Unit 1 - Scientific Foundations Of Psychology PDF

Title Unit 1 - Scientific Foundations Of Psychology
Author Marium Kalhoro
Course Principles Of Applied Psychology
Institution Northern Virginia Community College
Pages 3
File Size 74.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Scientific Foundations of Psychology...


Unit 1 Scientific Foundations Of Psychology Introduction to Psychology

What is Psychology? ➔ What is Psychology? Psychology is the study of behavior (what we do) and mental processes (memories and feelings) Philosophy + Physiology ➔ What is Philosophy? Study of knowledge and human existence ➔ What is Physiology? Study of animals and living beings/body ➔ Who is John Locke Said the mind was open to anything? ➔ What did Plato + Descartes say? Made the mind and body connection Early School of Thought ➔ What is Structuralism Introspection basic element of consciousness ➔ Who was the founder of Structuralism Willhelm Wundt ➔ What is Functionalism Is the purpose of elements and streams of consciousness ➔ Who is William James Established school of functionalism ➔ Gestalt psychology The whole of consciousness is greater than its individual parts. ➔ What is the psychoanalytic theory? Behavior is caused by unconscious influences on behavior ➔ Who is Sigmund Freud Is the founder of psychoanalytic theory

Modern Schools of Thought ➔ Definition of Psychodynamic Unconscious (Id, ego, superego) ➔ Definition of Humanistic (Pinky finger) All humans are good - trying to reach full potential ➔ Definition of Behavioral (Middle Finger) Behavior is Learned ➔ Definition of Cognitive (Pinter) How do we process information? (Influenced by attitude, memory, and expectation ➔ Definition of Biological (Fist) Behavior is caused by changes in the nervous system functioning ➔ Definition of Evolutionary (6th finger) Evolve as humans - natural selection necessary for survival ➔ Definition of Sociocultural (Ring) Ethnicity, religion, gender, language, economic status, nationality ➔ Definition of Psychoanalytic (Thumb) Behind past, unconsciousness/ anger/ sexual desires ➔ Definition of Biopsychosocial Using two or more perspectives to explain behavior Did We Know it All Along? Hindsight Bias ➔ What is Hindsight Bias The tendency to believe after learning an outcome that one would have foreseen it. “I knew it all along” ➔ Hindsight Bias “Simpler Examples” A - out of sight out of mind B - Distance makes the heart grow fonder ➔ Note “correlation does NOT mean causation” ➔ Correlation (Illusory Correlations) Illusory Correlation - non-existant correlation ➔ Correlation can also cause - regression towards the mean

➔ What is a Case Study? Observe one (small group in-depth) ➔ What is one pro and con about a case study? Suggest further study (con) + could be a typical (pro) ➔ What is a survey? Self-reported attitude or behavior (you get to decide) ➔ What is one pro and con about a survey? A lot of cases at once (pro) + question+samples world effect (con) ➔ What is a description? Natural observation - observe behavior in naturally occurring situations ➔ What are one pro and one con about a description? (pro) describes behaviors (con) does not explain behavior...

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