/suppliers.htm...

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