Unit 10 Magnetic Circuit PDF

Title Unit 10 Magnetic Circuit
Course Electrical Engineering
Institution Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University
Pages 5
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These are my practice quizzes for Electrical Engineering. It helps me every time I have exams. I hope these will also helps your with your studies....


Unit 10: Magnetic Circuit

1. An air hole is normally embedded in attractive circuits to A. increment m.m.f. B. increment the motion C. forestall immersion D. nothing from what was just mentioned C 2. The general penetrability of a ferromagnetic material is A. short of what one B. multiple C. more than 10 D. more than 100 or 1000 D 3. The unit of attractive motion is A. henry B. weber C. ampere turn/weber D. ampere/meter B 4. Porousness in an attractive circuit relates to______ in an electric circuit. A. opposition B. resistivity C. conductivity D. conductanConversation C 5. Call attention to some unacceptable statement.Magnetic spillage is unfortunate in electric machines since it A. brings down their power productivity B. builds their expense of assembling C. prompts their expanded weight D. produces bordering A 6. Relative porousness of vacuum is A. 1 B. 1 H/m C. 1/4JI

D. 4n x 10-' H/m A 7. Super durable magnets are regularly made of A. alnico combinations B. aluminum C. project iron D. created iron A 8. Energy put away by a loop is multiplied when its current is expanded by percent. A. 25 B. 50 C. 41.4 D. 100 C 9. Those attractive materials are the most ideal for making armature and transformer cores which have____permeability and_______hystersis misfortune. A. high, high B. low, high C. high, low D. low, low C 10. The pace of ascent of current through an inductive curl is most extreme A. at 63.2% of its greatest consistent worth B. toward the beginning of the current stream C. after one time consistent D. close to the last most extreme worth of current B 11. Whenever both the inductance and opposition of a curl are multiplied the worth of A. time consistent remaining parts unaltered B. beginning pace of ascent of current is multiplied C. last consistent current is multiplied D. time steady is divided A 12. The underlying pace of ascent of current through a curl of inductance 10 H when suddenly connected to a D.C. supply of 200 V is_______Vs A. 50 B. 20 C. 0.05

D. 500 B 13. A material for great attractive memory ought to have A. low hysteresis misfortune B. high porousness C. low retentivity D. high retentivity D 14. Conductivity is closely resembling A. retentivity B. resistivity C. porousness D. inductance C 15. In an attractive material hysteresis misfortune happens principally due to A. fast inversions of its magnetisation B. transition thickness falling behind polarizing power C. atomic contact D. it high retentivity D 16. Those materials are appropriate for making extremely durable magnets whichhave______retentivity and _______coercivity. A. low, high B. high, high C. high, low D. low, low B 17. Assuming the area of hysteresis circle of a material is huge, the hysteresis misfortune in this material will be A. zero B. little C. huge D. nothing unless there are other options C 18. Hard steel is reasonable for making extremely durable magnets in light of the fact that A. it has great remaining attraction B. its hysteresis circle has huge region C. its mechanical strength is high

D. its mechanical strength is low A 19. Silicon steel is utilized in electrical machines since it has A. low co-ercivity B. low retentivity C. low hysteresis misfortune D. high co-ercivity C 20. Conductance is similar to A. permeance B. hesitance C. motion D. inductance A 21. The property of a material which goes against the making of attractive motion in it is known as A. reluctivity B. magnetomotive power C. permeance D. hesitance D 22. The unit of retentivity is A. weber B. weber/sq. m C. ampere turn/meter D. ampere turn B 23. Complementary of hesitance is A. reluctivity B. permeance C. porousness D. vulnerability B 24. While contrasting attractive and electric circuits, the transition of attractive circuit is comparedwith which boundary of electrical circuit ? A. E.m.f. B. Current C. Current thickness

D. Conductivity B 25. The unit of hesitance is A. meter/henry B. henry/meter C. henry D. 1/henry D...

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