UNIT-1 THY-2 - faith PDF

Title UNIT-1 THY-2 - faith
Course Living the Christian Vision in the Contemporary World
Institution Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, The Catholic University of the Philippines
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THEOLOGY 2QUIZ 1UNIT 1 LESSON 1FAMILY AS A SOCIAL INSTITUTIONAND ITS FUNCTION IN THESOCIETYFAMILY● most fundamental unit in society. ● the most central function of which is the biological transmission of life and the care and education of children ● the most enduring community ● has a tremendous inf...





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most fundamental unit in society. the most central function of which is the biological transmission of life and the care and education of children the most enduring community has a tremendous influence on the life of an individual from birth until death According to sociological studies of families found in different cultures, we can classify the family according to different types.

BASED ON BIRTH, IT CAN EITHER BE: ● FAMILY ORIENTATION – to which an individual is born ● FAMILY OF PROCREATION - where a person sets up after marriage, his or her own family. It is the family we create when we marry someone & have children (or adopt children)


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● CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO MARRIAGE: ● MONOGAMOUS - consists of one husband and one wife including their children ● POLYGYNOUS - compose of one husband and multiple wives together with all their children ● POLYANDROUS - a family made of one wife with more than one husband and their children. BASED ON RESIDENCE, IT CAN BE: ● MATRILOCAL - when a couple lives together in the wife’s house ● PATRILOCAL - when the family lives in the husband’s house. ACCORDING TO LINEAGE AND SEAT OF AUTHORITY ● MATRILINEAL - family based on the ancestors of their mother ● MATRIARCHAL - family when the mother is head of the family and is the superior in authority ● PATRILINEAL - family according to their father’s descent.

PATRIARCHAL - family when the father is the head of the family and is superior in authority.

We see different forms of families are emerging. Trends will show that the family had evolved: 1. From the extended to nuclear ones, 2. From the nuclear marriage-based family: a. to cohabitation b. to single-parent families. c. to same-sex partnerships which are redefining the normative understanding of marriage and family. These trends are entry to a new and more democratic phase of family life. New versions of “family” are said to have been generated by key changes in ideas about love and commitment. Relationships are formed according to the personal decision and commitment of partners and not conditioned by external norms and influenced by a wider kin.

Despite being confronted with the different social and cultural changes in society, ● the normative nuclear family between that of a husband, wife and their children remain to be universally relevant. ● most common and enduring form of family as it is responsible for certain roles central to the proper functioning of society. ● It is part of a larger system of structure such as the church, the state and the economy, it plays a significant function without which the whole structure of society would likely collapse ● Family is integral to the functioning of the whole social body. ● The family is seen as a functional prerequisite of the social body. ● Since the family is considered as the foundation of society, it performs several important functions.

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FUNCTIONS OF THE FAMILY ☪ From the functionalist perspective, family is integral to the functioning of the whole social body. This has to be understood in the same way the heart is a functional prerequisite of the human body. Using the same principle, the family is seen as a functional prerequisite of the social body without which it would fail to function properly. Based on the functional theory, the family performs at least four central functions: the regulation of sexuality, responsible procreation, development of socialization skills and promotion of economic cooperation, all serving an instrumental purpose for the development of the larger social structure. 1. THE REGULATION OF SEXUALITY ● It is within the context of the family that sexual roles and norms are defined. ● Sexuality is a gift. It is something good. ● The family determines the valid and permissible relationships that can be exercised within the family. ● Incest (a cultural norm forbidding sexual relations or marriage among kin), and extramarital affairs are unacceptable. ● The conjugal act is limited only to spouses. When violated, it most often results in conflict and chaos within the family. ● No other forms of sexual pleasure should be allowed or accepted, but only that which is within the genuine joy of love between man and woman who are married. ● It is within the context of the family that sexual roles and norms are defined. The family determines the valid and permissible relationships that can be exercised within the family. One universal regulation is incest which is considered taboo, a cultural norm forbidding sexual relations or marriage among kin. Incest is unacceptable because legitimate sexuality is restricted alone to spouses. When this is violated, it most often results in conflict and chaos within the family. This is also necessary for it allows people to marry outside their immediate families, extending the family alliances with other families.

