Unit 2 (Part 1) - Unit 2 (Part 1) PDF

Title Unit 2 (Part 1) - Unit 2 (Part 1)
Author Jake Tyler
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory
Institution University of South Carolina
Pages 30
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Unit 2 (Part 1)...


1.) Using the key choices, identify each type of cartilage described (in terms of its body location or function) below. Key:

A). Elastic

B.) Fibrocartilage

C.) hyaline

__________ 1. Supports the external ear

_________ 6. Meniscus in a knee joint

__________ 2. Between the vertebrae

_________ 7. Connects the ribs to the sternum

__________ 3. Forms the walls of the voice box _________ 8. Most effective at resisting compression (larynx) __________4. The epiglottis

_________ 9. Most springy and flexible

__________5. Articular cartilages

__________ 10. Most abundant

2.) The four major anatomical classifications of bones are long, short, flat irregular. Which category has the least amount of spongy bone relative to its total volume? ____________________ 3.) Place the name of each labeled bone in figure 8.1 into the appropriate column of the chart here.

4.) Match the terms in column B with the appropriate description in column A. Column A

Column B

______ 1. Sharp, slender process*

A. condyle

______ 2. Small rounded projection*

B. crest

______ 3. Narrow ridge of bone*

C. epicondyle

_______ 4. Large rounded projection*

D. facet

_______5. Structure supported on neck ‘

E. fissure

_______6. Armlike projection ‘

F. foramen

_______7. Rounded articular projection ‘

G. fossa

_______8. Narrow opening “

H. head

_______9. Canal –like structure

I. meatus

_______10. Round or oval opening through a bone”

J. process

______11. Shallow depression

K. ramus

______12. Air-filled cavity

L. sinus

______13. Large,irregulary shaped projection*

M. spine

______14. Raised area on or above a condyle*

N. trochanter

______15. Projection or prominence

O. Tubercle

______16. Smooth, nearly flat articular surface’

P. tuberosity

*A site of muscle and ligament attachment ‘ takes part in joint formation “ a passageway for nerves or blood vessels 5.) Use the terms below to identify the structures marked by leader lines and braces in the diagrams. ( Diagrams appear on the following page; some terms are used more than once.) Key:

A. articular cartilage

E. epiphyseal line

I. periosteum

B. compact bone

F. epiphysis

J. red marrow

C. diaphysis

G. medullary cavity

K. trabeculae of spongy bone

D. endosteum

H. nutrient artery

L. yellow marrow

6.) Match the terms in question 5 with the information below _________ 1. Contains spongy bone in adults

_________5. Scientific term for bone shaf

_________2. Made of compact bone

_________6. Contains fat in adult bones

_________3. Site of blood cell formation

_________7. Growth plate remnant

_________4. Major sumembranous sites of

_________8. Major submembranous site of osteoblasts


7.) What differences between compact and spongy bone can be seen with the naked eye? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8.) What is the function of the periosteum? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 9.) What is the function of the organic matrix in bone? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 10.) Name the important organic bone components. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 11.) Calcium salts form the bulk of the inorganic material in bone. What is the function of the calcium salts? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 12.) Trace the route taken by nutrients through a bone starting with the periosteum and ending with an osteocyte in a lacuna.

Periosteum____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________Osteocyte 13.) First, match the bone names in column B with the descriptions in column A ( the items in column B may be used more than once) Then, circle the bones in column B that are cranial bones. Column A

Column B

_____ 1. Forehead bone

A. ethmoid

_____2. Cheekbone

B. frontal

_____3. Lower jaw

C. hyoid

_____4. Bridge of nose

D. inferior nasal concha

_____5. Posterior bones of the hard palate

E. Lacrimal

_____6. Much of the lateral and superior cranium

F. Mandible

_____7. Most posterior part of cranium

G. Maxilla

_____8. Single, irregular, bat-shaped bone forming part of the cranial base H. Nasal _____9. Tiny bones bearing tear ducts

I. Occipital

_____10. Anterior part of hard palate

J. Palatine

_____11. Superior and middle nasal Conchae formed from its projections K. Parietal _____12. Site of mastoid process

L. Sphenoid

_____13. Site of stella turcica

M. Temporal

_____14. Site of cribriform plate

N. Vomer

_____15. Site of mental foramen

O. Zygomatic

_____16. Site of styloid processes _____17. Four bones containing paranasal sinuses _____18. Condyles here articulate with the atlas _____19. Foramen magnum contained here _____20. Small U-shaped bone in neck, where many tongue muscles attach _____21. Organ of hearing found here

