Unit 2 part 1 Guided Readings PDF

Title Unit 2 part 1 Guided Readings
Author Rashaun Sanders
Course  United States History to 1877
Institution University of Houston-Downtown
Pages 6
File Size 252 KB
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United States History Unit 2 Part 1: Industrialization in the United States YOU ARE NOT DOING THE PORTFOLIOS AS ASSIGNED IN THE COURSEWORK. The purpose of this notetaking and study guide is to help you identify and review concepts that are covered in this lesson. Fill this out as you proceed through the lesson slides and study the information in it before turning it in U2L14. Remember, to earn credit, only use the resources in the teachlet (links to textbook and websites). The textbook is in the course and can be opened via hyperlinks. Do not plagiarize. If you use a direct quote, use quotations and put the page numbers #. 70% is the minimum amount of any response which needs to be in your words and not quoted. Lesson 1: Technology and Industrial Growth I will be able to: ● Analyze the factors that led to the industrialization of the United States in the late 1800s. ● Explain how new inventions and innovations changed Americans’ lives. ● Describe the impact of industrialization in the late 1800s. * Read Industrial Revolution in Unit 2 lesson 1 slide 2 of 6) * Read Electricity in Unit 2 lesson 1 slide 3 of 6) * Read pages 436-442. As you read answer the following questions. Make sure your answers are in complete sentences. Your answers MUST come from the textbook. Do not use the internet to complete these responses. 1. Complete the chart below. How did the following things contribute to industrialization? Event Contribution Civil War Example: The Civil War contributed to Industrialization because it encouraged production and railroads expanded. Natural Resources Coal Mines on east coast powered factories, thick wooded areas provided lumber for construction, plentiful oil for light and fuel. Growing workforces Immigrants pushed from their homelands migrated to the US from Asia and Europe Technology/innovation Technology changed the Job Market


Government policies


Minimum regulations on business and protective tarrifs

Page number 436 437 437

2. Why did Congress enact protective tariffs? What affect did the government’s laissez-faire policies? (Page 438) They wanted to encourage buying American products, laissez-faire economic policies led to expansive growth of American business. 3. What was the Bessemer process? What effect did it have on American industry (page 439) Process of purifying iron that created a strong but lightweight steel.

4. Which of these describes laissez-faire policies? Place an X next to the correct answer. ___a. the use of multiple regulations on each business in order to promote growth ___b. the use of minimum regulations on business in order to promote growth ___c. the use of zero regulations on business in order to promote growth REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR WORK OFTEN!!

Lesson 2: The Rise of Big Business I will be able to: ● Analyze different methods that businesses used to increase their profits. ● Describe the public debate over the impact of big business ● Explain how the government took steps to block abuses of corporate power * Read John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil (slide 2 of 6) * Read Pages 443-448 in your textbook As you read answer the following questions. Make sure your answers are in complete sentences. Your answers MUST come from the textbook. Do not use the internet to complete these responses. 1. Methods that Corporations Used Methods Corporations Define it/Who used it used Monopoly Complete control of a product or service. Cornelius Vanderbilt Trust

Companies assign their stock to a board of trustees, who combine them into a new organization. John D. Rockefeller Businesses making the same product agree to limit their production and thus keep prices high. John D. Rockefeller


2. Terms: Term

What was it?

Horizontal Integration

Consolidating many firms in the same business.

Vertical Integration

Consolidating firms involved in all steps of a products manufacture.

445 444

Company or entrepreneur who used it. John D. Rockefeller

Page number 445-448

John D. Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie


3. How government responded: Regulation What did it do? Interstate Commerce Commission Sherman Antitrust Act

Set up to monitor railroads that crossed state lines and could not set laws to control the railroad’s transactions. Outlawed any trust that operated “in restraint of trade or commerce among the several states.” REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR WORK OFTEN!! Lesson 3: The Organized Labor Movement I will be able to: ● Assess the problems that workers faced in the late 1800s ● Compare the goals and strategies of different labor organizations ● Analyze the cause and effects of strikes *The Unit 2 Lesson 3 Quiz is dropped. Just complete the Guided Reading for this lesson. * Read pp 450-457 in your textbook.

Page number 444

Page number 448 448

1. In your own words, describe what working conditions were like for the following groups of people: Men Women Immigrants Children Wages Low Wages Low Wages Given Low Wages For Low Wages Their Lack Of Skill Sets. Jobs Machine Workers, Laundresses, Telegraph Took Any Job For Any Textile Factory Miners. Operators, and Typists. Amount Of Hours Or Wages Due To The Language Barrier and Lack Of Experience. Conditions Worked in Worked in Worked in Worked in Sweatshops(small, Sweatshops(small, hot, Sweatshops(small, hot, Sweatshops(small, hot, dirty dirty workhouses) dirty workhouses) hot, dirty workhouses) workhouses) 2. Research in your textbook these events and note date, cause and result for each. Strike



What happened as a result

Page number

Railroad Strikes


Wage Cuts

Federal Government sent in troops to restore order


Haymarket Riot


Campaign to gain an 8 hour work day.