2. RESPONSIBLE PROCREATION ● Basic to the function of the family is the process of procreation which refers to the biological transmission of life. ● It facilitates procreation since marriage provides the institutional arrangement through which not only sexual loyalty between spouses is assured ● it also provides the proper environment through which children receive the proper care they need in order to grow as individuals. ● This includes as well as the provision of basic needs to the family such as food, clothing and shelter ● And the satisfaction of psychological needs such as love, care and a sense of identity and belongingness. ● Begetting children whose dignity will not be respected is a sin. ● Responsible parenthood and family planning 3. DEVELOPMENT OF PRIMARY SOCIALIZATION SKILLS ● The family is the place where children learn how to interact with other people while acquiring the formal and informal norms of social interaction in the process. ● Parenting basically involves instructing children on general concepts of right and wrong and explaining appropriate behavior in various social situations. ● The personal interaction between parents and children provides the intimacy necessary in transmitting these social rules and norms. ● The family is the primary unit where children learn to socialize. ● It is the major unit in which socialization happens and the children learn the fundamental relational skills. ● The family provides its members with social identity. 4. PROMOTION OF ECONOMIC COOPERATION ● Families are in themselves economic units because they contribute to the production and allocation of basic goods and diamla, foronda, gan


services necessary for their well-being and that of the society. By living in a community, goods can be commonly shared increasing the economic resources of the family for just and equitable distribution. The unity of material resources assures the proper functioning of the whole household. Households also bring the advantages of specialization. Households can be more productive if members specialize in particular production tasks, or possibly if one member specializes in market production and one in home production.

☪ “Since the Creator of all things has established the conjugal partnership as the beginning and basis of human society, the family is the first and vital cell of society.” - Vatican II Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, Apostolicam Actuositatem (11) ☪ Yes, family is a social institution that binds people together. But above all it is god’s design founded on marriage that he himself instituted. ☪ From a Christian point of view, the Church affirms the normative form of a family based on heterosexual marriage. o Genesis 1:26-27 26 Then God said: Let us make human beings in our image, after our likeness…. o 27 God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. ☪ (9) Let us cross the threshold of this tranquil home, with its family sitting around the festive table. At the centre we see the father and mother, a couple with their personal story of love. ☪ They embody the primordial divine plan clearly spoken of by Christ himself: “Have you not read that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female?” (Mt 19:4). ☪ We hear an echo of the command found in the Book of Genesis: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his

wife, and they shall become one flesh (Gen 2:24)”. Primarily, it is based on what is revealed in the Sacred Scriptures particularly in the Book of Genesis where we find God as the divine author of marriage when He created the human person as both male and female and united them as one. ☪ Such action reveals that God naturally designed marriage exclusively between man and woman whose sexual faculties complement each other ultimately for purposes of communion and pro-creation. ☪ The act of procreation becomes then a special participation and collaboration of husband and wife to proclaim the love, the goodness and fruitfulness that come from God. ☪ In the measure that couples are faithful to this task, the family becomes indeed the “sanctuary of life,” a community of love and life whose task perpetuates the continuity of human life upon which society is founded. ☪ The family that is founded on marriage is by nature created by God to be the “sanctuary of life.” ☪ Mirroring the divine likeness, the sexual complementarity between husband and wife is ordered to human fatherhood and motherhood making possible the continuous generation and transmission of life, the fruit of which becomes the basis of the dignity of human beings created according to God’s image and likeness. ☪ Having children is one of the most binding and satisfying tasks of marriage. ☪ The man and the woman are given the responsibility to take care of their children, because the future of the Church and the society depends on them. ☪ Parents must be concerned as to “how they can best ensure that their children will grow up as genuine Christians and successful adults”. Parents must see to it that they guide their children in order to bring them up in the spirit of Christian maturity. ● If the family is dysfunctional and unhealthy, the whole society will be dysfunctional and unhealthy as well. diamla, foronda, gan


DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY is a family in which conflict, misbehavior, and often child neglect or abuse on the part of individual parents occur continuously and regularly, leading other members to accommodate such actions.



They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition. (CCC 2358) Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection. (CCC 2359)



... to call on all pastors throughout the country to be as solicitous of the pastoral welfare of all our brothers and sisters regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. ... In Catholic institutions, there should be zero-tolerance for the bullying and badgering of persons in such personal situations. ... If “gay rights” movements, for instance, encourage free and unbridled sexual relations between persons of the same sex, the Church cannot lend its support, for in its view, they ultimately do a disservice to our brothers and sisters. What gay rights can legitimately champion is justice for all, fairness that must extend to all persons regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.