_____22. Two bones that form the nasal septum _____23. Bears an upward protrusion, the “ cock’s comb,” or crista galli _____24. Contain sockets bearing teeth _____25. Forms the most inferior turbinates 14.) Using choices from the numbered key, identify all bones, structures, and markings. Some responses from the key will be used more than once. Key: 1. carotid canal 2. coronal suture 3. ethmoid bone 4. external occipital protuberance 5. foramen lacerum 6. foramen magnum 7. foramen ovale 8. frontal bone 9. glabella 10. incisive fossa 11. infereior nasal concha 12. inferior orbital fissure 13. infraorbital foramen 14. jugular foramen 15. Lacrimal bone 16. mandible 17. mandibular fossa 18. mandibular symphysis 19. mastoid process

20. maxilla 21. mental foramen 22. middle nasal concha of ethmoid 23. nasal bone 24. occipital bone 25. occipital condyle 26.palatine bone 27. palatine process of maxilla 28. parietal bone 29. sagittal suture 30. sphenoid bone 31.styloid process 32. stylomastoid foramen 33. superior orbital fissure 34. supraorbital foramen 35. temporal bone 36. vomer 37. sygomatic bone 38. sygomatic proves of temporal bone 15.) Define suture:_____________________________________________________________ 16.) With one exception, the skull bones are joined by sutures. Name the exception. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 17.) What bones are connected by the lambdoid suture? _____________________________________________________________________________________ What bones are connected by the squamous suture? _____________________________________________________________________________________

18.) Name the eight bones of the cranium (remember to include lef and right) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 19.) Give two possible functions of the sinuses. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 20.) What is the orbit? __________________________________________________________________ What bones contribute to the formation of the orbit? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 21.) Why can the sphenoid bone be called the keystone of the cranial base? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 22.) The distinguishing characteristics of the vertebrae composing the vertebral column are noted below. Correctly identify each described structure by choosing a response from the key. Key:

A. Atlas

D. Coccyx

F. sacrum

B. Axis

E. Lumbar Vertebra G. Thoracic Vertebra

C. Cervical Vertebra—typical ____________1. Vertebral type containing foramina in the transverse processes, through which the vertebral arteries ascend to reach the brain. ____________2. Dens here provides a pivot for rotation of the first cervical vertebra (C1) ____________3. Transverse provesses faceted for articulation with ribs; spinous process pointing sharply downward. __________4. Composite bone; articulates with the hip bone laterally __________5. Massive vertebrae, weight-sustaining __________6. “tail bone”; vestigial fused vertebrae __________7. Supports the head; allows a rocking motion in conjunction with the occipital condyles 23.) Describe how a spinal nerve exits from the vertebral column. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

24.) Name two factors/structures that permit flexibility of the vertebral column. __________________________________and_____________________________________ 25.)What kind of tissue makes up the intervertebral discs? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.) What is a herniated disc? ____________________________________________________________ What problems might it cause? ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 27.) Which two spinal curvatures are obvious at birth? _______________and ____________________ Under what conditions do the secondary curvatures develop? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 28.) On this illustration of an articulated vertebral column, identify each curvature indicated and label it as a primary or a secondary curvature. Also identify the structures provided with leader lines, using the letters of the terms listed in the key below. Key: A. Atlas B. Axis C. Intervertebral disc D. Sacrum E. Two thoracic vertebrae F. Two lumbar vertebrae G. Vertebra prominens

29.) Match the bone names or markings in column B with the descriptions in column A. The items In Column B may be used more than once Column A ________ 1. Raised area on lateral surface of humerous

Column B A. Acromion

to which deltoid muscle attaches ________2. Arm bone

B. Capitulum

___________,_____________3.bones of the shoulder girdle

C. Carpals

___________,_____________4. Forearm bones

D. Clavicle

_________5. Scapular region to which the clavicle connects

E.Coracoid process

_________6. Shoulder girdle bone that does not attach to

F. Coronoid fossa

the axial skeleton _________7. Shoulder girdle bone that articulates with

G. Deltoid tuberosity

and transmits forces to the bony thorax _________8. Depression in the scapula that articulates

H. Glenoid cavity

with the humerus _________9. Process above the glenoid cavity that

I. Humerus

permits muscle attachment _________10. The “ Collarbone”

J. Metacarpals

_________11. Distal condyle of the humerus that

K. Olecranon

articulates with the ulna _________12. Medial bone of forearm in anatomical position

L. Olecranon fossa

_________13. Rounded knob on the humerus

M. Phalanges

_________14. Anterior depression, superior to the trochlea,

N. Radial styloid process

that receives part of the ulna when the forearm is flexed ________15. Forearm bone involved in formation of the elbow O. Radial tuberosity Joint

______16. Wrist bones

P. Radius

______17. Finger bones

Q. Scapula

______18. Heads of these bones form the knuckles

R. Sternum

__________, ___________ 19. Bones that articulate

S. Trochlea

with the clavicle

T. Ulna

30.) Using items from the list at the right, identify the anatomical landmarks and regions of the scapula. Key: A. Acromion B. Coracoid Process C.Glenoid Cavity D. Inferior angle E. Infraspinous fossa F. Lateral border H. Spine I. Superior angle J. Superior border K. Suprascapular notch L. Supraspinous fossa