Americans became wary of labor unions, Knights of Labor blamed for the riot and membership declined.


Homestead Strike


Economic depression led to cuts in steelworkers’ wage

Steelworker unions lost power throughout the country.


Pullman Strike


Wages cut without a decrease in the cost of living in a company town.

Employers used the courts to limit the influence of unions.



4. Complete the following chart as you read: Date founded Significance

National Trade Union


Knights of Labor


American Federation of Labor


American Railway Union

Paved the way for other unions. Helped gain the 10 hour work day. Devoted to broad social reform. Devoted to helping people of certain crafts and trades. Devoted to pulling rail workers together no matter their job. Started the Pullman Strike.

Page number 453 453 454 455

Unit 2 Lessons 1-3 Important Individuals For Unit 2 Lessons 1-3, fill out this chart with the pertinent information on each of these people: Name Contributions Page Number Thomas Edison Invented the lightbulb, Developed plans for central power plants. 438 Henry Bessemer Developed a process for purifying iron, resulting in strong, but 439 lightweight steel. Later called the Bessemer Process.

Andrew Carnegie John Rockefeller

A steel tycoon that had a play in vertical integration. An oil tycoon that had a play in cartels, horizontal integration, and vertical integration. Samuel Gompers Formed the American Federation of Labor Eugene V. Debs Formed the American Railway Union and led the Pullman Strike REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR WORK OFTEN!!

445 444 454 455

Unit 2 Lesson 4: The New Immigrants I will be able to: ● Compare the "new immigration" of the late 1800s to earlier immigration ● Explain the push and pull factors leading immigrants to America ● Describe the challenges that immigrants faced in traveling to America ● Analyze how immigrants adapted to American life while trying to maintain familiar cultural practices * Read “Immigration Waves” Slide 2 of 6 * Read “Immigrants Backlash” Slide 3 of 6 *Read ppg 458-471 in your textbook 1. For each of these statements, tell whether it is a PUSH or a PULL factor for immigration: (type push or pull in the blank) Political freedom: War: PUSH Famine: PUSH Legal problems: PULL Better Jobs: PULL Religious persecution: PUSH Religious discrimination: PUSH

2. List at least 10 countries from which people immigrated: 1. Eastern Europe 2. Germany 3. Ireland 4. Italy 5. Greece 6. Poland 7. Hungary 8. Russia 9. Northern Europe 10. Western Europe REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR WORK OFTEN!! Unit 2 Lesson 5 Cities Expand and Change I will be able to: ● Analyze the causes of urban growth in the late 1800s ● Explain how technology improved city life ● Evaluate how city dwellers solved the problems caused by rapid growth * Read pp 472-479 in your textbook.

1. Why did people move to the cities? Group of people


Page number 473-474


Attracted by the jobs in factories or the service industries.


Attracted by the jobs in factories, the opportunity to take in boarders, do piecework, become domestic servants, teachers, secretaries, and typists.



Attracted by the factory jobs that paid cash, something that was sometimes scarce on family farms.


2. List at least five major inventions of the 1800s: 1. Telephone 2. Lightbulb 3. Telegraph 4. Wireless Telegraph 5. Suspension Bridges 3. How did technology improve city life? Technology How did it improve city life?

Page number 475


Provided office spaces, led to the development of a safety elevator and improvement of central heating.


Led to the invention of street cars, began mass transit.


Urban Planning

Led to architectural designers becoming a more common job.



Housing was built in a cleaner and quieter neighborhood for the wealthier people, began the building of public spaces, such as libraries, to bring the community together.


4. Describe some of the problems of living in a city: Problem Describe Housing Conditions

Lived in tenements. Small living space that housed multiple large families.

Page number 477

Water and Sanitation Fire and crime

Alleys flooded with trash. Tenements shared toilets overflowed.


Open fireplaces and gas lighting started quick fires, left more that 100,000 people homeless, tension between urban groups led to fights and looting.


REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR WORK OFTEN!! Unit 2 Lesson 6 Industrialization of the US Portfolio Your Portfolio assignment for Unit 2, Lesson 6 is to call your US History teacher or come to the Livelesson room between the hours of 8am and 4pm. During that call you will discuss these things: 1. Your progress up to this point. 2. The answers to the questions on all Guided readings up to this point.

3. The use of ACES on tests and quizzes. At the end of the conversation you’ll be instructed to turn in your answers to these questions in the Unit 2 Lesson 6 Drop Box. You will get Unit 2 Part 2 Guided Reading and continue with the coursework. =15 points...

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