"It is only in the marriage relationship that the use of the sexual faculty can be morally good. A person engaging in homosexual behaviour, therefore, acts immorally. To choose someone of the same sex for one's sexual activity is to annul the rich symbolism and meaning, not to mention the goals, of the Creator's sexual design." (PCHP 7)


The conjugal act in theological terms is realized in a truly human way only if it is an essential part of the love by which man and woman commit themselves totally to one another until death. THE PURPOSE OF THE CONJUGAL ACT is to express the mutual love and respect of husband and wife, and to deepen their intimacy. Its end is to unite and procreate (Gen. 4:1-2) The Catholic Church teaches that sex within marriage is both a physical and a spiritual act. It is a sacred act. In J  OHN PAUL II’S “THEOLOGY OF there is sexual THE BODY” complementarity between the husband and the wife. This complementarity enables them to ‘give” themselves to one another and to “receive” one another and to carry out responsibilities as spouses and parents. This must be freely done by the man and the woman.


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FAMILIARIS CONSORTIO (NO. 14) While procreation is not the only purpose of marriage, it is one of the benefits that can result from marriage. In Genesis 1:28, procreation in marriage is perceived as cooperation with the God of love and so must be exercised with responsibility, prudence, and unselfishness. The marital act honors the unitive meaning of human sexuality. This act is their willingness to cooperate with God and be open to procreation, welcoming life with open arms, raising the diamla, foronda, gan


child and educating him/her in the love of service of God and neighbor.


POPE PAUL VI IN HUMANAE VITAE : ON THE UNITIVE AND PROCREATIVE DIMENSION OF MARRIAGE ● “because of its intrinsic nature, the conjugal act, while uniting husband and wife in the most intimate of bonds, also makes them fit to bring forth new life according to the laws written in their very nature as male and female.”

“Traditional marriage-based families are far more beneficial in maintaining the well-being of the family compared to non-marital relationships such as those living in cohabitation relationships. This is mainly due to the institutional character of marriage which provides the normative and legal structure that specifies rights, responsibilities and standards of appropriate behavior for both husband and wife together with their children” (Kelly Musick & Larry Bumpass, 2006).



In begetting life, husband and wife fulfill one of the highest dimensions of the Christian calling, which is to become God’s co-worker and co-creator. Parents have the responsibility to decide on the number of children they can care for as they cooperate with God in this noble task ( 1 Timothy 3:5 ). Children are a gift that God gives man and woman united in marriage.


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The family is the original cell of social life. The family is the community in which, from childhood, one can learn moral values, begin to honor God. And make good use of freedom. Family life is an initiation into life in society (CCC 2207). The family is the cradle of life and love where they are born and grow. The family has a crucial role in society by being a model of love for their children. Part of the responsibility of parents is to open their children’s awareness on social concerns and eventually encourage them to participate in charity works and care for the environment.



POSITIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE FAMILY The benefits of marriage and family cannot be overemphasized. They confer essential benefits for the well-being of: 1. the husband and the wife, 2. their children, 3. (and ultimately ) for the good of the greater society.

Marital roles facilitate interaction between spouses by offering guidelines about how to be a good wife or husband. Because responsibilities are defined, marriage enables the husband and the wife to develop moral and personal discipline which contributes to a stable domestic life within the family ensuring the mutual support and stability needed for the total well-being of the family.

According to Susan L. Brown, Journal of Marriage and Family (2004), the family environment provided by marriage: a. allows children to grow, mature and flourish b. a married family satisfies the children’s need to know their biological origins which connect them to both a mother and a father. c. establishes a framework of love for nurturing them which includes providing them their education and personal development and supporting their identity as they learn to move about the larger world. Economic resources of spouses assure the economic well-being of the whole family which has a direct influence on the well-being of children and facilitates effective family functioning. Parental socialization provides children with warmth and affection as well as the discipline necessary for the guidance of children towards exercising the right behavior. Teenagers who are strongly attached to their parents are more likely to care about normative expectations of parents which protect them against delinquent impulses.

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The stability of the family prevents family conflict and disruption, enabling children to have a stress-free environment where they can live more in harmony and well-being.


The web of relationships that the family generates, provides the key component of the “social capital” necessary for the proper functioning of civil societies.

SOCIAL CAPITAL = the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively. is a set of shared values that allows individuals to work together in a group to effectively achieve a common purpose. The idea is generally used to describe how members are able to bond together in society to live harmoniously.

Relationships within the family serve as the mechanism whereby members learn and acquire virtues like generosity, self-sacrifice, trust and self-discipline which positively contribute to the well-being of social life. When marriage breaks down and becomes widespread, society is affected by a host of social problems, and these can include increased poverty, crime and drug abuse. The human and social capital provided by the family also contributes to the development of the nation’s economy. The continuous provision and generation of productive workers and taxpayers that the family provides is a key ingredient in the growth of the national economy. Societies, therefore, with aging populations and low birth rates can be imperiled should there be a decline in the population of families. Intact families likewise contribute to the stability of the state and can improve the total well-being of civil societies by diminishing the cost spent normally for: State- control and other bureauc...

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