31.) Match the terms in the key with the appropriate leader lines on the drawings of the humerus and the radius and ulna. Also Decide whether the bones shown are right or lef bones and whether the view shown is an anterior or a posterior view. Key: A. Anatomical neck B. Coronoid process C. Distal radioulnar joint

D. Greater tubercle E. Head of humerus F.Head of radius G. Head of ulna H. Lateral epicondyle I. Medial Epicondyle J. Olecranon K.Olecranon fossa L. Proximal radioulnar joint M. Radial Groove N. Radial Notch O. Radial styloid process P. Radial tuberosity Q. Surgical neck R. Trochlea S. Trochlear notch T. Ulnar styloid process 32.) Compare the pectoral and pelvic girdles by choosing appropriate descriptive terms from the key. Key:

A. Flexibility most important

D. Insecure axial and limb attachments

B. Massive

E. Secure axial and limb attachments

C. Lightweight

F. Weight-bearing most important

Pectoral: __________,__________,_________ Pelvic: ________,__________,_________ 33.) What organs are protected at least in part by the pelvic girdle? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 34.)Distinguish between the true pelvis and the false pelvis. _____________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 35.) Use letters from the key to identify the bone markings on this illustration of an articulated pelvis. Make an educated guess as to whether the illustration shows a male or female pelvis and provide two reasons for your decision. Key: A. Acetabulum B. Anterior superior iliac spine C. Iliac crest D. Iliac fossa E.Ischial spine F. Pelvic brim G. Pubic crest H. Pubic symphysis I. Sacroiliac joint J. Sacrum This is a ___________________ (Female/Male) pelvis because: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 36.) For what anatomical reason do many women appear to be slightly knock-kneed? _____________________________________________________________________________________ How might this anatomical arrangement contribute to knee injuries in female athletes? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 37.) Match the bone names and markings in column B with the descriptions in column A. The items in column B may be used more than once. Column A

Column B

___________________, ______________, ___________ and

a. acetabulum

_________________ 1. Fuse to form the coxal bone

b. Calcaneus

_________________ 2. “sit-down” bone of the coxal bone

c. femur

_________________ 3. Point where the coxal bones join anteriorly

d. fibula

_________________ 4. Superiormost margin of the coxal bone

e. gluteal tuberosity

_________________ 5. Deep socket in the coxal bone that receives the head

f. greater and lesser

Of the thigh bone


_________________ 6. Joint between axial skeleton and pelvic girdle

g. greater sciatic notch

_________________ 7. Longest, strongest bone in body

h. iliac crest

_________________ 8. Thin lateral leg bone

i. ilium

_________________ 9. Heavy medial leg bone

j. ischial tuberosity

_________________, _______________ 10. Bones forming knee joint

k. ischium

_________________ 11. Point where the patellar ligament attaches

l. lateral malleolus

_________________ 12. Kneecap

m. lesser sciatic notch

_________________ 13. Shinbone

n. linea aspera

_________________ 14. Medial ankle projection

o. medial malleolus

_________________ 15. Lateral ankle projection

p. metatarsals

_________________ 16. Largest tarsal bone

q. obturator foramen

_________________ 17. Ankle bones

r. patella

_________________ 18. Bones forming the instep of the foot

s. pubic symphysis

_________________ 19. Opening in hip bone formed by the pubic and

t. pubis

ischial rami ______________ and ________________ 20. Sites of muscle

u. sacroiliac joint

Attachment on the proximal femur

v. talus

_________________ 21. Tarsal bone that “sits” on the Calcaneus

w. tarsals

_________________ 22. Weight-bearing bone of the leg

x. tibia

_________________ 23. Tarsal bone that articulates with the tibia

y. tibial tuberosity

38.) Match the terms in the key with the appropriate leader lines on the drawings of the femur and the tibia and fibula. Also decide if these bones are right or lef bones and whether the view shown is an anterior or a posterior view. Some items may be used more than once. Key: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t.

fovea capitis gluteal tuberosity greater trochanter head of femur head of fibula inferior tibiofibular joint intercondylar eminence intertrochanteric crest lateral condyle lateral epicondyle lateral malleolus lesser trochanter medial condyle medial epicondyle medial malleolus neck of femur superior tibiofibular joint tibial anterior border tibial tuberosity

Circle the correct term for each pair in parentheses: The femur is a (right/lef) bone in (an anterior/a posterior) view. The tibia and fibula are (right/lef) bones in (an anterior/a posterior) view. Summary of Skeleton 39.) Identify all indicated bones (or groups of bones) in the diagram of the articulated skeleton. (insert pic from page 165). Fibrous, Cartilaginous, and Synovial Joints 40.) Use ...

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